Why can't they get it right Sup Forums?
At least Sup Forums has Edge of Tomorrow and few good live actions but I've never seen a good video game adaptation.
Why can't they get it right Sup Forums?
At least Sup Forums has Edge of Tomorrow and few good live actions but I've never seen a good video game adaptation.
Other urls found in this thread:
I like the first silent hill movie.
Video games are based on action scenes in movies. Try to bring that back to vidya and the result is shit.
Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter are genuinly fun movies to watch.
RE1/2 too, they're so cheesy it's funny.
Postal is comedy gold.
How would you have done a Doom movie?
Hard mode: Still have to use Doom 3.
I thought the doom movie wasn't too bad, the first-person sequence was fucking lame as shit.
Shame about the lack of hell demons though.
God damn why was the Mortal Kombat movie so good.
Open a portal to hell; fight DEMONS not ALIENS.
The ace attorney games
>what is silent hill
>what is resident evil
>what is prince of persia
Because Mortal Kombat knew exactly what it wanted to be. And had some pretty decent casting for the most part. To the point that Kano's character in the future games was influenced by the movie.
It also redeemed the only song worth a damn from the horrible arcade soundtrack.
>the first-person sequence was fucking lame as shit.
The US got a longer version of the FPS scene and it dragged on too long. We got a trimmed down version of it which fit much better. It was certainly interesting to see something like that on screen.
And as Hardcore Henry showed us you can do a pretty fucking fun FPS movie.
Fucking this. The movie was basically Postal 2. Plus it had Uwe Boll saying his movies are funded by Nazi gold, and all those kids with squibs pretending to be shot up in a crossfire.
>mfw Reaper's name was Guy
>as in DoomGuy
>Guy is the main badass after months of marketing Dwayne as the lead role
>Dwayne ends up going mad and Guy fucking murders him
Pretty good movie if not taken seriously.
The only game movie that can be taken seriously and be considered good is Mortal Kombat but you have to know what's bad and what isn't bad in that movie to be able to enjoy it.
Fuck no they aren't. They're straight up bad.
two fucking words
Dredd 3D but instead of justice, criminals, and a tower you have guts, demons, and Hell.
The 2012 Ace Attorney film wasn't half bad. The Warcraft film was also decent for fans of the universe. Aside from that I can't really think of any decent vidya movies.. Prince of Persia was alright I guess?
Fuck you man, i loved the movie. The only flaw is that FPS sequence is short.
Mortal Kombat was a great movie.
Hell, i even like Uve's Bloodrayne.
>Edge of Tomorrow
Every single time I hear of this movie I have to tell people how awesome it was.
It was awesome.
Doom was decent for what it was. The superhuman fight at the end I was particularly impressed with given it didn't go completely pants on head retarded with power levels. Also just seeing The Rock lose his shit was pretty good.
Also the BFG and the fact they actually said BIG FUCKING GUN.
Given the time it was made it really did turn out a lot better than we were expecting.
And at least it wasn't completely forgettable like the Tomb Raider movies.
It was awesome.
What does edge of tomorrow have to do with Sup Forums?
My nigga
>all those kids with squibs pretending to be shot up in a crossfire.
I loved how the humor of that scene went over the head of most critics.
>The only flaw is that FPS sequence is short.
You outside the US by any chance? They got the full version and everyone else got a cut version. Honestly the cut version is better.
If you want more FPS movie action though check out Hardcore Henry. Because holy fuck will that scratch that itch for you.
It was based on the novel, then Manga "All you need is kill"
Doom, the Resident Evil series, Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros and Mortal Kombat are schlock-kino.
Based off a manga of a different name.
Manga is darker.
Sup Forums user he says.... more like Sup Forums RETARD
What was that name?
I enjoyed the Resident Evil movies in a childish way.
Most of the time it's because producers get too involved in the process and begin kicking things out that they think are bad.
Take the Hitman films for example, producer through the director was making the film too slow for what he assumed was a game about killing.
Fired the French director and replaced him with the person that gave us the rest of it.
Also: practical effects for most of the monsters instead of CGI adds at least one or two additional plus points.
Why is Karl Urban so fucking great?
All You Need Is Kill
Fuck you, I loved RE movies.
>What the fuck did you do to my game!?
That movie was damn near perfect for what it was supposed to be. Boll isn't anywhere near as bad as he was made out to be since he purposely tanked most of the video game movies he did for tax reasons.
Postal I think he knew it wouldn't sell anyway and didn't need to hold back or do anything special to try and tank it. So he just went all out.
Honestly Rampage is a decent movie. And Assault on Wall Street looks fun.
Alone in the Dark was watchable as long as you missed the first 5 minutes that literally outlined every plot twist.
if you like they both like BloodRayne or any available all I got to say dude is like you're
user, are you okay?
Because he comes to play the roles he is given. And doesn't try to pull any of that hollywood 'I need facetime' bullshit. Which is why he kept the helmet on for all of Dredd.
He genuinely seems to like action roles too. At least that is what it looked like from the Doom behind the scenes stuff. He was taking the training fairly seriously.
Seems like a bro.
Movie adaption of All you need is kill. Its even straight up called that her in nipland
>that Albert Wesker fight scene in Afterlife
Possibly the funniest thing in cinematic history.
For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, do yourself a favour.
Yeah man I'm okay I'm just watching no I wasn't watching anymore I'm just browsing Sup Forums because like I'm getting there I'm drinking water and I'm getting better so don't worry about it dude thanks for caring
>Seems like a bro.
Definitely. He barely did anything in LOTR and he's still my favorite character
Blubberella was also pretty amusing in a Troma-esque way.
It's even funnier if you know HOW that movie was made.
>outside of US
London mate.
And thanks for the recomendation.
Fucking hell just going over his IMBD I completely forgot about a lot of the shit he was in.
Also he was in Xena and Hercules back in the day as Julius Caesar and Cupid?
What a champ.
I stood behind Renee O'Conner in a taxi queue at the airport once.
>processing system failure
>processing system failure
>comm system failure
>system error
These films run off over the top action.
It's fun.
No worries mate.
You aren't missing anything with the extended FPS scene in Doom. It dragged even though it was only like an extra 30 seconds to a minute or something. We got the better cut.
I got the DVD for that extended scene, and because I just wanted the movie, but the behind the scenes stuff was more interesting. Like how they drilled the actors with proper weapons so that when shooting they were used to muzzle flare and didn't reactively close their eyes. So they would appear more military.
This is a top-shelf vidya movie.
I remember seeing that in the cinemas and just having no fucking idea what was going on.
>user wanted a literal RE movie
>"a movie about someone running in circles in a house solving puzzles for about 2 hours without speaking is funnier than a cheesy zombie movie that knows it's bad!!!"
yea, it was ok movie
Greetings from 2017 cunts.
Came here to post this. The first Silent Hill movie isn't bad at all. I mean it isn't great either, but it's enjoyable and reasonably faithful to the source material.
>whiter than snow Jake Gyllenhaal playing the Prince of PERSIA
Fuck Hollywood
I just can't believe that Sean Bean didn't die.
Fuck off tumblr, go make some shitty games about brown genderqueer oppressed protagonists
You should watch it. It's a hoot of a time.
Mario dry humps a big fat black woman in a nightclub and Daisy is an archaeologist who is also a dinosaur.
>not caring about immersion and lore
I bet you defended Dingdong fucking up Avatar too
I remember snippets. But yeah I should go back and watch it again.
He dies in the sequel.
I know. But I just honestly couldn't believe that of all the fucking movies, he survives Silent Hill.
I wish JCVD had starred in a Tekken movie.
I don't watch shitty anime or shitty movies
bitches lookin at me strange but you know i dont care
This movie is wonderful if you think about it as some crazy parallel universe
this was pretty decent for a vidya movie
That first person scene was pretty good tho
I consider it to be the beginning of the timeline with all games following on from the post-credits scene as all games being within that universe.
>mfw Dennis Hopper
Holy shit I completely forgot about Tekken. Would have been a lot better if it had some proper fighting in it. Any story complaints I would have went right out the window with the Tekken 6 story.
Hardcore Henry. Check it out.
>Hardcore Henry. Check it out.
I've been meaning to watch it for a while now, actually. Just never got around to it.
Might finally give it a viewing tonight.
I haven't seen the MK movies in a while, but from what i remember they're pretty cheesy kung fu movies which is exactly what i always imagined the MK games being.
The first one is spot on. And has plenty of memorable shit. And excellent casting.
The second is a horrible cluster fuck that only had the costumes, and like 1-2 lines and scenes going for it.
Don't bother watching the second one.
Actually funny/good:
Mortal Kombat
Ace Attorney
Street Fighter
Dead Rising Watchtower, this is a really good movie that doesn't even need the context of the game
Funny bad:
House of the Dead
Max Payne
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Monolith's Whisper
Worst "videogame movie":
Tekken 2: Kazuya's Revenge
Everything else is so irredeemably bad or too boring to waste your time on.
They never will.
Video games are interactive media and will never support the stories that are told through static media.
You remove the interactive part and the end result is always hot garbage. The only video "games" you can get a proper movie out of are games with very little interactivity, like Gone Home.
Prince of Persia is actually also pretty decent, forgot to mention that.
God the Ace Attorney movie was so gloriously stupid.
Shove that opinion of yours up your rectum, and then pulverise them with your fist untill you die of bloodloss.
This - easily the most faithful adaptation I've seen in terms of tone, even though the story is a clusterfuck and some of the acting is awful
Because film studios are insistent on shoehorning in one or two mandatory elements in order to "appeal to the audience."
This is usually a love interest/romance aspect.
This is such an unbelievably close minded way of viewing things.
Interactivity is the means in which we experience video games, interactivity isn't the experience itself.
>interactivity isn't the experience of a video game
You know what? People call nu-Doom a Mad Max: Fury Road of Sup Forumsidya.
But what about an ecranisation of nu-Doom in a vein of Fury Road? Make it about silent Doom Slayer ripping demons in most brutal ways and exploring UAC facilities 80% of time. Delve in his backstory, include some exposition parts with Hayden, Olivia and Gruff Demonic Voice and it may work very well
Doom was pretty good. Fuck you.
prince of persia was fine and stuck to the source materal fairly well
need for speed was actually quite good but nobody ever seems to bring this one up
>need for speed was actually quite good
Need for speed was the worst the fast and the furious movie I've ever seen, what the fuck are you on about. It was unadulterated arseshite.
>the worst the fast and the furious movie
have you even seen the recent ones?
No but they look like your run of the mill stunt movies. NfS didn't do anything interest with stunts, the characters were garbage, the story was pathetic, the chases were shite and even the grand finale with the cops/evil rival was complete trash. I literally almost fell asleep near the end. Also it wouldn't fucking end, it's like over 2 hours but feels like 4 hours. It could have easily been 90 minutes and you wouldn't have lost anything of value either. Horrible, horrible movie.
Scott pilgrim
After watching Hardcore Henry a proper FPS Doom movie using the nu-Doom setting could totally work.
Like little to no story bullshit. Just non-stop rip and tear.
Video game references aren't a video game movie. [Spoiler] it's a pretty good comic adaptation though [/spoiler]
Persians were white.
For you user.
So what's the verdict for AssCreed? The game has enough lore to entertain for hours, or did they just focus on shitty action scenes that aren't fun cause you're seeing them and not playing them.
>nigger thinks persians weren't white
Nice try, roach. Back then shitskins weren't all over the place