
Can we talk about this? How in the hell have so many MMO's come and gone but this piece of shit is still going? I don't get it, didn't the dotcom bubble kill these stupid online virtual marketplace "games"?

SecondLife discussion I guess.

Other urls found in this thread: Island/60/125/1502

Mental disorders help.

Plus full anonymity to pedophiles? No contest.

A thriving adult entertainment industry

I wonder how the founding company must feel about their prized virtual marketplace that will shape the future being turned into a giant bdsm simulator

Isn't most of SL heavily moderated?

The moderators are the Internets equivalent to mall cops

Is that why they allow so many teenagers to loiter around SL's entrances?

because of porn

that's the power of autism

There's a really good idea somewhere in there. It's muddled by bad technology, dated graphics, confusing interface, questionable controls, paywalls and megatons of autism but it's there.

I mean, the premise is beautiful. There's that world in which everything is user created with practically no limits to what you can do. It's like a 3D representation of the internet itself. It's a shame it has to be held back like that.

If VR ever catches on I could imagine that someone will create a better version of the same idea. Then we can go full Snow Crash.

lol not back in the good old days

In SL's defense it is a pure sandbox, it's just telling that most people use all that creative power to create bdsm fetish clubs for their furry OC's. Still, some interesting shit to see from time to time.

They attempted this so long before our technology was ready for it that I hope they feel awful about it's current state.

Honestly SL is just the most fascinating place to just roam and explore. If you have a cynical view of the internet than SL feels just like a 3D representation of it. Just porn and crazy shit and insufferable people. But jesus the porn.

Doesn't this have a general on /vg/? I remember it being full of maximum gays, furries, and dudes pretending to be little girls.

Also it's not even the longest running MMO. Some furshit chat program has that honor.

>full Snow Crash
You're a cool dude, user.

There used to be an /mlp/ group too, peak autism to watch

literally p3do central

I vaguely remember there was a guy on some nat geo program who spent so much of his time on there that he started doing animations for it by filming himself and having someone animate it iirc

>end up playing this with friends
>they've all spent like hours and hours on their avatar things
>start to think, "what if I did that"
>make my avatar fucking CUBE to stave that shit off

I can see the appeal, and it frightens me that I can see the appeal.

>grow bored with normal porn
>grow bored with strange anime porn
>say fuck it and start playing SL
>create my own porn

I think I broke my dick

If you judged any game by it's /vg/ clique you'd be convinced it was irredeemable garbage. It takes a special kind of autistic asshole to produce drama on /vg/.

I don't think I can go anywhere near that road, let alone go down it.
I have a tendency to go full autismo in games with customization or building or whatever, I want to stay away from that.

Which is odd since its owners have crusaded so much against that very thing.

if you ever join second life look out for this notorious griefer he will insult your avatar and call you a chinaman until you accidentally stick your dick in the butt of a german fudge packer i hear he goes by buff largepec these days

You can almost consider SL to be Sup Forums's 3D mirror image, there are as many pedo's there are there are here and they ave just about as much presence, which is to say if you go looking for them you'll find them, but if you don't you never see them. It's mostly just bored people trying to get their rocks, but instead of just being normal people it's slightly creative people that go through the trouble designing their "avatars" to either be idealized versions of themselves, their waifu's, or just strange fucking shit to annoy people.

>/vg/ shit

yeah nah

yeah i can't stand /vg/ either those nasty trolls have made my second life a living hell

SL is the only game where you can do literally anything, that's why it's alive still

the ceo/founder resigned a few years ago so that says enough

ho ho ho queers u all gay

Here is that same stupid /vg/ griefer getting cucked as usual.

he's just getting ready to charge his j/o crystal off, look at how bright it's glowing

This is why I can't take this game seriously. Whenever a constructive thread comes along regarding building or scripting you devolve into senseless nonsense like this. No wonder no one makes any similar games when all you fuckups do is this.

ok trogdor

GOD FUCKING GRIEFERS REEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Parroting the same jokes for nearly a year isn't grating or unfunny at all if someone everyone knows is doing it.


Honestly I agree, this kind of absolute nonsense is really shameful. Second Life has a huge amount of possibility as a creative field of opportunity and troll fucks like RUIN this game for me. The last time I talked to that particular group of sickening idiot reprobates chased me around their sim with spray bottled filled with urine and vinegar whilst calling me "fagturd clownshoes" (whatever the fuck that means)

Come say that to me inworld and not online chump Island/60/125/1502

/vg/ was a lot better before, but now it's just the same five people who shut down whenever it's not time to all mimic Slab. You can't hold serious conversations with any of them, it's just constant deflection with memes and irony whenever anyone tries to seriously discuss something.

>seriously discuss

lmao sorry this isnt ur book of the month club u sack tonguing loser

Yeah I remember when before that Sovot asshole I was able to wear my furry avatars with my femboy cock out. That guy has ruined my creative endeavor and I'm excited to see that piece of shit sim go down.

Honestly you're right, every time I try and befriend members of /vg/ that bald faggot ruins it. He's constantly on voice sexually harassing people at Stern and is the worst kind of bully, worst of all they made him an officer

/vg/ community is really cancerous, they have "Rules" that you're supposed to follow but they're ignored because of moderator fiat. They're really just a fucking social clique and not even a Sup Forums group anymore.

*dresses as little girl*
*wears magnus*
*gets banned for ageplay*

>it's just constant deflection with memes and irony whenever anyone tries to seriously discuss something.

Group went to hell when all the moderators stopped giving a shit.

I just went and I see jack shit. All I see is a bunch of idiots idling around. Two with shitty eyes, some faggot box, an emo kid and whatever the rest of them are. What a waste of my morning.


This is exactly the shit I'm talking about. Fuck off back to your dying sim in your dying threads and leave this to professional talk.

That's about all that's left. Used to be dozens, now it's the exact same clique that will never change since they just deflect any criticism with memes.


Does /vg/ still have those ridiculous requirements to get an invite? I asked for one a few months ago and got some spiel about how I had to pay them 300L a month and had to give them a copy of my ID

Furries keep anything they attach to alive, no matter how shitty.

See Furaffinity for example

I don't know if much has changed, but second life used to be one of those games where you could make a fortune on your own merit. This was before selling skins and cards, so it was pretty unique. For example, if you were good at modelling or coding, you could conceivably make something unique and sell it to other people. You'd get not only fortune but fame as well.

Content creation is mostly dead now, but the stuff that isn't goes right to gachas. If you want good shit, you basically have to gamble for it or hope that it's resold. What's even more fun is that most gacha shit doesn't have modify or copy permissions, so you can't experiment with it or alter it in any way without risking it fucking breaking.

Gambling also used to be a thing with casinos and slot machines every 10m until they cracked down on it and half the world vanished overnight.

ok torquedom

alright drogtor



Well shit. Now I want to get on and do some lewd RP with my almost loli witch.

You can make real life money doing it in SL though.

Let's see this witch of yours! I may or may not be interested! :3

There is nothing wrong with liking a hot bear ass.

>it's a girl avatar
>they don't have a penis

This game is hilarious.

Slightly out of date picture. Currently have a new skin. Should take a new screenshot but meh, gotta get on my tower for good graphics.

holy beacon of originality and giant heads

so THIS is the true power of Second Life

w-wow you're a real cutie! Can I get an IGN mayhaps?
maybe you should clean your glasses and learn to appreciate a REAL girl when you see one!!



wowah tibby

god you're right what a fucking hottie.

sounds like my kinda game hehehehe

if u dont have a penis i am not even REMOTELY INTERESTED

MAN that unskinned out of the box anime is a babe... IGN and slurl please?

Sometimes SL threads on Sup Forums can be surprisingly cool.

This is not one of those times. This is 3 faggots thinking meme spamming cool and ironic shitposting is cool.


4 faggots including you


I can't argue that.

Furries will keep any hangout they have going long past the shelf life, OP. This is looooooooooooooooong established fact.

If you're surprised about second life, Furcadia has been going steady since 1996.

fag thread fag game

Same with F-list

F-list's barely 8 years old or so, IIRC. They're just the successor platform to a whole bunch of rp/kinksystem sites on the web.