Is he right?

Is he right?

Other urls found in this thread:

it's 2D so it's alright, dude still live in his white knight world

Videogame characters have no age.


They're cartoon characters, though

I don't understand what he's saying

>faggots are OK
>dykes like Tracer are OK
>trannies are OK

>little girls? OVER THE LINE

>Bump the age from 16 to 18 years old and change nothing else
>No one has a problem with it


Didn't this guy attack SJWs repeatedly?

Stop posting yourself
>inb4 tons of laughing reaction images and samefaggotry

No, that's the other one

I wish we could hang journalists. Stupid fuck.

mate i dont know fully whats going on but that post sums it up, sexulization of little girls is fucked up and you know it man, dykes faggots and trannies who care they can defend themselfs

literally who? and literally what is he talking about?

It's ok to sexualize 3D because they aren't real

t. unfuckable loser

>listening to Cheong
>listening to any twitter warrior

solid shitpost, not even sure where to start

Uhh, 2D, but yeah.
They're not real, "pedos" in this sense aren't harming anyone.
Besides I thought SJWs were okay with pedophilia since you can't control who you love, unless it's someone of your own race, then you're racist, unless you're a minority.

I wish I could hang dumb fucks who want to hang everyone

>they said WHAT? allow me to be offended for you also

for some reason i can't stand those groups of people who get collectively offended

>>faggots are OK
>>dykes like Tracer are OK
>>trannies are OK

>>>little girls? OVER THE LINE
little girls

I'm gay as fuck and couldn't care less about anyone whom isn't a DILF and considered getting criminal girls just to see how it is. but of course I'd defend the game even if it was mediocre because why judge a game because on it's aesthetics? if it's entertaining it's entertaining.

>They're not real, "pedos" in this sense aren't harming anyone.
So the ones that have CP on their drive are not real "pedos"? Too bad Thad didn't know it, he wouldn't be in prison today!

That's funny, I specifically said 2D, but if you want to keep making a fool out of yourself, then go ahead, Thad was mixed up in actual CP, being a weeb had 0 to do with it.

All homos prey on children.

hes talking about 2d loli filth, wtf are you on about?

Don't be an idiot.

He's not entirely wrong; at least he's being respectful about it and not going with "FUCKIN' PEDOS UGH" so I think it's perfectly fine if he disagrees about it.

MadThad regularly said that he is gonna fuck a child for real some day.

this is what I thought, he handled it better then any other normie would with a game like criminal girls(shit game btw)

Aren't harming anyone isn't an argument, it's about propagation of values, 2d or 3d. If you own what is considered to be a pedo material, then you're a pedo.

I'm not arguing victimless crime though.
It's not a crime at all.
It's a fucking drawing, which is protected under freedom of expression, whether you like it or not is not up for debate, suck a chode.

It's another episode of shitty weeb game getting SJW attention.

You're missed an entire layer to this.

>Did they also say racist things? Tell me they said racist things
>They said racist things

If Im a normie for not liking loli fanservice then kill me

youre the pedo not me and dnt get flabbergasted when you cant process how someone else cant enjoy your shit

Just because you own a CP material doesn't mean you've made it either. You didn't hurt anyone, after all. Too bad the legal system doesn't separate "actual" pedos, from us, totally not pedos in denial.

are you stupid or just baiting

In terms of actual CP a child was involved, moron, making it illegal.
Again, stay mad.

I agree with you regarding rl cp, but Im pretty sure hes just talking about 2d drawings

>it's about propagation of values, 2d or 3d. If you own what is considered to be a pedo material, then you're a pedo.

>Literally arguing in favor of thought crime

Well I guess you're a mass murderer then because of violent videogames.

You have no argument other than "this makes me uncomfortable so nobody should be allowed to enjoy it."

It's a fucking drawing, get over it faggot.

>it's totally ok to mass murder people in video games
>it's not ok to commit other crimes in video games, such as virtual pedophilia


>little girls
VIRTUAL little girls

I wonder what happend to the faggot that posted disgusting C.Pizza lately on Sup Forums.

Hope he is rotting in jail

>It's ok to sexualize 3D because they aren't real
are you ok with killing 3D virtual people?

yea why not, we already do that now

so, why are you not ok with other forms of crime in video games? where do you draw the line, and why?

>Japan does it
>"Fucking creepy japanese people sexualizing minors!"
>America does it
>"Its teaching a important lesson to the kids."

Hey, that's the guy who streams with Yahtzee

They're not real.

American media does a better job of sexualizing minors, but SJW don't dare attack them because that medium is much larger and more powerful than nerds who play sexy anime games.

It's different because the law specifically prohibits drawings or image manipulations depicting children in suggestive situations. Graphic images of murders aren't against the law.

The age of consent here in my country is 14 years old, so fuck him.
If I can go out and fuck a middle schooler, I should be able to fap to one, yoo.

Your pic looks like "typical gag number 1048402" while in some games you have "girls" looking like 12 year old but in almost non-existent clothes because muh 100000 year old dragons or some shit

I don't have to defend anything because the law is on my side. Sorry America.

>the law specifically prohibits drawings or image manipulations depicting children in suggestive situations
>1. You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.
Shota and loli are on here all the time, drawings of course.

Sure, that's why you should have every right in the world to make them, and people will still criticize you for being a pedo.

I think that depends on state.

They're pedos, but they're not child molesters.
They looked at some pictures and videos, it's not like they actually went out and actually fucked a 6 year old.
A lot of people on this website could be jailed for looking at CP. It used to be posted all the time even on Sup Forums. Probably still is on Sup Forums.

here lemme help you out pham

degenerate western hyprocrites

drawings aren't illegal in most countries

I don't defend shit games.

Crying about sexualizing 2D is retarded though.

>if you think of a crime you should be in jail.
Nice retard logic.

feels great living in backwater somalia

The irony is that you're doing the exact same shit. Only difference is that your shit doesn't get censored.

I think it means websites or images of people doing that.

Is this how lawyers argue this shit? No wonder they're hated, all these blurred lines mean that you're gonna disagree with 80% of people.

He (Cheong) used to be an avid SJW himself and was an active anti-GamerGater, but became disillusioned with the whole SJW movement over the course of a year and even went so far as to publicly livestream with Milo Yiannopoulos last October during the #BIGMILO stream.

Now he's much more critical of the SJW movement and their propensity to become perpetually offended at even the smallest things.

homosexuals are pedophiles?

whaaattt??? hwattt whatt??? what???!????

this is SHCOK!!

Sexualising children is NEVER ok, no matter if they're real or drawn. Children should stay CUTE, that's when they're the sexiest. Not when they're caked up like whores.

>It used to be posted all the time even on Sup Forums
Hell. Someone posted not two long ago (like 2 weeks or even 1)two....very "controversial" webms.

If every guy who looked at it went to jail then on the news there would be an article how 100+ went to jail for CP in one day.

Western Europe, actually.

You're a filthy degenerate who would be executed in a moral society

>Le sexualizing minorss meme

This is such a subjective thing accross the entire world. Whats minor here isn't minor every where. I hate this stupid opinion

Drawings aren't real people.

>I think it means websites or images of people doing that.
>Is this how lawyers argue this shit? No wonder they're hated, all these blurred lines mean that you're gonna disagree with 80% of people.
Whoa, having to apply critical thinking to something makes it angering, your head hurts when you have to think something through bud?
If there was a law prohibiting Criminal Girls it wouldn't even have made it to the U.S., because believe it or not, there is an ESRB system, and no one's going through the trouble of localizing an illegal game.
Use your fucking brain for once and maybe you'd not find yourself trying to force down cognitive dissonance so much it hurts your mind.

Tell that to Lena Dunham

It's 1984, dude.
The irony of acting like loli's is tantamount to pedo contamination on Sup Forums where you have actual cunny posters running rampant.

You gotta figure anybody who sticks around here despite that isn't really that bothered by it, even if it's not their thing. Which, it ain't mine, either; but i'm not gonna pretend some faux-outrage for virtue points.


>Getting jailed for looking at CP
Are you stupid? You only get jailed for owning CP or purpousefully searching it.

Woah pal, try not to get angry. This was the most interesting discussion on this board in a while, and not everyone cares intimately about law like you do.

>A lot of people on this website could be jailed for looking at CP

A shitton of people here could be jailed for shit they have on their HD, not just CP.
Where you think you are

>Not being a warrior of Justice.
Kill yourself.

You there!

yes. Kill yourself pedophiles

fucking this

has an SJW even ATTEMPTED touch on anything like Toddlers and Tiaras?

Ill give you a (you) just to tell you that i get this shit shoved down my throat while im at work every day living in boston

>SJWs are pedos
>antiSJWs are pedos
My god, I think we've found the route of the problem all these idiots online suffer from. They're all just pedos.

>Asian Neo-Nazi
>Becomes SJW
>Then becomes GamerGator
What the fuck

Was he right?

tell that to american media who says it is okay to dress their 4 year old like a clown prostitute and twerk to the latest trap beats to win a beauty pageant.

Pretty funny.

do these people realize how uninteresting and ineffective babbling about video game slights on twitter is?

and Sup Forums has the gall to say that SJWs did nothing wrong

what the fuck happened to this site?

He is just following the money.

I thought he was our token chink. What happened?

I can't wait for Japan to stop localizing games in the West. It'll make me feel like the time I spent learning Japanese wasn't useless.

underrated post

And the worst thing is that CG2 is already censored. What the fuck they want?

Honestly why is there another pedo discussion thread on Sup Forums? Sup Forums is supposed to be the pedo board. I know there are tons of people on Sup Forums that watch CP on a regular basis but keep this shit to yourself. And loli is definitely a gateway to CP, anyone saying otherwise is delusional.


Every fucking group in this world wants one thing, Control.