Anyone else deranking themselves in comp to avoid this cancer meta?

Anyone else deranking themselves in comp to avoid this cancer meta?

Pic related is the fucking problem, and nothing is being done.

Hello sir/ma'am!

Why do you feel the need to play a video game ranked?



Yeah. I'm glad they made it so easy by adding the quickplay button.


Yup. Doing it with a friend. Already went from 4.1k to 3k. You know whats funny? There is literally 0 difference between diamond and gm in this meta, because all the current meta heroes are so fucking braindead to play. The only difference is gamesense. Were doing battle Zen+Mercy combo and these shitters are struggling to beat us.

If you cant get GM in this meta good luck ever getting it in the future. This meta is literally easy mode.

>playing ranked in casual normie trash games
huhah! well there's your problem!

have you tried not being complete garbage

>playing ranked overwatch
>playing any blizzard game competitively

wtf just stick to quick play then you autist

No, I don't get points to a gold gun.

>unironically caring about weapon skins in any game

No even if they Nerf and triple tank will still exists thanks to Dva and Hog

I haven't played Overwatch in months because the gameplay got so stale.

What's the meta these days?

>What's the meta these days?

She dictates the whole game now.
>Soldier 76
>Zarya or Roadhog

>they will never fix ana
>they will never fix tanks
>they will never fix mcree
>they will never fix sombra
>they will never fix map designs
>they will never fix matchmaking
>they will never fix defense classes
>they will never fix two capture point
>they will never fix imbalance between ults

>Anyone else deranking themselves in comp to avoid this cancer meta?
I haven't played rank at all, since forever even

Mystery heroes is the only good mode in this game. Quickplay is filled with noobs and comp is filled with spergs who take it way too seriously.

I dunno senpai, I have the most fun with quick play, mystery heroes, 1v1, 3v3 and thats about it

tbqh I just get my 10 placement matches in for the season and then go back to quickplay

The only gold gun that actually looks decent in the game is Zenyatta's.
99/100 times, gold guns look like absolute garbage.

All modes have "noobs" in it.

All of them.

You CANNOT escape them.

Protip: If you can't easily and immediately identify the noob of the team, then you are the noob of the team.

>some raging autist screaming why you wont switch
>you're just a ___ so switch nigger
nah I avoid all comp - I don't really care that much for the skin

>rein still mandatory pick
>sym completely overpowered because devs are retarded and cant balance her
>soldier melts everything and is only in the game to pander to codfags and low skill players because they are scared the game cant stand without a default run and gun type
>mei is still mei

but yea ana is totally the problem with this meta

Truth. The game will only force you to go down from where you start, and then match you with semi competent people for 1 game to get your hopes up. The only winning move is to play placements and then not play comp again.

What's the reason for doing placement matches and then not playing competitive? I'm actually asking, not being a smartass or anything.

I agree with you except, Roadhogs golden gun on the Street Shark skins looks amazing. Seriously, I hate Roadhog, but the golden shark variant of his gun looks amazing.

i just got the game about a week ago and i'm playing mostly Reinhardt because it's enjoyable

You'll get bored soon.

Okay, maybe not every person on the team. Just the person who wants to be bastion on attack the 2 points

>not getting good
man why do Overwatch threads have to be so autistic?

You get points if you have a ranking, you don't get any at all if you don't go through with the placement matches. All I care about are the competitive points for golden weapons.

Mei and Symmetra aren't in the meta, though.
And Ana being so strong is the reason 3 tanks is a thing.

>I can't read: The Post

His complaint is that the higher ranks is entirely people doing the super stale meta so in order to avoid it he ranks down where not everyone does the 3 Tank + Ana bullshit.

Hanzo please switch to a healer

Everyone in Mystery Heroes is horrible though. It makes me believe that most of the OW fanbase are one trick ponies.

I play it in overwatch because ranked gives you a massive amount of xp.


sym and mei are innoucous, and nobody plays her in the 'competitive gameplay''

rein is the single most boring hero in the game and is the sole reason why every competitive match now and in the future will be revolving around 'hide behind reinhardt until ultimate is charged enough so we can engage'

boring as fuck and I rather eat moldy bread with maggots in it than play competitive again

also ana is responsible for the 3 tank meta that exists today, you literally can win with 4v6

Hey guys.
Play HotS :^)

>rein is the single most boring hero in the game and is the sole reason why every competitive match now and in the future will be revolving around 'hide behind reinhardt until ultimate is charged enough so we can engage'
If the meta allowed for more flankers to dominate we wouldn't have this be mandatory.

derank the game from your computer

while they're at it they could buff junkrat and pharah as well - but blizzard has no idea how to balance explosives

fuck why do I care on new years eve, I'm out before I get mad again

That's the best part though. It shows who can actually be decent with a crappy comp using characters they don't normally use.

The most embarassing thing though is on a map like Hanamura, you'll see team mates jump off the edge at the start to keep getting new selections. What's the point of playing the mode if you're not gonna take what life gives you and find a way to make it work?

Only thing that sucks is when the other team gets multile bastions with a mercy on defense.

Reinhardt will always be mandatory because of how the maps are built around chokepoints.

There will never be a time where Reinhardt isn't mandatory.

Unless another character comes out that does everything he can do and do it better. That's the only time Reinhardt won't be mandatory, and even then, he will just be off tank so he will still be in 95% of the matches.

But what about Legacy of the Void?

>load up hard mode coop-ai
>mei ends up on the team
>absolute cancer for our 6 man squad
>actually a pain in the ass to kill without good timing (surprisingly difficult)
>ana doesnt even pose a fucking threat both long and short distance no matter the comp

get good faggot, if the ai on hard is shit tier then you deserve every rank you drop

the real cancer is the game itself in more ways than one,
but if you dont focus on the game as a whole its every fucking sniper and freeze tits bitch that are the problem

Unrelated but "YOU ARE DEATH" is displayed when you die and it triggers me immensely

If they buff Junkrat, Zarya becomes an even bigger monster.

Junkrat basically feeds Zarya energy.

>while they're at it they could buff junkrat and pharah as well
Pharah is still pretty good if they don't have a 76/McCree who can aim, she's just out of high level competitive because you always have one of those two who can aim.

It's kind of funny because isn't Sombra supposed to counter like half the shit that's going on with this meta?

They should probably consider fixing her at some point.

>you'll see team mates jump off the edge at the start to keep getting new selections
Holy fucking shit I called out 2 level~200 people constantly doing it and their reply was "I want to play as my main."
They did nothing else but suicide for the entire game, making it a 6vs4.
Never touching Mystery Heroes ever again.

They don't want to buff her and accidentally pull an Ana 2.0 where in hindsight she was fine to begin with, and people simply didn't use her right, and when they unnecessarily buffed her she became a god. I don't think it'll happen, but Blizzard is being very conservative for now.

Only a small amount of people use her correctly. Most just get into direct confrontations and then try to throw her tele 10 feet away which does nothing.

If it's before the game starts and I roll Widowmaker, I usually look for a way to kill myself.

I cannot snipe at all.

Starcrafts are good for comp.
Everything else is shit though.

This. I'm so bad at sniping I actually do better with Widowmaker if I treat her as a poor man's soldier and use her unscope automatic fire mode; I get at least a few kills that way and at least my life is over fast.

There is absolutely nothing fine about Sombra. She announces her stealth, telegraphs her teleport, has a delay on everything, and deals poor damage on top of that.

The only thing Sombra excels at is controlling health packs and picking off enemies trying to use said health packs. That and waiting for her ult meter to fill.

Everything else she does is a waste of time.

>wearing earbuds with headphones

>season 2 get ranked in low platinum
>work my way up to high master
>this season get placed into high master despite losing half my matches
Feels pretty great

>Only a small amount of people use her correctly
And all of those people lose.

I saw more success from Symmetra mains on non-defense maps before the buff than I have from anyone attempting to play Sombra.

The best Sombra play I've seen to date was hacking a Zenyatta before a teammate ulted so he couldn't hard counter it.

depends on the skin

gold with posh tracer
gold with bastiom steambot
gold with soldier's golden skin
gold with mccrees riverboat

Those aren't headphones, they're earmuffs

What in blue hell is going on in this picture?


Mei is evil and lowkey yandere and people ship her frequently with Junkrat

That´s about it

They need to throw shieldbreakers back into the game. Anyone else remember when Pharah's RMB did catastrophic damage to shields and barriers back in alpha?

I do, would be great if they brought it back in some form, but metafags would complain about it

>mfw melting people as Zarya with 100% heat

Any tips on how to get better with her?

They never will because Tanks are the easy mode crutch characters that the fair majority of the fanbase fall back on because they are all awful at the game.

You will never have something that does specific insane damage to shields again without having a huge major catch.

Like sure Bastion can eat Reinhardt's shield, but then you are Bastion, you are going to get figure doubt and thoroughly dealt with no matter how good you think you are as Bastion.

There will never be something that nukes Reinhardt's shield on one character without being an ultimate.

Bait Rein firestrikes.

Thats literally it. You have mastered Zarya.

uplink your particle cannon to an ion cannon

Don't throw barriers up on Dva or Reinhardt. It's a waste of your barrier unless you are actually communicating with them so they can drop their bullshit shield to take some damage for you for energy.

Right click more, even if you don't see enemies, they could be around the corner waiting.

Wow, it's yet another fucking overwatch thread rambling about the competitive with the same fucking thumbnail.

Stop making this threads and git gud or kill yourself you fucking faggot

you mean her concussive shot?

I'd like it if they gave her some kind of superman dunk like the intro she has to disable shielding/causes knockback or something

>figure doubt

Oh boy I need sleep. Figured out*****

Don't walk into enemy fire with your barrier already on you.

You have 200 shields, you can take some damage first before throwing the barrier up.

If there is a turret around a corner you can go in firing, your shields will drop, then barrier for a damage boost and the barrier will keep you alive a bit longer, then you can finish the turret and if anything else is there, shit on them too.

There is no point in using self barrier when you have max hp unless you DESPERATELY need it.

Well, I do try to jump in front of people and save one other person if I hear an Ult coming. I also wait a little bit to shield, rather than head in with it on.

Really? Sometimes I just throw a shield on them because I know they're a prime target to be shot at. And I read that my barrier takes the damage instead of rein's shield. But I usually try to save my squishier allies, especially a healer. And I do usually use her right click more often, since it doesn't hurt to lob it around until I see someone in range.

I never see any energy when I accidentally barrier a shielding Reinhardt.

I don't even bother with Dvas though. Enemies are either running away from her, dying to her, or they are focus firing and she has her shield up. Too many variables to waste the shield on Dva.

I don't barrier tracer or genji either because their whole character motive is to be annoying as hell and completely dodge damage, not take damage.

>there is a hard cap on how much energy zarya can gain from burst damage

Fuck off blizzard you fucking faggots. If fags wanna throw out their ults willy nilly, let em. Let me have my energy and stop capping it when I time barriers correctly you niggers.

Oh, well I guess the wiki is outdated. But what you say about and the sanic fast dps makes sense unless something situational happens like a roadhog hook.

Yeah if a dva gets hooked and I can, I'll toss her a barrier. That's the only time though truly.

zarya will get charge through reins shield IF they're shooting his shield center mass.
so like, never in qp

>playing flavor of the month games

>flavor of the month
it's been popular since release, i don't think you know what that means

>tfw got that zarya skin the first day of the winter event

Feels good tovarisch

Fucking autists

just kill ana

>playing 'the meta' when you don't understand why it works
This is literally 90% of the matches.
You'll get a D.VA and Roadhog trying to flank, 76 not shooting shields, Rein charging head first in the middle of nowhere.

People don't know how to play and yet love to enforce this meta. It's something that's been tested and refined by high level players, not a guide rule for soloq randos.

I like that people are finally, FINALLY starting to realize that this game is bad and Blizzard can't handle FPS/Arena games.

Yeah, you'd love that.

>implying it isn't dead

Enjoy your p2w skin moba shooter blizzcuck

>tanks every fucking where

God the fighting is so boring now, it's like I'm playing PvP Borderlands with how many fucking sponges are running around.

>They need to throw shieldbreakers back into the game

you mean like sombra hack? :^)

You're trying too hard..

Why don't you just counter it? Get some friends and theorycraft it like how do you think this meta was even created. They weren't doing this before and some team didn't just wake up to a letter that had some blueprints to this meta and introduced it to the world. They had to break away from current meta.

Just stop picking things because you think you are supposed to and pick what actually would make you win.

>if they don't have a 76/McCree who can aim
which they always have at any decent rank

I'm a fairly average player, nothing special, but not awful

I play qp with shitters who can't aim, seriously can't aim, and when I say shitters I mean most of them came from wow, we have a mercy main and a bastion main, and one of our group hasn't worked out how to move and shoot at the same time

Our group comes up against people who are mostly around sr 2000~2500, so most of our games have one tank or maybe two, and ana is rare

If the tanks actually become a problem then hanzo and widow are surprisingly effective