Can you explain me why aren't you already in top 500?

Can you explain me why aren't you already in top 500?

I don't want to hack like you do.

i dont play shit games

I could probably get to Grandmaster If I wanted. After my placement I climbed like 900 points before getting bored.

Haven't played it all for weeks. Game's just too shallow and frustrating.

Alright, hold the FUCK up.

Is that...

>Blocks his name

reddit pls go

dunkey is reddit tier

>mfw I want to enjoy the game but can't because blizz can't balance for shit

Because I barely play any more and when I do I don't play competitive, I just wanna have fun.

>he plays babby's first team fps

hello Necros#2326 on PC (EU)

>sub-4k meta cuck

Shouldn't he be a Reaper main with a name like that?

Oh I already got top 500 in season 1. Haven't bothered to play ranked after placements in later seasons.
Siege is a much more fun game.

i dont even play comp
i cant be bothered

It's just a game bro lol, not all of us can sit around and dedicate our lives to playing it nonstop.

genji maining is close enough, autism wise

My nigga.

Got it season 1 as well, and haven't played since.

>284 hours
fucking christ

>playing overwatch
>taking it seriously

>top 500
>he thinks hes special

people still play this game?

this, kurwa

Because I don't know the requirements

>be on a winning streak in gold
>immediately go on losing streak despite trying my hardest and coordinating my best
What am I doing wrong, man? Tried tanking, healing, playing all sorts of characters, but I'm completely powerless when I'm put into an unresponsive team, half of the time they don't even have mics or I'm placed with those FUCKING GOOKS. I just wanna get to plat but I can never get past the 2300 barrier. Anyone else been stuck there? How do you get out?

Get a group together.

I don't have friends

lets be friends

Change your picks to compliment your shitheaded teammates' picks

just git gud, i was playing on my friend account and boost him form silver to diamond without any lose

>lose a match
>rank goes down
>next match paired with lower rank (worse) people
>lose match because teammates are worse
>death spiral in rank from a negative feedback loop of losing rank and getting paired with shittier and shittier teams

Why not?

This. Really, fucking this.
I was 2500, dropped to 1800 in a losing streak and get bored, So I started to play like quick play.
Some time later I decided to try to play rigth.
Picked Lucio when no healer, Soldier when Pharah was fucking us, Zenyata when we were in need of another healer and the general debuff., now I in 3800, where people don't pick Genji, Hanzo, Symetra, Torb, Reaper and Widow in Atack.
Good luck mate, solo q is hell.

I tried convincing them to play OW but they'd rather play utter shit like six siege
I can NOT carry
Is there a list of picks? I can't tell. Like, who do I compliment with
I wish there was a written guide with SPECIFIC compliments CHARACTER BY CHARACTER

Now oyu are being a scrub.
You sound like you are no better than the gold ones.
Learn the game, for fuck's sake,

At a certain point, if you're actually good, the enemy team will be so bad that you should be able to have a huge impact on the game just by your skill difference and game knowledge.

If you're in diamond or lower then you're probably shit any way

This is pretty much true.

>pick Reaper
>get 3 golds
>get an 71% kill participation card
>still lose hard despite solo killing half of their team every single time I engage them

CSGO solo que was a dream compared to this. Also the fact that 6 man stacks never seem to mix with solo queue means that being in top rank for solo means little compared to being in top rank of a 6 man stack.

Cuz I'm a junkrat main

shit man
I'm trying
I know zarya good for genji, winston to counter snipers, etc etc
but it's like, if we're doing like shit then there's just no way to save the game no matter how hard you try and it's so frustrating

And how many of those hours were spent spamming "I need healing!" while staying as far away from the objective as humanly possible?

It doesn't help if your team is too fucked, but it is your best bet. Still, this usually means people picking DPS will be trash players.

Zarya is good for almost anyone in the current game.
If you are trying, great, keep it this way!
>For Snipers I use Tracer to flank
>In lower ranks Junkrat is God
>To counter him, D.Va
>Try to lead a Reinhardt, if your team is shit and don't know how to stay behind the fucking blue rectangle, adapt to wht your team needs.
>Never pick Torb
>If you aren't shy, try to give some directions on mic. The fact that some voice is telling something is very powerfull, just be carefull to not being a shitface,

True, some games you will lose solely because one or two fuckers. But try to carry the team is the best thing you can do on lower ranks.

>274 hours with main
>18 hours on objective

>12 minutes on fire
That's not a lot for the amount of time you have on Genji.

Was about to post this


Because I don't like playing tanks. I'll hit top 500 when the meta shifts to a DPS heavy meta.

why tho

Anyone else encounter the phenomenon where you'll hear the ult voice line you would usually hear from an ally instead of the normal one when you ult?
Like hearing "The dragon becomes me!" When ulting as Genji?
I swear this happened to me more than once and I wish it would happen more often

I'm sorry.

Because i dropped from around 4110 to 3899 in the span of a couple of hours just now

>playing gaywatch
Someone needs to be zaped.

Why do they have to subtract every single time you lose
what if it was really close and you were at the top of your game the whole damn time and some idiot ulted wrong
It's not fucking fair yo

Do this.
Then have the group suddenly yanked apart next season when one person places in diamond and one in silver
inb4 you just got carried and blizzard's group rating system is FLAWLESS

Because I only play this game to derank
322 sr reporting in

>criticizing Bizzards matchmaking system

Careful, people are gonna start spamming "lol u silver u deserve your rank :)" at you real soon.

>start in silver
>Grind to near diamond in a few days
>Got bored
The game just isn't that fun to me. My win ratio is like 85% still I just lost the drive to keep climbing.

This isn't your game, then.

It really isnt. What's worse is that i was disconnected from blizzard's servers for some odd reason in the middle of a game and was penalized for it

>being proud of having "skills" in a shooter catered to casuals


Because I'm not sure what the absolute end-goal is for getting to the top 500, and even if I do wanted to play Ranked I would have to deal with faggots who suck, along with how you drew in LoL and Dota players where they view your score, rank or whatever like a credit score and bash you for it.

Also god forbid muting people because they would think you're a troll and it would drive Blizzard to mute you for not listening to people when you just want bare communication like "x is ready, go to y"

I don't know where to get buddies. And ones that can play and teach me. If only there was a place.

>thinks genji should be on the objective

I don't play nearly enough to climb and I soloqueue because my friends fucking suck

Because I have no friends. And I'm a awkward autist so talking on mic to randoms would make me flustered and play a lot worse.

Blocking your name is pointless when we need the battle tag to add or search you anyways