what's the scariest thing you've ever experienced in a game?
What's the scariest thing you've ever experienced in a game?
Other urls found in this thread:
>the lurker shark from Jak and Daxter
>the Zombiebots from Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
>every danger in Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
It's hard to narrow it down, OP
>be a kid and play pizza tycoon with friend
>making a recipe for pizza
>cycling through ingredients namely sea food
>suddenly screen wide huge red lobster
Peace Walker's ghost missions.
Going through the game doing war shit and benching 50 ton robot tanks and all of a sudden there's ghost.
Really any game that unexpetecdly throws a haunted level at you just seems scarier than a horror game.
>playing Stalker shadow of Chernobyl blind
>Go through train Yard and get done clearing it out
>Go for a couple loot runs to get some money
>Coming back from a loot run and it's getting dark
>Here a weird noise
>a shit ton of these fucking big ass rat goblin things start rushing towards me from all directions... at night... in an area I thought was safe
>Pic related
The first encounter with The Skulls Parasite Unit while rescuing Kaz
>rat goblin things
Gave me a chuckle
First time I encounted Snorks I thought they were spiders or some shit.
A perfect savefile of a 100+ hour game being corrupted
I can remember a few
>Dino Crisis: first time a raptor burst through a door
>Resident Evil 4: first regenerator
>Amnesia: invisible monster in the shallow water
>Alien Isolation: the entire game
The thing I ran into was a Rodent
But at the time I just called them JESUS FUCKING HOLY SHIT!!!!
Those fast fucks in Dead Space
That first village in re4, kinda textbook answer but I remember sweating
The brain of mensis
Those fucking ghost on SH4.
Din't mind the spooky intro but later in the metro level those fuckers scared the shit out of me. You couldn't kill them so you'd have to flee from them and they could teleport to every single fucking area of the game. I've never encounted an enemy like that in any other game by that time ( i was 10 or so). Just pure fear and axiety.
>be playing Metrod Prime 2: Echoes as a youth
>played the hell out of the first game and was excited to get to fight space pirates again
>eventually lead to a portal
>World of Dark Aether lies on the other side
>space pirates that entered the portal are all dead
>start taking damage
>sprint to a small area of light
>no longer taking damage
>think I'm safe
>environment is hard to focus on due to cloudy atmospherics
>see a swirling cloud on the wall but think nothing of it
>cloud starts shifting and is now on the ceiling above me
>cloud then solidifies into pic related and lands next to me
>completely fucking terrified
>it hits me and I fly out of light area
>literally freaking out
>can't see
>start firing in panic
>turn around and I see the things red eye like a foot in front of me
>ran out of the room with tears in my eyes
Wish I was joking. Still gets me nostalgic though for when I could actually get immersed in games.
do I even need to say it?
Towards the end of Alien Isolation when I ran into the Alien in a vent when it definitely didn't see me go in.
I didn't even think it would go into vents unless it was chasing me.
I thought I was totally safe.
I thought wrong.
Also that room in the medical center with two doors that have timers on them. Running in there and closing one and the Alien just looks at me, then sprints around to the other open door.
The fucking panic I had...
Also, in Cry of Fear, the first encounter with those ghost lady enemies that can make you kill yourself.
>play Ecco the Dolphin a little bit when I was younger
>fun, but never got very far in it
>see this one day on Sup Forums
>There must be a kid that entered NNNNNN in the password screen out of curiosity
I genuinely don't understand why there isn't at least some horror elements in every game. Even lighthearted IPs like Fable can do horror decent.
I'm playing through Mankind Divided and am now thinking of ways there could be more horror added to it (even though there is a little bit already).
if not done right it will take away from the rest of the game
RIP one of the greatest games of all time
Gee, I wonder where this is going...
The encounter with the monster in the dungeon section of Amnesia. Really that whole game ruined me for horror games. Now any horror game that gives you means to defend yourself are just no longer scary to me. That said even Amnesia:AMfP and Soma weren't scary to me. Especially Soma. And the Amnesia clones weren't scary either. Really Amnesia just ruined the horror genre for me. I don't think any game will ever top that perfect mix of fear, dread, and atmosphere.
ive grown so desensitised over the years, maybe the first time i played dead space
Don't play much horror, but this freaked me out a fair bit.
The first meeting with poison headcrab zombies in Half-Life 2 presumably.
Alternatively, the first encounter with Aura Beasts in Psi-Ops: Mindgate Conspiracy
The bathtub scene.
You know the one.
>I still maintain it's the perfect example of how to use a jumpscare in a horror game
Not if its just a side quest or background themes.
>dead space
I didn't know anybody was this small time.
The one in Resident Evil?
Well user, A Machine For Pigs and Soma aren't scary.
The hidden:source (hl2 mod) went into a random game. I forget the map but it had a long metal type tunnel full of steam and vents for the hunter to ambush us. Everyone was on their mics literally screaming. Panicking . thinking they saw him. Shooting random places. Running away and getting ganked. It was absolutely terrifying and fun at the same time. Was a fun mod while it lasted
From what.
nigga there is literally a monster that teleports to you, the reaper is small fry now.
>Lurker sharks
The pirahnas in ratchet and clank are scarier
Scariest? Heh. I haven't experienced fear in a long time. No need for that worthless feeling. No, all I feel is the hatred for my enemies, and the feeling of ecstasy when they're flesh is shredded apart by my bullets.
Not at all. But the point was that since the first Amnesia, no game has ever been scary since.
where was this?
>playing outlast
>have legit fear of mental patients so even if it's jumps care city , it's targeted at my specific fear
>real world there is a pretty crazy thunder storm outside
>I go full immersion. Lights off, good headphones on
>suddenly, in sewers avoiding fat death man, get a power surge
>reaction slow because I think it just got dark in game
>a light starts to fill the room, and I hear the loudest roar that grows with the light, realize it's outside my headphones and panic
>my 57" tv behind me turned on after the surge and the static from no signal white noise scream was turned all the way up
To this day I remember having to just sit still for a while and breath after that shit.
Looks Scholar's Doors of Pharros.
Goddammit. Eternal Darkness.
As edgy as this is, it is a good feeling in vidya when you truly have disgust or hatred for whoever you're fighting.
>decide to check out the aurora wreck with my brand spanking new rad suit
>man this goes pretty deep, I hope 4 oxy tanks will be enough
>see odd shape moving around in the darkness
>oh sweet! new species! time to whip out my handy scanner
>huh, I didn't realize I was so far away...
>um this thing must be a bit bigger than I thought it was
>...much bigger...
>no problem, no problem even on the off-chance it's hostile I'll just swoosh in real fast and sca-
your mums bagina XDDD
It's in Huntsman Copse if I recall correctly
>playing this shit as a 10 yo
fuck I wouldn't play it now and I'm 21
Kojima can still make it under a different title, Konami doesn't own shit except the IP and clone games are already coming out.
I hate how games are now. Everything has this excessive acceleration of either "more difficult" or "more insane-o crazy". Shit's not even enjoyable after a certain point, but no one knows how to find the fucking stopping point and do something else, more creative.
help me Sup Forums, is there any possible way to play this game at all anymore?
There has to be...r-right?
Shit like this and the Abyss in Dark Souls always bothered me. Areas with complete darkness and you don't even have a floor play on my worst fears. Complete darkness and heights of unknown proportions. Fuck.
Pay the $700+ for a console with the game downloaded onto it. There is a way if you already had it and deleted it, but otherwise, your paying.
That fucking bear in condemned 2 bloodshot
And the Fox engine I think?
woaaaaah what the fuck? i didn't even know that game had shit like that. guess i should probably finish it one day.
the ghost in pt wouldn't as been as unnerving if it wasnt as tall as the entire fucking hallway
Holy shit
I got spooked playing the vanishing of Ethan carter a few summers ago. The tone was creepy to me and the zombie in the mineshaft got me good. Games like Myst that have the secluded/desolate tone always creep me out.
>Happens fast
>Game music stops
Being chased by this guy is nerve-wracking. All you hear are the loud ass sounds behind you, knowing he's faster and can wreck your shit.
Forgot pic
Man. I hit the "update" button and as soon as I saw the thumbnail I heard the boss music, the sfx of the door opening, all of it.
I know you didn't post an image but I'm willing to bet you're talking about Cry of Fear.
I made the mistake of using a third-party N64 memory pak
I lost everything
Meeting Albino in Pathologic. There is something so unprecedented, something outworldy about the whole encounter that is just scared the everloving SHIT out of me. It's a very clever form of a suckerpunch scenario. The game, despite being strange and somewhat fantastic at times, does a good job of lulling you into sense of security, into making you think that you already figured out the rules. And then it throws this shit into your face and it's like pulling the carpet straight from bellow you legs, telling "yeah, you thought you have the supernatural in this game figured out? Yeah... About that..."
And it does not fucking explain anything either. It's just there. And then nothing. Enjoy having to spend finishing the game, then playing it again as a different character and waiting 40 hours to even start getting explanations about what the fuck have you just seen.
It's such an incredibly efficent use of horror, especially considering that the rest of the game is not really scary in a traditional sense.
Seeing the windows cursor load while in-game
Probably sounds gay, but I was afraid to play Diablo (the first one) when I was a little kid. It had to do with the sound effects, great atmosphere, soundtrack, a bit of everything.
Never played but witnessed. That's a legit headfucker.
That actually makes a lot of sense. The first two Diablo games were very well designed in terms art direction and music, they were very... evocative? Kids are sensitive to this kind of stuff. Unlike the very cartoony later-day Blizzard, where nothing really feels scary, because everything looks like it's made out of plastic and chrome, old Diablo had a rather magical tone to it. I can completely understand what scared you about it.
the first time i encountered a Controller in stalker SOC
This part of Punumbra BP got me good. It took me a second longer to look at the arm so the misdirection hit me a lot harder.
>"nice FOV you got there"
>"let me just FUCK IT UP COMPLETELY"
>run away
Pretty fucking effective.
Meeting the brain of mensis.
I literally never got spooked by video games before that.
Don't look it up and ruin it for yourself if you haven't played Bloodborne yet.
I know I'm probably wearing the nostalgia glasses again but games really were better then. It almost felt like there were still devs out there who did what they did for the love of it and really put in all their heart into their product .
And now it's all about how to jew a bit more cash from you with incomplete games, DLC's and micro transactions. No soul is to be found in games any longer.
Sad, really.
Semi related, can anyone recommend a good and recent horror book? I just finished pic related and the ending was a wet fart so I'm looking for something else to read.
They're little meaty tubes of teeth that like to latch themselves onto your face as soon as you enter their aggro radius.
Also, they're invisible until they are right at your face.
Also, you meet them dozens at a time.
>I know I'm probably wearing the nostalgia glasses again but games really were better then.
I think there are plenty of good games today (though they might be a bit harder to find). That said, when it came to AAA and mainstream products, especially high profile stuff like Blizzard stuff, I kinda agree. There was more artistic integrity to it. I never actually liked the Diablo series - I found it boring gameplay wise, but I still have to wonder how well crafted from narrative and artistic perspective they were: they had genuinely good atmosphere to them. They felt less... machine made, for the lack of better words.
That said, we still get shit like The Witcher today, which you might argue is mechanically also pretty weak, but I think can easily live up to titles like old Diablo in terms of art direction, music and sound design and general display of passion and talent. So I don't think it's that bad.
>first time playing Morrowind many moons ago
>still pretty new
>exploran some Dwemer Ruin out in middle of who knows where
>pretty dark
>clanking noises
>hear steps ahead
>getting pretty uncomfortable
>suddenly see a humanoid silhouette, back turned
>crouch, hold for power swing
>it turns around
>it's got white glowing eyes
>it saw me
>it's closing in at the speed of light
And that was my first Vampire sighting in Morrowind.
Nowadays the only thing that freaks me out is black holes in Space Engine. Serious panic.
I've always found things like Peaches castle in SM64 to be creepy. It unnerves me how you know there's just nothing else in this world except this one single location. Everything else is just a giant empty space.
I was terrified during Shalesbridge Cradle, the Hypogean Gaol, and most of Amnesia.
I still have to go through Stalker, and I hear it gets pretty spoopy.
The only time I had to stop playing something because my heart rate was just too fast for too long was The Talos Principle when that headless hologram rushes you after finishing a puzzle.
I had been super immersed at that point in the game, had headphones on and it was kinda late at night. Had never played the serious sam series so I thought he was a legit memory hologram of the previous robots who went insane
What is it even about? I keep hearing about it all the time.
This part in lighthouse the dark being made me sleep with the hall light on for 2 years when I was 8.
Not only did I get spooked because giant fucking crab, the scream that it lets out when you kill it his horrifying.
fucking sh
>All on your own with no teammates
>Cortana is not with you for the mission
>Covenant running out of building
>On top of that, that goddamn music
This sums up my mid-game in Subnautica nicely.
>When you gotta go diving beneath 300M just on the off-chance this wreckage has a drill arm
There are a lot of unnerving things about Mario 64 when you try to think about them. Not even trying to be "game theory" levels of dumb, but there's a lot of shit I'd consider spooky about Mario 64.
Just finished VtM last week, was in a Discord call with friends doing this and they thought I was being stabbed to death
Shit is high octane as fuck, trying to outrun a powerful, hulking thing you can't possibly outrun, hide from, or fight (conventionally) is terrifying and should be in more games
I second this.
>be walking through desert
>suddenly mist
>think its the weather
>see odd walking soldiers
>blue eyes
I didn't even bother fighting the skulls until I met the armor skulls. I really applaude hideo for the skull unit. They felt inhuman but still had a "covert unit" feel.
This sort of thing was discussed a lot on Sup Forums a few years ago. These games are simply primitive.