The only game worth playing on PS4 is Bloodbo-

the only game worth playing on PS4 is Bloodbo-

Other urls found in this thread:

>ratchet & clank
>worth playing

That's not Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone.

sorry, you're right, thats selling it pretty short. its an absolute essential for any collection.

What do the new (post PS2) R&C games actually do better than Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal? Apart from graphix.

Great choice. Xbots just mad the game BTFO their "AAA" games.

This was honestly going to be PS4's second game until we found out it cut levels from the original

>tfw no Logging Site

That was one of my favorite levels for fucks sake why is it cut?

Fuck that.

I will still get this when I eventually get a PS4 but it's no longer must play since it's only a partial remake. I'd rather play the original R&C1 again.

So as off today PS4 still only has 1 game, but Nioh is coming out soon and if it's as good as it looks, then it will have 2 games.

thats not Uncle Death

Nothing. They are extremely formulaic copies. The only post PS2 R&C game that stands out is A Crack in Time. ACiT is worth playing, but other than that, the PS2 trilogy are still the height of the series.

I mean the PS3 ones aren't bad, but they just didn't do anything new aside from ACiT, and they feel stale sometimes.

Digimon games look pretty good though nonny

>tfw no Logging Site
Nigga that level was so boring that I didn't even notice it was gone.

Stop defending shitty decisions by Nu-Insomniac you cuck.

Logging Site had goat atmosphere and music. I loved that level. Plus it was important to the story since we see Drek literally raping an entire planet of resources and flying them to his ship.


All the best levels are cut or remixed. It's disappointing.

Dragon Quest Builders?

I have both games. Bloodborne is incredible

It was a great game but i was really disappointed at the music, the lack of metropolis and blackwater city tracks hurt

This, it's a fine game but completely missable. Looks great and it's nice seeing childhood memories in real HD graphics but that's all that sets the game apart from the pack imo.


>Stop defending shitty decisions by Nu-Insomniac you cuck.
This is amazing, a sentence made entirely of buzzwords
>I loved that level.
Good for you.
>Plus it was important to the story since we see Drek literally raping an entire planet of resources and flying them to his ship.
You know he's destroying every planet you visit, right? Taking trees isn't anymore significant than the rest.


Oh you are fucking kidding me, they were the best in the game. It's just not gonna feel the same without that.

Fucking hell, how did Insomniac fuck up such an easy thing to do so badly?


no, its underdeveloped

They really limited its potential by linking it so heavily to that godawful movie.

The humor, music and, er, "plot", all suffered pretty horribly as a result

Luckily the gameplay was some of the best in the series and really that's what matters most

>omg he used buzzwords in his arguement

This is like knocking someone for grammar or spelling. It's an admission that you have no fucking argument and are grasping at straws.

>You know he's destroying every planet you visit, right?

Yes we know that you fucking retard. But you are meant to SHOW and not TELL in a visual medium. It's much better when you see those cool as fuck little ships ripping up trees and flying off into space, that just seeing Drek's cutscenes where he says I want resources.

And Infamous
And Unsharted 4
And Odin Sphere L
And Cyber Slots
And Alienation
And Gravity Rush Remastered, Tearaway Unfolded and
And ffxv
And World of Final Fantasy
And Dragon Quest Builders
And other shit

Yeah while i can enjoy how good they made both planets and they feel alive it just isnt the same with that classic and memorable tune to them

The new R&C was hobbled pretty badly due to being a movie tie-in. The narrative pacing was completely fucked, the story feels it skips over a lot and characters get big introductions only to have like 3 lines in the game.
At least it played alright, but lacked the charm of the original trilogy imo.

>I'd rather play the original R&C1 again

>No strafing
>No weapon upgrading

no you don't nigga

Just replay GC on PCSX2. It looks incredible.

Is it better to emulate now than use the HD collection?

not with the 30fps, not memeing that its typical Ratchet but a lower framerate

>The Last Guardian
my fucking sides

Honestly the movie being shit could be a blessing if they decide to remake 2 and 3 with them being purely a game without a movie tie in


>omg he used buzzwords in his arguement
No you fuckhead, the point is that that particular sentence wasn't an argument at all.>But you are meant to SHOW and not TELL in a visual medium.
Yeah, and they do show Drek invading the planets.
>It's much better when you see those cool as fuck little ships ripping up trees
>My opinions are facts

>logging site
Nah, I miss Gorda city and Gemlik base.
Those were goat.
>implying it's that hard
This is coming from a guy who didn't touch the original until I bought remaster.
You sort of get used to it after a hour. Still aged poorly in that regard.

oh yeah definitely. It had some of the tightest gameplay of the R&C games but probably the most soulless writing

you mean Unchartered 4?

>Barlow, Oolza and all the other good levels removed

Enjoy your "Remake"

t. Nu Insomniac

>no logging site
What? But it has the best music!
>sitting in first person mode watching the logging bots got overhead
Ah, fond memories. The series lost its attention to detail after Tools of Destruction.

Control scheme was finally perfected in Nexus/Reboot. Took them long enough.

Also I loved all of ACiT's optional moons and that game also had by far the best Clank levels.


Huh? I don't get it. Why did you just say "And" a number of times without listing any good games?

Same here actually with the whole remastered thing. Even after a while though it still feels irritatingly stilted. I appreciate it as an important step to reach the more refined mechanics of later games, but I don't think I'll play it ever again.

> Ratchet and Clank
> emulator

I'm assuming things have changed since I last tried then? Because that shit did not work.


Is it worth 10 bucks? What's it about?

Oh my god! You mean R&C has no strafing and weapons upgrades, HOLY FUCK THATs terrible, it's like it's not even a third person shooter!!! Oh wait a minute it isn't, it' a platformer.

I fucking hate anyone who doesn't like R&C1. You will notice that all R&C1 haters are newfags who came to the series with PS3 as secondaries and then only played the classics once they got a HD port.

>muh strafing

Irrelevant. Who fucking cares, it's a platformer. Lock on and Strafe is a shit boring mechanic anyways and R&C3 suffers WAY WAY to much from overuse of this. At least Deadlocked got rid of the lock on part and gave us proper aim to fix that glaring issue.

>muh weapon upgrades

It's not a shooter it's a platformer. The wrench is viable for the entire game.

R&C1 is a pure platformer where guns are the gimmick item. Only in 2 did they actually make it a shooter with a focus on GRINDING for upgrades.

R&C is the second best game in the series.

With anything that is not combat related it works fine.
But then it does fuck up with combat hard, being forced to jump everywhere to make sure you aim correctly until you get to Hoven. Weapon upgrades didn't bother me really, most scaled decently compared to most of the later entries.

Ah finnally another patrician that understands my tastes.

>yfw playing Logging Site when PS2 was still relatively new and just seeing all the fucking detail they put into that level with little ships flying around everywhere taking and dropping off cargo, and how the enemies where all actually loggers with axes cutting down trees before you were there
>that whole artstyle, aesthetic and feel of the whole level

Atmospheric as fuck I loved it.

And yeah ToD removed most of the really cool little details like that.

Yeah, in a way it is kinda refreshing to buy a weapon and know that you don't have to do anything to make it better.

>control scheme was only perfected in the newest game

Jesus christ just fuck off.

They were perfectly fine in the original for what they are. And then 2 "perfected" it for the new standard gameplay of all the rest of the series.

I am sick of you fucking retards who think removing complexity, steamlineing things and making shit simple and easy as fuck an automatic is "perfecting" things. Then you go back to R&C1 where not everything is automatic and you all sperg out.

This. R&C's lack of strafing actually gave it more unique guns, since they weren't all just based around firing a projectile at enemies.

I would always shoot a few mines near my ship. Then, at the end of the level, I would say goodbye to my mind friends and wish them a good life on the planet (usually the Robot Plant planet with giant Clank)

Is this game really worth the money?

This. R&C1 being the only one like itself in the whole series gives itself a really unique feels.

The followups, while some are legit good, I can't fault R&C2 at all. The shooting mechanics in those are basically GTA San Andreas lock on mechanics but with added jump around with clank on your back.

R&C1 is an almost flawless game. The problem with it is casual shitters going back and playing it with the wrong mindset. They see the guns and think of their memories playing ToD or Nexus or whatever then have a shitfit when they can't strafe and instead of realizing the game is not a fucking shooter, they try to play it like a generic shooter but without strafe then end up having a fucking bad time. I remember one fag claiming he hated it because he didn't get a generic blaster at the start of the game and saying "it's not fucking acceptable to start without a regular gun" and I was telling him didn't the fact you start with only a wrench and bomb glove clue you into the fact it isn't a fucking shooter you idiot? You get your first gun in Metropolis which is a few levels in for fucks sake, then he complained it sucked. It didn't suck it had it's uses but you can't use it like the SMG's you get in the later games at all. There are no weapons for running and gunning in R&C1 and I appreciate the approach they took with it.

I did tons of marathons of the series back in the day and even after playing 2 and 3 multple times over, I always appreciated going back to 1. I enjoyed 1 immensely. Every weapon was finely crafted for certain situations and enemys that you would use in the game.

Honestly the weapon upgrade system in the sequels is overrated. It's okay in 2 but I actually thought it was too far in 3. It just caused grinding. Instead of using the weapon you most needed in any situation, or using your favorite, You had to grind for unlock and every weapon was made to be used in any situation and they all got samey in function.

I miss the oppressive atmosphere of Orxon.
Remaking and merging it with quartu with all that gleam ruined it.
>all those green and purples
>grey metal scheme
>usage of organic mutant beast insides and mechanical factories was good contrast
>unique music reflects sense of abandonment
Felt more like it was ditched and it's a environmental disaster on a large scale.
Fuck those crabs though.

There's a free demo on PSN.

I have no idea where you are getting the idea that R&C is a 'pure platformer' or that I think it's a '3rd person shooter'. Jumping from one area of the map to another in R&C1 and all the other games for that matter has never been a challenge. Hell, Clank's propeller/jetpack makes landing exactly where you want to the easiest shit ever. The real challenge of RC is the combat with the enemies and jumping around them, making it much more of an Action-Platformer. Also strafe =/= lock-on. The strafe in later games made it so you could actually aim without standing perfectly still, keeping the flow of battle intact

It's not just worth playing-- it makes the PS4 worth owning.

Now if only they'd put out a new Sly Cooper game...

They're aight but are a bit floaty desu. For my money, Up Your Aresnal nails the controls to a T.

They made that Thieves in Time one that nobody cared about

anybody else play the hd collections of ratchet or sly on ps3? Something is seriously off about those collections. Only games to have ever given me motion sickness.

Lock on and strafe is one of the worst cancers ever introduced to video games and I fucking hate OoT for introducing that shit.

>the stand still aproach

Wow, what a fucking casual. You know you don't have to aim in R&C1 right. This is what I am talking about, you stupid shithead casuals so used to shitty lock on and strafe, suddenly it's gone and instead you stand still without moving trying to aim at someone.

You use the guns just like you use your wrench for fucks sake. Run up to enemies and start hitting them.

I fucking hate that the wrench was so deempahized in later games because of muh gun upgrades. Wrench became nothing but a box opener. Wrench was a legit combat weapon in the first game. You were meant to constantly switch between Wrench and guns. When the enemy's got to close, swing at them with the wrench, when they were knocked back, pull out and gun and just let loose, run in circles and fire off shots or flamethrower in a wall around you then wrench anyone who gets close.

You realize that a lot of your shots have a sticky effect in R&C1 right? You don't have to aim. Just run around and fucking shoot and any shot placement near an enemy will likely hit because of sticky aiming. You should rarely ever aim at anything in R&C1. Do not try to play it like it's sequels.

R&C1 had tons of movement you fucking retard, I swear newfags do not know how to play games anymore.

God tier taste my friend. Orxon always felt so stifling and so depressing. It was a dead and toxic planet and a forewarning of what would happen to your world if Drek had his way.

R&C1 actually had a really neatly told story done in an organic environmental way, just letting you see what Drek's minions where up to on your worlds and seeing what they had done on his world and others he'd been too.

God I love R&C1 so much. Most underrated game in the series.

Something about the art style decayed over the course of the series. In the first one, every little object was full of personality. Information was conveyed through adorable infobots, the weapons generally had unique appealing designs (compare the blaster to the combuster) and the levels were loaded with details. Some of my favorite details: the mechanical plants from the robot factory, the "employee lounge" from the Gadgetron HQ, the computer terminals in the testing facility.

The game had an art direction that was like a caricature of Star Wars, which was constantly busling with unique droids and aliens.

Tools of Destruction had some neat details, like the civilian robot NPCs that lived in supposedly highly inhabited areas, but it marked the beginning of a new tone where everything was really... Sharp and exaggerated. Like it was paying homage to the work of John Kricfalusi.

Aliens and robots no longer looked cool and sci fi but instead looked exaggerated and "artsy", as if the artists wanted to demonstrate that they can convey personality traits through proportions alone. Neat. Only problem: they aren't cool or memorable.

The whimsical nature of weapons became mechanical and by-the-books. They decided that "bigger is better", so now you get guns that make bigger booms, but gone is the ingenuity of the Glove of Doom, the Synthenoids, the Decoy Glove, the Spiderbot Glove, the Turret Gun, the Tesla Gun, the Magma Fun, etc. The only weapon in this gain they still have is Mr. Zurkon, who's great (if not particularly funny).

Do you enjoying pressing O to shoot?

And auto-aim is the precise reason I said Nexus/Reboot have the best control scheme. You get to actually aim with the right analogue stick instead of relying on auto-aim. In the first game (which is my second favourite in the series if anyone cares) that's all you could do: make sure ratchet and the camera was facing the correct direction and wait for the reticule to appear on enemies. Either that or blindly run around firing in all directions.

When they finally mapped shoot to R1 it was a godsend since you could now aim and shoot at the same time. Although it wasn't until Nexus that they removed the lock-on and gave you a controllable reticule. Now technically this control scheme existed in 3, but there was no way to get rid of the reticule, so when you wernt actively shooting it looked like ass and played terribly in platforming segments. In Nexus/Ps4 as soon as you stop shooting or release L1 the camera control goes back to 3D platforming style. It's smooth and seamless and I can't believe it took them nearly 15 years to figure it out.

Please, tell me more about R&C1's very nuanced strategy of running up to every enemy and mashing the Square button. You're right, games that accommodate to unique play-styles and varied methods of defeating enemies besides button mashing or having shitty AI/traps do it for you ARE for normie cucks.

This. I immediately noticed the huge art direction shift that came with ToD and it's sequels. I dunno what happened internally at Insomniac but it's like some people left or got replaced.

The PS2 games were definitely so much stronger with the world building and details and had an overall stronger art design and aesthetic. I think you put it into words better than I did. The PS3 games weren't bad, just nowhere near as memorable or cool looking.

I attribute it in some part to the formula. The original games where Insomniac being creative and coming up with new things, the art was all inventive. The later games were just by the books lazy and sticking to their formula. The art wasn't nearly as detailed or as inspired. Insomniac lost their creative inspiration.

Alright I apologize and take your word for it. I haven't played Nexus yet myself since I thought it was just going to be more ToD/QfB but in 30fps this time. I will take my word for it, and glad to see someone else appreciate R&C1.

What you describe though sounds interesting, I will make sure to play Nexus.

Also, anyone who thinks R&C1 > UYA is lying

Senpai knows

It's more they went Pixar-like but they list things that made it good in the first place.
Some levels like remake kerwan or lots of the ACiT places still looked good and had some flair to it, but lots of the places feel more sterile.
I still enjoy series to this day, but that shift bothers me.
I guess working on FPS again helped them out maybe.

This thread is so gratifying. R&C one had a perfect story that went largely unnoticed because it didn't interfere with the gameplay. People, including Insomniac, acted like it had no story because it wasn't story driven, but why would anyone want this?

The future games suffer from being story driven. They take themselves way too seriously, and for a story that isn't very good. The whole "last of his kind" shit was done way better in Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, and it's really tacky that they start making a big deal out of Lombaxes when it clearly wasn't very significant in the first several games.

Not to mention: while the later games pretended to be more serious by having "dramatic moments", the first games were actually darker, if you pay mind to the black comedy. The universe they established was never meant to be taken in a utterly deadpan way.

Also, I miss Ratchet being an asshole. The strongest feelings I've ever had in that series were:
>Ratchet treating Clank like shit
>starting to realize Clank is right
>ultimately being a hero
>that fakeout ending where you think he's abandoning Clank
New Ratchet is just so sterile. It's like they want everyone in the world to like him and it leaves him with no memorable traits.
>I will make you proud, mom
>.... I already am

>muh enemies
>muh strategy for taking them out
>muh nuanced combat mechanics
>muh square square square

This isn't Dark Souls or DMC you fuck. This is R&C1. A platformer.

It's not a fucking shooter you fucking retard. Think of Crash or Spyro but the short range attack (spin/charge) is replaced by the wrench attack, and the long range attack is replaced by a various gun gimmick (flame, the bazooka in Crash 3 etc).

It's not a shooter, and it wasn't meant to be played as a game about in depth combat mechanics. It's about platforming, level design and exploration.

As if lock on and strage is so mechanically deep as well

>wow look mum I am holding L1 and pressing O while holding the left stick down
>look I am now doing it again on the next enemy


I love all of the little moments of R&C1's story. A protagionist like OG Ratchet would never be made in a 2016 AAA game.

The first games looked like they were inspired by Blade Runner, Star Wars and other "used future" types, except in a cartoony way. Many of the ships had greebles, even.

The Future games were clearly emulating the 50s pulp sci fi comic look, which is a look that Fallout basically owns. It just doesn't look as good. The old games also had a specific charm that's present only to them; it isn't in Star Wars or Doctor Who or anything else. I can't explain it, but they created something new. They didn't fall into the "generic cartoony space aged world" cliches that lesser franchises have. There are no box shaped robots with a bolt for a nose.

It's like they were able to make things exaggerated and cartoonish but also practical looking. The only thing I can compare it to is Metal Arms: Glitch In The System.

I wish I was more articulate

R&C 1 had the best Ratchet voice and Going Commando onward makes me wanna tear my ears out hearing Ratchet.

>they make me care more about Clank's mom in one cutscene than an entire game's worth of Orvis

This, this this holy shit. Especially about R&C1 Ratchet.

He actually had character development in that game and we could see a realistic friendship being made there and the reason why they stuck together in the later games. I really hated that Insomniac tried to write that out in the Remake. Fuck that, and fuck people who complained about "asshole" Ratchet.

Also yeah the focus on story and cutscenes, especually the overarching story in the PS3 games is really bad. I literally did not care about the last of his kidn story at all because it wasn't interesting, had no relation to the gameplay and plus we already saw the female lombax in 2 for fucks sake Insomiac did you forget her or something?

What a retarded choice they made there. I think it was another example of why the PS3 games just didn't live up. ACiT aside though.

This too is right. Sterile and Pixar-like. Also the cartoony pirate Robots and recurring characters and the attempt at the overarching plot. I just don't think it worked.

I'm this close to buying a PS4 right now solely for this game because I'm such a fanboy of it... Am I making a mistake? I'm uninterested in any other PS4 game right now and nothing in it's current nor upcoming lineup is screaming "Buy me"

Humor was strongest at Deadlocked. Commentators had good banter along with other characters in cutscenes despite looking edgy.
First game had better atmosphere and music really. The PS2 graphics did better in making the world look good half the time.
Rest of the games do lots of aspects better (replay ability, weapon mods, firing mechanics, etc), but 1 isn't as hard to get into as it seems really. Just that series mechanically had jumped leaps and bounds in those 15 years that it's jarring to play at first.
I dunno man, that stuff improved lots when it was added.
Going naturally from first to GC was a nice feeling, and while the first game isn't, the later instalment kinda did go into shooter territory. But then original focused more on traditional platforming. But it would've benefitted with the regular strafing since I can't even defend hover strafing, that wasn't fun to use.
Yeah it's just the design sort of became less unique in some sense and loss charm but at the cost of graphic fidelity.

It depends on which Ratchet games you like. If you love the Future trilogy and Into The Nexus, then you'll love the remake. If you liked 1-4 but not the later games, then no. The remake is meant to rewrite the canon (they felt Ratchet was too much of a dick), not to win over old fans who want to see a return to the series roots

When someone says GC was the best in the series
Beware the spoiler, not for the feint of heart

Basically you can switch between "classic control scheme" and "lock strafe" depending on whether you are holding L1 (or L2 in ps4 reboot). It's the same system Uncharted uses, and I can't ever go back to any TPS that leaves an ugly crosshair on your screen all the time or even worse makes you permenantly strafe.

If 2 and 3 (it would make 1 trivial since its enemies wernt designed with strafing in mind) had those controls they would be drastically improved since you can go from running and blindly firing, to aiming carefully in an instant, and your thumb stays on the right stick so camera control is 100% smooth and uninterrupted.

Yeah I wish I was more articulate too. I can't describe it.

I think some part of the originals art design was from 50's sci fi as well though. I don't know the names of all these artsyles or how to describe what I am seeing in my head.

Lots of bolted on buildings. Buildings that sometimes look functionally useless, or you can't figure out their function but they look really cool. Also lots of weather effects in levels and it interacts with the art and level. Building design being relevant to the biome of the planet and the predominate weather patterns.

This game was honestly so disappointing. The people who say shit like it being a return to form for the series, I think are kind of insane.

Not only was it an unnecessary reboot, but the lack of innovation into the gameplay, the fact that it was so easy, the amount of obnoxious motion blur on a 30fps game, the cute and cuddly redesign of Ratchet and his personality that completely neuters the narrative and character arc of the first title.

It's so mediocre, not even offensively bad just plain average. It makes last gasp lazy PS3 titles like Into the Nexus look positively revolutionary in retrospect.

GC and UYA are my favorites, I did enjoy the Future games but that might've been because of my love of the franchise as a whole. I also heard this new game is only 7 hours long which terrifies me. Does it at least have as much replayability as the PS2 games?

I didn't how faulty my arguments were until you put 'muh' in front of it, thanks for that.

You keep on saying lock-on and strafe interchangeably, like they're the same thing, when R&C has never had lock-on. When you strafe in every other R&C game, you don't auto-aim to the nearest enemy, all it does is make sure that when you move to the left, that you aren't aiming to the left as well, making dodging and attacking something that can happen simultaneously. I understand might be unnerving for you, as 2 things happening at once may confuse you, sending you into this autistic rage about a cartoon fox and his little robot friend.

With love,

Still prefer the original.

Deadlocked was hilarious. It's blatant satire of reality TV, Fox News and celebrity tabloid culture was hilarious. The newscasters were great. I wish we could see more of them.

I really loved how morbid the humor was. My only real gripes:
>Eviscerator is so underutilized
>Ace Hardlight's impactful last words were retconned in later games

New games felt more high end sci-fi, ps2 felt more mechanical in design? More bulky, more crude?

I was honestly a bit mad they did recreate that, honestly put a tear in my eye.

ps2 era games felt 'real' and lived in, shit was busted and rusty even if they were hightech like space ships, just like shit we have today is busted and clunkers.
ps3 era everything is too shiney and 'new' like they forgot that shit gets old after 'undisclosed amount of time' of being in use

>I dunno man, that stuff improved lots when it was added.
>Going naturally from first to GC was a nice feeling, and while the first game isn't, the later instalment kinda did go into shooter territory.

I agree here and I actually think GC is better than 1. 1 is my second favorite. It's just that Deadlocked aside, every other game in the series is a GC clone that is worse than GC.

1 wasn't a shooter, but GC definitely was, but it was also a top game of itself unlike it's clones. GC also didn't have the huge shooter problems that UYA had like excessive grinding, wrench being useless etc. UYA isn't bad but it's way to much of a shooter. Fucks sake it even has battle arena's everything and takes a huge hit on level design. R&C1 and GC always had good and open level design with multiple paths a lot of the time. GC while being a shooter, still was a balanced game that had plenty of platfortmer segments. It felt like a natural progression from one instead of just forgetting what 1 was and becoming a full blown shooter like the rest of the games where.

GC > 1 > GC's clones.

I guess part of the magic is that we can't pinpoint exactly what the look was. It was something else.

I definitely miss the way every little mundane object was a cute robot. Remember that key robot that unlocks a sealed door containing a gold bolt? I would always keep it because I liked it. Fuck the gold bolt.

Well the original PS2 Ratchet games are of the time, all of them are very much parodical of the Bush administration and his war policies, particularly post 90s excess and industry capitalism. Deadlocked was the logical conclusion to these themes with how dystopian and satirical it was.

>yfw Qwark used the Groovitron on you

>that insult to the series
>worth playing
even the original game is better and the origonal game is fucking bad

Insomniac always pushes the PS3/4 games as "A Pixar Game!" which always felt weird because R&C is kinda inherently crude, even with the watered down writing of the newer ones.

These are both good points here.

A used universe was definitely something that was part of R&C's art design. It was like you were in the future but seeing old rustic shit that was made 50 to a hundred years ago in Ratchet's time.

It was magic. I loved the worlds.