Get GTX 1070

>get GTX 1070
>all game runs on Ultra
>nvidia game works
>fuck yeah
>game insta crash
>turn off gameworks off
>runs smooth like virgins pussy
gameworks meme is fucking stupid
wtf is nvidia thinkin?

Other urls found in this thread:

>not knowing about the gimpworks meme

nvidia thinks that they can get suckers like you to buy into their shitty practices

gameworks is less about improvement and more about sabotaging amd

This is why I'm getting amd's vega

Nvidias drivers are shit lately

The drivers are shit lately, but AMD has always been shit

I blows my mind people will spend $500+ on graphics cards to run multiplatform games mobas

>Stretched perspective fixed by nvidia
>AMD faggots on suicide watch

They don't

so your solution is to get even shittier drivers?

Go to Physx settings and force it to run on your GTX 1070. Physx runs multithreaded and is optimized to run on the video card, if it runs on the CPU it runs single threaded and on x87 which basically kills the fps.

This is why I do not upgrade my PC anymore.

What will you do next year when you can't run anything?

stop running away

Was that supposed to be an ebic meme response or something?

i bought my first nvidia card since geforce experience was implemented in november and so far i haven't really had any real issues with the card. I will say this though, it's disappointing to see that the exact same UI that existed when I had my 8800GTX in 2006-2008 is still around.

>What will you do next year when you can't run anything?
Wut? My rig will run the exact same games it did run fine last year.

I have a 970 for my first build, and it's been great so far. I can max out everything, even BF1.

Any new games, m8
Of course you can run the same old shit that you have been.

>buy 1080
>no games to play

pc master race....

I have a 1060 6gb, and according to tests, it is basically a rebranded 970 with less power consumption and more ram.

>Any new games, m8
New PC exclusive games run just fine.
>Of course you can run the same old shit that you have been.
It's not that I'm running out of games any time soon with that 500 backlog.

It's Nvidia Jewing hard:
>The truth is that there is no technical reason for PhysX to be using x87 code. PhysX uses x87 because Ageia and now Nvidia want it that way. Nvidia already has PhysX running on consoles using the AltiVec extensions for PPC, which are very similar to SSE. It would probably take about a day or two to get PhysX to emit modern packed SSE2 code, and several weeks for compatibility testing. In fact for backwards compatibility, PhysX could select at install time whether to use an SSE2 version or an x87 version – just in case the elusive gamer with a Pentium Overdrive decides to try it.
>But both Ageia and Nvidia use PhysX to highlight the advantages of their hardware over the CPU for physics calculations. In Nvidia’s case, they are also using PhysX to differentiate with AMD’s GPUs. >The sole purpose of PhysX is a competitive differentiator to make Nvidia’s hardware look good and sell more GPUs. Part of that is making sure that Nvidia GPUs looks a lot better than the CPU, since that is what they claim in their marketing. Using x87 definitely makes the GPU look better, since the CPU will perform worse than if the code were properly generated to use packed SSE instructions.

I almost got a 1060, but a friend offered me their 970 for $100 because they had just bought a 1070.

>unironically caring about gameworks settings

I've had literally no problem with Gamworks on my 1070

OP here what game did u play on

Yeah that's great if you don't care about using mods or stuff that requires a lot of memory.

Witcher 3 and GTAV

GoyWorks is literally designed to be anti-consumer, but its prime purpose is to be anti-AMD. It literally completely sabotages any AMD card since all GoyWorks games run like shit on AMD.
It also heavily gimps performance for Nvidia users of anything that isn't absolutely newest top of the line card, deliberately made like this to force you to "upgrade".

I know all this.
Until this issue is fixed, I'm not going to buy new PC hardware, neither nVidia nor AMD.

I haven't had any problems with mods yet, but I haven't downloaded an absurd amount yet.

>It also heavily gimps performance for Nvidia users of anything that isn't absolutely newest top of the line card, deliberately made like this to force you to "upgrade".
I simply decide not buy those games. I'm not going to downgrade to new nVidia cards.
Fermi forever.

Yeah my gtx 750 ti ran like shit, totally because of goyworks which I never even used,

But the new architecture is better, problem is that older architecture (Fermi in this case) gets gimped.
In fact, Maxwell got already gimped as well once Pascal came out.

t. 780 Ti owner
Never again buying top of the line Nvidia card for it only to get immediately downgraded to worse than mid-high AMD tier.

prove u have 1080 peasant

Glad you learned to not be an idiot.
I can afford two 1080tis when they come out, yet why bother if I am being memed.
I'll just stick to xx60 cards.

I did this, well I don't play those either, consumerism struck me and I should probably become a monk or die

One day Nvidia will pay for their crimes.

Just sell the fucking pc then to recover some money and stick to browsing Sup Forums all day, idiot.
Buy an i3 and a fucking 1050ti/1060 3gb.

succ me namefag

I still got my r9 390 lating around and I'm thinking about wether to sell it or the new card I got

Sell the 1080. Your old card is still good for everything except goyworks.
You can just get a meme 1060 then.

2500k is finally too old boys.

>two xx60
I'm gonna go back to what I used to do in the past, aka the 70 series, med end is all I need.
60 is too low end for my needs.

Meanwhile my i7 2600k is still going stronk and I still have literally 0 reason to upgrade as far as CPU bottlenecking goes.

Well it will be once the new ones come out.
Ok then boyo, enjoy your meme 4k resolution unless you play fps only like a faggot and fast shit, then your 144 hz.
I barely touch those games so 60 is fine for me, until they drop to a reasonable price.

The biggest problem is that games are now rewarding more logical cores. In older games, an overclocked 2500k was pretty much dead even with an overclocked 2600k.

N-no it's going to last forever

I don't even know what the fuck are you trying to say in the second half of your post, considering 2500k is an i5 while 2600k is i7 and i7 is flat out better in every way, not just HyperThreading.

>grabs random screenshot from google
nice try peasant

>The biggest problem is that games are now rewarding more logical cores.
>tfw my shitty fx-6300 is going to get BETTER with time, not worse

>Runs like smooth virgin pussy

What did he mean by this?

Yeah, the least it could do after you spent those 500 usd on it when it was new.

Should I get a 1060 6gb or a 480 8gb?

If it doesn't die early
Cause I am sure you have that shit at maximum overclock.

Calm down, you autist.

When both are overclocked, they have nearly identical single thread performance, and the 2500k is historically a much better overclocker than the 2600k. A 2500k at 4.6 will beat a 4.2 2600k in a ton of older games.

480 AMD makes better budget cards

>tfw still using i5-2500k

i still cant imagine getting a new CPU

No, I'm too much of a pussy to OC. I run it at stock clock with a stock cooler.

Thats hawt

Think the wait for the 490 will be worth it? I'm not opposed to dipping into midrange. But I'm still a 1080fag and I figure by the time I'm not it will be new card time anyway.

I'm getting bottlenecks at 4.9 and that's as far as it will go stable.

And sure, it is paired with a 1070 and I run everything on ultra, but I don't like to compromise.

No need to be jealous bro there isn't even anything you can do with this thing


There is no point in buying AMD multi-monitor setup anymore.

If it beats a 1070 only a bit and costs 50 bucks more, I'll sell my 1070 and buy a 490.

Only reason I'm with Nvidia is because AMD had literally no upper market cards. Nvidia's new sign up garbage sealed the deal.


why would i be jealous when theres no proof..
i can grab any speccy screenshot in google
how about this post full screenshot that includes desktop and taskbar showing ur running speccy

But those are retard cores.

An i3 gets more done with 2 cores and 4 threads.

is 650 to 700 cheap?

that meme is more fucked up than gameworks senpai

It would get a decent 480 powered machine today.

But an 950 and an AMD cpu screams cheap.

My long lost brother!

I'm even at full meme with a coolermaster, but I can't get temps like that

>It would get a decent 480 powered machine today.
Assuming you have shit like a monitor, OS, keyboard and mouse? Maybe. Without all of those things? Not a chance.

Is there something wrong with my temps? I haven't overclocked anything and use a stock CPU cooler.

An OS costs 25 bucks at max.

Fuck the haters I love this CPU

I pirate the OS, but even with that getting good memory (over a TB) would definitely throw it over 700 like that guy said

Here in Yurop, I had to pay 99 Yuros for a legit install of Win10.

And before you meme out, it's not like I had a choice, since my laptop burnt down and I was stranded in a foreign country with no friends or even internet and had to literally run to the nearest PC store and build a PC from their parts ASAP.

There are a ton of builds online with 1tb of memory, decent CPU and GPU that come under 700 before peripherals.

>But the new architecture is better,
It isn't. Double precision is gimped heavily.
>problem is that older architecture (Fermi in this case) gets gimped. In fact, Maxwell got already gimped as well once Pascal came out.
That's why I don't spend money anymore. Neither on PC cards nor on PC games.

>Just sell the fucking pc then to recover some money and stick to browsing Sup Forums all day, idiot.

I think he means his CPU is hotter than yours.

>want get a new CPU next year
>MS trying to force Memedows 10 bullshit on all of them