Why haven't you bought a PS4 yet?
Do you hate video games?
Why haven't you bought a PS4 yet?
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>Multiplats up there
I have one and it's OK, but the UI is absolute trash and the exclusives honestly aren't anything to write home about. DS4 was better than I expected tho I'll give it that.
PS2 2.0
Base model is depreciated by the Pro but the Pro has serious issues
I already own one. I bought it for Bloodborne, waiting for Nioh, Persona 5 and SRWV.
>"Multiplats don't count"
If a game can be played on a platform, it counts for said platform, regardless of said game running better on another platform.
> multiplats
> indieshit and weebshit
> ps3 remasters and weebshit
Nioh and Horizon look to be fine though. 7ekken will be fucking dead on other platforms too so that's that
> lego harry potter and weebshit
considering this is an exact replication of the PS2 lineup thing which was all exclusives, putting multiplats in there defeats the purpose
Because Metal Gear came to PC and SOCOM is dead. Also I never finished demon souls and only just started playing Dark Souls 1.
ps4 is shit
>that top tier ps2 lineup
fucking hell, what a shame this generation has been for consoles
>all exclusives
MGS2 wasn't
SH2 wasn't
GTA3 wasn't
PC fags are busy playing MMO/MOBA shit.
at the point that picture was created which was around september of 2001 everyone of them was exclusive.
Neither was Final Fantasy VII, ever. Still deemed a Playstation game.
Face it faglord, you've lost again.
I have one but I mostly just let my gf use it for Netflix.
Just about every good game coming to PS4 is also coming to PC.
>Just about every good game coming to PS4 is also coming to PC.
Just about every good game coming to PC is also coming to PS4.
Also works the other way around.
>Someone likes F2P game
>Buy microtransaction, even if they don't need it because they feel as though the game earned so with hours of entertainment given.
>Some faggot rages about what other people spend their money on.
What you should be upset about is handheld gaming dying because phones are in the hands of every normalfag, the games are mostly garbage and the phone isn't ergonomicly designed for gaming.
But everyone would rather start console war shit instead of worrying about the actual problems.
Fair point I admit
Maybe by retardd weebs
waiting for first payment and i don't even have a tv yet
I mean, I have one, but it won't be used until Ace Combat comes out.
>Nioh literally the only promising exclusive
Dark Alliance 3 when? I've been patiently waiting for 12 years.
PC versions are superior 8/10 times assuming you've got a powerful machine
>Do you hate video games?
nope, only poor...
F2P and MOBAs are the problem user. I did not start gaming for shit like Overwatch. But yes you're free to do what you want.
Me too bro. It'll happen one day. One day.
Buying ps4 slim next week, done with only assfagots, shitty mmos and indie games
Why? Even if you don't want/can't afford a Pro, there's no reason to not go with the OG. It's pretty much the exact same but bigger and probably cheaper.
3 of those games are on Vita.
>PC versions are superior 8/10 times
See pic related.
>assuming you've got a powerful machine
That changes every month.
>there's no reason to not go with the OG. It's pretty much the exact same
>the exact same
Are you suggesting that Doom is better on console. I haven't actually played it so I don't know but even if you're right and it is better on console how does that disprove my statement?
Just read the text on the box.
I played it on PS4. Can confirm that it's better on console.
Just be specific. Am I looking at the feature list? Am I looking at the bit where it says it requires additional downloads?
are you guys kidding. I've been putting off getting it for my PS4 because obviously I'd want to play the superior version but if this is for real then I'm going to buy it right this fucking second
Cause price difference is 30eur here and ill be carrying it to job so slim is more portable
If this is muh steam whining then you have no right since the PS4 does the same shit
>buying the console before the games you want are out
I'm probably only going to get 4 of this games, the rest are not just up my alley. 1 of those games I'll get because I want to play it with my dad, the other is more of a normie appetizer I can put out in case company comes over. Please don't hype so hard for literally no reason.
>assuming you've got a powerful machine
Only underage faggots and autists care about gaming on a PC.
I have one. It's great.
I'll post this shit during Australian time and collect the Yous thanks Psbro, cant wait to talk about the-
>No Gravity Rush 2
Fuck you
2017 is gonna be a good year.
tfw I got silent hill 2 gt3 gta3 mgs2 and ffx all within a few months of each other.
What the fuck went so wrong bros? Also what's your favorite out of the list in ops pic?
sorry not from ops pic but the picture I quoted
>Why haven't you bought a PS4 yet?
Not worth the 60 dollars a year to play the 3-4 games I want
it'll go from a 250 dollar console plus 60 dollar online fee plus 40-60 dollars for each game I want? come on thats a huge investment for such little worth
Yet LoL brought in more than the top five selling console games COMBINED. You may not like that style of game (neither do I) but you can not deny the market and that it is a cash fucking cow.
You can fuss all you want but PC gaming brings in money, crazy fucking money to those that understand the market. Yes, some may not be the style you or I enjoy but that is irrelevant. That said there are plenty of games on PC that are ever bit as good as console games and many that are substantially "nicer" on PC especially for people willing to spend more money on higher end equipment.
Moral of the story; stop being a fag and understand that gaming doesn't have to be PC or console because you can do both. If you choose to pick only one than the fault is yours you silly cunt.
ITT in this thread - poorfags.
it'll be no 2015.
this makes no sense, not all women have the same vagina size or depth
yea and some women have dicks. This seriously doesn't make any sense
>harry potter lego "collection" because there's no backwards compatability
>last guardian
I own a ps4 and this is making me want to never touch it
yeah, there's variation, but that's why averages exist faglord
that's probably what the data for this chart was found on, the average of a survey
why does anyone care if a woman enjoys it or not?
makes sure they keep coming back
>Fighting garbage for homosexuals
>Ubisofts attempt at a game with good combat
>Good combat game
>Pathetic weeb game
>Worthless sports game
>Another weeb game
>Hideo Kojima's fans like this
>Weeb fighting game
>Pathetic attempt at a horror game
Just remember people, I'm superior to you because the games I like are superior, OK?
I'm a bit serious about P5 though. A school setting. Urgh.
that's what amputating them and locking them in the cellar is for
>Wanting the Woman to come back
Get a load of this fag
Me too and burnout 4
haha funny post, user
>FPS game
>better on console
cause nobody would really amputate a woman and put them in their basement
yes they would
Does the Slim have any significant flaws?
don't listen to that shitter
FPS games, ALWAYS AND FOREVER will be better on pc
that's completely wrong and you know it, serial killers and the japanese are a thing
I did buy one though. DQ Builders is great, though I've mostly been playing Let it Die and Yakuza 6 all week.
Looking forwars to 0 on English and Nioh. Pretty good purchase desu sempai
they're fucking outliers
are you saying you're a serial killer or a japanese?
>My PC is a FX6300+GTX660ti
>Still it was able to run this game at 55 fps at high, but randomly (sometimes it didn't happened, sometimes it happened after ten minutes of playing) the game had weird "hiccups".
>Toning it down to medium, it runs at 55 fps without any other trouble
With those minimun requirements I shouldn't be able to run it at all.
>including a barebones and disappointing version of Gran Turismo with no release date
>not including Ace Combat 7
outliers exist, you said nobody
I did, but need to buy some games.
How's odin sphere for someone who's never played any vanilla game but crown? The demo was fun but it didn't give me any idea of the depth of the game.
I have PS4, the launch model and got a Best Buy gift card to get the Pro model, the thing is I have a 2TB HDD on the original, can I just swap out the HDD and be ready to go or do I have to back up the 2TB HDD onto something else, delete it put it on the new system and transfer everything from the backup?
We'll never go back will we? and not just Sony but every one else as well. Having quality titles at the top of the list and not it be the only games the console has.
>A school setting. Urgh.
>past 5 games have been in a school setting
>Urgh why is it in a school
Damn I so jealous of Playstation master race. If only i don't fell for reddit masturbate race meme ;_;
>Just be specific. Am I looking at the feature list? Am I looking at the bit where it says it requires additional downloads?
You are looking at the entire experience. From online account requirements over downloading 70 GB to the ridiculous system requirements.
>since the PS4 does the same shit
DOOM for PS4 runs entirely offline from a single disc. Nobody buys this for the multiplayer, right?
Because the only game on there that interests me is Bloodborne and I'm not buying a console for one good game that runs like shit.
I still have like 10 ps3 titles to play, which 6 or 7 are jrpgs, which will take long, I still am not planning to get the ps4 but hopefully i will get it later
>Does the Slim have any significant flaws?
None which know of. It doesn't offer optical out, but otherwise it's identical to the OG functionality, while drawing less power and making less noise.
>FPS games, ALWAYS AND FOREVER will be better on pc
Though DOOM is not an FPS, it's a first person glory kill game. It works better on console, it looks better, it plays better with a controller, the UI makes more sense. It's more fun.
>DOOM on a console
That's just sad
But I already have a PC.
>My PC is a FX6300+GTX660ti
>Still it was able to run this game at 55 fps at high, but randomly (sometimes it didn't happened, sometimes it happened after ten minutes of playing) the game had weird "hiccups".
The game runs at smooth 60 fps on High settings with a few Ultra options (mostly texture resolution) on baseline PS4.
Because in my country it's expensive as shit, games for it are expensive as shit and I'm only interested in like three games anyway (Bloodborne, P5, Nioh). Not worth it.
>DOOM on a console
>That's just sad
It's a native console game.
>But I already have a PC.
I have one too, but it doesn't run NuDood. Or downloads 70 GB in less than a week.
>Why haven't you bought a PS4 yet?
Don't feel like buying a BB machine.
>Do you hate video games?
Actually yes. I just come here to laught at you fucks
>no Morrowind
Your argument is invalid.
Yeah but those were fron third party devs that had little other choice or reason to port elsewhere, now it's not the case. Sony themselves never had many first party games, so the ps4 version of that line up is literally identical to the ps2 one.
You can't say that video games are your hobby and not own a Sony console.
Well by all means, post some hot and current pc exclusives.
>No Gravity Rush 2
It's a legit exclusive why the fuck isn't it on here instead of the mutliplat AAA shit?
The reason why I wont be buying any of the new consoles. The exclusive lineup is trash 3 years in. At this point nothing will salvage the consoles. Even pokemon is shit on the 3ds. Litterally all I have left is Monster Hunter. All thats left is assfaggots and EVE on PC unless I make my own games. Fuck it all.