Reccetear Thread

Bought this during sale. How do I get good?

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rote memorization


gotta learn the ideal sell percentages for each NPC (the one that makes them happiest). It's less about selling for as much as you can jew them out of and more about comboing happy sales for the XP multiplier to get more stuff unlocked early

I'm probably going to replay this.
Is it worth it to do dungeons to earn some capital?

Its fine to fail, since you restart at day 1 with all your levels and stock, so its much easier to meet the deadlines with all your higher price items available instantly

Sell everything at 104%, only sell cheap shit to the little girls until you level them 3 or 4 times.

You do dungeons for materials to fuse valuable gear. Early on stuff like Water Crystals, Fin Fans, and Charred Lizards can net you over 10k in profit.

I played this to death when it came out, are there any similar games on steam?

>giving money to SJW goons

There is AL・FINE, but it's more about waifus than shop managing, and it's also not about a little girl and a fairy.

Dang I meant the shopkeeper angle, not big on anime waifu shit at all

>two recettear threads in the same week

It's a small miracle.

Reminder Arma is the best companion for dungeon dives

you're gonna fail once or twice in the beginning, but the start of the game is very forgiving
just keep at it, stay vigilant, and memorize who's a trouble customer

You don't need to go dungeon crawling to finish the main quest, and it's actually counter-productive to do so. The good items only start appearing on the 2 last dungeons, and you'll be reaching the end of the main story by then. Just buy and sell stuff, keep your combo, and look out for red and blue days.

Tinker with the shop's "atmosphere" to increase the odds of certain characters appearing when you want to sell them stuff to equip.
You can also avoid a really annoying combo-breaking slut if you avoid the "gaudy" atmosphere.

>and it's actually counter-productive to do so
Not really. As already mentioned, you can make massive profit off item fusion with stuff like Mermaid Shoes, Azure Necklaces, etc.

I almost got to the 3rd payment of 200k in one run just by min-maxing on buy low sell high items. I sold a shit ton of cakes and yams and made like 90,000 pix in one day. Haven't played this game in years.

Learn the sweat points of everyone. I think things are slightly random game to game on what percentage the sweat spot is for but everyone has the same range. Getting the sale first time gives you bonus exp, and bonus exp increases the more you chain selling or buying a items on the first deal. So sometimes its worth taking a hit on the money to keep the chain going as getting exp allows you to upgrade the shop which will help in the long run.

Little girl has low money and is very frugal
Adult Male has medium amount of money is a bit more loose
Adult woman has medium amount of money and is slightly more frugal then the male
Old man has higher end amount of money and will purchase things marked up higher, but with more variance then most other generic characters.

Sometimes its taking a hit on money

Also it's more important to buy and sell things to increase the customer's wallet size over time than it is to maximize profit at the beginning.

104% is a sweet spot that hits Near Pin on pretty much every customer.

Try management games. Im sure you'll there be a shop manager somewhere.

my own recomnedation is Papers Please - which also isnt a shop manager but it feels like a good job/game hybrid

>letting politics govern your gaming
cuck as fuck

Merchants of Kaidan

Give the little girl a steep discount. Buy everything Euria offers to sell to you, she gives them at a good price

Why didn't Tear just force Recette into prostitution with high paying customers to maximize net profits?

I'm not saying not to play it, I'm saying not to give money to people that shit on what the actual devs intended.

>and it's actually counter-productive to do so
Every fucking thread someone says this and it's still wrong. Dungeon crawling is a cash cow as long you do it right. Bring back ingredients used in profitable fusions (eg: charred lizard) and do multiple sets of floors whenever possible.

At any point really. Merchant level XP is also based on making sales on the first offer.


You should go to your friend's house and play his copy together :^)

Be as Jewish as possible.

I think they added towels to some entirely unrelated game.

It's just Sup Forums being autistic as always.

I'm straight.

Yes goyim, you must squeeze every last pix out of that little girl buy walnut bread if you are going to pay back your loan on time. Don't worry about raising you merchant level and customer budgets by making fair offers that the customers will accept without haggling.


Friendly reminder that Charme is the best adventurer and you're wrong if you think otherwise. Don't forget to clear Jade Way on day 2 to unlock her as early as possible~

>tfw Loss on her forehead

The pricing tutorial is kinda not the best. Unless its Guild master or Arma(both consistently accept the fairy pricing), most customers have a way lower expectation of the proper markup price and since you get more xp for setting a price close to theirs and getting them to agree in one go its better early on.

I only need her to unlock the true best adventurer Elan

>How do I get good?
Well, when you can't even spell the name of the game despite it being right there in your image, I honestly doubt you can.

Cant edit my post. You ok user?