Did the wrong kid die?

Did the wrong kid die?

SEGA had the downs.

I think they made the right choice.

They stepped out of the console market with pride, thankfully we'll never see an always online dlc box from them

Yes. But still, the Dreamcast was a good way to die. I would hate to see Sega releasing shit like Wii, Wii U and Switch.

Crazy thing is, with the standardised hardware this generation, So longs you can get some devs on board, it'd be a great time for a former console company or new company to launch a new console platform.

Where the good NAOMI emulation at?

They deserved it.


After how garbage the saturn was sega deserved to fucking fail. I remember getting that piece of shit instead of an n64 or ps1 in 1998 because it was cheaper my parents said. Ive moved past that and sega has had some great games since 2001 but I would and no one would ever buy a console from them again

>Being a pleb in 1998.

>Did the wrong kid die?
They consoles always look out of place for the time they got released in. Master System looks like something from the 1970s, Saturn looks like 1980s and Dreamcast looks like 1990s.
Somehow they failed at proper industrial design every time.

I'd rather have Sega back than HEXBOX.

The original Xbox was basically a Sega consoel though

>sega console with like four sega games

And the Dreamcast was basically a microsoft console.

Imagine a world where Nintendo died instead of Sega.

Instead of Smash Bros threads we would have Virtua Fighter threads.

No autism, no waifushit, just gameplay discussion. It would be wonderful.

THey did the right thing. Nintendo needs to do the same and open up their games to other platforms. Mario on Playstation, on PC (unpirated you NEETs).

Holy shit... best thing ever.

Actually, I would assume we would have Power Stone threads instead, given the somewhat similar gameplay.

>Imagine a world where Nintendo died instead of Sega.
Then Sega wouldve died right after that.

Your parents knew better than you.
Best console of the gen.

Sup Forums would hate 90% of the short arcade style games Sega actually made.

most of the Dreamcast's library could be finished in less that 4 hours.

Saturn was actually as very good console, especially in Japan (like any other console)
I always loved how Sega consoles had many diverse games, never got bored by playing the same game, only remember Sakura Taisen having 4 games, rest was original games or arcade ports.
Really amazing consoles

Virtua Fighter 6, OutRun 3, new Super Hang-On, new Panzer Dragoon or a remake of older titles on new sega console would have been amazing

You mean people who never played arcade titles would have been mad at enhanced versions of arcade titles?
It's like someone complained that a fighting game is 5 minutes long because I've beat a single character with it and "the game is over"
Every console back in the day had many arcade ports, doesn't mean those consoles doesn't have any worthwhile games, if someone wants a long game then he should just play some RPG

>just gameplay discussion

We can't have that if Nintendo died instead of Sony with their movie games.

Master System was good
Genesis was great
Saturn was shit
Dreamcast was shit

t. american poster

>le Saturn was good in Japan meme
it just had even more shmups and even more fighting games.

So it had more good games, how is that a bad thing?
Not only it had more games in Japan, even Europe had some exclusive Saturn titles that America didn't have.
There are only 2 bad things about Saturn and it's not game related thing


they are doing well these days, without YOU, because they fucking hate YOU

now go cover your awesome ps4 in creamy man jizz

Does sony put neuro-transmitters in their ps4s that make you forget that nintendo makes great games?

>Dreamcast looks like 1990s
So it looks like it fits in the decade it was released in?

Thank you for giving yet another example of why they should have died instead. Fucking cancerous fanbase.

>nintendo makes great games


I know it's been a long time but it's past 2004, Nintendo just doesn't make any good games any more, same with MS and Sony.
Can't remember any good exclusive title for PS4 or Xbone

Does Nintendo put neurotransmitters in their consoles that make you think it's still the 80s or is that something their fan base does willingly?

>Does Nintendo put neurotransmitters in their consoles that make you think it's still the 80s or is that something their fan base does willingly?

It's call the NES Classic you retard and I'm pretty sure that was done on purpose.

>In an alternative universe we could have gotten a non-MMO Phantasy Star made by Monolith

>most of the Dreamcast's library could be finished in less that 4 hours.
As it should be. 4 hours of intense gameplay is better than 30 of stupid tutorials, boring cutscenes, sidequests and such.

The best genres along with racing. Saturn got a fair share of the popular multiplats: RE, sotn, tomb raider, mmx4.

>could've had a 360 with dreamcast backwards compat

>but we didn't get it because sega was retarded

if only...


>could be finished in less that 4 hours.

Implying that neo-Sup Forums could finish them under 4 hours. Sup Forums is casual as fuck.