Who got a GPD XD?

Who got a GPD XD?

Other urls found in this thread:


ecks dee!


Kill yourself

*holds up spork*

Tards, the name is literally gpd xd.


That's the name of the console you retards.



Who got a Windows XP?

how's your first day here you fucking fags


>I was only pretending.


The death toll is 5 and counting

le "act as if the XD of a name is an emoticon" meme

Worst meme or worst meme?

You meme loving FUCK

Hardware Specification

CPU: Rockchip RK3288 Quad-Core (ARM Cortex A-17)
GPU: ARM Mali-T764 (600MHz)
GPU memory: Shared with RAM
WIFI: Supports 802.11b/g/n/ac (2.4GHz)
Bluetooth: Not supported
OS: Android 4.4.4
Storage: Built-in 16GB/32GB. Supports microSD up to 128GB
Screen: H-IPS 5.0” capacitive touch screen.
Resolution: 1280x720
Controller: Two control sticks, D-pad, Buttons (volume/power/start/select/back/home/menu/controller/A/B/X/Y/L3/R3), Triggers (L1/L2/R1/R2)
Battery: 6000mAh (3.8V, 22.8Wh)
Dimensions: 155x89x24mm
Weight: 300g


>x or x?

off yourself

This post outta nowhere, we're supposed to be spamming ecks dee maymays

Can this shit run Gamecube/PS2 games?


i'm not even the original poster and everyone who's lurked at least a week know its a fucking recurring joke hang yourself

How much does it cost and how powerful is it?

Probably not ps2, since high end fucking pc's struggle to run some of the games.

Think of it as an android that comes with physical buttons. You can emulate everything an android can, so that means no PS2 or gamecube.

>tfw emulating Megaman X3 on my GPD XD laptop while driving my Scion xD


>It's a recurring joke between myself and 2 other anons
>k-k-kill yourself


Holy fuck this thread needs to go

What did she mean by this?

Oh hey, the (You)s are back?

So basically get a physical keyboard or controller plugin through the USB on an android phone and pretty much does the same shit with slightly less specs.


and back to rebbit with your stupid ass

Is this legit?

Pretty much that.

*raises paw*

umm where can i get this? ^3~

>no more (you)s

(you)s are back. look.

This thread is a perfect example of how this shit has gone to the shitter and has been infected with the stupid meme cultures from Reddit, FB, 9fag, and ifunny

Please leave and never come back.

lets discuss pokemon: gale of darkness

>he doesn't use Sup Forums XD

I do.

It's pretty okay. I hate the launcher interface though. Otherwise it's okay.

Yes, but that one is a different model. It runs windows so it's basically a small PC.

Does anybody else have this fantastic game?

I too love Pokemon XD

No way you're emulating 6th gen with those specs. PCSX2 isn't even on android.

Who here likes Pacman on Disney XD

I'm an user who is actually curious about getting one of these. Are they worth it?

Has the show ever been on DisneyXD?

why when you can get a gpd win?

Actually disney made a deal to air the anime on disney XD now.
rip cartoon network XD

i'm not stuttering and if you literally haven't seen this before then you are clearly new here

i'm not endorsing these kinds of posts as I think they're retarded myself but its obviously done to generate (you)s and the fact that you think otherwise is a testament to how new you are

Look at the specs further up in the thread and compare to price.

Why is Sup Forums full of so many faggots who would rather meme than discuss a piece of gaming hardware. Do God owners feel it is worth the price?

I kinda want one but they're way too expensive for something that won't go past fifth gen games anyway.

GPD XD will be fine for all 2D/16-bit platforms, and will play PS1 games fine at full speed (some with filters/upscaling, some at native and no filters, it will vary).

Some PSP games will be fine. Many will need frameskip but will still run. A few will run like shit no matter what you do.

Dreamcast should be okay for some games, but DC emulation isn't that great to begin with. Saturn should also be okay.

N64 many games will play, some will chug. N64 emulation is only okay, much like DC and Saturn.

PC emulation is probably not gonna work, but DOS games should be fine. Look into Dosbox Turbo

For GTA: VC/SA, go with the native game. I don't think there's PSP versions of those, and even if there are, they likely won't run well. Just buy the native games, they run great and work with gamepad controls (I have GTA:SA).

I think that about covers all of it. Power-wise, the GPD XD is a bit less powerful than the Shield Portable (Tegra 4 handheld), if you're familiar with that. Should give you some idea of what works and what doesn't.

Nope. GPD XD can only play Android games.

the GPD Win at least starts to run them, but it's not playable yet.

Here's a little bit of Gamecube info

I got a XD for Christmas, I'll wait to buy a Win when/if PS2/Gamecube gets working okay.


>this device can play games that are at least 20 years old, but nothing newer or else it will be bad.

I came to this thread knowing exactly what would happen and was not disappointed. good work Sup Forums

check out my new JXD

I can't get pass those shitty triangular face buttons

I like Pokemon XD.

Me too XD

bad opinion

The buttons aren't even the worst part it's the shitty cheap sticks that twirl around and don't stay even

Did you have the same problem I do with the sticks? Been thinking of popping them off and supergluing them to the mounting rod thing inside

yeah, I do. don't use it anymore since the battery started to bloat after a year of use

Fug man

I bought mine like 4 months before the XD was announced, was fucking pissed

>I got a XD
>Me too XD
Kill yourself

i have one
love playing ps1 games on it
I dont play it much anymore, but probably will once i get back to university

That thing is the way to go for emulation right now, if you don't mind spending 300 bucks on it. It handles even GC and PS2 emulation for many games. On top of that, it also handles older PC games like a champ and it's even capable of running shit like overwatch on playable 30-40fps, if you're into those game. You can even get shit like GTA 5 to run on it, when you sacrifice resolution. Makes the game looks like you're playing it on a 3ds but hey, you're playing GTA 5 on some shitty handheld, just think about that.

Neat little device but I feel it's worth waiting for their second generation of this product with a stronger SoC and fixed analog triggers. A slightly larger 1080p display would be nice too.

I'll be waiting for another GPD device to come out post nintendo switch. Considering that the switch can handle gamecube games.

I got the XD and the Win.

Both pretty neat devices. I kind of prefer the Win more since its still very capable at emulating, (though GC and PS2 stuff isnt as great as people hype up. Its about as good as a Pentium 4 pc really), and you can play tons of indie PC games on it that never made it to a handheld like FTL and Zombie Night Terror.

I wouldnt recommend getting a Win just yet though. Its getting a revision on the 10th January.

(Mine works ok, but gets occasional bluescreens. Its the SOC most likely being a binned chip.)