Why are you on Sup Forums on new years?

why are you on Sup Forums on new years?

because i got invited to a party but didnt go since im socially autistic and dont know how to deal with anxiety

Who gives a fuck about New Years.

Girlfriend of 6 years caught me flirting in a steam friends thread now she's ignoring all my texts.

Don't really celebrate arbitrary holidays or holidays in general.

I swear I'll kill myself one of this holidays

Where the fuck else would I be?


Cause I don't have friends and avoid my family. Also it is only 7:45 am in europistan.

Didn't even realize

Of course she's gonna dump you after catching you doing erotic roleplay with another man on the internet.

the parties that I don't go to don't start until tonight dumbass


Been invited to a New Years party with lots of friends going but I've got a drink and drug problem so I'm looking forward to staying in and having a laugh with my friends online on Destiny.


dumb satan worshipper

>got invited in the first place
Based "depressed" normiebro.

>no place to stay
>6 hours till bus to home
>3h30 till station open
Just chilling around at Starbucks

you deserve what you got.

Lately I've been coming here just for the porn threads.
It's just so easy and fast to fap, plus you have a 50/50 chance of finding a new fetish to boot.

Are there follow up images to go with that one?

It's the 31st retard.

Go man, I don't know where you are or what time zone you're in but fucking go. It's the only way you'll get better, just go and be yourself and if people don't like you and you think it went bad you're no worse off than not going.

Just go, have a couple of drinks and have a good time. Please go.

Goin with the family to my aunt's house.
Probably play some Board Game Simulator since I got that for my bro and cousins for Christmas.

>Party with coworkers on the 1st
>don't feel like going
>tfw to ineligent for my coworkers

10 am

I'm in moscow visiting a friend

going to the museum soon

it's dec 31 st 8 am here we don't party untill like the evening

Because it's still like 16 hours until anything resembling a party starts? I just woke up in the middle of the night. I'll be back to bed in an hour or so.

Because there are two parts to the holiday, New Years Eve and New Years Day. Right now is neither for anyone except for elderly Australians who eat dinner at 3pm.

when will facebook frog be bannable

Because it won't even start for another 24 hours

He's been here longer that you, newfriend :)

drink before you go.
you're an adult act like one

Because a new year is nothing worth celebrating about

who gives a fuck, its just an excuse for normals to get drunk and do things they will regret as the years go on

It's not new years yet nigger

i was going to go to a friend's house for a get-together but his grandma fucking had to die so he's gonna be with his family the whole weekend.

Long distance relationships aren't real relationships. Let's not fool ourselves

>for a get-together



Everything about this sentence is retarded

its new years?

It's still only the 30th here

Why do people go out for New Year's, can someone explain the appeal?
It's always going to be crowded as fuck, first of all, and the crowd will consist of retarded drunkards.
Also, drinking sucks and is expensive, plus it's going to be fucking loud and there's literally nothing to do but get drunk and be around other drunk people while drunk.
Why would anyone want to do this, let alone someone who isn't already a drunk? The allure of getting herpes from a random skank and not remembering it in the morning?

>implying I have to conform to shitty normie standards and spend my time drunk with some slut on some party
>implying I'm not just going to have a comfy new years eve with my family instead
>implying I can't browse Sup Forums on my phone

I'm kicking alcohol and the first 72 hours suck

Because i'm a stereotypical Sup Forums user.

You're such a sad motherfucker. Tell me, can you even summon tears for yourself anymore?

fuck you

>Why do people go out for New Year's
If you're a muslim and you live in Europe - free pussy.
shit you can even get away with murder

Because it's fucking 2 AM on New Year's Eve, who is doing anything important right now? I'll be hanging out with family later tonight.

Nigga I wish I was at home playing video games. Don't give a shit about new year's.

Instead I'm socializing to look normal.


I don't have any friends. Parties seem like a young mans game, I'm feel old

kill yourself frogfucker

You're not a true gamer if you don't spend time during the holidays on Sup Forums

Broke up with my gf a month and a half ago (wasn't a messy split, so she stayed while she sorted her life out to move interstate). She moved out today. I have a half dozen mates arriving sometime soon and we're gunna drink until i can't stand, can't stay awake or can't breathe. I'm waiting for them to show up.

I was promised work at a nightclub but they told me they don't need me, now its too late to make any plans and I don't feel like it anyway. Will probably play Rocksmith or Hitman then jerk off and go to bed before midnight

>she stayed while she sorted her life out



>you're an adult act like one

This is Sup Forums, the place of console wars and memes from 2014, so the guy you replied to probably isn't an adult.

>calendar resets

fuck off with your hallmark holiday

I currently have no friends in the town I live in.

>you're an adult act like one
I don't want to. I hate being an adult.

My bf of 3 years found a story post I made about me having sex with one of our friends.
He called me crying and I felt like shit, still do
I didn't even have sex with our friend irl, I just wrote an erotic scenario, but even still it was dumb

cos i can do whatever i want you cuck. i wander what fuckin day it would be if we were still using the julian calendar, jesus christ it doesn't matter merely being a measure of the passage of time.

Neck yourself normie.

My friend is gonna throw the same exact party he has been for the last 5 years. Only 5 or 6 of our friends show up and everyone is gonna smoke weed (except me), play their 3DS' or something on their laptops and maybe I'll get drunk. Same old boring shit year after year.

I don't even know why I'm going. It'd be less depressing for me to just stay home and read or watch a movie.

kys I have the facts.

Just got off work and I'm working over the actual New Years. Plan on buying either some alcohol or Weed (LOL) to ring in after I get off that night.

Waiting to celebrate the new years gachi video with Sup Forums.

It should have been out 15 minutes ago

Seriously dude, just go. If you're having an absolute shit time, leave. Thank the host for inviting you or just do an Irish exit and leave without saying a word.

Either way, go, it won't be as bad as you think it is.

Because I literally have no friends

Else she's a keeper, amirite?

saving this one

because it's fucking 5am, user.

>do an Irish exit
You mean... take a French leave?

to get this 5

I'm fucking tired of all these shitty nu-pepe memes being spammed here.
Someone should summon a bunch of redditors here to flood Sup Forums with off-topic pepe memes all over the board so pepe can finally be banned and put to rest.
Anyone ready and willin'?

You deserve it.

no friends

family is either dead or away overseas

I'm working when the clock hits 2017. I will be back here and maybe Sup Forums after I get back from work, probably somewhere around 3 or 4 in the morning.

I just bought valhalla and I'm slightly mad I can't sit down and enjoy playing it because I have to go to work soon. Although I might just push off playing games and instead spend my time here with you faggots. There's nobody else for me.

Me and my lan party buddies Are preparing turkey and dessertes for New years. And after New years we'll go back to our attic and start the 6th year of our lan party with some bf1 or factorio.


It's a stupid term, I'm not even sure what it is, but you get the picture.

Pathetik. Checkpoint this 7

How about you check my 4

Eat shit.

Im working. Its 2 25 and I get out at 7

>time travelers
What's the point of only being 1 day ahead of the rest of the world? I guess you could win the lotto, but you're missing out on all the sweet future tech by not going further.

I was in your shoes but you just have to go. Trust me you'll be glad you did. Just leave early if it sucks.

If you don't go you risk they Will not invite you again. Whh keep inviting a depressed bitch who never accept?

It's 8:25 AM where I am. I didn't sleep last night, and I'm going to try and stay up today because my sleep cycle is completely fucked.

Neat. Have an 8

How about this 2?

Try 2009

>No real friends outside of school classmates
There's literally no point to the holidays for me, I don't even play vidya that much anymore.
Over christmas all I did was 100% crash 2 and sleep.

fuck youuu

fuck off nigger


Go back 2 Reddit, you cancerous normalfag.

>holiday revolves around drinking and making noise
I can't do that in the comfort of my own home? Fuck you.