8th console gen is almost over

>8th console gen is almost over
>all consoles are as cheap as they're ever gonna get
>so are the games
>nothing really catches my attention
>the only interesting titles are just high-res safe sequels to games I've already played before

I can't convince myself to buy a game console just to play one or two games.
Am I growing out of gaming?
Or was this generation really that lackluster?

They're trying too hard to be proprietary PCs now. There's literally no difference anymore except worse performance on console. Remember when you could just put a fucking disc in and the game started?

Just get a good PC and forget about them

Wait, what happens when you insert a disc in a PS4 these days?
Does it refuse to play without an internet connection?

It installs for a while, then downloads GBs of patches before you can play, then if you want to play multiplayer you have to pay $50 a year for PS plus. It's all a big scam

Komari is perfect :3

>Have a beastly computer, better than any console out atm
>Only play games pre 2007
>Console parity for new games so barely any difference in graphics
>Steam has no paywall so kids and third world people shit up every multiplayer server
>Early Access is successful
>Just browse Sup Forums all day
PC gaming really is a meme.

Over 70% of all games on steam were released in the last 3 months.

Your comfy ride is coming to an end.

>Have decent pc
>It's pretty much an MMO and MOBA machine

>Get a ps4
>It's a bloodborne and weeb games machine

>Get a 3ds and vita
>both are dusty paper weights

>pick up my hacked psp
>spend 5000 hours+ on disgaea 1, Final Fantasy Tactics, Tales games and visual novels

But you can hack both the 3DS and Vita

But the 3DS has barely anything worth playing, certainly not worth hacking it.

You might as well wait for citra to get good.

>Not hacking the 3ds just to play Demon's Crest

It's like you want to be a faggot or something

Try Dragonball fusions or a Dragon Quest game

All the games on Wii U are 100% free now

I'm gonna wait for the Scorpio.

Games need like 50gb per game as well so if you have a stock model you can get like 7 games max (cuz of other apps and OS shit) before you have to start deleting them to make room. The era of pop in and play is definitely dead

What the fuck do they need all that space for?
Do games load instantly, at least?

Can I at least upgrade the disk drive like I could on PS3?

the only downside is no HDR support on pc, except for 1 game. which is total bullshit since that 1 game proves that it works.

The Scorpio?

Game data is installed natively in order to decrease load times. Not every game takes up that much space and not every game has massive one day patches. You can still pop a disc in and play right away if it is singleplayer.
Blame devs, not consoles.

No you cant, it still needs to install 30gb+ and games that arent patched run like shit because the discs get printed earlier now and are bug tested/fixed later.

>because the discs get printed earlier now and are bug tested/fixed later.
Like a said, blame the devs.
There are plenty of games that aren't multy gb installs, you must only play AAA western games

>Had a Wii U with a small physical collection
>Decide to pirate everything anyway so I don't have to bother with discs anymore
>Download Smash
>It just works with the DLC I already legit owned
>Can go online and everything without being banned

Fucking technology

>8th console gen is almost over

Wut, are nintendrones calling the switch a 9th gen or something?

th console gen is almost over
Source? I though the PS4 was just beginning

it was barely even 7th gen given what little third party support it got was shared with the PS3 and XBox 360

The problem is you bought a gaming PC.

Remove PC from your situation and all of a sudden consoles have use to play exclusives and third pary games and because you didn't spend $1000 on a fucking gaming PC, you have $700 to spend on a regular, non compensating, normal tier, affordable PC that will emulate everything up to PS3 and play all PC games.

Instead you decided yo build a $1000 gaming PC and now you hate video games. You have 1 life and a very simple hobby at your dispoal and you fucked it all up.

>PS4 Pro shipped with hackable firmware
>PS4 Slim did as well
>But both are literally disappointments in terms of power
>Xbone literally has nothing (public) because nobody fucking cares enough/MS going to fuck people hard
>No reason to have Xbone/Scorpio because also on Win10(tm)
>Nintendo pulling a 180 on fucking everything

When is PS4 getting hacked already? That's the only thing that would convince me to get one.

No, this gen is horrifyingly bad and everyone fucking knows it.
The consoles are all trash that are outperformed in all the ways that matter for good gaming experiences by their previous gen versions and cheap laptops(without the steam virus).

This is the last gen for consoles as we all know them. No one is excited and everyone is terrified.

The concept of "generations" is fucking dead, kids. x86 architecture, graphics plateau, it all points to game consoles becoming like all other consumer electronics, endless continuous cycles of built-in obsolescence.

>Kids on Christmas break think they know what they are talking about

>this is the last gen for consoles as we all know them

you're right, there's no reason to move on from a PS4 Pro or Scorpio, and there is no more Nintendo home console since their next system is a tablet with a dock.

Uh, no this is DEFINITELY a fucking console problem.
The console manufacturers and top devs(the only guys able to live in this clusterfuck of a gen) all conspired to create this disaster of a generation.

There is PLENTY of blame to go around here.

Just get a PS2

>Or was this generation really that lackluster?
This generation has been damn bad.

>Conspiracy that all devs release half baked games so they can pay money in order to patch it on console

You act like this would be unusual.

OP, do yourself a favour and HIDE CONSOLE THREADS.

Little buddy.
If you honestly HONESTLY believe that the console industry would survive being pulled into the planned obsolescence thing then you're knucking futs.

Sony BARELY got away with that shit with the ps2. Their entire company is pretty much in the shitter for exactly that. Not only that but sony was outright SUED into the fucking ground for it.
Microsoft tried to do the same thing with the 360 and all they got was fucked harder then a blonde dyke in an NFL locker room.
If it wasn't for the fucking wii expanding the boarders of gaming then the 7th gen would have been an outright disaster.

The 8th gens complete failure to start should tell you everything you know. The planned newer iterations ps4 and xbox one both failing miserably should tell you how this new continuous cycles of slightly updated consoles is going to fare in the future.

Nigga, this isn't a conspiracy.
This is EXACTLY what is happening and what they were planning on doing.
And do you honestly think the fucking chump change they spend(allegedly)updating those games mean dick to the bottom line?

343 released MCC absolutely fucking BROKEN and it's still not fixed. And that is a game that MS depended on to push the fucking system.

Not only that. NOT ONLY THAT but forcing the NEED to be on the net so they can download patches to their broken games is another way to push online.

Maybe you're just growing up and not the target demographic of all this any more.

Wait, what's the difference between the Pro and the regular PS4 aside from >4K

And how you explain ps4 pro and Scorpio?
The iphone S of gaming industry.

She saved the show

PS4 has Let it Die

Great free game, not casual kiddytrash. First game Suda51's made that the mass market can consume.

>Wait, what happens when you insert a disc in a PS4 these days?
It adds the game to your dashboard, initializes for 10-15 seconds, then waits for you pressing the X button to launch the game.
Xbone and PC is different, that's why all those fags talk shit.

I frankly don't see any reason to own a console.
Unless they put out a cheap game cheap system retro machine with full backward compatibility.
Thanks I'd rather try out the steam link or pour salt in my eyes.

Is it really ending so soon? They were hardly any noteworthy games

>tfw time to find a new hobby

>Some people will spend their whole lives without playing Bloodborne because of stubborn pcmr pride

Honestly, if you played one Souls game, you've played them all.

>Over 70% of all games on steam were released in the last 3 months.

Well it's a good thing there's no fucking games then. I mean, we're going on what, almost 4 years of this gen? I just now bought a PS4 because it was basically 200 dollars and there MIGHT be 5 fucking games worth playing on the thing finally. This gen has been an absolute sham for anyone with a PC.

>Can I at least upgrade the disk drive like I could on PS3?
Upgrading the HDD is easier on PS4 than on PS3.

Yeah, true games. Unlike consoles.

>8th console gen is almost over
It's not even half time.
>all consoles are as cheap as they're ever gonna get
PS2 was 100 bucks at the end. We are not there yet.
>the only interesting titles are just high-res safe sequels to games I've already played before
It's you own fault that you played 7th gen, 360-kiddo

>It's you own fault that you played 7th gen, 360-kiddo

What are you trying to say?

I want to FRICK Komari

That I completely skipped 7th gen and enjoy the heck out of all those superior remasters.
8th gen is a vastly improved version of an transitional generation stuck between better-than-SDTV and not-yet-HDTV.
Patience pays off.

>muh graphics

i'm so glad i wasn't a part of this jaded shithole when gen 7 came around

why demon's crest?

You really believe a generation stuck between DVD capacity limitations and "the power of cell" was worth anything?
Just look at the Wii-U.

>was worth anything

You're making wide sweeping statements on an entire decade of video games simply because they're not in 4K.
And you expect me to take you seriously?

It's not about the video games, it's about the console generation. The video games were great, which is the reason, why they were remastered now, so they are not stuck in that transitional limbo.

but lots of games were remastered into the transitional limbo

Name a single 8th gen '"remaster" that wasn't completely botched and ruined.

So anything on the PS2 that wasn't remasered for PS3 is unplayable? What's wrong with you. I'm with that other guy, being able to enjoy vidiya is great

[Sound of 80gb Day One patches in the distance]

Shadow Complex

6th gen were proper SDTV consoles with their own kind of games in their own art style.
It wasn't until the 7th gen were "photo realistic" set in, but without having the hardware to back it.


>It's okay when Steam does it

great post

Here's another (You)!

>70 replies
>30 posters
You can stop trying to start a console war.

This generation has been horrible. The only memorable, stand-out game has been Splatoon.

>PS doesn't do it
>Yes they do
>Well, Steam does it too, so it's okay
Great argument my dude

>Playstation is so shitty! It does exactly what my computer does but they get to physically own their games!
You literally have no argument. Try to learn something when you go back to school.

Except that not what the original reply chain was about.
Also, good on you for owning that download link pressed on a cd

people converse user, they don't just enter threads and then out the joint

>Am I growing out of gaming?
Probably. I mean, when I look at every console library (except Nintendo ones), I see so fucking many games I would like to play - both bigger and indie.
I seriously cannot uderstand how anybody can be bored right now when there are so fucking many great games that pander to everybody.

There you go again generalising an entire generation. Catherine as a completely random example proves you wrong. There are plenty of great games worth playing last gen. I think you're just a PC masterrace

>except Nintendo ones
lmao faggot

>I seriously cannot uderstand how anybody can be bored right now when there are so fucking many great games that pander to everybody.

but I already played all those games last gen, all they did was change name or add a 1 to their title.

this whole gen has been plagued with safe samey sequels and new "IP"s like bloodborne being a literal retread of all the previous souls games.

I didn't even get to play XV on release day because the patch download kept stopping.

>I can't convince myself to buy a game console just to play one or two games.

I can't, either. Honestly, this generation has been bad. Really bad. With the middle-tier developers gone, variety and weird left with them. So all you get are these ultra-safe AAA games and low-budget indie titles. PC development has definitely slowed some. Valve has just forgotten about Portal and Half-Life. Blizzard makes boring shit these days. MMOs are dead.

Sony and Microsoft can't afford to push out exclusives like they used to so, it's not like either console can offer much that you can't get on PC.

Looking at my PS2 collection, I have about 30 really good, interesting, and fun games. Of this generation, I'm looking at about 5 games which I plan to purchase when i can get a PS4 for like 100 bucks.

It's sad but that's video games.

You forgot the Day 1 one patch and having to restart the PS4

that can't be 1000 dollars

Worst generation ever

The gen is over before it started because-

1. AAA games now take like fucking 3-4 years to make.
2. AAA games are also insanely expensive.
3. Publishers weren't even sure people would want a PS4/Xbox One because of mobile.

So basically, this gen has had NOGAEMS because publishers were fucking shaking in their boots until PS4 became one of the fastest selling consoles ever.

>8th console gen is almost over
no, youve got several more years to go

>I didn't even get to play XV on release day because the patch download kept stopping.
Then don't download the patch.