Play online action game

>play online action game
>it freezes for a second during a tough battle

Other urls found in this thread:

>doing badly in action-oriented mod for a game i've been playing for months
>realize my settings weren't set to the correct values the devs need you to set them at
>do so
>k/d completely flips within the hour

>it was the last time they talked
>at all

You still have expanded universe.

I meant Fisher and Ford.

>han dies in the movie
>leia dies in real life

Do they not like each other or something?

forget it

>buy franchise
>create new sequel
>choose the wrong character to kill off

>play online action game
>I win a tough battle against a very good player
>opponent sent me a message that his game froze for a second during the fight, which is why he lost
>I tell him he sucks and has no skill, despite this happening to me. However, no one believed me when I told them it was the lag. So now, I decide to troll instead
>he sends me hate mail

She died IRL you nimrod.

>didn't make it into 2011+6

Yeah, but that scene was filmed like two years ago. Why wouldn't they talk to each other since then? Like during promotional period promoting the movie.

>let friend borrow a game
>they give it to another friend

I wonder if the guy who was writing the story for TFA is kicking himself over killing han instead of leia

literally name ONE game where this happens.

>Why wouldn't they talk to each other since then? Like during promotional period promoting the movie.

Dude, are you fucking retarded? They literally spent all the time in different countries hopping from one promo to another.

>Guy was probably planning on Ren being redeemed in IX and sharing a moment with his mom
>Now he can't

You're joking, right? They'll just CGI her.

Why didn't they call and ask how it was going? Or schedule something together? What about after the promo period? Why didn't the talk then? Did they not like each other?

>CGI-ing dead actors/actresses
Truly, a horrible, bastard idea that could only come from the corpse of hollywood. If the crowds get used to that, then we're absolutely fucked in the long run.

>one of my first consensual childhood boners was to that golden bikini
>disney forbids artists from even drawing it
>carrie dies
Fuck this gay earth for trying to suppress my nostalgia boners.

I mean, they did it in Rogue One.


>play rhythm game
>never gonna play it again because guilty feet have got no rhythm

Face the facts, m8, actors will soon be a thing of the past due to technological superiority.

This was done because the actor had died not too long before the movie was finished, I'm pretty sure, and they had to scramble just to fill a few scenes with him actually in the movie still.
This was just disgusting. "We want to make a movie to milk a plot-thread that doesn't need to be expanded upon" and they fill a dead hole with a duplicate. The funniest thing is this is fucking Disney/Star Wars saying it won't be a slippery slope in some articles. That's like going to 2011 or whenever and saying minecraft won't be popular because it's digital legos.

Um, could you please delete that picture?
She just died, show some respect.

Dumb View-Askew poster.

They were saying this in the 90s and we're really no closer to it being true

Harrison Ford is a bitter old man who was just thankful his character was killed off so he doesn't need to care about Star Wars anymore and Carrie Fisher was a bonkers old lady who barely understood what was happening in her last few years. It's very likely they only had a professional relationship at this point.

>Carrie Fisher was a bonkers old lady
Did everyone just collectively forget Carrie Fisher went completely insane? Like legit actual mental instability? How do people not remember that anymore?

Because death absolves people of all things and makes people whitewash over a person's flaws.
Just look at Steve Irwin. Absolute croc-baiting, animal bothering, stupid sounding dickhead who held his own kid over a croc pit and as soon as he dies, "HE WAS A TOP BLOKE, HE DINDU NUFFIN MATE".

I feel like it was all swept under the rug and whitewashed before she died.

Because she looked/acted halfway normal, albeit old, in Episode 7. If more people watched interview footage of her they'd know she's been dead for a while.

This, too. Michael Jackson's another good example of this.

Why is going insane a negative trait? It happens to a lot of people, it'll happen to people you know and love and it'll happen to you.

>implying steve irwin wasn't loved by everyone when alive