It wasn't supposed to happen

DOOM 4 was supposed to be shit.

No Carmack.

No Romero.


But they still got it right. I'm still in shock. What went so right?

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>What went so right?

they didnt have carmack or romero.

carmack probably would have spent the majority of the development time with some new graphic gimmick like ultra-mega textures.

They realised that making a cod clone would be a flop so they scaled down the budget and made a smaller game that cod people would enjoy without being cod

It still has some nostalgia but it's just an all around blood and guys shooter that people didn't really have for console. That and the multiplayer wasn't have bad and was balanced imo. You can't be shit at DOOM unless you'RE JUST SHIT.


So were the first couple of missions made later or earlier than everything else?
It seems like once you get to Hell it literally becomes arena, hallway, arena, hallway, or atleast more noticeable

Where is it?

Have you seen the trailers of what was supposed to be Doom4? It was nearly a complete disaster.

Romero would have filled it with narrative and cut-scenes. I base this purely of Daikatana.

It could have been rebranded and made into its own thing, they might have been able to salvage what they had if it was actually good.

Carmack without Romero gave us Doom 3. Carmack excels at technical stuff. Nuff said.

I've never seen any gameplay footage. Just the cut-scenes. I suppose it was supposed to be a direct sequel of Doom3?

The way they did it was actually brilliant.

>Use the name Doom to get attention
>Make the guns feel like Doom
>Make the game look and sound like Doom
>Use top of the line new game engine optimized to look good on anything that it runs on
>Throw the story out of the window
>Make the rest of the game play like Metroid Prime, but not as a Metroidvania

Done. I'm not even mad. Doom

Yeah. It was going to be Call Of Doomy, in the Doom 3 universe.

Instead, we got a better Metroid Prime 3, but with a Doom skin.

There is a new DOOM/id documentary that has the gameplay footage, of what they were given by id.

The documentary itself is pretty good, DOOM4 has a few bits and pieces around.

>No Carmack.
>No Romero.
>What went so right?
Gee, i dunno, it's like people that are shit at making videogames did not work on it.

I don't know, I was kind of disappointed. It feels like a generic modern shooter instead of doom. the level design is not good



>Doom mod for Metroid Prime with G R A F I X with hype as fuck marketing


and hopefully everyone takes the hint, seeing the success of this, to venture out a little more with gameplay formulas

They've already exhausted their creativity in level design if the hell levels are any indication

Just picked this up for sale. Haven't had this much fun with an fps since serious Sam the third.

They wisely opted to ax this and start from scratch

Carmack made an amazing engine in the early 90's, but holy shit we excited to be killing nazis and demons and seeing pentagrams everywhere, not the tech. He still doesn't get this.

Timestamp for gameplay?

Go play snap map shit you fuck

You are the reason why advancements in graphics and game technology is slowly giving diminishing returns. Compare 1995 to 2005, and then 2005 to 2015. Nigger.

>But they still got it right
???? but it's complete trash compared to its 20 year old predecessor, i mean you can't even have more than 12 enemies spawned at once in a 2016 game lmao

>"DOOM has the best FPS campaign of this century"- Brad Shoemaker

What did he mean by this?

>Not understanding sprites vs fully textured and rendered models

Doom wasn't always running into large mobs of enemies. Sometimes you had to be very strategic in how you dealt with encounters.

>But they still got it right.
They got what right mate ? Corridor into a locked in arena based level design ? Shitty glory kills and all the other animations that are forced upon you and break the flow of combat and freedom of movement ? Anyone with a bit of taste is going to take a megawad for doom 2 over d44m any day of the week.


>lol why can't a brand new game from 2016 deal with more than 12 enemies while I'm able to emulate its 25 year old predecessor at 400 fps with 40 different enemies?

Play doom 2016 in 2031 on PC and tell me how well it plays.

His arch nemesis, MOOM would win down to the fact MOOM has two shotgun barrels meanwhile DOOD only has two triggers.

Then again, DOOD is in the power stance.

Glory kills were fasts, they didn't break the flow, it's fine.

I don't think the ridiculously low enemy limit is even a technical limit, it's simply a shit game design decision. There are plenty of games out there that can render many more characters on screen at once. D44m is just designed to have a larger emphasis on small scale fights with demons and then finish them off with ebin glory kills.

they made it a run and gun kill demons game with a minimum of cut scenes and other bs
sure there's the codex thing full of info about the demons/areas/weapons but you don't have to look at it unless you want to

yfw it looks like the revenant is wearing sunglasses in the thumb nail

For single player, mostly yes. But for example Quake 1-3 are probably the best multiplayer shooters ever created - in no small part due to the tech behind them. Quake 1's campaign was pretty much tacked on at the last minute, and people still love it because mechanically the game is just so damn good. Also d44m wouldn't be nearly as cool if it didn't look the way it looks and ran as smooth as it does.

I don't really care that much about muh grafix, but id is a company that pretty much puts the tech to use instead of building glorified tech demos. I really really really hope they don't fuck up quake champions.

Oh shit I remember that now, it looked genuinely awful

>Doom 2
>Refueling Station
>Aggro a shitload of enemies
>Get surrounded by enemies in two entrances at a chokepoint

I think the only game that really replicates Doom's feeling of being outnumbered and surviving is L4D still. Serious Sam and the other just don't understand.

>Glory kills forced on you

Every retard that says this hasn't played the game

Holy shit I just noticed that there is a face in there

How fucking normie are you?

They didn't get a fucking thing right.

Maybe if Romero and Carmack were around, we would've gotten real levels, not "corridor, arena, corridor, arena, hallway, arena, hallway, arena, doors locked behind you, more shit spawns, hallway, arena"

>were the first couple of missions made later or earlier than everything else?

>once you get to Hell it literally becomes arena, hallway, arena, hallway
Not due to when it was made, but other limits. Modern, complex AI being the resource-heavy thing it is, you can't have too many enemies active at once. To cut this down, they use arenas where enemies must be cleared before progressing, so they don't pile up.

Just tried out a repack, can confirm that DOOM sucks according to my personal taste. I much prefer Doom 3.

I just played both the new(ish) Wolfenstein games; loved 'em

the very beginning where you wake up on the table and kill stuff then get your suit was one of the last things made because they were having trouble figuring out how the game should start
they didn't want it to drag on too long or have too much cut scene/tutorial type shit

On higher difficulties you need to perform glory kills to regain health and ammo. Besides that, there is a 2 sec animation for every action in the game, from opening doors, to picking up keys and pulling switches, all of which take the control away from the player. Modern players simply don't know the value of free and uninterupted movement.

This makes no sense.
They even have an option to delete enemies at a certain point in Snapmap.

Nah I think it's a technical limit, later fights have more enemies but not all at once, the rest spawns once you kill the firsts.

It's pretty meh but at least the arenas themselves were correctly designed for such a number of enemies, they weren't smalls, they were big enough and you could explore and understand the layout when fighting.

>doom trailer
>not even a single fucking demon through even this much footage

this would have killed the franchise if this trash got released

It makes sense. Culling entities arbitrarily works, but it's not as elegant as rolling the cull into an arena.

>Besides that, there is a 2 sec animation for every action in the game, from opening doors, to picking up keys and pulling switches, all of which take the control away from the player
So this is autism.

There is a good reason doom 1 and 2 are still played today and will be played for many more years to come. You're just too stupid to understand it.

>muh player agency

I mean I'd be more down with arenas if they were less obvious, but the game couldn't be more obvious about it
And I love the game

>slaughter wad kill boxes
The state of "Doom" fans

>No Carmack.
>No Romero.

you mean the two nerds that kept shitting on id's games?

Oh my god I had to watch Doomguy pull a lever to a secret level, I'm literally shaking right now. I just uninstalled it.

If the player doesn't know they're locked in, it's disorienting; if the player does know they're locked in, they know it's an arena.

I am 100% sure this reason has nothing to do with the facts that the doors open on their own.

Not able to watch this at the moment. But is it the thing where you played as a regular human on Earth and just try to survive as the demons invade? I actually wouldn't mind a sidestory where you play as someone else in the universe, get a different perspective, and all that. Just don't call it "Doom NUMBER", call it "Doom: Subtitle", or even "New Title: A Doom Story".

Like for the new Doom I wouldn't mind a little story, at most just a few chapters big, where you played as a member of Samuel Hayden's team, or maybe Hayden himself, as you go through Hell and it ends with you finding Doomslayer's crypt and teleporting it back to Mars for study.

I enjoy the Doom uni/multiverse. I'd just like to see more of it than RIP AND TEAR, ya know?

Obviously they know they're locked in, but it always feels like just another arena. Again it wouldn't be so bad if there were enemies more spread out, but they aren't so it becomes a problem late game

Is there any benefit to megatextures aside from a gargantuan download size?

Bigger arenas means enemies can be too far away to be relevant to you. Increase enemy density to compensate, and you've undone the point of arenas as entity-limiting tools.

that's a little harsh
yeah they made some stinkers but at least they were trying to do something new and different rather than play it safe and put out Wolfenstein 9 Future Warfare and Quake 11 Super Turbo Arena

>modern payers
how does it feels to be a wisard ?
anyway, your antiquities you call games need not apply

>I actually wouldn't mind a sidestory where you play as someone else in the universe, get a different perspective, and all that. Just don't call it "Doom NUMBER", call it "Doom: Subtitle", or even "New Title: A Doom Story".
>Like for the new Doom I wouldn't mind a little story, at most just a few chapters big, where you played as a member of Samuel Hayden's team, or maybe Hayden himself, as you go through Hell and it ends with you finding Doomslayer's crypt and teleporting it back to Mars for study.

fund it
if done well those could be cool

I'm not saying to make the arenas smaller you stupid fuck. Put some enemies in the goddamn hallways

Glory kills are less than a second with one oc the upgrades and besides them and grabbing onto ledges there is nothing to interrupt you while fighting. I'm all against automatic wall cover and vaulting and all that shit, but atleast the grabbing of ledges animation is justified.

Efficient access, same as using large texture pack files instead of individual files. Instead of 12 resource calls for 1MB textures, it's 1 resource call for a 12MB megatexture. More pronounced advantage on discs than on HDDs, and mostly irrelevant on SSDs.

>what went right
Nothing it's the worst doom. Yes worst than 3.
>easy health packs everywhere
>get health and ammo from enemies if you kill them with melee finisher or chainsaw
>finishers slow the flow of the game
>advertises itself as being like classic doom in 3d when all the stages are more linear than classic and is slower pace
It's a fuckign disgrace

The demons invading earth instead of Mars is really cool but yeah glad we didn't get this trash

>Like for the new Doom I wouldn't mind a little story, at most just a few chapters big, where you played as a member of Samuel Hayden's team, or maybe Hayden himself, as you go through Hell and it ends with you finding Doomslayer's crypt and teleporting it back to Mars for study.


John Stalvern waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were demons in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them, now for years. His warnings to Cernel Joson were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
John was a space marine for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships, daddy."
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of the UAC he knew there were demons.
"This is Joson," the radio crackered. "You must fight the demons!"
So John gotted his palsma rifle and blew up the wall.
"HE GOING TO KILL US," said the demons!
"I will shoot at him," said the Cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles. John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons," he shouted!
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons."
And then, John was a Zombie.

never fails to make me chuckle

I thought the increased hitstun along with less enemies altogether made the game too easy.

rest of the year sucking so bad probably helped it some too
a lot of big titles let folks down

>advancements in graphics and game technology is slowly giving diminishing returns.
But they're not, it's just you small lizard brain is not able to see the difference between a 2011 game and a 2016 game.

This game doesn't deserve the pedestal it's been given. Doom 4 is a slightly above average shooter. It has some nice gunplay but the level design is lacking in complexity and the glory kills are lame. Even bullet time would have fit better; they're both equally uninspired but at least slow motion doesn't stop the player in their tracks to play a not-big-enough collection of takedown animations. I still enjoyed it, but I played better FPSs over 10 years ago.

Whatever happened to Romero's new game anyway?

he choked on it

Carmack being gone was a good thing
he was the one who pushed for DOOM3 and Rage to be made

The wolfenstein devs is what. Those guys are fucking ballers.

>they actually brought the original Doomguy back

I didn't see this one coming at all.

Did anyone even know we were going to actually play as him until the game came out?

Was it actually the same people?
I hope more of these newschool oldschool FPS games get made, I really liked new Wolfenstein, Doom and Shadow Warrior.

Well everyone thought it was a reboot

No meme, but the soundtrack for the new DOOM gives it at least 2-3 points on a 10 point scale. It added so fucking much, and gave it so much life.

Mick Gordon is a fucking champion, his work on the Wolfenreboot and Prey also seem amazing, he's got a knack for quality.

Your magical e-celebs are not magical.

>throw the story out the window
That's unfair, a lot of effort went into the narrative/backstory and it paid off immensely. They turned Doomguy into the fucking primordial paladin, they somehow managed to put one of the strongest vidya characters in the world back on top of the pedestal with a hardcore story read between the lines.

>First five points

Those don't make it *like* a Doom game, they make it a Doom game.

>Make the rest of the game play like Metroid Prime, but not as a Metroidvania

Shit logic, Metroid Prime was basically a slowed-down Doom. Less frequent encounters, more traversal puzzles. Prime built on Doom, D44M built on Prime and Doom.

s..should i do it Sup Forums

I'd say ditch FO4, but I don't own it. But that's because I decided not to buy it. Take that how you will.

It's not, D44M is a sequel to 64.

fuck yeah
more than half off is more than worth it

Get NV instead of Fallout 4.

If you already have it just play it instead. The mods aren't good enough to redeem Fallout 4 yet.

I have my issues with d44m and all but most of the people who worked on it have been at id for decades.

Its just a satisfying sequel disguised as a Reboot. The same thing with Wolfenstein The New Order. Being a progenitor of modern FPS's, everyone expected it to be dull and lifeless. Instead both of them delivered in spades in terms of fun gameplay and compelling stories for what they were. Overall Id's properties have been getting a new lease on life as of late and I'm glad for them.

Nostalgia fags allways cry about "muh speed"
Yeah it might not litterly be as fast as the original but because the game lets you fucking jump all movement feels way faster
Also this guy is 100 percent correct

>play nu-wolfenstein
>wow i wish i could play this except without story only levels and with more shit like secrets and alternate fire modes for weapons and slightly more open levels with arenas
>nu-doom comes out

too bad the multiplayer feels like a different game

It's 15$ on gamebillet with the code wintersale