ITT: Impossible boss fights

How do I beat Armored Shrek? And don't give me that git gud bs.

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Maybe you should leave his swamp?

You got to break him down layer by layer

use a fuxkinf gun

Why the hell can I not catch his green ogre ass?! Faggot keeps running away from me and I can't do shit. I've tried range weapons but he is always just far enough away or getting behind cover. Why the hell is a fat ass ogre in metal armor evading me?!

Use Fiona

Are you on swamp terrain? He gains +3 evade when fighting in swamps, kite him out in the open

How are you still alive you vermon? Can you actually be that ignorant? You live a life full of contradictions while my road to success and honor has only begun. Ive spared you threw the heart already. I will claim victory for this battle. And for the man without a face the only path he sees is defeat. My body is manlike but it is only flesh. My spirit is fierce but yet feels deep, deep love and mercy for those who are loyal. I am a don, a legend in the making. I feel very little pain and thrive on struggle. You, man without a face, have been hurt in the past. I can tell. By pain Mostly inflicted upon the heart. I thank you for your advice but it is not needed as my spirit can withstand fire and recover even stronger.

I am in a castle in the middle of a volcano. The setting is metal as hell. All except this fucker shitting up my experience

Just parry him you shitter.

Oh well shit then try the dragon summon ability I hear that's pretty effective

How do I lure it out? It seems pretty preoccupied with that steed and can't kill it, is this a bug?

Try ranged weapons, user. You did invest points into that, didn't you?

use donkeys summon sign

This. Donkey doesn't do much damage here, but he's great at tanking so you can set up

acquire proficiency

Use a war hammer.
It also pays to make use of the environment attacks. The battering ram is especially useful.

Use a layer restriction spell or any kind of item that increased chance to peel layers per hit. You can buy some from Fairy Godmother's shop back in Duloc.

>having trouble on Parrybait: The Boss: The Meme
>not using the NPC summon points before the fight to summon Farquad for ezpz cheesing

Unless you're running a memebuild like Arcane, there's literally no reason why you shouldn't be able to kill him. LITERALLY NO REASON.

farquaad sucks except in ng you noob

Protip: You can skip this level outside of the castle by just walking in a straight line with Shrek's Super Strength activated

>summoning Farquad in NG+

Fucker gets instagibbed by Shrek's obscene damage output and you can't kill him because of his onion layer defense boost.

>tfw I go on pvp and peel off my own layers for +spd and +atk
who /glasscannon/ here?

Throw dreck at him

Fucking hell Sup Forums.

git gud faggot

haha! hi /reddit/! these shrek memes are great xd
someBODY once told me! haha am i right? xd

>Hey Look guys Im totally NOT a redditor, look how SHITTY and how much I totally DONT LIKE Reddit
>Right guys?

shrek humor is cringe tier reddit humor and you fucking know it.

I love seeing shitters in shrek armor.

>one shot them with a backstab/riposte
>3 shot them with fucking anything
>one shot with magic

It doesn't help that they all go fists only for some reason.

Armored Shrek's attacks have slower startup, but very long reach. Making him very good at controlling space. The fast recovery also makes them hard to punish.

The best way to counter him is to simply get in close and make him scared to press buttons haphazardly by punishing with your fastest attacks.

I recommend a grappler character with plenty of super armor so you can easily LPC (Layer-Purge Cancel) through his slower moves and close the gap.
You could also try a quicker character like Gingerbread Man, but if you make a single bad read, competent A.Shrek players will be able to confirm off of that into a potent combo that'll put you in the danger zone HP-wise.

I think he was playing Shrek Souls instead of Ogre Throwdown user.

>there will never be a Dark Souls-style RPG set in the fairytale land of Shrek, including a forbidden forest in which you can find the ogre himself

Any good Shrek MOBAs? (Multiplayer Onion Battle Arena)
Or as I like to call them, ASSFAGGOTS (A Shrek Styled Farquaad Assault Game Going On Two Swamps)

Doesn't change the fact that i fucked your mom rofl


Just one

Is there a way to save her or did I fuck up?