>tfw (that face when) to inteligent to play MMOs
Tfw (that face when) to inteligent to play MMOs
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>tfw (that face when) to old to play MMOs
That just doesn't work
>>tfw (that face when) to inteligent
tfw( the face when) i am to intellijent to fap( slang for masturbate)
>that face when
I seriously hope this is ironic. I honestly can't tell with you fuckers nowadays.
I hope YOU'RE being ironic because it's pretty fucking obvious.
Shut the fuck up, you overgrown walking testicle.
>"to" when "too" is the appropiate option
something doesn't add up here
>play EVE
>game trailers and news constantly portray it as some game where people backstab each other relentlessly and you must have incredible business sense to survive
>end up just dicking around with my T1 frigates and destroyers and PVPing random fuckers in wormholes and earning absurd amount of money from the loot
You seriously think it's obvious that someone on Sup Forums might not know it's that feel when and unintentionally use that face when, when there's yfw (your face when)?
Because it's not all that obvious to me.
Oldfag here.
tfw means "that feel when" not "that face when"
You're welcome.
Politics and espionage are the 'face' of EVE. That IS constantly happening, but you have to involve yourself in Alliances for that. Not every aspect of EVE is politics. I'm a wormhole dweller myself; we live in the space boondocks, PvP a few people now and again, roll some holes and look for some guys to deliver torpedoes to. No politics whatsoever, but fighting for rights to space and diplomacy isn't exactly condusive to the nomadic nature of wormhole systems. Given that k-space sovereign space is static AND, as the name suggests, sovereign, politics comes with it.
Always thought tfw means that fire when.
Yeah, Alliance politics isn't something many new players will experience first hand. Their corp might be influenced by it and then they might feel the consequences of shit that's happening but they themselves won't see what's really happening behind the scenes.
And I actually find that cool, since their actions can have a effect on the economy if you pay attention. A big enough Alliance/Corp can raise demand for a certain ship or weapon if they want to change how they fight. And there are plenty of players who pay attention to that and will produce more and rack up the prices.
There's a lot of little things that add up in EVE. I just hope CCP keeps this up, EVE is doing pretty good right now.
It's weed bro. It's good for you.
Your dumb then.
fucking moron
Tfw = those feelings when?
Flipping idiot
>2. Nicotine improves immediate and longer term memory in healthy volunteers.
That's why I vape. The shit that kills you in cigarettes is all the chemical garbage they add. Pure un-fucked-with nicotine is objectively good for you.