Excuse me but can we have a kenshi thread? I started playing this game a few days ago and it's fun as fuck...

Excuse me but can we have a kenshi thread? I started playing this game a few days ago and it's fun as fuck, if a bit tedious.

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please respond

Is it still early access?

Oh holy shit I thought nobody ever played this game. I love it.

I'm on a break from it because I got a new computer and I haven't downloaded it yet. My old squad was awesome and I miss them.

Pic related was from my first game a year or so ago.

I RP'd as an unstoppable force of crusaders that wanted nothing more than to rid the land of samurai. I had a squad of samurai that I locked up in cages and I would beat the shit out of them to level up my guys and then heal them with my medic. Good times were had.

I want to start a new game now.

I hadn't played since back when the world was still just all desert.

What do you do in this game? I saw in the trailer that you could have squads and shit, also that you could build a base?

Is it a colony sim, RTS, RPG or what the fuck is this game.

Been thinking about picking it up but I don't know what I'm getting so could you explain the core gameplay of the game for me or give me some sort of taste of what the game is like?

>that UI
wew, I didn't play that early in alpha.

What in the FUCK is fun about it? It's less of a game than fucking RuneScape and twice as autistic.

>What do you do in this game?
You can do ANYTHING.
And when the faction stuff gets more fleshed out you'll be able to do even more.

Alright. Do you control one unit, like your own player character or do you always have to be tied to a squad. Can you play this game solo and leave peasants to just building?

So there isn't really an objective or anything. You just RP. I have fun with that. Some people do not have fun with that and get angry that someone like me can have fun with that.

As far as what it is. Its like a Squad based RPG with RTS combat. But you can base build and shit. Customize and level up your guys. YOu can be a trader. A citybuilder. There are factions and shit that you can build relationships with. Its really very open ended.

More often than not

You have a starting squad that can be as few as one guy (depending on which opening to the game you choose). You don't need more than one person but you are pretty limited on what you can do with one person. I generally have a security force that protects my sla-... laborers. And a scout party. And sometimes just an army that goes around fucking everyone.

You can travel as small or as big as you want. Each squad can have up to 10 people and you can have several squads. I haven't even bothered with base building because it's a whole other thing I'm not ready for yet. I've just been roaming around checking out ruins with my 10 strong squad. I just barely started recruiting more.

Sounds pretty nice.

Oh ok. So it's not worth going out alone exploring? I like to get invested into one character, I feel like a complete squad just makes it harder to RP in as I have to control several units.

The game has come a long way. I bought it just after they added sound. The soundtrack is pretty great.


And yes,
>sound wasn't in the game when it first arrived on steam.

>swamp level
>banjos start playing
Looking forward to seeing the full map finished. Tar sands sounds like some endgame type stuff.

You can be some wanderer. Thats totally cool. Its just hard to level up if you get the shit beaten out of you by large bandit squads or cannibals.

I picked up Kenshi ages ago. It has some great core gameplay, and there's nothing really like it. You can do the whole adventuring-in-the-wastes and building-a-settlement thing, but it feels more "real" than other games somehow, like you're only special because of the actions you take rather than being The Chosen Ones of Destiny, like in lots of other games.

I should probably see what's changed since I played last.

Alright! This is what I was waiting for. I can take the difficulty, I just want to be a lone wanderer and roam the lands exploring/doing jobs/quests.

I've been following this game since it first got on Steam.

It's good to hear it didn't get abandoned like so many other early access games.

Just keep in mind that if you have low level combat skills and you are alone, you are going to get frustrated fighting anyone above a starving bandit.

The combat is like a strategy game. So you just watch your guy that sucks at fighting get the shit beaten out of him. I would try being a scavenger that loots corpses after battles of random factions. Then buying better gear when you have enough.

I played the shit out of it a couple years ago before the biomes were added. It's fun but now end in sight to early access.

Just travel with a small group at least. It's satisfying to watch them go from not even being able to handle a dog to being on par with town guards. This here's my original group. Started with nothing but some pants and sticks and now one of them is so good with unarmed he's fucking kenshiro.

The hell is up with Stumpy McSkeleton? Is that a race in the game?

They're called the hive race. Basically like ants but some end up breaking away from the queen's influence for whatever reason and go independent.

Yeah. You can be a fish/bug dude. A skeletor. A human. A robot. And a black guy.

So, something like this universe's version of an intelligent deathclaw that's turned wanderer? Neat.

Any significant racial trait differences? Maybe I should just look for a wiki.

I think robots don't get hungry but they need repair kits instead of medical kits

Only thing I'm disappointed with in races is the lack of customization for robots.

Are those Kobolds?

nah, more like hivemind bugs. The ones with a hammerhead shape are soldier drones. They have a way wider fov you have to be mindful of when sneaking around one.

What about the things chasing behind him that look like pig-dogs or something?

I was referring to the small furry creatures in the image.

Those are bone dogs. Like regular dogs but with bone armor plating.

Just got this game and much like when I first bought Mount and Blade back in the day I am completely fucking lost. Any decent guides on how to get started out there?

This thread gives me hope.

None of these nonhuman races or animals were in the last time I played. Guess it's time to pick it up again.

Been well over two years since I last played this game, it was horribly unfinished and buggy and bare and I had hope for it but was also confident that it would fizzle out and never get finished.

I take it that development is going well?

check the steam community page

also, disable shadows for a performance boost. game is mad unoptimized.

>tfw you run to a hive village to sell stolen goods and find beak things tearing shit up
They even killed the guards that were chasing me.

It has some stability issues but its fucking fun. They update regularly. Its hard to believe this game predates Early Access on Steam. The new map is coming along. I'm not sure what percentage of the map is playable now but the game is at 0.95.ish I believe.

Is the free version on the dev site the full game, or just a demo?

why don't you try it and report back to us


full game locked into demo mode till unlocked with Key.

It's been a while since I played, but you basically pick a start (different starting teams and resources) and then do what you want from there. Your team members learn skills by using them, and you basically just RP what you want to accomplish. Trading, scavenging, building mining/farming/trading outposts, wandering around and beating the pants off bandits, trying to ally yourself with a given faction, stealing, etc. The world's setting is kinda somewhere between Berserk and Mad Max, so just pick a role you'd like to have in it and then get guides on how to get started in that specifically.

You can hire more people, so you're not just stuck with your starting team either. And they can die, too.

That fucker looks pleased with himself.

Its a full version from a previous update. With ancient UI and on the old desert map. (but I'm not 100% on that, as I don't check the progress of the demo over time)

Predates things like stealth, unarmed, most factions, etc. You still get a good experience, but its more limited. The demo will give you an idea of what exploration and general combat/leveling is like.

because Comcast introduced a data limit last month, and I've already gone over it.

Thanks, will probably buy when I get paid next week then.

>kinda somewhere between Berserk and Mad Max

Come to think of it, maybe more like Fist of the North Star and Mad Max.

>bodies reflect character stats

I'm thinking of doing an all-Hive start, the freedom seekers one or whatever it's called. Leader Prince, two Workers, and two Soldiers. Might be an easier time.

shame about the face though

^was me but
is who you should listen to. I haven't looked at the demo page in over a year.

>pretty face
>game difficulty x10 harder

Don't be afraid to run to the nearest town guards like a pussy if too many bandits start chasing you. At least until you get good at fighting. Then look the corpses.

>characters with high enough stealth stat run like anime characters

>look the corpses.

LOL are you serious?
I've got to see a video of this now.

Oh geez I'm also hit by that data limit. It's fucking bullshit because they upped my bill by $20, cut my up/down in half, and I used to have unlimited data as well.

I fucking hate living in the middle of nowhere so it's either them or dial-up.

Kenshi face models remind me of oblivion/demon's souls.

what do you fucking expect, the game is named after anime

So what do big tits mean?

Are there nude mods?

Torrenting it right now (v0.95.8), might give it a buy if it lives up to it's rather exciting premise. Can't trust early access shit.

>10 years later
>still not finished
What is the dev even adding still?

Kenshi is a Japanese term for "a guy with a sword"

You aren't a Ronin, a Ninja, or a Samurai. You are a guy with a sword.

It's only been a few years and the dev has a job outside of making this game, it doesn't sell well enough for him to live off it.

I can't wait until limbs can be cut off and I can run around with a bunch of one armed samurais.

>anime run into someone's shop
>steal everything in their safe and locked chests
>knock them out in their sleep just because
>anime run out

It means I wanted a bitch with big tits.

Yeah, because it's not finished. I remember when there was a grand total of 5 posters in his official forums. He should just suck it up and put all his eggs in one basket and go for broke. Kinda like what CDPR did with Witcher.

I feel like he made a lot of progress to be honest. it will be nice in 2 years to see my pre alpha sapling become a full fledged tree.


I could be wrong, but it looks to me like the underwear is just a texture. You could probably do it with a texture/skin mod.

Have you ever made an error in judgement?

What the fuck is that

This thread makes the game look real interesting, but I don't want to buy early access games.

I know HOW to do it, I just do not have the skill or tools to replace the parts of the texture with accurate anatomy.

An error in judgement.

Then pirate it, who gives a fuck? There's nothing else out there like this game. The closest you get is mount and blade but that game doesn't let you fight cannibals with big saggy tits.

Yes but what is the error currently judging the ever loving wisdom out of your choice?

>dude, I'm gonna explore this interesting looking formation on the map. It has strong enemies but my guys are pretty tough now. they can handle it.

Best I can tell, they're just called giant spiders.

Also, pic related, is this still current? There are cannibal tribes that paint themselves like this?

It sucks man, I don't even live in the middle of nowhere, I live in the middle of fucking Portland, and somehow Comcast is the only provider in my area.

I remember when this shit was just starting out, I was just playing one dude and he was crap until he leveled up some and bought a nodachi then proceeded to become a bandit exterminator. It also didn't have a skill cap so I would just become more unstoppable with each encounter.

That was some satisfying character progression. Can you still solo the game like that?

I know someone who just moved to Portland, the poor fool.

They have their own area of the map. It's next to the shrieking forest, so named because it's full of naked people running around shrieking.

So I guess this is Starship Troopers now without the guns, huh?

Fucking metal.

At least that one spot is, looks like.

Does it help if I tell you that this game was on steam BEFORE early access was a thing?

I've long since desired a game like this, finding this thread is like striking gold

Is there nudity and sex?

What the fuck kind of world was kenshi before the apocalypse?


I'm hoping someone makes a sex mod so I can live my fantasy of leading a band of mercenaries, raping and pillaging.

I think that what you've seen in
is as much nudity as there is. There's slavery and slavers in the game, cannibals too, but I don't know about any explicit references to sex. Anyone else know?

So how are there robots but no guns?

I'm in vancouver and I get century link, it's not as bad as cumcast desu

The robots are survivors of whatever caused the apocalypse.

That's another option.

Yes, it does.

There's powered turrets of various kinds. I think they all shoot bolts though, not bullets, and they need to be manned.