Can Ace Combat 7 bring back the magic of the PS2-era games? Or will it be a competent but overall boring game like what we got from Ace Combat 6?
Can Ace Combat 7 bring back the magic of the PS2-era games...
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Why did Ryan Reynolds act in an AC cutscene?
I want to play Ace Combat 6 but I don't have a 360
I want AC7 to bring back the AC1/2 days of super fun mindless arcade fun, not the AC3/04/5/Zero melodrama and player dicksucking garbage.
They're dirt cheap now, I'm sure you could save up for one.
I just want solid, replayable gameplay, and a story with feels, not cringe
>not combining both
You can't have both at the same time.
Also, pot calling the kettle black.
Actually you can
Sure, if you love shitty melodrama and have to slog through it every time you want to replay the game.
literally only ace combat 5 has melodrama, why don't you try out 4 and 0
Look, i still consider AC2 and AC3 my jam but i also like AC 4 and 0. 5 is listed as my least. But thats your opinion buddy
Ace Combat 3's true plot revolves around fucking NTR and only that one cutscene is 100% real.
Ace Combat 04 has muh yellows and everything surrounding those insufferable faggots and 13's fuccboi.
Ace Combat Zero has player dicksucking to the max but at least the storytelling isn't as much as "murican education" as the rest of the shit. You can kind of feel that maybe the allies aren't really the good guys.
What did he mean by this?
It is true that they have flaws but hey, thats your perception for those games.
>at least the storytelling isn't as much as "murican education" as the rest of the shit
I was going to say Americans would never tell a story about their own government being full of corrupt warmongers in hock to foreign interests.
Then I remembered.
Fuck off /aceg/
You're fucking shit nowadays
/aceg/ here. Its the puchiposter who's falseflaggging all the time.
fuck you stop projecting
I hate the entire ace combat fanbase to be honest.
Too many weebs more interested in women than airplanes.
>Too many weebs more interested in airplanes than women.
if they were weebs gushing about the jap pretend F-22 then i would have no problem with them.
airplanes are superior to women in every way. even the bachem natter or F-35 is less likely to let you down.
From what i know so far, /aceg/ and Sup Forums ace combat is the last good section
Also let's not forget how nukes are an absolute taboo that got sealed away, while the anti Ulysses superweapons are potentially much worse than that. Also firebombing and gassing civilians is a-okay.
I can't say I hate all of the fanbase, but the fact that most of them praise the games as perfection pisses me off.
The Natter would have been an excellent plane had they developed it a little better. Definitely better than most of the emergency fighter program shit.
user I'm not trying to masturbate to cold steel and navigation systems.
you masturbate to whatever you want, but it's not really a matter for ace-combat threads unless you're masturbating to ace combat gameplay
Nagase fanart doesn't count, either jack it to the game itself or be quiet.
Blame the puchiposter, he falseflags most of the time. Paleo-/aceg/ is asleep for now
Fuck. I knew this day would come