What games would Nintendo have to put on this thing to make you want to buy it?

What games would Nintendo have to put on this thing to make you want to buy it?

A new F-Zero or a Metroid but those franchises are dead thanks to Nu-tendo

Breath of the wild

Team fortress 2

Animal Crossing

yes i said pokemon, fuck you


New actual 3D Mario.

And before the shitposting starts, yes I know 3D World is a 3D game. That's cool and all, I liked it, but it doesn't scratch the same itch a 64-Sunshine style game does.

Good 2D Mario, good 2D Metroid, good 3D Metroid, Brawl like Smash, good non Aonuma Zelda.

Dark Souls or Bloodborne
A new Breath of Fire
A new turn based Final Fantasy
A game by Platinum
A game by Obsidian
A good library of weeb games.
All of them exclusive.

If BotW, along with digital re-releases of Sunshine and Melee were available at launch, with the promise of a FULL 3D Mario game in the future (not another fucking 3D World) it would be an instabuy for me.

>New final fantasy tactics
>Animal crossing
>Monster hunter
>A good pokemon game
>Smash bros
Any 3 or more of those.

>Buying a whole new console for ports and a vague promise of a game in the future

People bought a PS4 for those.

And that was a dumb choice too.

Honey select

Nigga where in my post did I say "vague"? Yes, people buy consoles for the promise of games in the future, this is how the market fucking works.

And handheld full HD Sunshine + Melee would be amazing, you would have to be crazy to disagree.

Eternal Darkness 2
Custom Robo
Advance Wars
New 2D Metroid
Re;release of Bayo 2 because im not buying a Wii U

Nothing would make me buy Nintendo product, i have just lost faith in them.

2 years of first party support before bailing and then 2 years of indie pixelshit before discontinuation.

Why are you F-Zero autists so obnoxious? Nintendo is never going to make another game. Deal with it.

Go play Fast Racing Neo, which is the spiritual successor.

if the next gen of Pokemon is on it

HD ports are lazy AF and only exist as cashgrabs. If you want HD Sunshine or Melee, just emulate it in Dolphin with added textures.

Monster Hunter, though I'm sick of Nintendo and their bullshit and I'm sick of buying a new console every damn time a mainline title comes out so I'd rather just have MH5 on my PS4.

I already do that. I want a comfortable way to play them on a handheld.

Super Mario RPG 2: Not Paper Mario
Mario & Luigi: Like the original
Pokémon Stars: Without cutscenes
Paper Mario: Like the original

>Those textures
brb vommiting