Did Sup Forums like Spirit Tracks?

Did Sup Forums like Spirit Tracks?

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The dungeons are alright, an improvement over Phantom Hourglass, but fuck me the train navigation is some of the worst in the series and the pan flute is the worst instrument to play.
Spirit Zelda is great though, it's a shame they wasted it on this game.

I liked Phantom Hourglass. Spirit Tracks is the only "main" Zelda I've yet to play, but everytime I think about picking it up I think about the flute.

Is it a pain to deal with on the 3DS' shitty mic? That crap was a nightmare in Bowser's Inside Story.


Great dungeons, great music, great companion.
I didn't have a problem with the whole on rails thing, even on rails the world felt varied and you could find a lot of optional stuff on the roads.

Playing the flute was a nightmare, though.

Literally the only Zelda game I've ever played

Enjoyed it immensely

It was fucking lame.

Gay ass manbaby children's game. A fucking embarrassment to the Zelda name. Fuck the DS titles.

>Gay ass manbaby children's game

I enjoyed it
Flute was a bit finnicky
Interesting mechanics with Zelda being used as a way to use the armor, and it's better than Phantom Hourglass in that respect

hourglass was better
not by much though

both were poor, just one had linebeck as the main character

Not really.
It just takes so long to get started, and once it does it still takes so long to really do anything. Plus, fuck the flute. I must have tried that last song fifty times before I just started spamming the first two notes and it apparently let me through.

Huge improvement over Phantom Hourglass, still not very good. It's an okay game.

I didn't like PH, but ST was a pleasant surprise, I enjoyed it more than I'd ever expect to

There's not a single Zelda game I don't like, but ST is kinda middle of the road for me. The overworld is a significant part of the game and simply isn't that fun. Sometimes it can even get a little aggravating late game when it's full of bomb trains.

Some parts were really good and some were really bad.

Honestly like Phantom Hourglass more, it's more consistently good, even if it's not great.

I really liked it
It's really underrated

I really enjoyed it. My favorite version of Zelda as a character

It's probably the worst Zelda I've played, and I've played them all barring the CDi games. That and SS have the distinction of being the only Zelda games I haven't finished. I sincerely, sincerely fucking hope whoever thought putting fucking trains in Legend of Zelda got fired immediately after the games release. Ignoring how jarringly retarded that is, the whole train mechanic was awful and tedious. People bitch about WW sailing, but this was 500x worse. And then the music mechanic was literally broken.

I think the traveling could've been made significantly less tedious by giving the train one more tier of speed and letting you teleport around the map more easily (those warp gates were pretty inconvenient).

Yes. It's a big step up from PH and has one of my favorite Zeldas.
Overall it's not as good as the rest of the series, though.

Yes. The only real reason to discredit it is the touch controls, which aren't an issue after five minutes of getting used to them.

It's the only Zelda game I've just never finished, the train movement was just the absolute worst most tedious unfun garbage I've ever experienced.

I remember playing it and getting stuck on the flute because i'm color blind so i couldn't see some of the notes of the fucking song that i was supposed to play, andando i didn't give enough fucks yo guess them.

That's one way to admit you're a shitter. Trains were fine.

Not really, but it was a bit better than PH.

>I sincerely, sincerely fucking hope whoever thought putting fucking trains in Legend of Zelda got fired immediately after the games release.



What a fucking retard. Building the entire game around one shitty travel system, and then wasting literally half of the dev time on a canned idea.

Both ST and PH are saved by some really cool dungeon ideas and some of the best supporting cast. Linebeck (+Ciela) and Ghost Zelda are probably the greatest supports of the series.

You're a complete idiot.

It's still my favorite Zelda game. It's the first in the series to flesh out a Zelda's character and purpose along with her relationship with Link. Plus I love trains!

That you Aonuma?


plebbit please

I loved the train, especially how the tracks were used to expand and change the map.

Spirit Tracks > A Link Between Worlds

Reminder that Americans always get shit box art.

I liked it, but it is easily one of the weaker zelda games, i don't remember a lot about it but i can think of a few things,

> Normal dungeons were boring, but the phantom tower was really well done.

> Trains were meh except for the final battle train thing.

> The blow instrument sucked.

> I liked ghost zelda a lot but she is still no where as enjoyable a character as linebeck.

> Side quests didn't feel rewarding or enjoyable.

> Don't remember 99% of the story

I liked it more than the NES zeldas, but i prefer all the other skyview zelda games over it.

I didn't finish Phantom Hourglass.

I finished Spirit Tracks. Yeah it was fun and enough of an improvement over Phantom Hourglass for me to enjoy it. I liked how Zelda actually got more involved.


Which do you prefer, Spirit Tracks Zelda or Skyward Sword Zelda?

what does ss zelda even do except be a mcguffin and comedy foil for groose

st zelda of course

Not even that bad
