Are girls good at making games?

Are girls good at making games?

Are girls good at anything?

Roberta Williams was good at making games, so there's one.

>that one old reserved Asian lady
>looks unhappy
>is probably wondering why they are taking a dumb picture instead of making games
>probably wants to go back to the Japanese industry where she got to design sexy characters without being called 'internally oppressed.'

Are girls real?


cooking, cleaning, making babies


>Hidden behind the nigger.


>All around me are familiar faces...

t. OP's mom

Well a woman wrote all of the Legacy of Kain games, so that's one woman at least.

Now before we have a thread about how women are just the worst and how you totally don't want a girlfriend because they're just that inferior to you that they don't show interest. may I suggest
It's a better fit for the whole misogyny song and dance. also sage.

Subcategory of making babies in my opinion



I think you mean sexist you misleading troglodyte.


le re le get out le xd le normie die xd haha

Depends. If theres men around for direction and to contribute then yeah, women could work. If its an all girl studio though, good lo luck cunts. Infighting in the studio over whose bag and dresses are prettier and general catfighting will degenerate the studio quick.
The modern woman is great at bymaking, complaining, loathing and backstabing. Thats it.

I want to pursue a relationship with the one pointing at Nep

What? Amy Hennig wrote the games, then she went on to write the Uncharted series.

The best chefs in the world are men.

Me too. Glasses one is also acceptable.


all the companies who joined the women hiring train got sustential drop in quality.

>not with Tsunako
You just know she's drawn entire drawers full of lewd neps and we'll never see them until she dies.

you forgot to circle the light brown beauty in the front you faggot. and that ginger you circled is literally a man

Glasses one to the left is Tsunako, the character designer for the series.

I don't get what's happening here

everyone knows cant do shit other than SUCK DICK

What are some fun games made mostly by women?

better idea. you can go to

I'm not there and it's the perfect hugbox for misogyny.

And thus, the thread got filled with edgelords, robots and Sup Forumstards ramming about how women are useless

Looks like she gets told to get gone and does not get gone so they make her.

whats the point of the chair though

so satisfying to watch

>You can't make fun of women!
That sounds very misogynist of you.

Some junkie was fucking with the dude and his buddies on his property, and they ejected her.

>Roastie getting toasty

boy you sure showed me.
Girl is arguing with boy. she pulls out bottle to attack boy. they subdue her and throw over the fence. user saves image so he can self insert and show them "roasties". it's the only way he can feel alpha like the guys in the pic since he probably will never have real contact with a girl. pretty pathetic.

Looks like the woman is not content with using words and start to threaten to throw a glass or some other object at the guy. Then they deal with her.

She had a bottle. No one wants to get hit with a bottle.

*kicks you in the balls*

heh... easy...

What do you expect? They pounce every time a woman is even just barely mentioned.

Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.

You're bored,tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.

And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.

So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman..

Faggots can't handle a man so they pick on women instead.

I never been to Sup Forums, /r9k/ or even /s4s/ what are they like?

Have you ever known a woman that was anything but in a field where women dont naturally excell at?

*rapes you*

heh... easy...

Honestly, no. There is nothing women are better at than men at both the highest levels and on average. Even cliche "womens activities" men are better.

Obviously I mean nonbiological. I can't rightly say men are better at giving birth. Although given the chance I'm sure we would hold our own.

>he not only believes this copy pasta. he also saved it and spreads it like gospel.
That's....actually kinda sad. who hurt you?

Let’s be reasonable and logical, and face up to facts. Women aren’t human; they’re not even like monkeys or orangutans. Those middle-headed, pea-brained, waste-your-money liberals might want to brainwash you into thinking that girls are good for something other than sucking cock, but you and I and every other sensible man knows better. These sluts were put on Earth to steal your money; be whining, complaining and arrogant; and to serve as reasonably comfortable holsters for your erections when one is aroused by the call of nature.

First off, scientific research has it that women just aren’t the same as men. They don’t like things like camera’s or computers or state-of-the-art stereo’s, simply because the higher centers of their brains aren’t developed as well as a man’s. Furthermore, according to a very fine article in The National Enquirer, it’s been proven that women aren’t as smart as men. It takes real guts to admit it, but women are mindless creatures….Don’t let those detestable, ugly, disgusting, sour-pussed lesbian diesel-dyke Women’s Libbers fool you, along with their cotillions of homo yes-men Women are most happy when they are serving their twins gods of Mammon and King Cock…

Men work hard, make money, grind the wheels of business, only to fall victim to early deaths dealt out by the insane caprices of vengeful sluts…They should be rounded up in a pig pen with pigs and fucked with sticks and forced to eat filthy offal, and maybe then they would appreciate a fine figure of a man who wants to own and take care of them, even if he is perhaps a wee bit nervous and high-strung and suspicious of some people’s motives….

>that girl who would be a cutie if not for the blue hair

God damn it.

boys are better than girls even at being girls

Not haram, ackbar.

user that girl in the Kaiju shirt has some serious wrinkles going on in her face

I know you're not talking about the pig in the back with Tamara Mowry right behind her

cesspits. Imagine a group of people completely detached from reality in a room reaffirming each others delusion. it's basically tumblr but with the opposite opinions.

You have a completely fucking delusional image of the Japanese video game development industry.
Please fuck off back to Facebook and vomit your shitty fucking memes there and not here.

It varies from person to person.

*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.
And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-r8 memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.
See you on the boards...

I really don't get it
girls aren't that big of a deal
I always wondered why people on Sup Forums get their jimmies so rustled when women are mentioned

why do you hate girls Sup Forums

They hate me.

*grabs you by the dick*
back the FUCK off???

What do you mean? The Bayonetta designer is a woman.

I hate them because they hate me

I'm 5 years from wizardry and don't see that changing

It's easier to blame someone else for your problems than put forth the time and effort into self-improvement.

I have to ask, which one? There's more than one with blue hair.

What a shitty world.

What I would give to kidnap a famous midget and make his life a living hell. I would force him to dress up in elf and leprechaun outfits and subject him to pure awfulness and humiliation. just terrible degradation and shameful acts. it would be so easy to break his spirit and drive him to suicide, but I wouldn't let him do it. if I could train a dog to rape on command then I would totally do that as well. a really big dog like a mastiff. he would be so completely and utterly powerless to stop it, not to mention terrified. a big ass dog is even scary and life-threatening to a normal human but to a midget? might as well be a dragon. I'd keep him in a cell and what's more is that I would actually place to key inside with him but put it in a high place. not extremely high but just ever so slightly out of reach. it would drive him mad. I would dress him like a baby and force feed him 99 cent store baby food. I'd also pick him up like a child and toss him from one corner to the next. I'd grab him by one leg and swing him as hard and as fast as I could then hurl him to see how far he goes. I'd rent one of those giant inflatable bounce houses and body slam him all day until my arms got tired. I'd hold him down with 1 hand and slowly stick things up his butt just to see him squirm. I would stick him in dryers and turn them on and leave him in there for long periods of time. I'd force him to fight other midgets to the death. just so many things I would do.

nobody is good at making games anymore
yes they're good at fucking literally everyone but you

It's a fairly low-res image for such a large group shot, so it's hard to tell, but I guess you're right. She's still pretty cute though. I already need a time machine to go back to before she dyed her hair, so I might as well go back to when she had smoother skin anyway. Then again, it's not like I care, because I unironically have a crush on an older woman at work.

curly hair on the front second from left is actually 7/10 would wife material

Because they know women are better and smarter people than them.

>love video games
>live in Austria
>no fucking employment in vidya at all
>all the fucking dumblrinas in the US get jobs at vidya companies.
>you get nothing

>mfw people get upset at misogyny and bigotry on any board of Sup Forums

If you don't like it, leave. It has always been this way. If anything it used to be worse. Instead of spamming that unfunny london shit meme people used to spam tits or gtfo, which while also stale at least served the purpose of getting a picture of tits before any discussion could be had

But where do you put your penis

The one in the front with the boobies.

Are you a grill?


George Forman, baby.

this desu
your pic is a bad example though considering he's bad at staying alive in general, never mind being a boy or girl

Are men? They've been responsible for almost every terrible video game ever created.

Nobody cares, fuckstick.

dick or gfto


I do get it, you manginas have to always defend womens honor so that you can tell your wife later and maybe she'll touch your dick next time shes getting the bull. Just leave Sup Forums faggot, dont you have to make sure your wife's son doesnt grow up to be a peaceful dindu that was unarmed and shoot by the systematically oppressive police anyways?

He only died because he was still a boy in the end.

My girlfriend just put me in the friendzone. Literally an hour ago. She said she just wanted to be friends.

We just signed a one year lease for a new apartment two weeks ago. After we finally got everything moved in and situated, we met our neighbors and went to a few parties we were invited to. She started spending a lot of time with the girls that live in the apartment across the hall. She spent the night over there last night and tonight was the first time I had seen her since then. When she saw me in the corridor, a weird facial expression formed on her face and she grab my hand and dragged me into our apartment. She said that we needed to talk. She told me to sit on the couch and then she sat down next to me. She told me how much she loved me and that I've been a really good boyfriend, but she said something happened last night and she can't deny that it happened. Apparently, one of the girls across the hallway has a brother named Steven. She and Steven spent a lot of time talking last night and really hit it off.

I started to get really mad. I interrupted her, and asked, "Did you fuck him?
She said, "No, but I'm going to."

I was speechless. After a few seconds of silence, she told me that she slept with him on the foldout couch that night but swears they didn't do anything sexual. She claims that they just talked all night. She kept going on and on about how amazing Steven is and how smart he is and how attracted to him she felt. She said she was really tempted to fuck him and was proud of herself for not caving to the temptation. She wanted to talk to me first.

"I have too much respect for you to cheat on you, user. I wanted to break up with you before I have sex with him, so that we can still be friends."

She's over there right now and he's with her. What am I supposed to do?

butts are better then vaginas baka senpai

I bet the two blue haired sluts secretly hate each other for stealing each other's gimmick.

whats with blue hair

why is everyone who dyes their hair dyeing it blue now?

and it's always the same shade of blue

is the Illuminati to blame?

none of them are even remotely recognizable


>Are men?
Yeah, theyve also been responsible for all the God tier games created.

>bounce house

Its called a moonbounce you deranged faggot

Well they're the vain types who see themselves as superior. So it baffles them why they can't get a girlfriend but someone they view as inferior can. natural instead of considering the possibility that they have a flaw they instead deem that it's women's fault. it starts with "women don't know what's good for them" to "women are stupid" to (essentially, FUCKING ROASTIES REEEEE). I suggest giving Elliot Rodgers' manifisto a read if you want to understand the psych of the misogynistic beta.

You gotta have blue hair.

"I met Mike and Jay at a con a while ago, I went with my girlfriend. When we approached them Mike looked at me then at my girlfriend and said "The fuck you doing with this stupid cunt? Get with this dick or get raped you whore.", I was completely shocked and didn't know if he was joking so I stood in silence just not sure of what to say. Then a voice was heard from behind him "Oh Mike you found another goofball?", "Yeah Jay, this one looks like a complete dick head, his girlfriend is pretty banging though, I'd fuck her asshole", "Oh yeah, maybe we should fill his girlfriend ass with goofballs so she'd know how much of a goofball he is". Right at that moment Mike jumped on my girlfriend and pulled her pants down, I tried to stop him but Jay jumped on me and held me down he started whispering in my ear "She's going to get the goofballs and you aint going to do nothing about it!", I watched on in horror as my girlfriend stared at me in the eyes as Mike undressed her and rammed his fingers up her ass, she was trying to scream but Mike just kept pushing her head down. Mike looked at me and mouthed the word "Goofball", It was like a silent movie, I watched as Mile then proceeded to pull out his testicles and forcibly push them into her anus with his hands. Jay who was still holding me down started to squeal into my ear "She's getting the goofballs", he started to twist my nipple as far as it could go, and I could feel blood trickling from it onto my shirt, I felt what I can assume was Jays boner pushing into my back... I blacked out.

yeah but why blue

Say you can be her side boyfriend and let her fuck both of you.