Can someone explain to me why this is getting GOTY awards when it basically brings nothing innovative to the table and doesn't even have a story/campaign mode?
Can someone explain to me why this is getting GOTY awards when it basically brings nothing innovative to the table and...
It appeals to children and females as well which massively increases the audience. I've lost count of how many D.Va's I saw on Halloween.
>Why is this big budget game made by a fuckhuge company getting awards it doesn't deserve?
Wow user it's almost like videogames have a corrupt industry? If only they were like the rest of the world, where money doesn't buy influence.
Game is (spoiler)[fun]
>nothing innovative
YOU sound like a homophobe user, because you don't like a game with a gay lead. I'm calling the ministry of diversity right now, prepare for jail for your hatespeech.
This. It's also casual enough for kids and girls to get in to, but """serious""" enough to make them feel like gaymer gurls when they're playing competitive.
But I just like droping exploding robots on some fuckers.
Why is it a bad thing?
The game doesn't even have a real black character
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just saying that it successfully appeals to those groups of people. Girls are more or less oblivious to games but Overwatch seemed to grab their attention pretty fucking hard.
>Games need to be innovative to be good
No user, games only need to be good to be good, and Overwatch is.
because you buy those "awards", direct or indirect by ads
>Game needs a tacted on single player to be good
pls no
>Overwatch is good?
What? Last time I played it was a shitfest. Only people it would appeal to are ADHD children who need something happening literally every second of their game.
>I personally don't like a game therefore it's bad
Sounds like you're stuck in ELO hell there boyo.
where you belong
Because it is FUN and you can play it for hundreds of hours.
It's not some "okay-ish" game that you finish in 5 hours and has no replay-value.
so just being good is good enough to win GOTY?
the industry keeps getting worse every year
Having a gay main character is pretty innovative
>you can play it for hundreds of hours.
>game literally gets stale once you've seen all the maps and tried all the characters
I never said it deserves to win GOTY, I'm just saying that shouting about how it's not innovative makes you look like an autist.
Honestly, the gameplay is solid not incredible or anything but solid. And what really carries the game is the art style and (most importantly) character designs.
People loved the characters before the game came out. And the fact that there is no campaign and they are dropfeeding the story and lore as they do seems to really be working.
Fans get basic relations and rough sketches of storylines and since they want more they create shit ton of fan art which is a free marketing for Blizzard.
They tick is to give some updates just frequently enough for the hype to be at a stable level.
>real black character
This should be fun. Go on.
Raised by a white male
blizzard is pretty good at taking other people's ideas and turning them into a fairly polished game
he even steals and promotes freedom
Did Blizzard say anything about adding a story mode in the future? Or they just don't give a single fuck about it as usual?
fun and good shouldn't be all it takes to win GOTY
I'm guessing 2016 was just a shitty year for games and Overwatch and was just king of the shit pile.
Only kids beleive that awards mean someting is good.
So you think Oscars are meaningless?
It's a brilliant game with the best balancing around :^)
Perhaps it's also because it was a huge commercial success on top of those other things.
>it basically brings nothing innovative to the table and doesn't even have a story/campaign mode?
Those are not requierments to be GOTY.
And it won pretty much because not many good games came out this year.
There is no problem here.
Well there is a legit argument between what actually merits something to be a decent game, and obviously no matter what it is someone will always find something to complain about it because a lot of it is really subjective. I'm a big fan of puzzle games and RPGs with a fair amount of backstory, but when something wins GOTY its usually because like some anons already said it appeals to a large audience.
You can't really complain about something coming from a large company because if it was from a lesser known developer it would just be
>indie shit
Overwatch has its issues but its still a good timesink. The only real issue with it is blizzard being retarded with scaling and not understanding that some characters work differently because of netcode. Other then that it does what its meant to do well.
It's the only game released this year that people didn't forget a week after it came out.
t. Roadhog
>Hold (X)
>fun and good shouldn't be all it takes to win GOTY
>and doesn't even have a story/campaign mode?
> Game Sup Forums doesn't like has a story
> Game Sup Forums doesn't like, doesn't have a story
Doomfist soon
>Main character
>this game isn't GOTY because it doesn't have a scripted to death, 100% linear 5 hour long display of dumbass AI
What did he mean by this?
Because GOTY awards are based entirely on how much money the company throws at the journalists who play their game. Hence why shit like DA:I won awards even though it was hot garbage.
Overwatch is a mediocre arena shooter with high production value backed by one of the industry giants. Pretty self-explainatory why the corrupt video game media would give it awards.
>Sup Forums is a single person
Honestly, 2014 was a shitty year.
The only game I remember is Wolfenstein TNO.
made me kek
Nice strawman. I didn't say anything of the sort.
If you don't think there's popular occurences here though then you're 100% the type of person I'd expect to watch "numberphile"
It has the best husbando any game has ever had
What else would've been a contender for GOTY? DOOM maybe? It didn't really do anything innovative either and the SP was the only good part. Overwatch is a solid enough game to win in a year where we haven't had anything truly exceptional.
>being homophobic IT'S LITERALLY ALMOST ANNO DOMINI 2017 user geez!
Winston isn't gay
Sup Forums's still dick riding Titanfall 2 which would've brought negative innovation to FPS's if that was at all possible.
Pokemon S&M, Dark Souls 3, Puyo Puyo Chronicle, Neptunia VII, etc. Really, anything half decent could compete with Overwatch considering it's so remarkably average.
That happened after the game received the GOTY award though.
uh yeah he is he fucked the actual moon. in one of its crater holes.
>I'm guessing 2016 was just a shitty year for games and Overwatch and was just king of the shit pile.
This, 100%.
because all the other games released this year are fucking garbage
fuck 2016 and fuck you
>doesn't even have a story/campaign mode
Don't have to have one to be a good game, want a good story go read a book.
Overwatch isn't GOTY material. Also if you have to use the argument that we've not had that many games released this year then it's not really working to the benefit of OW, rather the opposite.
Personally my GOTY was TW:WH, but since the RTS genre isn't very popular compared to some of the others I can understand why it would never win any awards.
>all these blizzdrones itt
they will throw money at blizz forever
They really, really are.
It's fun, literally the only important thing.
Of course they will, it's more a force of habit for them now rather than doing something out of free will.
The amount of times I hear people who play WoW complain about how shit it is yet they refuse to unsub and stop playing because they've been doing it for so long they don't know what else to do. It's pretty sad honestly.
Road and are the most balanced heroes right now
I'd rather they buff everyone than break those 2 and make them miserable to play
>fucking the moon makes you gay
the moon is a girl, retard
Road & are both bullshit, the tanks are too strong
Current Meta makes 4 tanks viable, when really it should be 1 or 2 tanks, not fucking 4
DS3 didn't really do anything special or innovative either, it's just another DS sequel. It didn't deserve a win. As for the rest, you have to be very naive to believe 3DS games and shit like Neptunia stand a chance, the people who give out these awards probably don't even play games like that at all. It doesn't make them bad but it does mean they were never even in the running. If you wanted to slap a GOTY on a sequel DOOM or Dishonored 2 would've deserved it more than DS3 anyway.
I personally loved TW:WH too and I'm still playing it currently, but RTS in general and a "composite" strategy game like TW especially is way too niche to actually have a chance.
Didn't Civ 6 get the best startegy game award or something? Fucking Travesty.
ah, excuse me princess
it was also a joke retard xd a lot like some certain studio
So like some alien race came and destroyed the world and overwatch saved it, but now the aliens back for revenge and the people of the world shunned overwatch and called Overwatch villains, but Overwatch comes back to save the world by fighting in deathmatch modes against people that look just like them, and escort santa's sleigh?
Omnics are not Aliens
The issue isn't in the number of tanks, but the fact that they are just better than almost every attack and def hero.
2/3 tanks is the perfect number it should be it. Tanks should be support/brawl type of character that either allow the DPS to DPS more consistently and for longer periods of time or the ones that should 1v1 roamers and bait people into shooting them, like and Road. The problem arises with the fact that brawlers are just better than almost every DPS character and they are guaranteed win almost every 1v1 and they usually win 1v2 due to their insane sustain and CC in case of Road or mobility and deny in case of Rein is a just a monster that completely stalls every push until his shield is down, has one of the best ults in the game, CC and insane burst potential if played correctly. Zarya is still one of the best DPS out of all characters, also has insane ult, her shields can deny 1-hit kills and there's almost nothing you can do against her shields in a middle of the battle, sometimes you HAVE to destroy them so you can win, so you HAVE to buff her, which gives dps, which gives her ult, which gives them win, the loop continues.
I have no issue with tanks being good, I have an issue with DPS being subpar.
Oh are they like clones of overwatch? Is that why you fight yourself?
I always felt like a game doesn't have to do something brand new to be praised, just do the things it sets out to do really well.
I'd rather play something unoriginal and super polished than something with a forced/contrived/gimmicky/ mechanic that makes the gameplay suffer.
The gameplay isnt canon
I don't really like it but I can see why it got GOTY, it's simply because people like it
>and doesn't even have a story/campaign mode
this isn't necessary
people praise battlefield 2 all the time but there's no campaign, just extremely well done multiplayer, which is really all a multiplayer focused game needs.
>my face playing OW alone
Man I don't even get a motivation to play anymore without a sitting in voice chat with a premade.
>World has sentient robots (omnics)
>one day they decide to kill everyone
>Overwatch forms to destroy robots and bring peace with the remaining ones
>Robots are back to normal
>Soldier 76 is promoted in overwatch over Reaper
>Reaper gets pissy and destroys overwatch then leaves to become Reaper
>Overwatch barely exists anymore
This is the entire story, they're writing shit as they go. Characters like Symmetra have 0 relevancy except to be a villain for Lucio (who is also rather irrelevant) simply because they have conflicting ideals.
Game is reasonably fun for a while, and is the first attempt at a new IP for a company in twenty years.
We are all single, yes
Oh it's like a fictional game that was created in the fictional world?
It's super polished, very easy to learn, has a more maps and characters than TF2 did when it came out, great artstyle, runs great on toasters and consoles, characters, albeit somewhat sjw at times are well made and likeable, maybe gets stale after playing for more than 2 hours in a day but extremely replayable for an hour a day, most competitive FPS in years.
Yeah terrible game. Didn't deserve GOTY
>super polished
Why make up some shitty new term for that when there's been one that has been used for years?
It's called artificial fun.
But Soldier is too strong as he is now. He completely trivialises McCree. We need more abilities like Zen's discord, Ana's health denial or (a better) Sombra hack to counter tanks.
Raw dmg+ will only bring more bullshit.
LGBT main characters aren't innovative.
But Gabriel wasn't LGBT
>needing a story mode when 99% of multiplayer games have none nowadays
>games need to innovate to be good
>games need to innovate to be good
OP is not saying it need to innovate to be good, its need to innovate to win GOTY you retard.
It doesn't need to innovate for that either. Everyone focuses on innovation when the games that are perfecting what's already good are the real good games.
It plays really well.
Because it's fun? Ain't that hard to work out.