STALKER managed to overcome being released as a broken mess...

STALKER managed to overcome being released as a broken mess, but it's probably gonna take a lot longer for Homefront: The Revolution to shake off its "bad game" stigma. It's a shame because it's one of the most atmospheric FPS games ever made.

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Can confirm.

It's dope as fuck.


Looks so fucking awkward.

You should buy a PC. Shit's fluid as fuck. Way faster than that.

I got to 10,000 G on the multiplayer.

I wish someone would make a mod for the PC version to prevent the AI despawning. That's literally the only major mechanical flaw in the game. The game tries to conserve CPU resources by despawning distant enemies, which means that you can be sniping and the AI will suddenly vanish. Only ever seems to happen in Red Zones, though.

I'd also love to see some survival oriented mods where bullets cost money, and if you die, you lose all your weapons and equipment. Basic script modding is theoretically possible, but there hasn't been a huge amount of interest.

>I wish someone would make a mod for the PC version to prevent the AI despawning.

Yep. That's a major issue.

Game's buggy as fuck in general. Still decent, though.

Only play it if you're desperate for something fresh.

That is the PC version, though. Medium settings. Recorded at 30fps, which is why it looks juddery.

You're using a controller, then.


Torrent where

>Yep. That's a major issue.
It was a deliberate design decision, apparently. AI overheads are a bitch with open world titles. It'll be interesting to see how Star Citizen and Kingdom Come: Deliverance deal with the issue.




I don't hold out much hope for Star Citizen.

Kingdom Come's got potential. Developer seems based as fuck.

not him but i doubt the game is hard enough to encourage the use of a controller

Shieet, ah well

It is if you're playing on the highest difficulty setting.

*use of kb+m

It's cheap now.

i assume that just makes enemies into bullet sponges

No, mouse and keyboard. What makes you think it's a controller?

The last section of the Aftermath DLC, where you find Walker and wait for extraction, is ridiculously hard on Deathwish difficulty if you get spotted and the alarm goes off. On Deathwish, shotgunners can basically 1HK you.

>tfw so poor fag can't even afford 12$ game
Fuck, feels bad man. I would only torrent the shit so I could try it, I don't have enough money to go throwing money at games that might not be good for me.

>i assume that just makes enemies into bullet sponges
No, it means you've got about as much health as the average Rainbow 6 operative and the AI goes from unaware to "TERRORIST SCUM SPOTTED" in, like 1 second instead of 3. The enemies are all Crysis-style bullet sponges, but they're mostly vulnerable to headshots. Also, they stagger when hit in the limbs, so you can often make a retreat by spraying and praying to hold them off.

Why do shitters always use this excuse?

We get it. You like playing on Normal.

It's a perfectly valid excuse though.

The Linux port is coming "soon", and it'll be easily pirateable. I assume they'll be releasing the Linux port alongside the Beyond the Wall DLC. (I'm busy fantasizing that BtW is going to be absolutely incredible and several hour long, but I'm prepared for disappointment.)

Don't blow your money on Homefront.

Buy a better game.

It's only decent if you're starved for something fresh. Game's retarded buggy. It's a 6/10 at best.

That being said, it's a fucking miracle it turned out so good. Shit was the definition of development hell.


He's a moron.

Don't watch that trash. YouTube faggots are the worst.

If i wanted to play STALKER, i would play stalker, or else METRO 2033/Last Light.

Let me count the ways.

>Played game at launch. Never play open world FPS games at launch. You'll get fucking burnt every time. Far Cry 2's save corruption bugs weren't fixed for over 6 months.
>Played PS4 version, the worst version, which ran at 15fps on a semi-regular basis. Version was so bad, it was the only version to receive the 1.3 patch that completely broke the game.
>Can't aim for shit.

Both of the Homefront games have "Mixed" reviews on Steam.

Is the original Homefront good? It's about $4, and that's slightly below my threshold for actually considering a Steam game.

>Game's retarded buggy.
Each new patch squashes more bugs. In its current state, it's not really any more buggy than the average Bethesda game. It's a miracle Deep Silver allowed the team to spend months patching the game despite poor sales. If only they'd delayed the damn thing instead of releasing it barely functional. That fucking Hearts and Minds bug. How in the ever loving fuck didn't that shit set off alarm bells in QA testing?

It's a CoD clone that replaces "Ramirez defend the Burgertown" with "press F to hide in the mass grave". I heard the multiplayer was alright, but I assume it's dead by now.


It's not.

What's interesting, though, is that the multiplayer was amazing. There's a tiny amount of people still playing.

One server.

I've honestly been considering buying this game. But is the story any good? Do you just play as some random American dude?

a lot of what he's saying seems fairly objective.
serious question: how can Sup Forums argue against what is said in this video?

Story's decent. Nothing special.

You couldn't pay me to watch a YouTube faggot.

>Both of the Homefront games have "Mixed" reviews on Steam.
You'll note, however, that pretty much all of the top rated reviews for Homefront: The Revolution are positive. At this point, all the negative reviews seem to be from Russians and Chinese people for some reason. It's really weird, actually. Whenever the game goes on sale, its Steam score actually drops temporarily and then starts climbing again once the price goes back up.

it's obvious the devs just wanted to make their take on half life

>But is the story any good? Do you just play as some random American dude?
Story's okay. Most of the characters have an unpleasant streak. But there's some neat environmental storytelling if you're patient enough to wander around listening to the NPCs.

The lead character is a mute Gordon Freeman knockoff. Bad, bad decision. All this ethically black and grey shit going on, and Ethan Brady has nothing to say. He's an errand boy. The DLCs have voiced protagonists, which is a huge improvement.

Lmao, Homefront TR is fucking garbage and everyone knows it, stop being a contrarian fuckwit and don't say ignorant bullshit like "next stalker!!!". Don't even compare this piece of crap to a masterpiece like STALKER.

>it's obvious the devs just wanted to make their take on half life
Indeed. And I think the Homefront IP was a dead goose around their neck. Also, I suspect the game's writing was trying to not offend red blooded Americans too much.

>a lot of what he's saying seems fairly objective.
The game's performance was fixed months ago. His entire "objective" argument was "boo, hoo, the PS4 port performs badly and I can't aim for shit. This is a bad game."

What's stupid is that there's no racism.

People would be calling them gooks and chinks.

Immersion breaking, really.

What is actually wrong with Homefront: The Revolution, user. The game has flaws. Niggles. Dubious design choices that weaken the structure. (Silent protagonist, for example.) Many are simply the result of a tortured 5 year development involving multiple reboots.

But what is actually WRONG with the game in its current state? How is it "fucking garbage"? Also, when people compare the game to STALKER, they're talking about its atmosphere. Homefront: TR does the ruined urban dystopia thing better than even the Metro series. Fighting enemies in the pouring rain with thunder flashing overhead. Running for cover, bullets thwopping all around you as the enemy corners you in a building.

>calls others contrarian
>says STALKER is a masterpiece

STALKER is fucking shit too

>Actually recommending Homefront: TR


The game has an awkward thing going on where people don't hate the Koreans. They hate the ApeX Corporation and the KPA. But the game ignores that American racism would flare up in that sort of environment. A lot of people wouldn't care about the difference between Korea and its technocratic government. Another flaw is the game doesn't really show how technologically advanced the KPA are. Your phone is fairly advanced, but where is shit like this in the game?

There's a disconnect between the game's canon and the technology you actually encounter ingame

>STALKER is fucking shit too

Game's a 6/10.

I've got two hundred hours logged.

You can trust me.

Is it really contrarian when literally every review on the Steam page right now is positive?

Who gives a fuck what he thinks?

Stick to discussing the game.

>People would be calling them gooks and chinks.
They do call them Norks, but that's just a military term from the 50s. It's not really much of a slur. I seem to recall they called the South Koreans "Sorks", too.

The KPA, on the other hand, think America is an unpleasant shithole full of unpleasant, ungrateful people, and they want to go home to their utopian society as soon as possible.

I wish more people played the DLC, because the DLC really goes out of its way to address the design criticisms of the main game. The game's release and marketing and community management has been such a clusterfuck. They've done a shitty job of explaining how the Expansion Pass works, for example.

Regardless, stealth works, for the most part. No more silent protagonist. More focused level design means the AI doesn't struggle as much. And the acting and animation seems better than the main game.

Buy or pirate?

You can't pirate it. Crack groups are almost certainly waiting for the final DLC to be released. Plus more patches. It's a pain to crack a game and then a super important patch gets released.

There's also the Linux version. That won't have Denuvo when it releases.

I don't care what anyone says. The shotgun is god-tier. It's like a super OP version of the TimeSplitters 2 shotgun.

The atmosphere is literally the ONLY thing the game has aside from being Far Cry: City Edition. It is pretty fucking neat when it's raining at night (for some reason, reminds me of Blade Runner) but it's garbage for everything else, and that's only because it's a Crytek game made on their own CryEngine, so no shit it looks good.

Game is definitely a 6/10. I'd recommend it for under $10 bucks max. Paying triple A price or even close is sheer stupidity. There's a good game here, but it's muddled with complete shit and that's what's disappointing because Homefront does have potential. Should have been like State of Decay but instead of zombies, it's NK everywhere.

Also TimeSplitter 2 easter egg is better than rest of the game in terms of charm alone.

>The atmosphere is literally the ONLY thing the game has aside from being Far Cry: City Edition.
It also has solid gunplay and decent music. Plus some nifty puzzles.

>Should have been like State of Decay but instead of zombies, it's NK everywhere.
But the game isn't about that. The KPA don't have numerical superiority. They have technological superiority, and they're backed by the most powerful corporation on the planet. You seem to want some sort of survival horde game, but that wouldn't fit with the Half-Life 2 meets Crysis tone they were going for at all.

looks like bland as fuck shit 2bh desu

What do you mean, "bland?" Please tell me you're not making the "Crytek were wrong to focus on mimicking real life because muh art design" argument.

So, can I go full warzone sniper who hides in the rubble and picks off the unfortunate? Or does the game force you in the middle of the action?

>Quickly looking to the right then aiming the explosive more slowly
Gosh yeah I change look speed like that all the time on consoles, it's great.

Oh look, a challenge gamer.

I can give you a challenge. It's a game where you start tied to a chair, then Jesus, Superman, and your mother walk in (don't worry it's a big room, your mom will fit) and attack you. You have to escape the room in 30 seconds or a nuke planted directly under your dick (don't worry, your mom helped them find it ahead of time) will go off. There's your challenge you worthless fuck.

Challenge gamers should all be shot.

The rifle has no silencer, so once you start shooting, the KPA will start looking for you. And once the general alarm is raised, the KPA won't stop until you've fled or are dead. There's also a crossbow, but the drop is a bitch. It requres a shitload of practice to hit anything from a distance with it.

The game encourages hit and run gameplay, so running across some rooftops taking pot shots with your sniper rifle to keep the KPA at bay is a valid tactic.

>what are you an idiot? Why are you expecting a game to function properly at launch? Why are you expecting each different version to perform about as well as the others? What's wrong with you STUPID?

The basic problem with playing the game as a sniper is the game despawns distant enemies to reduce load. So it's not unusual to see someone far off with your scope, and then when you stop looking through the scope, they disappear. It's not a constant issue, but it is a significant one. I wish they'd just offer a "Bigger NPC pool" checkbox for people who don't care about performance as much as immersion.

That's completely normal. On sale people who were on the fence will try it and then realize it was shit, people buying it at regular price are either casuals who lack taste or people who have a real boner for what it has to offer and can't wait for a sale.

Did you know the PS3 version of Crysis runs at 12fps during some scenes?

The problem with that logic is the English language reviews are mostly positive. It's the Russian and Chinese reviews that are negative. I think the game is super cheap in China on sale. And I don't think the game aligns with Chinese gaming tastes.

Playing this game now.

Apart from few hiccups here and there.

its a pretty fun game. One of few better steam sales games i picked up this year.

>not liking a game where glorious ally North Korea invades filthy pig home America and get defeated by guerillas
I wonder why.

I want Dambuster to add a higher graphic setting for PC. Just max every possible setting out. Fuck people's egos.

And they could call it "Future Perfect" settings.

That UI is so fucking generic

How is the shooting in the game? Does it feel like Crysis at all.

Say what you will about the Crysis games but the shooting was top notch in all 3.

In terms of hit reactions and stuff it's like Crysis, but the recoil system isn't like Crysis. The un-upgraded SMG, for example, yanks up and to the right when fired from the hip. When you aim down sights, it jerks upwards. This really, really pisses some people off.

Should they have stuck with the Crysis 2 UI, instead? The game still had Crysis 2 stuff in it until around 2014.

This is what the leaked 2012-2013 UI looked like.

When people say the game has "bad controls", what they really mean is the weapons have heavy recoil and the auto-aim is barely existent. Modern gamers need their FPS games to feature heavy auto-aim. That's why they frantically hit aim down sights hoping for a lock-on, but it doesn't work in Homefront because the aim assist is so weak.

this shit is a fucking joke
changing a pistol into an SMG? A rocket launcher into a flamethrower?

I tried playing Modern Warfare 2 recently and gave up about 10 minutes in because there was literally zero recoil and it put me in a turret section where the screen looked like this. It was illuminating to see the kind of game most people are playing.

How is it a joke? It's a logical successor to Crysis's weapon mod system where you pack heaps of weapons into a 3 weapon limit. It's the future. GoldenEye let you fire two M16s at the same time, and nobody complained.

>A rocket launcher into a flamethrower?
The crossbow turns into a flamethrower. Cookie is apparently a god-tier gunsmith. And the reason you're not using superior KPA weaponry is because it's backdoored.

I have no issue with games having zero recoil. Rareware's old FPS games were like that. But my problem is how modern gamers often can't tell the difference between "bad" game mechanics and "different" game mechanics. "The combat is clunky" basically means "The combat isn't like Game X" most of the time.