Death Stranding is probably comming to PC

I would like to hear PC gamers opinion on Sony developed/published first party games arriving on PC.

What are your thoughts and feelings on the matter?

No consolewar shit please.


It's been known for a while that it's a timed exclusive

Get with the times GRAMPS

Death Stranding looks like a good video game. I like good video games and may buy a ps4 to play it if it is exclusive. If it's on PC I will buy it for PC and not bother getting a ps4.

Yes but this is the first time a major AAA Sony published game will be arriving on PC.

I want to hear what PC gamers think about that.

>Death Stranding looks like a good video game
Based on what?

I'm not going to spoonfeed you information.

Mustard here. I still have a hard time believing it. I don't give a shit about Death Stranding (Kojima has disappointed me enough and he already confirmed it's Open World and inspired on Uncharted and The Division, which is all I need to hear to know this game is not for me), but if it actually comes out for PC, then that's an excellent sign that Sony doesn't see us as competition and we can co-exist together, which would be neat.

kek stop getting defense I was only asking

While it's still PS4 exclusive, it's the best game ever, even without any gameplay footage.
As soon as it's confirmed for PC, "that game sucks anyway, enjoy your scraps!"

thats bullshit, kojima wouldnt do that to us

>doesn't see us as competition and we can co-exist together, which would be neat.


don't care. don't want it. sony is shit since ps3.

Not an actual game and garbage
The true version that got beta tested by plebs

What a game we play on Sup Forums.

or its legit PC players that don't want it and maybe you're a fucking retard.

Im sure it will be a fantastic movie user. Thats what I think about it.

Sorry I read your post wrong because I'm autistic

Just going off the PC version of MGSV I imagine the same amount of care will go into Death Stranding PC

Like you said here the fact that it's coming to PC shouldn't bother anyone except the insecure autists who actually argue over hardware


>I'm blindly tongueing Kojimas asshole ever after the shit that was MGSV

Real thoughts? No console-war shit?

Exclusivity is bad for consumers, and more options are always welcome. Only a shill, or a pathetic loser whose life revolves around console wars, would actually be upset about a game being available on additional platforms. From the consumer's point of view, there's no rational argument in favor of arbitrarily restricting a game to one platform. The only way the consumer benefits from PS4 exclusivity is that the game would presumably be funded by Sony which might hypothetically mean higher quality. If we already know the game is being funded by Sony, however, a PC release doesn't harm anything. Unless you're such an insufferable faggot that your enjoyment of a game is ruined by the fact that you can no longer use it as console-war bait in shitpost threads, Death Stranding coming to PC would be good for everyone.

I don't give a shit because I know nothing about the game.

Bet it'll be the same unfinished shit like MGSV

Mustard here, basically if you are Sony you have 2 choices
>keep it exclusive and hope you will convince some people to buy your console just for this game
>release it on pc with a delay and make money that way from pc gamers
I think there's barely a choice here.


Games should be on as many platforms in the current gen as possible to give the player the widest range of gameplay options. I would play something like Shovel Knight on the PS4 since my N3DS is heavy during extended periods of time and I don't have a good time with keyboard platformers, but I would understand if someone else liked an Xbox controller or Wii Pro controller better.

If I had my way, consoles would just be a different sales hub and set of hardware for your PC, like Steam's current offerings. Ideally, there would be no $300-500 buy-in every 4 years, while something like Xbox Live would clearly mark which multiplayer servers are under its "support" if it sticks around at all.

A game going multiplat, essentially, admits that it doesn't have to hide from two thirds of its consumer base.

>What are your thoughts and feelings on the matter?
Mostly just don't care, same reaosn I never bought a PS4 in the first place.

This. Fuck the idiots who somehow thought it was Konamis fault.

whatever makes them the most money, they'll do

DS is being made by a Sony owned company, it's NEVER EVER coming to PC. Don't you guys have a library of 100,000+ games at your disposal anyways? Go play one of those games.

Sony sold SOE and Vaio. They have no reason to invest in PC unless they want to commit suicide. They chose to bet on PlayStation.
Therefore they should keep at it because the competition is wagering on increasing the number of reasons not to buy a PlayStation device, starting with mass propaganda brainwashing the public into believing the company's investment should go into supporting the competing platforms by making their games multi-platform. Once there is no reason to buy a PlayStation device, all the buyers and developers will leave, to go for the cheapest possible alternate option. And then death follows, and the competitors rejoice.

Sony also has to consider the fact that a lot of PlayStation fans are little children who are so emotionally invested in the corporate circle-jerk known as the "console wars" that they will actually get upset with Sony if a previously PlayStation-exclusive game falls into the hands of the "enemy". Basically, Sony (and Microsoft and Nintendo) have cultivated such a retarded fanbase that they risk a PR disaster if they try to make their wonderful games available to the wrong people.

>literally lock your main director in the basement during development, cut him off from his friends and family
>everyone still blames him for the game turning out shit
like pottery

never ever PCucks

>literally lock your main director in the basement during development, cut him off from his friends and family
Yeah I heard they literally whipped him whenever he broke down crying

>Real thoughts? No console-war shit?
>Posts console war shit

Exclusivity is not bad for consumers per se, it's only bad for the consumer who doesn't get the produce of exclusivity on terms he/she wants.

>a PC release doesn't harm anything
If you place the chicken before the egg perhaps.

It may be true that a PC release doesn't harm anybody but Sony had to sell 60 million consoles to get to a level of comfort where they can release games on PS4 and PC without it undermining their hardware sales which is what carved them the budget to develop this game in the very first place. It's easy to negate the work that that went into this process if you're only focused on the end product and how it potentially affects the consumer but you have to think a bit further than that.

I would care about the Crash Collection and maybe Bloodborne, but the rest is shit that I just don't give a fuck about. Especially babby's first art film, Death Stranding. I just hope it's as terrible as I think it'll be, so this fucking Kojima meme will finally die. I genuinely cannot think of a less talented dev that people dick suck harder.

There's no console-war shit in my post. Making fun of people who care about exclusives is not console-war shit.

Then why not just make good consoles instead of relying on exclusivity?

No it hasnt. Time to ramp up those petitions faggot.

Say it with me:


do you have some sort of source on it probably coming to PC?

It's just a game calm down



>Sony sold SOE and Vaio. They have no reason to invest in PC unless they want to commit suicide. They chose to bet on PlayStation.Therefore they should keep at it because the competition is wagering on increasing the number of reasons not to buy a PlayStation device, starting with mass propaganda brainwashing the public into believing the company's investment should go into supporting the competing platforms by making their games multi-platform. Once there is no reason to buy a PlayStation device, all the buyers and developers will leave, to go for the cheapest possible alternate option. And then death follows, and the competitors rejoice.

We haven't seen shit for gameplay, just symbolic nonsense that's supposed to be interesting and deep but it's just meaningless graphics without context

Considering the game probably won't be out even on the PS4 until late 2018, is there really any sense even talking about it until we at least know what kind of game it's going to be

>Basically, Sony (and Microsoft and Nintendo) have cultivated such a retarded fanbase that they risk a PR disaster if they try to make their wonderful games available to the wrong people.
You make it sound like Sony, MS and Nintendo's userbases consist of 100% fanboys

Sup Forums might consist of 100% fanboys but your typically console owner doesn't give a fuck. They bought a console because they saw ads and some games they wanted, maybe some features they wanted, and maybe their friends have one, and that's it. That's why so many former 360 owners switched to PS4. They couldn't care less about brand loyalty.

You wish faggot

With the Death of Day One Piracy, they definitely release Death Stranding to PC