Sup Forums buyfag thread

Keep it mostly vidya

What series?

Not OP, never played them myself, so this is entirely a guess, but I think the middle one is Yuri from the Tales series.

How long does it usually take for packages to get back to amiami once the post office sends it back to the sender?

Looks like Tales of to me.


controller for scale



the baddie

the uglyface


ughh... I got nothing

She shipped.

Mary Sue

Saw this yesterday. Fuck me.

>Those cold dead eyes

This shit is gonna bin hard fire emblem mania is over

I definitely like Triss and Eredin, daughterfu is nice too but nothing too great.
Yennefer just looks weird.
And Geralt is meh.

If I had a chance to change my order, I would go with Triss, Eredin and Ciri only.

I don't know about that. Most Nintendo figmas sell out pretty quick. They might do re-prints but I seriously doubt Corrin would get one.

The nendo should stick around, though. Most of them do.

how boring, i expected you buying 5 of the same model

Fuck off Etika

I don't really understand people's love of figmas I have 2 and for what they cost they don't seem to be that great. I wish Megahouse had more licensing for their Variable Action Heroes line because those are some nice jointed figures
