Whats a game with In-Depth cooking mechanics?

Whats a game with In-Depth cooking mechanics?

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FFXIV is about the only game I enjoyed crafting in, and even that isn't terribly in-depth.

The Atelier games let you cook, just not really in the way you expect.

Trails of cold steal has a cute cooking mechanic .

FF15 let's you use monster meats and stuff you forage to create "NEW RECEPYIIS"

All of the Vannilaware games have amazing, amazing, amazing food, but Dragons Crown actually lets you cook the ingredients in a fun little minigame.


>The Atelier games let you cook, just not really in the way you expect.

Cooking mama series


Is that some of that cheap plastic stuff they try to sell as cheese in the USA?

The runefactory series has a particular cooking mechanic. Decent enough

Black Desert

Shit ton of ingredients, and you can actually subtitute ingredients with something similar, and even change the quantities for different results

Why does he have to make something so fucking basic have to look so dramatic as if he accomplished some special shit?

It's actually kind of amusing being so over the top.

goddamn it Japan. That scene kinda pisses me off even.

What does this add to your sentence?

native language, Sorry for that


Same reason why people go to hibachi grill restaurants. They want a show.


Stealth jackie thread?




I got pretty immersed in the gw2 cooking, might even reinstall it now

What's a jackie?



He's noting an additional effect beyond his initial reaction you pedantic autist

>tfw no irl friends

>an additional effect
What effect?

Don't Starve

The effect to make you triggered.
It worked, you've activated his trap card.

>The effect to make you triggered.
You're the only one getting mad, though.

I'm not mad at all mate, that was my first post of the day, I just woke up.

Ready to cook some breakfast of my own now and then go vape.

I'm thinking just some scrambled eggs with gouda and turkey.


interesting, which language?

/ck/ here

grilled cheese w/ american is objectively inferior to quesadilla w/ colby and jack cheese. quesadilla even takes meat well.

but when you're using american "cheese product" it's basically comparing shit and 75% cocoa chocolate.

cheesy potatoes are disgusting

Fire wouldn't be hot enough to cook them that quickly through the air

obviously. congrats on ur autism

Yeah, it would.

75% coacoa tastes like bitter shit though. Just because it's more "authentic" doesn't make it taste better, you elitist faggot

You could play one of the hundreds of papas kitchen games. That are all the fucking same.


not even on Sup Forums I can escape Ja/ck/

What in the fuck.

Is he actually enjoying that?
Or is that a look of "why the fuck am I doing this"


>too bitter

jesus christ can you amerilards tolerate any kind of food without using copious amounts of corn syrup and vomit acid to shit it up?

50% cocoa is where the line should be drawn for too bitter for regular people.

You seem to have shit taste, m8.
75% is fucking great, 80-85% is good enough, however 90+ is a bit too too bitter to eat as is.


Is /ck/ really this bad?

American, colby, and jack "cheese" are the same thing. You're literally complaining about one because of the name while still feeding yourself equally shitty food.

Cooking at home is fedora now?


fuck me, im retarded, meant to type 90%.


theres a tiny detail in that post that gave away your ultimate powerlevel fedora kun

It was ok until he cut off the wax onto the plate as well.

I expected them to put fucking cheese all over every dish like the last time.

it's raw

Oh okay, I think it's because I'm not straightedge?

Why waste time cooking in a game when you can just feed your fat face in real life?

>Marble cheese originates from England.[1] They are usually hard, processed cow's milk cheeses, produced from a combination of the curds of white and orange cheddars (for Marbled Cheddar), or similar.[1][2] Colby-Jack combines Colby cheese and Monterey Jack and is most popular in the United States.[1]

>The taste and texture of different varieties of American cheese vary considerably, and mostly depend on the percentage of cheese-versus-additives used during emulsification. Varieties with lower percentages of additives tend to taste more like traditional cheeses.[citation needed] Depending on the food manufacturer, the color of the cheese (orange, yellow, or white) may indicate different ingredients or processes. Typically, yellow to orange American cheese is made with cheeses (such as Cheddar or Colby cheese) that are seasoned with annatto, while white American cheese is made with cheeses (such as White Cheddar or Jack cheese) which do not contain annatto.

if you're too retarded to digest any of that, it means that colby and jack cheese are used in making american, but they ARE NOT processed cheese product.

Why do americans love mac & cheese so much instead of the original italian macaroni?

odin sphere

/ck/ is split down the middle you have actual chefs then you have "classroom cooks" faggots that think they know shit about cooking because they put a prune in a homemade sauce on a plate for brownie points.

The cheese in that webm looks fine, it's not floppy, nor does it look "plastic", just because some cheese can be bought pre sliced doesn't make it this mythical "plastic american cheese"

That elitist attitude is why most of the site doesn't like /ck/ even though it's only like 30% of the board.

Cook, Serve, Delicious is the dark souls of cooking games.

Nigga its not about being st8 edge or not, vaping is just lame. Good on you for not fucking up your lungs but just know you look like a gay android sucking down a robot cock.


Modded Fallout 4

Is Marmite the Dark Souls of bread spreads?

Dark Souls 2, maybe.

I noticed that too. Here's another video of that magical cheese.


Oh, I don't vape in public. Is that really it?
weed is cheaper than alcohol so it's a better option to me imo desu

>my cheap, oily cheese product is good because it's not processed!
Yeah, I already figured out you were a hipster.

Potatoes are best thing ever

Underrated game with complex cooking is Sims 2 Castaway for the PS2, seriously I loved that game

> no one mentioned Contact for the DS

hello neo/v/

>The cheese in that webm looks fine
>it's bright yellow

Na its more like the thing you buy once a year and then you eat it twice and then it sits behind the peanut butter for ages. Maybe like a Galaga or something

Meat is murder

(you) are murder

is that louis ck?

I love raclette

Potatoes really are amazing.
Basically impossible to fuck up and go well with almost everything.

I almost bought that game, I got something else instead that was way better though. EBA, I think.


>Na its more like the thing you buy once a year and then you eat it twice and then it sits behind the peanut butter for ages
What? I buy a jar each week or so.

this is pretty low even for shitposting

i'm not even sure you'd even have the potential to fulfill a new year's resolution of improving your shit posting.

you should just kill yourself honestly fampai.

Damn, you could feed eight people with that.

it's a party salad

my dad said it reminds him of what his junkie neighbours would eat - "chuck" - where they take everything from the cupboards and chuck it in a pan to see what happens

>Basically impossible to fuck up and go well with almost everything.
Yes. And super easy to grow and harvest, so even random family can do that alone and provide some nice amount of food for themselves for free.
As a person who was born in Siberia and lived here for all my 28 years, I can proudly say.
God, Bless America. For potatoes.

louis /ck/

Naw, it's a big plate for a few people or a family to share.
It looks so fucking good though, that is some beautiful looking barbecue.

Source: am Texan

Sounds terrifying. Trashcan punch I can see, but that just looks inedible, at least terrible for your body.

Aye, potatoes are pretty big in the states. And Poland.

is this game any good? I just looked it up and it seems really cool

>maybe if I call him more names, I can save face on this anonymous image board

Aussies dont need to apply

vidya boob physics


It's good if you like economy games and action PvP, but you need to play with people to make the most of it.

>Aye, potatoes are pretty big in the states. And Poland.
how do you guys usually cook it? I like boil and then fry them.

Cooking Mama

Actually "Cheese Sandwhich" is a character from the TV show about diminutive horses. Voice Acted by Weird Al

Is this video a joke? That's almost jack tier

fry them for that crispiness

boil and make mashed potatoes

bake red potatoes with herbs