MC can't jump

>MC can't jump
>he jumps during a cutscene

>running into body of water always killing MC
>he swim during a cutscene

>MC kills 30 guys in a cutscene with one strike
>in gameplay the enemies are dangerous and you don't kill more than one or two at once

>Slaughter thousands of enemies during level
>Level ends with a cutscene where a random mook knocks MC out like nothing

>use a custom skin for the MC
>he wears the default skin during a cutscene

>dual wielding rocket launcher and minigun
>in the next cutscene MC is holding his pistol


>playing as an old ass frail spellcaster who can barely lift a staff
>fight during cutscene, MC judo flips one guy and punches another guy in the face

>mfw Kingdom hearts does both scenarios

Who the fuck can't jump? Jumping is easy.

>beat boss easily
>boss whoops MCs ass during cutscene

Ever wonder if one of those mooks killed thousands of enemies before meeting the MC?

>main character in first person shooter
>pushing bullets out of wounds like wolverine
>in a cutscene main character is threatened by antagonist with gun

>weapons disappear when using an emote

Which far cry?

>MC swims in full armor

ye boi

>MC gets serious

it's figurative

>slaughtering enemies by thousands
>don't have an option to capture a female and rape her

>shoot female VIP
>"noooo mission failed"
>congratulate myself in real life for a job well done

>have to escort an npc somewhere
>it dies offhandedly in the level ending cutscene

>character has the ability to fly
>Stuck on the ground when moving around

>equip some cool weapon
>you have the default weapon equipped

>Kill no enemies in gameplay.
>MC doesn't have a non-lethal weapon in his hand.
>End up having a rifle in gameplay after cutscene.

>MC can't jump
>does somersault and rides a rocket during a cutscene

>cutscene shows default armor
R E E E E. inc

>Doors don't open
>Door opens in cut scene

>game switches to cutscene mode
>you can tell it's way less quality because it's in 480p at a terrible resolution

If you're not gonna do in-game cutscenes, at least make it 1080p at the right resolutions, holy shit.

>game transitions you back into gameplay during cutscene
>you lose your rocket launcher and minigun, only with the pistol you had during the cutscene

>fully customize character to not look like mc
>still looks like mc during cutscenes

>instantly die in water
>mc swims during cutscene
