What were they thinking?

What were they thinking?

thanks for proving you're a retard user

you're supposed to put your hand on the center phallus and grip it firm while your thumb plays with the stick

Agreed. The idiot is holding the control wrong.

they had the mind set the d pad is only used for movement. Not thinking smart.

Don't forget to massage the underside

How does one have so much hand, palm and arm wrinkles? Does he bend his hands all the time?

As a child I thought that's how you had to hold it. Holding it with the middle grip never came to my mind until the Wii came out and I realized the Nunchuk was shaped just like it.

Maybe try not having gigantic Sasquatch hands like some mongoloid subhuman.

Because they are smart and you are not. The controller is a cross between the snes controller and the newer joystick controllers that were upcoming.

Anyone else play it like this?

I couldn't hold the center for some reason.


That's literally how you could tell if the person playing with you was gay or not.

I love the N64 controller. It was perfect for Resident Evil 2 and it's the only way I can successfully pull off combos in a Mortal Kombat game.


The ol' nipple pinch technique, i haven't seen that used in nearly 20 years!

The controller wasn't shit for requiring you to hold it in 2 different ways. It was shit for:
>analog stick that could easily be grinded from prolonged usage
>very easy to fuck up the dead zone, which would affect a ton of shit that requires precision such as platformers, Smash Bros and the like
>bulky as fuck add-ons like the Rumble Pak and Transfer Pak when Sony had proven that it's more than possible to install it in the controller
>odd button layout
>controller was actually shit for FPS due to only 1 analog stick and needing to use the C-Buttons to control the camera instead of a second stick

the n64 in general is a shit console
but it has really fun games


Shittiest fucking analog stick of all time.

Was going to a sort of day care when I Was young but they had tons of n64s.
Every fucking controller in the joint had bad sticks. People brought their own controller if they didn't want to get fucked in Smash.

>analog stick

what were you thinking when you made this shitty thread?

>(you)s come back
>shitty claw grip bait threads comeback


>(you)s come back
They never left unless you were some retard who actually used the built-in extension.

Hes a normalfag phoneposter, of course he isnt using anything actually decent.

My phone is probably faster than my toaster.

He was saying that the precision of the stick could be affected by wear-and-tear after many periods of use.

Can you just not read, user?

Nigger I have a toaster with 2006 hardware and never have I ever had any sort of problems browsing a fucking website.

Phone is just here innit. That or i am actually just changing all my posts file names to image. Just to bait other anons into making non-arguments.

This is only privileged to people with long finger.

I can't hold the center eitheir and it feel not natural.

>>(you)s come back

What are you talking about? They were never gone.

Ah, the period when Nintendo had not yet grasped the concept of a second shoulder trigger next to the primary shoulder trigger.

As always, Sony did it right the first time.

I never had a problem with it. Don't know any people who did, either


See? Simple perfection (at the time). Then the PS2 came along and gave us what we never knew we wanted, TWO analog sticks!

The DualShock controller came out before the PS2, you underaged faget.

>the PS2

Are you retarded?

It wasn't the PS2, it was the PSX.


still better than motion controls

>seeing a penis in everything

No user, the gay is you.

Look, just because the person who labelled the image is a retard doesn't mean you have to be.

>2D Games
Hold it by the left and use the pad

>3D games

Left hand holds it from the center and thumb on the stick.

This meant that well-designed games using the pad didn't have heavy use of the Z button, and well-designed games that used the stick didn't have heavy use of the L button.

>People are actually calling a PlayStation (1) a PSX.

You idiots, even Nintendo children can tell the difference between the NES and the smaller NES classic remake.

every nintendo controller after the snes has been retarded. they keep trying to reinvent the wheel and it never works. i don't bother with consoles anymore but i do rely on them to produce a good controller. this gen is disappointing enough with no hard wired options from sony/ms let alone nintendo's dogshit walmart tier plasticy pos.

Have you tried using the Wii U Pro controller?

It's my current favorite gamepad for most things. I much prefer it over the 360 pad. Haven't tried the XBone controller other than the first printed ones with the trigger or shoulder issues.

i've tried it, it feels cheap and the buttons seem oddly placed compared do even the ds, i'm not a fan. i use a wired 360 and a buffalo snes currently. at least its a 'normal' controller though. i was more complaining about the constant need to produce gimmicky shit like wagglan and tablets.