Heroes of the Storm thread
Heroes of the Storm thread
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Literally nobody plays that game.
best girl
Just play dota
It's better in every way. The only good thing HotS has is
No, I do
Why should i? Dota2 is pure shit, and first one is literally more autistic version of Hots
Maiev when?
Dota2 fag here
I've played Dota since 2013 and I have a couple thousand hours in it
I can honestly say HoTS is one of the funnest ASSFAGGOTS I have tried in a while. I've genuinely been playing it more than Dota recently.
Is there something wrong with me?
This is my HotS waifu.
Please BlizzDrone, leave. Nobody Likes your shitty Dota2/LoL blend, it's unbearably bad.
I played 15 matches to get that stupid genji skin in Overwatch and it was the worse experience i have ever had.
Yes. You basically just want teamfights.
>thread about "game"
>play 15 matches of a game you don't even like to get a tryhard skin for a shitty weeb character
What a fag.
Stop samefagging btw, it's fucking embarassing.
I've also ditched Dota for HoTs because I'm tired of farming for 10 minutes before the game actually starts, then losing because some other retard didn't farm enough
HoTs is like playing Dota except you skip to the midgame straight away
i got that genji omni skin
You missed, pal
Biggest mistake i've ever made, it was pretty shitty and not fun, i just wanted to get it over with.
Well you're a fucking nobody
Hows everyone enjoying Ragnaros?
Two sides of the same explanation
I feel like the thing im loving the most about the game is the really interesting ideas for characters
Abathur is the Treant I've always dreamed of, and Cho'Gall is genuinely the most creative idea for a moba in ages
Maybe after a couple more months I'll finally get bored of this game. Idk
I'm not, because I decided to spend coin on The Butcher instead and I got like 5 new characters handed to me from the holiday event.
Also his skill set in a team fight seems kind of underwhelming, and trying to lure people into fighting a boss mode ragnaros either just results in people running or them annhilating ragnaros immediately since his healthpool for that form isn't great enough to make him a major threat.
>Also his skill set in a team fight seems kind of underwhelming
>Basically the best poke in the fucking game
>in a game about poke
No, he's broken af.
Who do you want in next Sup Forums?
I'm still hoping for the best Warcraft character to get in
That rasta negro wraith from Wings of Liberty.
we've waited too long, im sick on them teasing this shit over n over
The shotgun from blackthorne, not even the dude, just the gun.
Good thing is they plan to add necro class in D3.
Bad thing is I don't care about D3 anymore.
D2 Necromancer
worse than mobile games
I like laning more than team fights. In lane I depend less on the shitty team and can actually use the game mechanics to take a big lead.
Then I come into mid game ready to stomp the enemy team.
Or in lane the other guy knows what he is doing too and I can tell that he is good.
Without lane it would just a mess.
>mfw chromie week
How do we stop it, i hate that fucker since no one can deal with her when i go support
>all abilities are random
go butcher or illidan and destroy her
just give me my fucking genji skin
I do
TFW duo ranked takes 15 minutes to find match...
isn't he in?
Dota needs a gnome grill too
Haven't played since the summer. Got back in just to try out Ragnaros, and he's pretty fun.
The only other hero that has released since the last time I played that seems interesting is Samuro. Is he any good?
Not as good as he is annoying to fight.
Garrosh or Lei Shen.
as someone who grew up playing dota
we're talking the whole class skipping highschool and fucking around at a net cafe playing dota while girls watched
this game is by far the most enjoyable and actually allows you to play the same hero all day trying out actually different builds and not being a total fucking handicap for your team
but people should be cautios about promoting the growth of these games, dota 2 and lol need to contain all the dota 1 cancer community so I can keep enjoying hots without worrying about retards doing shit like griefing or bitching at any lost teamfight
ye, he got nerfed now
When she dies in WoW
>her orc skin
Legit worried that I'll spend money for it
i do, my wife too.
true, shame its a tranny.
Dota still have that one map made by fans since decade ago or did they put some content out?
From Diablo
Malthael, Imperius, any of the diablo evils
From Warcraft
A Draenei, Garrosh, Grommash, a druid with cat/bear form
From Starcraft
Stukov, Fenix, some protoss unit, that huge primal zerg
From Overwatch
Reinhardt, Dva, Winston, Lucio
Too much warcraft, need more SC( I never played SC2 but I love abby, zaga, alarak and artanis) more diablo.
But we need more non asasins.
>in a game about poke
You came right out of dirt league didnt you?
>true, shame its a tranny.
You don't understand dragon culture
Im such a huge sucker for Mogu, literally the best part in MoP. As long its any kind of male mogu, i'd be buying it
I dont know how much have changed but when i played it shortly after release there was just huge pokefests around objectives
Anyone from Rock n Roll Racing would be amazing.
I just don't know how they would implement them into the game. Considering how different TLV play compared to other heroes in HotS, a RnRR hero should be pretty unique.
>As long its any kind of male mogu
Not like female mogu exists
Twin boss in Throne of Thunder peeks in
maybe, but I understan nature, Chromie is disguise for dragon dildo.
Not made out of flesh and blood, they are fabricated.
The games meta changes like once every other month. Dive comps, poke comps, stun comps have all been meta at one point or another.
It's "King-ky" but I'll forgive you.
Reinhardt, Genji, Kel'thuzad, any of the Prime Evils, Malthael, Fenix.
They found voice files for Malthael in the game
there seems to be a lot of WoW warriors already. Garrosh is kind of similar to Varian or ETC
>Just play dota
I tried.
I didn't like it but I liked HoTS.
>Malf Main
>Non English
Off my game ree etc.
>Ultimates swap out which car you're using
I'm down for that
>It's better in every way.
You made me laugh. Thanks.
pls no
>Skill sets change with each car
>Mount for Dirt Devil and Maurader is just a jump move
>Sky Blade, Battle Trak and Havac get a big speed boost
please blizz
that's not a nice way to describe the game but i guess it fits
If anything we need more really crazy ass specialists, they should give us Will of the Emperor. Give us a hero that's essentially just an add factory, like Azmodan's Z and W but a WHOLE hero.
Playing this for oni gengo was painful
As much as i love me some Zul'jin, i think its time for a new non-warcraft specialist
Blizzard will be absolutely retarded not to put him in.
>a hots thread
>on Sup Forums
Zealot Fenix, Dragoon Fenix, or Talandar Fenix?
Dragoon. Would make him stand out more in the roster.
Why not all of them?
I've seen several in the past month or so.
all the cyka 2 players are too busy getting shitfaced with vodka and eating their babushka's x-mas leftovers to spam
Stay frosty.
I am just forced to play support because every chad wants to play assassin/warrior
Also i dont play ETC
Mephisto, I'm interested of what blizzard can come up with for his interactions with the other lords of hell.
What about a RnRR map? Cars zoomin everywhere shooting up the place. Get Larry as an announcer.
>Lights him up!
>Stitches is in another time zone!
Please Blizzard
Is she for lewd?