Shovel Knight

>Shovel Knight
>gets one short delay but ultimately comes out in a reasonable amount of time
>gets three completely different character campaigns (with new story, gameplay, music and level design), challenge mode, gender swap mode, and battle mode
>all free for EVERYONE

>Shantae: Half Assed Hero
>gets delayed more times than Mighty Blunder 9
>comes out with barely any content, ultimately a much worse game than Pirate's Curse
>extra characters and costumes are payed DLC for non backers

Shancucks WILL defend this.

Other urls found in this thread:

>>gets three completely different character campaigns (with new story, gameplay, music and level design), challenge mode, gender swap mode, and battle mode
>>all free for EVERYONE

backers paid for that shit on kikestarter. years later and they STILL haven't pushed that shit out. Disgusting shovelcucks WILL defend this.

>the one thing i want (battletoads shit) i cant have on pc because microshit

I like both games a lot. : )

I want Shovel Knights big Shovel Cock in my ass

Get the windows 10 version goy maybe they'll release it some day

>shovel knight
>shitty pixel art made in game maker made in mspaint
>top tier production values with HD animations and bosses that take up the entire screen with tons of effects

My one question is: Why do you care?

If they're defending something you don't like, why not just go play the game you like? Are you really too immature to tolerate people being wrong?

That's not very cash money of you.

>Half Assed Hero
>shitty flash art with god awful tween animation

It's disappointing to see WayForward and Shantae going to shit.

>STILL only 25% off
jesus christ, you made a nice profit from the game, it really wouldn't hurt to give it a proper sale like 2.5 years later

they put out a trailer for spetre knight. of course they aren't going to do a full discount.

>going to shit

You say that as if Shantae ever had more than one good game in the first place.

And that one good game came out RIGHT before Half Assed Hero. They got something good going and they fucked it up.

what if I don't care about the DLC
here's an idea, they could've made the other knights separate free DLC on the store
but noooooooo, it has to be in the same game and we can't properly lower the price if you get 2 ''''''''''''''''''''free''''''''''''''''''''' extra campaigns right?

That wouldn't do anything to alleviate their reason for not marking down the price, are you having a stroke?

>Ask for 30,000 dollars
>manage to create a quality 3D game

I don't even know how they did it for that budget.

This really doesn't look any better than every Unity early access title.

I thought the game was easily worth the cost when it was full price for just Shove It Knight. Now it's got a full campaign with Pussy Destroyer Doctor and Keeper of the Reaper coming soon for free with one more later down the line. You might as well make like Treasure Knight and steal it if $15 is that much of a bother to you.

It's 15 dollars for
>Planned expansion 2
>Planned expansion 3
>Local battle mode
>Ng+ mode
And you are whining that you can actually get it for even cheaper since it is on sale...

Wait, why are we fighting again?

because THEY are cucks which are destroying the industry!

Shantae was never good.


Pirate's Curse and arguably the original one were good.

But Shantae is still good



Nope, see:

What's with the recent use of using Shovel Knight as a shield to shitpost on Shantae

Pointing out glaring flaws of your precious Kickstarter scam isn't shitposting, sorry to brake it to ya.

Because Shovel Nig, Shawnty and Better Than Nothing got lumped together as the Kickstarted Trio

We need an update of this of Shovel Knight dancing on Shantae's grave.

>legally obligated to tell you we're not affiliated with shantae

Dont forget they fucking started a kickstarter for Half Assed Hero while being an established series, Not even Freedom planet 2 did this shit, they are maximun jews

Close enough.

Because Shantae just recently came out.

Can't wait for that demo next month.

Don't also forget they didn't even do very well and that was AFTER being plugged by the MN9 kickstarter.

I miss the times we used to get along

what the fuck did they do to freedom planet

fags want it to be the next MN9 but since was received well in reviews and is currently selling better than MN9 did in its first few weeks they have to settle with SK being some kind of moral high ground

sad, really

>WayForward is shit
Any more news?


but it was actually released

I enjoy both games, but I prefer Shantae more. I can't believe people are now starting Kickstarter wars. You guys are fucking morons.

Shantae is an HD 2D/3D game. Shovel Knight is in effect an upscaled 240p Famicom game. One costs more to do than the other.

It was their decision, SK will hold up way better in the future. A HGH that looks like RR or PC would also hold up better


it was pretty fun. Bit more linear than I like but not the steaming pile of fetid ebola infected horse dung the faggots keep pretending it is.

Old image, also chunks are still missing after a million delays.

>but I prefer Shantae more
Nah, you're the moron here. Fucking retarded waifufag.

I prefer the gameplay of Shantae, and the transformations. How dare someone prefer a gameplay style that's different to the one of a game you like, though, right?

>Shantae is bad because i say so
>Shovel Knight is bad because i say so

Seriously are you expected to be treated as anything but a retard when you make claims like these?

Unless you show why it is a bad game then saying its bad because you don't like it makes you a dumb retard. I don't even like the Shantae games but at least i say that i don't like them instead of being an entitled faggot who pretends to be the holder of the truth

>I prefer the gameplay of Shantae, and the transformations.
Like I said, complete moron.

>Having opinions means someone's a waifufag

I could not have asked for a better outcome for this farce.

Backers have paid for Shantae's game modes, and now they have to pay for them again because le DLC

I'd say you're worse than console warriors. Calm down, I like your precious Shovel Knight, I even own the physical version with the colour manual. Take a sip of your juicebox, kid.

B-but Shantae has titties so the gameplay is GOOD PLEASE BELIEVE ME.

what is this autism?

backers get every DLC for free, this is mentioned in the OP

get your shitposts right

can we post more good shovel knight and shantee art please?

You're average Shantaefags, they always sperg out like this if you even dare say anything about their waifu's games.

>I didn't play the game because I think all the fans are waifufags so I'm just assuming it was a pile of shit and being smug about it


I'll just be over here having fun

This waifu autism is starting to make me retarded too.

They're both worse games than AM2R and Muramasa Rebirth anyway.

maybe if this wasn't a shitpost thread

instead, you get Beck

>anyone who likes Shantae is a waifufag
Makes me wonder if people like you enter Shantae threads only to fap at the fanart while i actually play the game

As a fan of the series i still have to say i expected more. It's one of the if not the shortest one and there was no real reason to make it 2.5d

I was referring to you.

even if it's the worst game in the world, which you have made no effort to validate as a claim, I'd still think you were being autistic for the way in which you are arguing

like, you are retroactively making me like Shovel Knight less by not wanting to be associated with so vitriolic autism

>like, you are retroactively making me like Shovel Knight less by not wanting to be associated with so vitriolic autism
I know how you feel, m8. These desperate Half Assed Hero apologists are doing the same to me with the Shantae series.

Shantae and Shovel Knight get along, why can't you?

So redpill me then, why is this game so bad?

From what i've read:
Paid DLC
Questionable artstyle
Was delayed

If those are the only reasons for this game being bad, it still sounds like it'd be a decent game, if disappointing

You should know by now how false flagging works. They aren't indicative of Shovel Knight's fans, they're posing as one to make you hate both sides of their manufactured argument.

What the fuck is this fanfic retardation?


Level design linear compared to the prior Shantae games and they didn't factor in transformations into designing it. Bat trivializes most of the early game for instance.

Honestly it feels like they ignored what ever play testers they had.

I don't get why PC is considered the pinnacle of the series when it has NOTHING that defines a Shantae game.

>No dancing/transformaitons
>Magic relegated to consumable items
>The EXACT SAME separated hubworld structure that HGH uses, yet it's bad in HGH?

Oh but it's all okay because Shantae can go Sanic fast, has a quad jump and can shoot a gun. I wanted a Shantae game, not Shadow the Hedgehog.

You named everything except gameplay. What a shit taste

Zelda cycle, give it a while

Because PC is the only game in the series that's not clunky as fuck and is actually a finished product.

Transformations are ass and slow down the game play to make you stop every five seconds to only change back.

PC may have a similar hubworld but each area still has a labyrinth area.

Will wait for the complete version for 3 bucks

Then why even call it Shantae? Might as well make another Switch Force game, which is the better series anyway

Fucking same, or just pirate it all together. Still can't belie these retarded apologist who defend paid DLC when the base game's so bare bones.

>this whole thread
I seriously believe that most people claiming SK or Shantae to be shit have not played the fucking game

so is the problem is the difficulty, or are the levels really that bad, cause PC's levels were linear, just wrapped in such a way to not look it

thought I wouldn't hold PC over the other games explicitly, I would say it was fun

Correction: MN9 got delayed more than twice.
Shantae got delayed only once.
While I think it's a fine game, I can't help but wonder if the Yacht club people didn't leave Wayforward what would happen to both games.
Now, stop being a bitter butt and let people enjoy shit.

The game is a complete mess, and I say that actually liking the series and still having an OK time with it.

Half your transformations are useless beside getting one or two upgrades and then NEVER using them again, the bat gets an upgrade that lets you see in the dark, but there's only one single dark room in the entire game and most non-retarded plebs will have cleared that long before you get the upgrade for it. The mansion level was just fucking nothing, short with nothing of note to it. The final level utilizes really only 3 out of 8 transformations for some reason, and is a complete joke compared to Pirate's Curse final gauntlet which tested your mettle with all of your kit.

It's not just short, it's extremely shallow and most transformations are completely half-assed and there just for the sake of having them with no real practical application.

That's a good question, but all that implies is Shantae's root game play isn't very good.

>the only game in the series that's not clunky as fuck and is actually a finished product
It's cute that you believe that. you have to be 18 to post here.

>Shovel Patricians
>Like discussing the game and posting fanart

>Circlejerking over the same fanart for all eternity

The fuck, but Shantae did well.

>and let people enjoy shit.
Literally nobody's stopping you from enjoying faecal matter, just don't cry when reasonable people call it shit.

>"""""people""""" call it shit (citation needed)
>but the larger amount of people who actually enjoyed the game and left good reviews doesn't count

The issue is the levels are small, linear and you need to revisit each level at least 3-4 times retreading the same paths while now being able to overcome whatever obstacle your latest upgrade opens up for you, only to get a new upgrade that lets you do the same in a different level.

Shantae GBC feels jank and old, bro. Sorry to say, was literally playing it yesterday

The only reason the final level is easy is because Shantae in HGH can have an invincibility bubble with infinite magic and a free full heal dance. Good luck ever seeing the game over screen. If you want a real final level challenge from WayForward, go play something like Ducktales Remastered.

Just make a game like this again. Shantae lost its touch

How about just don't? Why do you need to? You just come off as an asshole.
Anyone can point out glaring flaws in a game and exaggerate its flaws to the point it feels like the game is bad and should just be considered as bad.

>This whole thread