Hitman™ wins GOTY over Nu-Doom

>Hitman™ wins GOTY over Nu-Doom
>Dan gone to the containment coast
>Vinny not leaving
What went so, so right? 2017 is Giant Bomb's year.

Other urls found in this thread:


why was vinny gonna leave ?
nudoom was aiit
and can they for the love of god kick that white version of autism walker
>10 hours of palmer luckey rants

West is going to be dead until they find a replacement and only if it's good one.

Why do you still listen to these Hill-Shills? I stopped listening as soon as Trump won. Fuck those faggots, nuke California.

>Brad says they aren't allowed to ignore the competitive multiplayer part of gears
>But he's allowed to ignore the 2/3 of doom that's garbage

>Palmer Luckey
>Mass Effect 2

California is just san francisco
A++ would read this retards post again.

Good job deflecting my original point .Anyone who listens to GB has zero integrity. From being offended at South Park to defending Zoey Quinn, to being sad that Hillary lost. Be very ashamed if you still listen and watch Giantbomb. End your life if you pay for a subscription.

Why do they let him cannibalize the conversation? He lacks self awareness.

>Yakuza playthroughs
>With Dan and Alex

Fucking why

>Vinny not leaving
Then why the fuck is he not gonna be a part of this?

Jeff getting cucked


Hitman is finally back and it's getting the recognition it deserves. We live in the best timeline.


fuck off

Don't you have an eceleb containment thread for this garbage?

Next year their entire list is going to be indie shit.

Nah, West is gonna be glorious for now. At least until the replacement comes in.

What the what? Dan has said he hates those games multiple times.
Neither of them will like it at all.
What a goddamn disaster.

There's more to life than politics, my man. Relax.

Who does west have now? Jeff? and who? Drew is boring, Brad is a faggot, Rorie is a terrible mix of both with some added autism.

meant to quote

M-maybe he's joking?

vinny bought a place in jersey but I think he opted to rent it out instead


I like Drew and don't mind Brad. Dan was insufferable.

>Starting with Yakuza 0
What a joke

Why is it that no matter what, if Jeff isn't talking, he looks like he'd be completely okay with dying right then and there

>somebody mentions jeffs wife in the last thread
>thread gets deleted

he's been living in jersey this whole time

the vinny leaving thing was bullshit started here

all old men look like that, one day you will too

He's boiling with rage every time someone mentions how much they like Inside.

stop being autistic OP

Who the fuck jokes about Vinny?

never been a better time to joke about Vinny

Brad was trying really hard to get Doom that Number 1 spot, as if they hadn't already sucked the cock of that shit more than enough. Based Jeffrey shutting him down.

>He says, as Jeff shits his diaper yet again over Inside.

He wasn't critical enough of that shitheap

Nu-male DOOM, then

Dishonored 2 is what hurt the most

>being an undignified 'sperg is okay if I agree with you

Surely this is bait?

>tfw jeff's house is fucking huge

>all this weeb shit
el oh el

>Dude he supported actual white supremacists!!

Fuck off edgelord

What? He's been in the same house for at least a decade, and lives in the suburbs. Super modest for how rich he probably is.

>Vinny not leaving
Not leaving Giant Bomb? Or not leaving the west coast and staying with Jeff?

>Jeff actually likes Hitman

What the fuck? You can literally see the disdain on his face during Hitsmas.

[/spoiler]Everybody's mad about Palmer Luckey being hottest mess, which effectively shows that that logic is at play here in general, yeah. Palmer Luckey was an undignified 'sperg before we knew anything about Nimble anyways, tho.

you can see disdain on his face when he's doing anything

he wanted to die of a broken heart when Ryan left this world but he knew if he didn't push himself to keep going then video games journalism would go to shit a lot quicker

When can't you see disdain on his face?

That's just his default face, dude. He never looks like he's having fun.

alex was bad enough throughout the whole week but watching him get so bitchy with brad on day 5 made me hate him more than ever

Mass Effect 2


I thought it was funny one of the subjects they talked about in the Please Stop category was covers of pop songs and that they brought up Gear of War Mad World, because you could do a slow zoom-in on Jeff at any point in any video of him just sitting there with Gary Jules' cover of that song and it'd make perfect sense

2016 is a shit tier year for video games. There's barely anything worth playing.

I really disliked the shit about Firewatch. Vinny was the one who played both ZTD and Firewatch, everyone other than Alex thought Firewatch fucked up, Vinny thought ZTD was better but Alex was the one who wouldn't relent.

sounds like you're just on the verge of suicide. maybe your life around video games is shit

yeah that was hard to watch. Vinny made a better case and won over the room more but decided to be the bigger man let the baby have his bottle once again

I almost felt sorry for dan, because he was probably the joke of the group.

Seriously that guy is a total hick and has the weirdest misconceptions.

I like drew, but i think it's because we have similar taste in games.

I'm up to Alex making his case for Thumper, I hope Jeff tearing down Brad's push for DOOM for GOTY is gonna be as entertaining as I think it will be.

Nah, it's a DQ because of the multiplayer.

And then Vinny still stuck up for him with Thumper. He's too nice.

>tfw drew didn't get to sing in rock band

Wait, Brad just accepted that and moved on?
I would have thought he'd have another Destiny/Skyrim moment over that game.

>that feel when no Mary Kish groupie


>firewatch didnt make the top 10
>based stardew got a pity spot

thank you dan, youre finally useful for once


He fought against it and tried to get Doom to win but Jeff + Dan wombo combo'd him, fortunately.

Hitman winning GOTY is the right call. It was a frequent staple game on UPFs and was featured outside of UPF as well.

Hell, the Hitsmas video they put out the other day is reason enough for the game to win GOTY for Vinny's legendary run alone.

>that time Vinny played it himself and threw the fire extinguisher

they did kind of treat him like a fucking joke, they constantly made fun of stardew Valley and just pitied him enough to him has a bottom spot on their top ten list.

>That fucking knife throw
I was laughing for a good few minutes.

Drew is a cool guy, he's just pretty quiet. Brad's OK when he's not being tired or trying to be the "smart one." Rorie is just a ball of autism and Jason is alright but can't carry a video.

he doesn't fit into their club

>That Best Game part of Day 5 where Jeff and Dan were the only voices of reason against DOOM winning because of the fucking abhorrent multiplayer

All the indie shit was considered, and the real games weren't.Typical trendy dumb fucks.


>YFW you don't want to reward shitty 2deep4u dark platformer indie garbage but everyone vehemently disagrees with you

>all these garbage indie games were considered
>but Furi wasn't
They should kill themselves.

Hey, Furi won best OST handily.

What was Sup Forums's favorite Giant Bomb moment of the year?

No Kish

Jeff is a national treasure

I haven't played either of the top two, so I'm not personally invested, but I still don't get this logic at all: the multi is a completely separate segment, would shipping the exact same campaign without multi-player somehow make it better in your eyes?
The line of critique Jeff is using is so detached that it basically has nothing to do with how any actual human being experiences playing a game, it's just cut-rate highschool debate team argumentation.

Wait, are (You)s back? The fuck?

Fuck (You)

Even though the differences in quality doesn't make it seem like it, the multiplayer actually is the focus of DOOM 2016. The Beta only had the multiplayer, and the Season Pass doesn't add anything to the single player.

>it's just cut-rate highschool debate team argumentation

You're talking about people in their 30s who are arguing about what was the best video game. What the fuck do you expect?

Every year the top two seems to always come down to Jeff vs Brad.

Why add them back?

Why take them away in the first place if you're going to give up in like a day?

>Jeff's wife naked with another woman

Goot wanted to see if he could cut another pieace of functionality this place has and sell it back to the pass holders.

This time around it was Brad VS Brad. Jeff wanted Titanfall 2.

Austin leaving and Dan singing

I don't see how Brad could be the one who enjoys Hitman the most when he's the worst at it

>take two steps
>look around
>take two steps
>look around
>walk in a circle
>look around
>pause and check opportunities
>unpause and look around

he doesn't do anything worth mentioning unless Dan is telling him to like when he knocked those people in Marrakesh in the news building out with soda cans, then didn't even notice there was someone still in the room who watched him do all that

That's still a critique which relies on emphasizing the marketing and management of a game as the game itself. Nobody's denying Bethesda doesn't know what they're doing, but that doesn't effect the aspects that makes doom what it is. HBO's mismanagement of Mr. Show doesn't make Mr. Show bad, to pull an analogy out of left field.