Can we discuss gay romance options in video games, just for informative purposes?
Can we discuss gay romance options in video games, just for informative purposes?
That's gay.
What's your favourite game with gay romance options?
dunno, suggestions?
No shit.
It isn't optional. but Zestiria probably has the best gay romance.
I want a boyfriend...
Real life :3c
You already have a fag containment board.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
But its full of trannies and lib cuck gays
Dont forget
>Give it a male personality
This is clearly about video games
>he's never seen a twink
Looks nothing like a girl in any way. If you're just trying to cover your embarrassment over being attracted to a guy then you're doing a poor job of it.
>tfw no bf
>draw a cute boy
>insecure pleb claims it looks like a girl to soothe their ego
This isn't allowed. Kill yourself asap.
but why
>feminine face
>wearing dress
I want someone to spend my life with. I want someone I can cook for. I want someone I can play dumb games with. I want someone I can see dumb movies with. I want someone I can hold close and call my own. I want a boyfriend!
The only good romance is one where the sex of the characters doesn't matter because they're so well written, you believe the characters leave eachother as humans, not as X and X, X and Y or Y and Y.
I'll still read shit like Velvet Kiss, Yuki no Shita no Qualia, Murcielago, omegaverse shit like Abarenbo Honey, etc.
that's a jacket dipshit
Just keep looking anons you'll find one. In the meantime, post video games.
I'm disgusted that I know what you're talking about too
I couldn't tell, they framed it to look like a dress in that picture.
Face it, if that's what you're attracted to, you're straight.
This is no better than those trap poster who post nemunemu shit and think they're gay.
M-Me too...
Don't be disgusted, feel glad that there are people in the same circle of living hell.
All anime faces look the same. And that's a jacket. Your bait is shitty and makes no sense, please leave the thread.
its quite obviously a jacket..
>tfw 27 and approaching bearmode and no cute twink younger bf
I doubt it, I'm a shut in that lives in an area that isn't particularly gay friendly.
You two should date!
Someone told me that this is worth playing, am I being rused?
The characters look androgynous enough.
From what I've heard, no. There's one playful kiss between two boys halfway through the game, but then it just forces disgusting hetshit from then on out. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't want to spend the time playing it just to learn that it's true.
i'm not even looking ;-;
We should date!
To be honest I just want some vidya that can do any romance good and not in a shitty way
It'll be a long ass time before I can get to romance a cute awkward elven guy in a vidya game and not have it feel poorly written
The boy that you kiss is actually a robot.
Take that however you want.
The game itself is average. Music and atmosphere is top notch. Story and gameplay is god awful.
>tfw have all of this but he thinks sex is boring and more difficult than fun, would rather eat ice cream, watch weird youtube videos with me, and cuddle, which is great in and of itself but getting so fucking thirsty
I've been with him for two years and even though he says it's gonna happen, he still hasn't ever fucked me, not for lack of trying
We never have enough lube, he won't stay hard enough long enough for the condom to stay on, so I have to be content with handjobs, blowjobs, mutual masturbation and the occasional 69/him using a dildo on me with his hands when he feels adventurous
what do? how to become his onahole? I love him too much to leave but this is like eating cake without frosting
>i'm not gonna play a game if it doesn't pander to my sexual orientation
gay people are literally women
Well then how do you expect to find a boyfriend?
was meant for
did he fap alot in the past?
could have death gripped his cock
also ed from over exposure to porn
all else fails, put him in chastity and only let him out to fuck
You should date the other user, I'm sure it'd make him happy!
I don't really know what to tell you, my issue was kind of the reverse in the past. This guy I dated always wanted me to put it in him, but I have absolutely no desire to do so, I only like to bottom myself.
Can't really find it much outside of VN type games. Too much 'romance' shoehorned into games Mass Effect style, "hey there's some characters you can fuck and make some sort of vague attachment that you'll forget".
>Not understanding that this is equivalent to straight people playing super shitty fan service vn's but dropping them after finding out it's one big blue ball
Maybe he should see a doctor? If his sex drive is that low there's probably something seriously wrong with his health. Vitamins might help a lot, too.
it's not even a romance game, you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for gay shit
I hate to break it to you, but your boyfriend ain't gay
How feminine is your dick m8?
Are you gonna complain when Gachimuchi 2016 drops and we get a sticky of it?
Metal Gear solid
The game's cute atmosphere is its entire selling point from what I've seen. But if it isn't gay, then it isn't cute. That's just an objective fact.
If it has good gameplay then I don't mind playing blatantly hetero pandering stuff like Bayonetta. The same probably couldn't be said by straight people about gay pandering games, so in reality it's heterocucks like you who act like women.
Daily reminder that it's only pure if it's shota.
>want to talk about fetish material in video games
>expecting actual informative discussion
yuri is gay
traps are kay
All boys are pure when they're together.
Reminder that based Pence is going to throw all of you mentally ill faggots over the wall, can't wait for America to finally be good again.
Also Sup Forums is for videogames, not SJW agendas.
He has fapped a lot, and most of his fetishes are impossible shit like giant people that I can't bring into the bedroom, getting him to fap less is very difficult, it's just routine for him
The chastity idea is nice and makes me salivate but I dunno if he'd go for it considering he fancies himself the dominant one and his cock is probably too big, thick and juicy to fit without discomfort thank god for Venezuela's contribution to the gene pool
no insurance
I'm as girly as it gets if you stick to people without vaginas, he's mainly into futa when it comes to porn
>gay pandering games
name one mainstream game like this
normal people don't flip their shit if their games aren't loaded with fanservice.
i just kinda want one to fall into my ass i guess ;-;
>Len will never be real
Fuck, someone freeze me until you can buy sexbots.
Tales of Zestiria. And normalfags did flip their shit at this game, and the gay fanservice wasn't even that heavy handed.
you can get some big comfy metal cages
and you should make him fap less
he has you he shouldn't need to fap
just cause your the bottom doesn't mean you can't be dommy
i think you're looking for a girlfriend
because len is literally a mirror image of kagamine rin
reminder that when the adults take things over in four years we're going to hang you all for crimes against human rights as we shove bricks from the wall we just knocked down up your tight frog anus and have fun doing it
No, boys become impure sluts late teenage years just like women.
I only want to be a slut for the one I love.
At least cute boys are becoming a bit more mainstream.
They don't. If anything, they get more pure as they learn the true value of love and friendship. Virtue and education are a necessary part of purity.
It's not gay if he's cute
Be my slut
We don't know each other though. I'm also a very boring person.
gay is not okay
I would but I find Len a lot cuter and coy.
It's only cute if he's gay. Boys are great. Women and anyone who likes them are trash.
>no penis
don't knock it till you try it
Yeah, no.
All of mankind become irredeemable garbage the moment they get old and wise enough to realize everything is pointless.
Knowledge is a poison.
Throwing yourself at anyone who gives you the attention you seek, as expected of an impure soul.
I was politely saying no though...
Admittedly, the only good romances in Bioware games was Fenris (Paired up with a male mage hawke for hilarities sake) and Garrus.
Garrus was their only objectively good romance.
I wish Klonoa was romanceable.
Same, everyone gets bored of me really quick
could always find a girl with one
Rin is ugly.
that's because your only personality trait is being gay
you're not worth more than the time it takes to pump and dump you
I fucking hate these threads
they're filled with skinny attentionwhoring faggots with horrible taste in videogames
please kys your selfes
That's rather mean, user.
You should focus on broadening your horizons or something! Pick up a new hobby or try to learn a new skill.
>Implying Gay can't also be pure and without sexual connotations
Don't let the mentally maladjusted minority get to you, most actually homosexual people aren't complete weirdos
In fact, most family members who are homosexual in my family are lawyers and government.
You didn't deny the thought though.
You are either a virgin, a slut, or willing to cheat on the one you love.
user, please. Nothing is pointless. Learning how to love and cherish a significant other makes everything worthwhile. Knowledge leads you towards happiness, not away from it. Leave your teenage angst and immaturity at the door and just post cute boys please.
>Gay guy falls in love with me
>Tries to hide it but while he probably thinks I don't know, I definitely know
>He's antisocial, has the worst taste in everything, and is boring as fug
>Looks are a masculine 6.5/10, 7 if he would just shave his face regularly
>Attracted to cute, but he's not too masculine so eh
>Still considering dating him because I'm so lonely
Why cant I just have a qt bf with good tastes that isn't boring
Literally no one outside of Sup Forums knows I have gay thoughts senpai
Ha what a gay
I believe turning someone down is denying them. I'm not a virgin, but I'd say I'm far from a slut, I've only ever been with two guys. I've been cheated on a lot and I could never ever do something like that to someone I love.
You should not date someone out of desperation, user. It will never ever turn out well, just believe that you will find the right one for you someday!
It is not immaturity, it is the truth.
True love can not exist in a world with knowledge.
The moment someone disagrees with your views, they will stab you in the back just because they can.
>I've only ever been with two guys
Even two is too much.
You've clearly never had a true love, and likely never will.
>most actually homosexual people aren't complete weirdos
Your pride parades and constant headpats from the tech industry speak otherwise.
That's stupid. Luckily it sounds like you're just going through an edgy phase, so you'll probably meet somebody really nice in a few years. Just give it time.