Why is game development so expensive?
Why is game development so expensive?
>they spent money to get the words "tea and noms" on the wall instead of making a better game
Because Hollywood movies are so expensive and game developers want to make Hollywood movies instead of games.
Looks like a fucking kindergarten.
How exactly do you spend money to improve the quality of the game?
All software development is expensive, if your software is at all complicated. Time + salaries = dosh. Of course it doesn't help that some people have offices in places like Silicon Valley which is stupidly expensive.
Yeah, I'm sure the price of the duct tape, stencils, and paint would have greatly improved.
Do you think they used spray paint or did the maniacs actually buy a whole can?
You hire competent people.
Most games aren't that expensive. Just look at gears of war or the witcher 2.
pretty embarassing to be honest
>tea and noms
>shitty chairs
>no proper desks
>developing on laptops
>distractions everywhere
Shit developers general.
>0.5 Bong paint brush
>2 Bongs worth of paint
Why does this trigger people
It's hip to hate meme words.
Because it would cost 100 bongs to hire someone to paint that drivel, money better spent on hiring someone to QC for 2 hours. Likewise with all that Ikea shit.
fucking disgusting
It's not about money or effort, it's about the use of baby talk.
This will never not trigger me, fuck.
Do you retards think that the game's budget pays for painting the wall?
Because implemenrting even the smallest things takes a lot of asschair hours and games consist of tons and tons of small things.
>implying they didn't pay a decorator 600 bucks an hour
But user. Nobody makes game engines anymore. everyone uses off the shelf engines or ones that were made 10+ years ago.
It's not the cost, but the fact that a professional place unironically used the word "noms". That's like Bioware putting up a "gigglesqee" marquee somewhere in their office.
They didn't need better quality control, they all knew the game was shit. What can you do when Sony is telling you the game is due by such-and-such date when there is still months of work left to do?
The problem wasn't the development of the game, it was the way publishers work and how ridiculously overhyped the game was.
Which has nothing to do with a game's budget. If they didn't have those words on the wall those $600 aren't spent on the game, they'd be spent on something else for the facility.
PCs aren't cheap, and if you're making a game with current-year graphics your PCs can't be shit.
Most software nowadays, like Adobe products or the Unity that memers love to use, is rented. ONE Adobe product costs $20 a month, for example.
Back in the PS3 era, getting a PlayStation developer licence was like $4,000 I THINK. This is without considering the developer kit.
Also developing for iOS is shitty because Apple charges you for the pettiest of shit ($2,000/year for dev licence + $2,000/year for publisher license)
I swear to God some people are fucking retarded. I've come across pixel artists who ask for $100 p/hour.
A lot of the times stuff like trailers aren't even produced by the studio itself, it's made by some other group/studio. I once stumbled with a group that does this for indie studios and it charges $1,000 per minute of video. It's fucking insane.
External artists will charge you like hell if they know you're big/had a successful Kickstarter).
Also I read somewhere that Danny Baranowsky asked for $75 per music minute on his first commision project
Developers DO buy off YouTubers and streamers for exposure. It can't be cheap if it's a big one.
They also pay for ads.
>going to gaming events for exposure
Take in consideration that attending to something like PAX requires: flight tickets, event tickets, renting a booth (I think ComicCon asked for $1,400 for just a table with two chairs and two outlets, but this was way back 4 years at least, must be way higher now), printing your booth decorations, renting a TV for display and renting a car or moving service to bring all that shit to the expo.
>the rent, taxes, bills, etc.
These are the things I can remember from the top of my head. Making games is fucking expensive as hell, no wonder why everyone has a Kickstarter nowadays.
And you people circlejerk over the idea of piracy. Fucking kill yourselves.
>Tea & Noms
>office has more gameplay than the actual video game they made.
>tfw not enough GBP for Tea & Noms
If it's so hard.. Why don't THEY kill themselves?
Piracy wont stop just like people killing each other wont stop.
You mean England and Wales Pounds (EWP) from next year
I'm not talking about game engines. Try making a shitty plane in Blender, then try to make anything in UE with blueprints. Even without coding shit gets real complicated real fast. Again everything is really time and manpower consuming.
Hire non man children and pay them well.
well sex changes are very expensive and if you donĀ“t agree to to them your employee can sue you for millions of dollars in the liberal hell hole that is California
How anybody above the mental age of 10 can work in such an environment and not feel patronised and coddled is alarming
>Why don't THEY kill themselves?
Sometimes when their own games won't pay the bills, developers go to big studios like EA for a paycheck and they work on games no one wants to happen, which is kinda the same.
>publishers are the bad guys
>not devs who can't into budget and timeline
I bet you think Obsidian are good devs.
If you're getting your programmers to make shit in blender and your 3d modellers to program of course it's going to be hard.
Implementing something isn't that hard. Getting it to work properly with everything else you have can be.
can be written off
can be written off
can be written off
game developers are slaves
even cheaper than slaves
paid for by publisher (in nms's case, sony)
>going to gaming events for exposure
paid for by publisher (in nms's case, sony)
>the rent, taxes, bills, etc.
companies take advantage of many tax incentives to produce games in a variety of places, uk is no different. also why so many publishers flocked to vancouver and montreal to open studios there. (vancounver has since crashed)
I laughed.
And now I'm sad because EA wont die.
You can't curry the Murry
Well, considering how awful NMS's development went, I'll assume that they decided to pocket Sony's big buck once they saw it and made whatever. If this is true then these faggots won't release any important update ever.
>$75 per minute of Danny Baranowsky's music Sounds like a fat fucking deal to me, where do I sign?
You could use that argument for literally any product in existence. Yes, things do cost money and cannot magically exist from scratch without some sort of investment. Also, you don't have to be a triple AAA dev. There are many examples of a single person creating a game with little investment outside of time. Most of these are indie garbage, but there are some stand outs.
all of sony's money went to e3 marketing and flying sean all over the place to appear on talk shows and in front of anyone with a microphone to sweat heavily and lie his ass off. the whatever hello made was all the fake mock ups for e3 showing features that were never going to be in the game. the only thing sean made was a perfect shit eating grin.
Nowhere. That was with his FIRST comission, plus I think the article said he was desperate.
I once emailed Steve Lehman (the musician behind Cyanide & Happiness) and he asked like $1,000 per minute of song, though he produces orchestrated music, so it's probably reasonable.
Yes, in order to make a good game no money is required but wholeheartedly passion. If you want to make a big fucking mess like NMS then:
>be sure to have a big team so your vision gets spoiled by all of the other employees
>publisher to dictate you how to work
>have due dates so you rush your project
>follow all of the things I listed before
You don't think I'm defending NMS, right? I'm just answering OP's question.
>Tea and Noms
You do realize that's the kitchen, right?
>why didn't they spend $1.5 elsewhere
>we could have like .... instead of that
>how do they dare to try their workplace bearable
I know this is HELLO GAMES we're talking about but nitpicks like yours are extremely retarded.
If you posted something like them getting most expensive office space available with complimentary hookers and blow maybe you'd have a point.
>Witcher 2 was full slav magic tier
>suddenly it was too expensive to do it again without porting it all over the place
Tea is fucking gay. Coffee is better.
Because you need to pay trained professionals wages over a long period of time.
Witcher 3 is on a significantly grander scale than 2 though.
nowaday they wastes 50% of their budget on marketing
Because the focus on GRAPHICS and gigantic OPEN WORLDS requires big teams to work for long time.
That means office space costs, salaries, equipment cost and all the other shit I missed costs are huge.
Since the costs are huge devs need a hit, which means a lot will stick to boring shit they new would sell instead of trying new shit out.
>drinking the juice from ass beans
because inflated marketing budget + outsourcing. outsourcing is convenient but it's more expensive than having your team do the job.
>all that self-infantilisation
Pig disgusting. I bet their desks are full of figurines and plush toys too.
>it's a Sup Forums getting triggered by the civilized world recognizing the importance of employee moral in retaining skilled employees and complaining that game devs aren't treated like the slave labour in their rural shithole episode
Hello Games were fuckups but that's not because of their office.
>can be written off
You do realize it still costs money upfront right?
>can be written off
In YEARS. Still has to be payed for upfront.
Ummm, to "claim something on tax" means it's free, duhhh
Too bad they did not realize that releasing good games makes you retain employees for longer.
its like you retards have never seen a software companies break room before.
Heck mine is pretty much like the OP but with an xbox, pool table and no tacky signs.
Are you insulted by their diminutive attitude towards you, sweetie googoo plum?
I'd be insulted to work in a kindergarten-like environment with retarded babby-talk.
>wanting your workspace to look like a kindergarten class room
fuck off, get a job
Wow those are huge telephones.
It says a lot about a company if they're prepared to ponce about and coddle grown adults with preschool style rooms. Makes you wonder where else effort time and money is being wasted
Sorry kid yeah they were invented a long time ago before we had apple walkmans and satellite cable.
Like computers telephones were originally the size of an ikea, but the receiver was so heavy nobody could lift it for about 40 years without being crushed. It's where we get the phrase "dead ringer" from.
Fucking boomers so entitled and privileged. No idea how stressful and hard today's workplace can be.
This is true. As I said, they're fuckups but not because of their office.
>REEEEEE, people who actually matter to society are being treated better than me, I can't STAND this
>h-h-how do you like being insulted? That's what being given a general good environment is like, right? It's been so long since my shitty third world/rural job remembered I'm human that I've forgotten
News flash: baring the semi-cringeworthy inclusion of the word "noms", that is the most standard ass white collar break room you could find. Every job worth the slightest bit of a shit will have a space like that, especially in games dev. You would know this if you weren't subhuman shitstains that have taken a step within a hundred miles of civilization in your life.
A+ effort, my man.
actually these are the machines they use to type in our post numbers.
Some pretentious hipster probably designed that space because he read from some pretentious postmodernist magazine that kindergartens increase productivity abd helps deconstruct ageonormative views.
>Omg why do people care about how they look? Its all about what you do not what you wear and your appearance.
>Holy shit this canteen is clearly an indicator of a shit developer, not their complete lack of ability or skill.
The hypocrisy is dank, and rank.
Really got my noggin joggin
>. It's where we get the phrase "dead ringer" from
>triggered numale mad that people make fun of his kindergarten safespace
Holy shit, why are they so big? there's only 9 numbers. Why not just have like a yardstick you waggle about instead?
>Hello Games
>Mattering to society
user I work in the game industry...
Even my old part time job which was 95% women had no lame shit like that.
Not him but shit like tea and noms + gay colours everywhere is a reason milennials are getting fucked.
I just want to be paid a wage similar to boomers of my time not >le funky tea room XD
Yeah, good luck finding anyone willing to work for you for the $50 the sign on the wall cost.
>triggered ruralshits thinking they're people
>Sup Forums thinks devs will work better with a cold empty room where edible sludge comes out of a tube in the corner of the room
How's autism camp going?
>It's a Basement Dwellers Consider Anything Outside of Living off Oatmeal in a Parent's Basement Exuberant and Wasteful episode
Yes, please, your underacviever tears are delicious!
>tfw your numale radar works perfectly and you got one
Enjoy the next 8 years of Trump, SanFran faggot.
Then you either worked in a shitty third world job or an absolute garbage tier studio that only hired dropkicks like you.
Simple as that.
If only we were as successful as Hello Games.
>Triggered faggot living in postmodernist thought bubble thinking he can survive without ruralfags
Food comes from supermarkets and electricity from the wall right?