Skyrim vs The Witcher 3

Which is the better game?

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They both suck, but modding Skyrim is fun. Not playing it, just modding it.

Witcher 3. Clearly.

I have no idea why anyone who's played both could say otherwise.

I had fun playing Skyrim while Witcher kept crashing when I dove underwater. Maybe I'll try Witcher again later probably not

I didn't like Witcher 1 or 2, so I'll assume I wouldn't like the third one either.

They're both shit

I want to play witcher 3. But there is only one tv in my house. In the living room. I afraid that my parent will see those nude scenes.

You don't have a computer monitor at all? What are you posting from?

Monitors suck. They dont delivery true experience like when you play with TV.

Witcher 3 is a solid 7.5 for me and everyone fapping over it makes me like it less.

Oh no, user, I'm sorry to hear you're retarded. My condolences.

You're a complete idiot.

What is wrong with you ?

I said i would not use a PC monitor to play ps4 games.

Is that too hard to understand ?

Man... you have no taste. If there was a downvote here I would use it, so I'll have to just reply and tell you this:

Witcher 3 is the best RPG. It doesn't matter if you didn't like the first one or whatever, since like most games every entry fixes the mistakes of the last, and this game that is true!

That's even worse. Nobody was suggesting that.

Play PC games with a PC monitor.

Both won numerous awards.

One is still played a great deal 5+ years after release.

One disappeared like a fart in the wind.

>you have no taste. If there was a downvote here I would use it
Fuck off to reddit you moron.

>One disappeared like a fart in the wind.
Neither did, though.
They're both still pretty popular

My PC is weak as fuck. Can't even run Oblivion.

I only use it to browse web.

Then get a better PC.

Or, if you can, just hook up your monitor, it's really not that bad.
Unless your monitor IS that bad, in which case, get some new shit, user, jesus.

i'd rather play skyrim.

You have ten seconds to post your favorite song from either game.

>If there was a downvote here I would use it

Why is every witcherfag a retarded rebbitor?

You don't belong here

>best RPG
Ah, nevermind. It's bait.

They're both shit.

Witcher 3 is the worst WRPG I have ever played. And I've probably played well over a hundred by now.

But that's not true because weirdos and their waifus keep skyrim alive with their sex mods and people still love witcher 3

By far W3. Skyrim is okayish fun once modded a good bit, but was entirely forgettable like most of Bethesda's TES titles

Witcher 3 was pretty god tier all around except for the combat being lame occasionally UNDERWATER CROSSBOW ADVENTURES

I was a faggot for the Skyrim theme from the first trailer


>MFW I first heard that

Story and writing:
Witcher 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skyrim

Witcher 3 > Skyrim

Witcher 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skyrim

World Design:
Witcher 3 = Skyrim

Gameplay depth:
Witcher 3 >>>>>>>>> Skyrim

Overall the Witcher 3 is a far better game. Bethesda need to stop hiring that spic Emil Pagliarulo to write all their games. The guy has no talent, and he's the reason for the biggest powergap between the games.

witcher with dlc is the best fullsingle player experience i've had in ten years.

200 solid hours of enjoyment. looks beautiful to me too.


You guys all enjoyed Skyrim right?

The story in Witcher 3 was so bad the author of the novels had to make a public announcement distancing himself from it. The whole game is filled to the brim with shitty, cliche, poorly written exposition.
Anything is better than the combat in Witcher. Pong has better combat than Witcher.
>Gameplay depth
Witcher doesn't even have this. At all.


This post was brought to you by pic related.

>Wolven Storm

God, that was an amazing scene. That's the exact moment I realized W3 was goddamn fantastic.

I paid 00 bucks for that game and I still want those 15 hours back. Fuck you Rod.

Witcher 3. It's not even a debate.

They even went out of their way to outdo Bethesda's Nordic environment with Skellige, and even created a vastly superior vampire-centered DLC.

While W3 lacks the avatar customization TES has, as well as differentiating class-types and all that, Geralt is still a great character, and a lot of the armor sets in W3 are pretty damn great looking. Also, the "combat is bad" meme is tremendously exagerated by shitters who never learned how to properly dodge/roll and utilize signs.

>In that same vein, Sapkowski also expressed some apprehension that "interactivity in story creation will mean the end of traditional literature." "Literature is not a role-playing game," he argues, "it's a narrative that's crafted by an author with a single vision." To him, the many dialogue choices allowed by games like "The Witcher 3" can sometimes end up detracting from the purity of an idea. It's on this very principle that the man has based his entire career.
He's right here. Story interactivity is cancer, especially for games like The Witcher where Geralt is his own character; his choices shouldn't be chosen by the player.

Witcher 3 had great writing and a great story. I'm one of the last ones to ever spend more time watching a game than playing it, but TW3 had some great voice acting, and the dialogue and story really roped me in. Actually kind of got me back into reading more as well. Bought quite a few books after finishing the game.

Skyrim had an unforgivibly bad story and writing in general from the get go. Even when it was new and fresh, I still thought it was pretty bad.

With the amount of Witcher fanboyism on the board, what did you honestly expect OP?

>Geralt is still a great character
Only if the player makes the appropriate choices.

Player interactivity can make him an inconsistent, senseless character.

That's one shit opinion you have there.

Interactivity is literally the most important part of video game stories, because it's also the most important part of (video) games as a whole.

>Bethesda need to stop hiring that spic Emil Pagliarulo to write all their games.

Not sure if anyone realized this, but that guy wrote Fallout 4 to basically be a revision of Fallout 3, down to the story being a roll reversal as the parent instead of the child, and even most of the DLC was similar to FO3. They actually put more effort into cutting corners and rushing Fallout 4 out for a quick buck than they did actually trying to make a decent fucking game, and it shows tremendously.

Sapkowski is also an old grumpy fart that seems to get angry at everything.

Post YFW you found out Shaun was the leader of the Institute.

I wonder why . . .

>Interactivity is literally the most important part of video game stories

Too bad Witcher 3 doesn't have any.

>Here's the story: You go to the afterlife to kill a dragon before he can come back to life.

>A dragon who is already dead.

So now he's DOUBLE DEAD or some shit?

Witcher 4 where we get to create our own Witcher, choose a school background, and go on epic Witcherin' adventures when?

I saw it coming around the time we went hunting for the bald dude in Diamond City, and the chick mentioned an older kid being with him. At that moment, I was like "Welp, looks like we got re-frozen and a lot of years passed."

Pretty much had it all pieced together before it happened, and when it happened, I was sorely disappointed. Even more disappointed at the horribly black and white ending choices you're forced to make in regards to the Institute versus whatever faction assisted you in reaching them.

Such awfully lazy writing and design went into FO4.

You're a dumbshit.

Interactivity is only worthwhile if YOU'RE the character, and therefore engaging in a fully vicarious role playing experience.

Geralt is his own character with his own set of defining characteristics. Fat neckbearded retards like yourself shouldn't be making his decisions when he already has character.

A game like Dragon Age Origins is where you should be making story-related decisions because you define the player character entirely from the ground up.

>Such awfully lazy writing and design went into FO4.
Todd agrees.

Not him but you're really sperging hard over something that isn't a huge deal.

While you're right tto a degree, a lot of choices still remain within the realm of how the developers thought Geralt would respond. Whether you find a particular response resulting in something useful to you or not, or expressing how you think Geralt feels at that moment or not, is entirely for you to decide.

It's not as impactful on things as you seem to be implying, however.


skyrim wins by default because the combat and gameplay was pretty tepid in the first two and I'M NOT GOING TO BE TRICKED AGAIN.

I think the poll result speaks for itself.

>you're really sperging hard over something that isn't a huge deal.
First time on Sup Forums?

Is this a >Bethesda checks how effective their Sup Forumsiral marketing todd campaign is?

It's because of shitters like you that developers are shoehorning story interactivity into every single game now. Even action oriented games like Uncharted and Gears of War have dialogue choices now. It's fucking retarded and completely unnecessary.

I don't think Sup Forums speaks for anyone.

Are you one of those autists who gets mad that other people you don't even know went with girl X instead of girl Y in their single-player video game?

Jesus Christ m8.

>Witcher baby complaining about having to make decisions

Modern gaming at work boys.

So you admit that you have an uninformed opinion? You should have at least played both games before you chime in.

FYI, I hated the combat in the W1 and W2, but W3 improved on the previous entries significantly. It has problems, but it still manages to be better than the combat in Skyrim.

Because of me? Explain how.

I could care less if Witcher 3 had excluded choices. The story itself is good enough to keep me going forward as it is. It wouldn't be a major deal breaker to have a lack of choice.

That's not so much on people who play these games, as much as it's on developers, and their incompetence in being able to tell whether a feature belongs in their game and has any impactful meaning or fits in properly or not.

Like I said - sperging the fuck out over nothing, and trying to conclude theories based on imaginary fucking information.

The real question is which one is the better game in pic related?


If you weren't an idiot, you'd understand my point.

>i can't read guys!
What a moron.

Witcher 3, without a shadow of a doubt. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot
the only thing Skyrim has to Witcher is not being forced to play a specific role

>poll is 77% to 23% in favor of the witcher 3
Skyrimbabies BTFO



Your argument is ridiculous to begin with, as is your aggressive approach in proposing your plight. Most wouldn't really care to understand your point.

That seems to be your issue, yes.

They're both good games, but they can't actually be compared

One is an RPG and the other is a JRPG

Witcher 3 is neither an RPG or a JRPG, it's an action adventure game.

which is what a JRPG is

>i-i'm not smart enough to comprehend what you say, b-but i'm sure it's ridiculous
Thank you for once again proving what a stupid idiot you are. Saves me the trouble.

>80% Witcher 3
>20% Shitrim

LMAO. What happened Shitthesda shills?

Skyrim is just four years older. It's essentially a 7th gen sandbox.

Wasn't Failout 4 much more shittier than Shitrim and came out later than Witcher 3?



shit combat
shit story
good world
shit rpg elements
neutral protag
shit npc


shit combat
shit story
shit world
shit rpg elements
asshole protag
shit npcs

skyrim is just a little less shit because the protag shuts the fuck up and doesn't have some Game of Thrones tier story

Where does Dragon Age Inquisition fit in all this?

Witcher 2 > skyrim + mods > W1 > W3 > vanilla skyrim
TES Lore is too much

At the bottom.

Not everyone likes being Geralt.

Witcher 3 >>>> DA: I >>>>>>> Literal Shit >> The shit I took this morning > Skyrim

The Witcher 3 is unironically the best this medium has to offer in terms of gameplay,tech, narrative, lore, worldbuilding, characters and bang for your buck. Comparing it to a game released in 2011 isn't fair. A more apt comparison would be maybe Far Cry Primal, DA:I, or Fallout 4, all 3 of which pale in comparison to it. Blood & Wine reasserts the fact that Witcher 3 and Hearts of Stone weren't flukes. CDPR can consistently make good shit.

Witcher 3 is the better game, but Skyrim is more fun.

>Wasn't Failout 4 much more shittier than Shitrim and came out later than Witcher 3?
But these are not from the same genre.

THE ONLY REASON people play Skyrim is because of mods, otherwise, pretty much everything about skyrim is UTTER SHIT and needs to be removed
On the other hand, Witcher 3 has a muuuuuuuuuuuch better storry, a better combat system, has a myriad of interesting lore and character pages. Sure, they took the aspect of preparation from the other games away, but it was for the better.
The only reason The Elder Scrolls gains popularity is because of previous hardcore fanboyism and mods.
Also, TESV is notorious for being a bug-ridden mess, tech-side of things

>Witcher 3
>Talking shit on the actually lived in feel of the world
>Talking shit on Geralt

>Having a world that is literally Game of Thrones despite you calling out Witcher 3 (Granted its a different reason)
>Acting like having a pre-established character is bad

>the only thing Skyrim has to Witcher is not being forced to play a specific role
You can't just brush that off. That's a pretty big thing when we're talking about RPGs.

A better comparison would be Morrowind and Witcher 3, when both developers were at their peak.

Witcher 3 fails in literally every department there is
>Floaty non-responsive combat that lacks both substance and weight
>Obnoxious characters with one trait that defines them and that one trait alone, the sole exception being the Bloody Baron, who wasn't even a main character
>Dialogue options can be broken down into accepting something or refusing it, Geralt lacks any emotion
>Generic, empty world that attempts to hide it's evident lack of content with obstructive visuals and trash mobs
>Tacked on witcher sense allows developers to shove in half assed quests where you follow the red line to reskinned enemies with the same models
>Horrible clipping on armour
>Skellige is populated entirely by thieves caches and shit loot
>Story goes to shit after Velen
>Villain is as boring and one-dimensional as you can get, especially after Letho from 2, who at least attempted to be understandable
>Same faces everywhere, they have like 3 models
>Soundtrack is boring as fuck, consists almost entirely of disorganised howling and wailing
>Story can be boiled down to "Ciri isn't here, she might be over there, nope!"
>Ciri herself is a special snowflake with no redeeming aspects
>Kaer Morhen is empty
>Lack of RPG elements
>Forced into one build
>Crossbow is fucking useless
>Samey armour
>Blood and Wine is oversaturated

Anyone who states it's better than Skyrim is functionally retarded.

Witcher 3 isn't a straight RPG like Skyrim
The question wasn't which one is the better RPG (It'd still be witcher 3) its which game was better
Plus Geralt is fucking awesome. Theres still enough choices to make it feel like you can play a different Geralt.

>Geralt is fucking awesome.
I'm glad you like him, but personally, I'm not a fan.