Tell us why aren't you playing Overwatch yet and we'll try not to laugh

Tell us why aren't you playing Overwatch yet and we'll try not to laugh.

it's boring to play when none of my friends are on.

I play team and class-based shooters that have a skill ceiling higher than a foot.

So... none?

I enjoy the game but I'm just playing other games right now.

Because your thread is shit and I hope you and every other piece of shit memer on Sup Forums dies from cancer within a year.

mad cuz bad

I just want a timewaster to relax and have fun.
is this the game ?

The first person shooter genre is for casuals.


annoying waifufags make me embarrassed to be caught playing it

Because the game is for dumb normalfag casual shitters with zero skill, and it also sucks ass.

yeah bro

I forgot how fucking goofy the classes looked in TF. Do people still play it? I still play some TFC every now and then, but I literally haven't touched the original mod since Classic released.

Because its boring and I dont like to dealing with Blizzdrones/retards arguing amongst themselves.

I love those hair things she has.

If by play you mean fuck silly then yes I do play overwatch

I don't like mobas and as someone who spent years playing Battlefield 1942, 2 and Battlefront, those 6 vs 6 matches are too boring for me, sorry.

boring as shit.

I had more fun with titanfall 2 when it had players, and right now i'm enjoying let it die more, but significantlyl ess since they added the p2w cash shop.

So i'm looking for something else to play.

the issue is i've just had 0 drive to touch overwatch since I bought it. I played like 10 matches and nothing else, it's so fucking boring, and such a god damned slog in every match, competitive and otherwise. Everyone takes everything seriously on a level above competitive, they go full on autist if they start losing for even a second, and then they blow it for the entire team with their incessant babbling and raging.

what game are you playing that makes you not a normalfag?

what game are you playing that makes you so hardcore?

>zero skill
what game takes more skill?

Think about your answers, I'm really trying hard not to laugh

I can't play FPS and I'm a terrible teammate

I love the characters and setting

I don't like FPS.

I don't play wannabe mobas

I will when they add more heroes, but 20 or whatever isn't enough diversity for me.

Of course I'm playing the game. It's the new TF2.

It feels like time well spent because as far as I'm concerned I'll always be playing overwatch and something else, whatever game I'm looking forward to that month (year?).

>inb4 tf2 comparisons

I'm not saying anything about them, just what space it occupies in the lineup of games. It's a welcome one.

Looks slow, boring, and none of my friends play it.

So play bots then.

I play it on PS4 occasionally

The more realistic question is:

Why aren't you playing Overwatch anymore?

Do you genuinely think that OW takes skill? Answer honestly.

>Do people still play it?
i play it on private servers with goons. i highly doubt there are many others playing it. i saw a BR server posted here once but who wants to play with spider eating chimps?

Not him, but any multiplayer genres besides fighting games and RTS are casual.

Overwatch is casual even among the already casual genre of FPS games.

I'm going to a New Years party

I played it from OBT until the end of Season 1. I simply got enough of it and moved on, most people don't just play one game over and over my man.

L i t t l e M o n e y

Also i don't bandwagon into cash-grabbing casual shit.

Roommate bought two ps4 copies and has now moved out. I've yet to decide if I want to buy my own.

Playing the same small FPS maps over and over again for the sake of a scoreboard isn't fun for very long. I imagine most people would admit that their team based FPS habit mostly a time waster (see: fucktards who play TF2 for more than a thousand hours).

I guess but that doesn't seem as fun.

Because you don't need to pay activision-blizzard $40 for the porn.

Post YFW you didn't buy overwatch.

blizzard can't balance for shit, I hate cooldowns, death ball is stupid, I hate how ultimates win games.

only thing I like is that I know every classes loadout before engagement.

>L i t t l e M o n e y
i should really play FFT again, maybe i'll finally try that FFT Impossible mode hack or whatever it is

Maybe it's just an australian thing but I'm sick of hearing people who sound like my bullies back in high school on voice chat. Typical normie bogans trash talking me constantly or shouting loudly.

Best girl.

Because mostly casuals play it and I never get people who talk

It's fucking boring.

>no minions
>no towers
>no gold
>no items
>no levels


I don't care about TF2. I certainly don't care about TF2 with moba heroes.

Because I got bored before they even released the first new character.

Take the chance to troll them since they can't do anything to you.
Be Mercy and fovus on killing, or instalock Bastion.

This, hell mobas are more balanced than this shit.

>multiplayer only
>online only

Sounds about right.


what makes YOU hardcore then?

Because the porn is free, and the waifus are the premier feature of the game.

You played ten matches AND you played competitive mode? Either you're lying or you played on a friends account, and if it's the latter yeah no shit you didn't enjoy the competitive mode of a game you don't know how to play properly.

holy shit

all my fetishes

I'm not a fan of competitive FPS games.
I don't know anyone personally who plays it.
The videos I've seen of it don't make me interested in trying it out.

the porn is pretty good though

I don't play shitty games.

low skill ceiling that blizzard keeps lowering.

>no character progression throughout the match and no neutral creatures

you're literally retarded

By that logic Quake is ASSFAGGOTS
Starcraft is ASSFAGGOTS
Literally everything is ASSFAGGOTS if you go by that horrible term.

If you use only the literal definition of the acronym, almost every competitive online game is a moba.

I would if some of the characters didn't basically have auto aim like Symmetra, Winston, Mei. Cheapens the game for me when they don't have to aim but can just shoot in your vicinity.

>those feet

>no comments on the xbox hueg feet
>that abnormo torso
>stubby arms
>the replies are all positive
So this is the power of Sup Forums. Gutter trash

I play a game that takes more than pressing q to win

Cause I don't keep up with all these trendy new hipster games user

Blasted kids with their darn video game porn waifus and that final fantasy game about Japanese dudes wearing black clothing fighting monsters and teleporting everywhere

Why are there no sexy Christmas skins?

no, that's noth ow it works.
everything is a MOBA by that definition.

ASSFAGGOTS means Aeon of Strife Style Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides.

If it's not a two sided, team effort in which you assault another team's fortress, it's not an ASSFAGGOTS.

I don't know why but this screenshot looks comfy. Looks shitty in all the right ways.


Jesus christ she has a huge spare tire

It's boring.


so having to pay $40 for a game is now frowned upon? keep in mind they didnt charge for any of the new maps, modes or heros so far

God damn mercy is the fucking best.

Ages like fucking wine since she's fucking 80 or w/e and she can fucking fix all your shit and looks good like hot damn

>game has teamplay and CC effects involved

"I got killed by a stun!!! NO SKILL!!!! LOW SKILL CIELING!!!"

Pharah is perfect no matter what.

>le comfy meme


what game makes you hardcore user? i want to know what you play to be able to call us 'casual'

>sexy clothing in winter
nigga halloween is the time to wear slutty dresses with an excuse

Multiplayer only games are shit.

because i actually get pussy

>mfw all the retards that actually bought overwatch

Someone post the real reason people play overwatch video

How do I gitgud at Pharah

I feel like I'm way too predictable


>say Overwatch is shit, and takes no skill
>"O Really? Show me your profile then, faggot"
CSGO fags do the same thing with rank, if you criticize the stupid knife gambling economy and anything about the game you need to show your rank or else your opinion doesn't matter. Why would I play the game if I think its shit?

Because I got a refund for it during the beta.

>Still no lesbian mod for HS.

Please tell me when I've said I'm hardcore?
Lots of games are better than "shoot people till you get your ulti, then use them at the same time to win game"

apparently you can't criticize their perfect game unless you have hundreds or thousands of hours in it and reached the top echelon of ranked play

wew lads

>this is the average overwatch player
>doesn't care about the game and just faps to the characters
Sounds about right.

nigga you gay


Why should I pay for a game I'll only play for a week at most?

It's alright, there are better games to play.


It feels great

you wont answer. you're calling us casual but you wont say what games you play because you're a shit-for-brains faggot