So, which of these two was better anyways? Never played MKX. But it seems like anime fighter just a lot slower and less methodical.
So, which of these two was better anyways? Never played MKX...
MK by a wide margin
SF only has nostalgia
>seems like anime fighter just a lot slower and less methodical.
Funny because that's MK's greatest draw
>playing jab fighter 5
Mortal Kombat, from the very beginning, has only ever been a lazy low budget borderline unplayable piece of shit that is the result of americans seeing how much money Street Fighter 2 was making and attempting to cash in on the hype.
Again when capcom brought fighting games back from the dead in 2009, two years later we get a new mortal kombat game with shit gameplay, shit netcode, but lots of singleplayer content to appeal to retarded hipsters who want to seem like they're part of the fighting game scene but don't want to actually learn how to play the games, or play them against real people.
SFV may be ass but it isn't nearly as ass as MK9/MKX/Injustice were.
MKX is setplay - the game. Normal strings go high-low or low-high or end in command grabs, projectiles are totally unbalanced, it's a shit-show but it's fun if you learn your character's broken garbage.
SFV was bretty gud in season 1 excepting the jump-back OS and clap OS. Very simple fighter, easy to follow, low execution barrier, some fun stuff to do with the different characters.
Season 2 removed all that fun stuff and made it neutral fighter V
holy shit how mad can you get over one game
I am legitimately very angry that people actually buy neatherrealm games and then never play online, and also that neatherrealm can't make good games when it's not even hard
>know Injustice and MKX are busted garbage but they're fun anyway
>git gud with Grundy
>it doesn't matter because lol projectiles and super-wide arena
>git gud with Liu Kang
>it doesn't matter because full-screen 50% high/low guessing games on the most-used characters
you dont need to play fighting games online to have fun with them and if that is what makes you mad then you are one sad guy
Why play online when the person I like playing the most lives with me?
Fighting games are multiplayer only.
Playing them against a computer controlled opponent is literally you press a button, the computer reads that button in one frame, and rolls a dice to decide whether it beats or blocks the button.
It's literally playing rock paper scissors against an inanimate object. Fighting games are literally rock paper scissors and RPS only makes sense as a game when there is an element of mind in it, the whole "we both went scissors, do I think he's going to switch to rock, or is he going to think that I'll think he'll switch to rock and thus he will stay scissors in order to beat the paper I would throw to anticipate his switching to rock" etc.
These games only have value when played against another human mind.
nice opinion you have there
It is not an opinion, it is fact universally acknowledged by anyone who actually understands how fighting games work, both mechanically and as an idea
As a series, Street Fighter > Mortal Kombat
As a game, MKX > SFV
do you have anything to back up the opinion you just posted
>As a game, MKX>SFV
by what metric
I think SFV is shitty and boring now that season 2 removed everything remotely fun from the game, but MKX was nothing but broken setplay from day 1
high level MK is a joke
But some peoe enjoy rps against an AI
who can crouching 3 first to get + enough to start their 5-minute-long sequence of 50/50s
>now that season 2 removed everything remotely fun from the game
t. Ken player
>He's in favour of MORE 50/50 throw/crush counter mixups
I don't even play a DP character but removing them is fucking garbage, capcom is more out of touch than I thought
t. Ken, Chun, Mika, Nash, Bison players
man this thread is going to have some stupid shit
That's true of all video games, including single player ones. That's why the difgoculty curve is such an important and compkex part of game design: how much skill is required to consistently win over the "ai" script at any given moment? If the opponent responds correctly to 50% of stimuli, the player needs to make at least 51% of decisions cotrectly, etc.
In recent years:
MK for single player
SF for multiplayer
But it also has the mechanics and gameplay variety to back that shit up.
Alright fuck you making me type all this shit out.
When you knock someone down in street fighter, as their character goes through the process of getting back up you have several decisions to make. For the sake of the example let's assume this is the first time a knockdown has happened, and this is the first round of the first game you have ever played against this person.
Your choices are to apply meaty pressure on their wakeup, which means to have an attack in its active frames when they transition from being knock down to being "active" again. This pressure is advantageous to you, you can get a blockstring, a frame trap, or a throw afterwards.
If the opponent anticipates that you want to apply meaty pressure, they have the option of doing an invincible reversal, a move that is invulnerable from frame 1 and will cause them to take damage since they cannot be blocking while they are attacking you with a meaty.
If the opponent anticipates that you're an antsy motherfucker who likes to live dangerously, they could instead give up their opportunity to apply pressure on your wakeup and sit there blocking. If they were right and you do the invincible reversal anyway, they will block the reversal and then get massive damage on you.
If they anticipate that you want to block the reversal and get that crush counter damage, they could stand up and throw you, which would beat the block. However, they might do a delayed attack which would block the reversal but hit you as you walked forward to throw.
These choices are basically like deciding between throwing rock, paper, or scissors.
Every second that passes in any fighting game is filled with choices predictions like these, and it's up to you to read your opponents behavior, tendencies, and mood from their actions in order to guess right more often then not. I call it guessing but it's more like calling someone's bluff in a poker game.
i didnt make you do anything you are the one getting this worked up and im not reading all that
Mortal Kombat is boring as fuck and has bad mechanics.
Street Fighter V is basically the most ez mode SF game.
Guilty Gear Xrd is arguably the best fighting game ever made, but no one plays it and it's very difficult to git gud.
MAHVEL is coming up right around the corner (and you could play UMVC3 in the meantime) but the fanbase is 100% black people.
So just pick whichever suits you best.
i'm not even that guy but he just explained to you objectively why you're wrong and you just ignored him cause... you're stupid and can't read? I don't really know.
i'd never try to have a serious discussion with you about anything based on what I've just observed.
i like both games and seeing you guys go out of your way to shit on mk this hard is some crazy shit
The top tier in S1 all had invul DPs.
You don't really need to go out of way that much to shit on MK.
Nothing wrong with needing to spend meter to get an invincible reversal.
Nothing wrong with it at all.
SFVS2 best fighting game ever.
t. Urien main
>Guilty Gear Xrd is arguably the best fighting game ever made, but no one plays it and it's very difficult to git gud.
Tough question
MKX angers me when i play it
SFV bores me when i play it
yea you do when you make a post like this
That post has nothing to do with mortal kombat, he was purely shitting on people who only play fighting games against AI, which exist in all franchises
Leave it to an MK player to never learn how to read.
MK is such a bad game it really doesn't need any effort on anyone's part to shit on it. The game is an insult to itself.
SF, GG, BB, KoF and MAHVEL may not be perfect but to anyone who understands the genre... there's basically no reason not to pick any of these over MK. Oh except that your friends who never play any fighting games (and you can easily beat every single one of them by using some groundbreaking technique, such as blocking) all think MK is cool because violence, that's about it.
See this is what I'm talking about, and this is true of both MK itself and the fanboys of it.
None of us have to try to insult you. You're doing it to yourself.
yea i didnt read it its a shit post
Xrd is a very good game. Very balanced, very fast paced, a ton of variety. It's the best Guilty Gear barring the fact that a few characters still have to be added to the roster, which is true of any fighting series.
Yes I think it's very fair to say it's arguably the best fighter ever made. Again though, basically no one plays compared to something like SF or MK because lol anime fighter.
No one thinks you're funny.
are you guys ok
because the wakeup game is SFV is fucking garbage tier, a silver could beat the best player in the world providing he flipped the coin correctly enough
the logical conclusion would have been to give everyone better wakeup options instead of nerfing the entire cast
As opposed to what, Street "Spend Two Meters For An Invincible Reversal That Is Safe On Block" Fighter 4? Rolento Fighter 4? Ibuki Fighter 4? Fuck that game forever.
They also nerfed oki at the same time you fucking idiot.
>Rolento & Ibuki
ya wanna know how I know you're shit at 4?
yeah for like 4 characters, throw loops still exist
>gets btfo by some faggot that actually knew what they were talking about
>better start memeing
>"h-heh! i-i was j-just trolling u nerds a-all along! hah!"
Every single time.
Teching throws still exists, which is how you should be dealing with that shit in the first place
wow you are one sad fucker
>tech throw
>get meatied
>block meaty
>get thrown
it's a literal 50/50, it makes for a shallow and uninteresting game
ya wanna know how I know you're shit at 5?
go on, enlighten me
In terms of content and graphics, MK certainly.
In terms of gameplay and music, I would say SF
SF has better animations during gameplay but MK had better animations during story
Not even that guy but let me explain something to you real quick like
Meaties, by definition, are active on frame one.
From the frame when a throw becomes connected with you, you have 7 frames to tech it.
You only get crush countered when you buffer the throw input as you wake up
As long as you delay the throw button press by at least one frame, it's an option select where you will be in blockstun if they meatied you and tech the throw if they threw you
7 frames is a long ass time. Combos with 4 frame links can be mashed.
MK has always been a chunky game that bro dudes buy just to fatally their friends a few times before returning to this year's Madden release.
mortal kombat was better back in the day but now street fighter is way better and mkx is trash
alright so do you wanna explain why the simple meaty/throw mixup is still working at the top level?
are you a guru who's just discovered this magic tech?
Same reason people at high level still get whiff punished
>Same reason people at high level still get whiff punished
makes zero sense
if delayed tech nulified the 50/50, why are people are the top level still getting hit by the 50/50?
Because it takes still to perform and can be countered by delayed or mistimed meaties and some crush counter moves are punishable on block
Because their delayed tech gets predicted and countered?
bollocks, point me to any example
>watch capcup final
>Du stands over corpse
>presses meaty or throw
>repeats until Ricki guesses correctly or is dead
Mika is a command grab character and command grabs cannot be teched
no shit, he normal throws too.
take any other match you'd like
You know there are like three recovery options and the best true meaty setups maybe cover two of them at best, even less so in S2.
Wake up options weren't reduced, they were put on equal ground. If you want a wake up attack that will beat every kind of true meaty short of a faked one it's gonna cost you meter, what is the problem with this? This was true for every single character in the game apart from like three top tiers. And because this buffed certain characters by proxy they also decided to limit your meaty options.
Your fucking point gets more nebulous by the second. You basically have a problem of there being a reward and advantage for getting a knockdown on your opponent, well too fucking bad, they are pretty much making SFV more and more rewarding to those that can win the momentum and maintain it. Learn to not lose the neutral game. 50/50s make for a boring game if you don't fucking realize what got you in that situation in the first place.
>The neutral game
mk has always been absolute garbage. if you understand fighting games at even a basic level, you will immediately recognize how bad it is compared to street fighter or any japanese fighting game rly. from the graphics to the character animations to the actual game mechanics it's all bad
As a urien player, pretty much the only way I can fight birdie is by whiff punishing his ridiculous normals and never whiffing my own because they'll get blown up by him mashing cr.hp just outside range
It's the neutral game
Prove me wrong instead of using your epic reaction image
how the hell are the animations bad
He's not wrong but he's not right either. It hasn't been decent until MK9
Of course there is a neutral game, but it's shite
Walk speed is way to slow, and as a result forward dashes and jump ins are way too good. Damage off footsies and whiff punishes is small and all that + 50/50's and the 6.7frame meme make the game very frustrating and setplay oriented, which was the very thing SFV was supposed to getting rid off
The answer is BlazBlue
They aren't bad as a whole but SFV just has better move animations.
Go look at the crouching moves in MKX if you don't believe me
sniff playblue
literally unrefutable
MK mechanically has always been shit, and didn't get decent until MK9, and even then, is still worse than Street Fighter at its worst.
still not telling me
capcom should be shot for this lack of creativity
Your argument would have maybe the slightest bit of substance if shoto's were the only characters in the game.
>Shotokan characters play like Shoto's
Bison player here
Bison got some pretty good buffs and got really good new tools, the fuck are you talking.
yeah, the other 1/4 of SF roster got totally revamped and fleshed out during all those years
if it aint broke don't fix it
MK needs to revamp their characters constantly because spamming blockstings and special moves is all that game has going for it, even the casuals would get bored
MKX is more fun and has more content than SFV.
Team NetherRealm defined the single-player fighting game campaign.
SFV is probably better for high-level competitive players, though.
I just told you.
The crouching moves look bad.
>can't retort it cause he knows it's true
mfw sf fags this desperate
>o-our 28 recolors o-of 5 ch-characters unchanging for years w-works w-well! If i-it aint broke, d-don't fix it!
and you are wondering why is your game dying and nobody cares about it aside for some nigger tourneyfags and nostalgiacucks
>discussing fighting games and unironically using "tourneyfags" in the same sentence
No wonder you love MK, cause it's shallow as fuck and babbies like you can have a wonderful time mashing buttons!
stay in kiddie pool and don't pipe up
i would also add how autistic sf fanbase is on a example
>SF3 gets released
>the concept gets improved by adding a lot of new characters and playstyles
>sf fanbase goes into shitfit because they cant play 5 recolors of le hadouken kungfu man, sends death threats to capcom
>after years, still is declared as the best of series, after all the backlash
>implying fighting games are a serious competetive game and not a cesspool for niggers where they can chimp out
I only play fighting games as party games. Try playing a real competetive game, like a arena shooter next time, fightanbabby
How the fuck did SF3 add new playstyles? If anything it homogenized it heavily by invalidating playstyles.
>"implying fighting games are a serious competetive game"
>posts smug anime face
you're opinion is fucking garbage and I sure hope you're merely pretending to get a rise out of people
he doesn't know what he's talking about thats why, he's surface level memeing
expect the triple tag "u mad" post shortly
>state a fact
>butthurt tourneyfag cries about muh opinions
smug anime girls only make your nigger tears sweeter
>implying removing karate men and adding plenty of characters who played differently than them is homogenization
u mad
Adding characters with different movesets is not different playstyles. Animations can vary heavily between different things and still function similarly. The universal mechanics in SF3 made more defensive playstyles like Dhalsim-type zoning entirely nonexistant, and you got very little off pressuring properly since the risk which came with it was higher for the attacker than the defender. Using it as an example of "more playstyles" is ridiculous.