Sony and Nintendo BTFO
Sony and Nintendo BTFO
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Says the one that holds the Halo series to their console
That's why they paid for Rise of the Tomb Raider and Dead Rising 4 timed exclusivity
A lot of talk for someone with no games on their console
When was the last time the Xbox was even relevant?
Fuck, I can't even remember the last time I saw a thread relating to it or any of it's games.
PS4/Wii U get a ton of discussion, but people couldn't give less of a fuck about the Xbox.
Isn't this exactly what Microsoft does though?
original, cause they got a lot of JP devs to do exclusives for it.
Don't Microsoft do this as well?
>calling other companies scummy for having timed exclusivity on content
>when the 360 was pretty much the biggest offender on that aspect
A lot of loyalty for a hired exclusive.
>doesnt promote growth
>e-e-except when we do it
This guy is such a whiny little bitch
Don't forget Microsoft has Todd and his minions shoved down so deep in their pockets it's not even funny.
Yeah, I'm sure the multiple fiascos involving dlc/mods/ports not making it to Sony systems has been a technical issue every time. For sure.
Lack of self awareness: 0
No, there are zero microsoft timed exclusives.
man in glass house shouldn't shoot at other people's windows from inside.
>Sony and Nintendo BTFO
So it is okay when Microsoft does it? IE Last gen CoD titles and such?
Spencer can't be serious.
>Wii U
Wii U doesn't really get much discussion anymore outside those Smash weekend threads and that's it.
>No, there are zero microsoft timed exclusives.
Tomb Raider
Dead Rising 4 is a timed exclusive for Xbone/W10
It's still more discussion than what xb1 gets
That was only for the first few years of its life. When Phil Spencer came on the scene, all their exclusives came from companies that were built specifically for one franchise.
343 was built to house the Halo franchise after Bungie's contract went up.
Black Tusk, now known as The Coalition, was made to house the Gears of War games because Cliffy B was done with the series.
It's still concerning that they've been doing a very odd exclusivity deal with the Dead Rising franchise, though.
"Super Ultra Hyper Dead Rising 3 EXAlpha+" is only on the Xbone even the game itself is on Steam.
I'm still miffed.
Tomb raider was going to be an xbox exclusive and is published by microsoft until microsoft realized that was gay and everyone should be allowed to play it.
Unlike those faggots at sony or nintendo.
Didn't the Xbox have the CoD DLC on timed till they jumped ship to PS?
95% of Wii U discussion, at the very least, is circlejerking over how badly it flopped.
the ironing is great with this one
Has Nintendo ever done it? Hell, I don't even think they market their own games properly.
It's a regular exclusive which they decided to port, despite publishing it, it's the sam,e as sony giving pc and xbone bloodborne, except microsoft isn't full of faggots and will actually give up exclusives.
Now that most publishers wont get into bed with them, it's bad.
Don't look at Tomb Raider or Dead Rising, though. That doesn't count.
Not that it means much because it's Windows, but you can play Halo 5 multiplayer on PC now, with a server browser, for free.
Also, Halo 6 confirmed for PC release.
It's more 50% Nintendoomed and 50% I can't see a 13 year old girl's panties JWSJWSJEWS
It should be:
self awareness: 0
lack of self awareness: 100%
All nintendo games are timed exclusives waiting until the definitive emulator version comes out.
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero and Case West
Phil Spencer has entered the Hypocrisy zone.
Funny that the man is talking about "growth" when they cancelled Phantom Dust or axed Lionhead Studios.
Sadly, MS is nothing more than a Gears/Forza/Halo producers.
Is anyone even lookiing forward to Sea of Thieves or Scalebound?
>bitches about others having timed exclusives
>literally came up with the idea and presented it to activision
This is some anthony burch levels of denial
This post can't be genuine.
Yeah because Microsoft has never done anything anti consumer. Ever
Todd remembered how good Morrowind on the XBox went (a lot better than other wRPGs on consoles) and I think he's made the right decision. Microsoft can't compete with Sony in Japan but Sony can in the US so there's no reason for japanese devs to make games on Microsoft but a lot of incentive to sell streamlined japanese games in the US.
what is tomb raider and dead rising
all phil does is talk shit lately
remember that time he said "they weren't competing" anymore? go ahead google it
and then they quit releasing sales numbers
and now all he does is complain cus he's losing
ninty has the guts to pick up the fight again and go back into the fray, when is phil done talking shit and getting back to work
We don't have any exclusives worth fuck so we'll scold others that do for anti consumer practices.
They already tried that shit when they were pushing for network interoperabillity since their lobbies were somewhat empty after a less then stellar XBone launch.
Why else would I buy a console if not for exclusives?
This makes the Xbone useless
rayman legends delay
Oh my god you're so right, it's sickening how some companies hold games hostage.
english is my third language :(
Sony has adapted what Xbox use to do, paying forward to get timed exclusives. All Nintendo has done recently to make people salty is fund Bayonetta 2, after Microsoft and Sony said no.
If you can, you should track down all the interviews they did with GFWL magazine (Computer Gaming World before microsoft paid to have them rename themselve).
The old CGW staff did not hold back in any interview and forced tough answers out of them (which you could tell they didnt think would happen based on their answers and the caught off guard noises they made). Half the shit microsoft promised was 'cut' from the final GFWL first launch (out of 3) and when they announced the cut, they did a full interview with the head of GFWL's project and Peter Moore, and bent them over a barrel with their questions.
It was honestly one of the best sets of interviews in the history of gaming.
All Kaz needs to respond with is "For you. For me it feels like growth measured in the value of [INSERT HOW MANY MORE PS4s HAVE BEEN SOLD THAN XBONES]
>paying forward to get timed exclusives
What sony game this gen is timed exclusive against xbox?
Microsift did that to Tomb Raider and Dead Rising 4
>Normalised paid online
>Pioneered and encouraged dlc
>Bankrolled formerly exclusive devs to break exclusives on PlayStation (tekken, DMC, Ace Combat and others)
>Paid to create timed exclusives on Xbox
>Windows 10
Sony and Nintendo do some shady shit but MS have fucked gaming.
>and then they quit releasing sales numbers
At the end of XB360 cycle?
For the most part it's been timed exclusive DLC, which is something MS was doing a lot during the 360 days.
There is a difference between first-party exclusives and third-party exclusives.
He was clearly talking about Sony. Why the fuck do sonyggers always have to bring up Nintendo?
>Sony gets shit on
>B-But Nitnendo
so its irrelevent, they did this in the past
Holding games back is more of a scummy move than shitty dlc
Sony fags are the niggers of the video game community. They have a persecution complex.
And now those shady people are following in the steps of MS, funny isn't it?
>Why the fuck do sonyggers always have to bring up Nintendo?
>Sony and Nintendo BTFO
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
Doesn't feel like growth? For who? Xbox?
That backpedaling is so cute.
Sony is pretty gay right now, but Microsoft fucking invented this practice. And they still do it today. PC had to wait for Ori and the Blind Forest, and then again for the Definitive Edition, and will have to once again wait for the sequel I'm sure.
They also were the most reluctant to allow cross platform play of games, leading ironically to a few games being Sony and PC crossplay only, when you'd think Xbox and PC would be the no brainer.
It needn't even be discussed who was responsible for both systems having online fees now.
No, I am not forgiving Xbox for their past just because they want to repent now that they're the underdog. They showed the world that consumers will accept these horrible practices and Sony now continues it.
It's unfortunate that I'm forced to use their software on PC, but it is where they shine for now, until they try to fuck it up some.
Phil would never and has never talked bad about Nintendo seeing as how they always work together behind the scenes. Stop trying to falseflag you faggot.
Wow Microsoft is so cool and hip I bet they even do cocaine :^)
Well, considering that the PS1 was a shitty poorly designed system with terrible hardware; and that the PS1 was a shitty poorly designed system with bafflingly designed hardware including a full PS1; and that the PS3 was a shitty poorly designed system with an utterly horrific choice of processor I don't think it's out of the question that it has been literally every time.
Why would they fight? That's expensive and pointless.
The console market was over-saturated. Someone had to drop out either this generation or the next. Xbox NEEDED to be #1 to keep the console division going, so despite Nintendo doing far worse, it's clear that Xbox is done.
They've already started the pivot to PC gaming, expect at most their next "console" to be a PC add-on of some sort.
He should have expected this as the primary PR face of the company that did these things. Not saying it was his doing, but it's natural to interpret it as hypocrisy. I really don't believe he would be singing this tune if Xbox wasn't the underdog this time around.
Sony bribed publishers during the PS1 to stop making games for Nintendo, so shut the fuck up you underage retard.
>>Pioneered and encouraged dlc
Nintendo actually pioneered DLC, Microsoft just did it better with non-shit internet
This. I wished the game industry was still mainly Sega and Nintendo. Fuck Sony for ruing everything.
>sony have zero timed exclusive games that later plan to release on xbox this gen
>microsoft have 2
>wahhhhh i hate this practice
sony has region free consoles
nintendo refuse to
suck my dick
Cuz they know they can get away with it since Microsoft did
You're fucking kidding, right? They were the last developer to come online and didn't even have dlc on the wii and ds
>Objectively inferior to the PS4 on a technical scale
>Multiplats typically run the worst on it
>Doesn't get Sony's exclusives
>Doesn't get Nintendo's exclusives
>All of the games* (now and coming) it does get that the other two do not are shared with its ""companion"" platform, Windows
>PC, which is superior on a technical scale with an even bigger library comprised of its own exclusives, games it shares with Xbone, and games it shares with PS4
>Xbox Live is garbage
>Games with Gold is shit
>will be rendered yesterday's news by Scorpio in 2017
>I dont like it
>I just condone it, seek it out, and do it every year
the fuck logic is that
Sony paid for Tomb Raider 2 and 3 console exclusivity causing the Saturn version of 2 and N64 enhanced port which contained a few TR1 levels to be cancelled. Sony paid Namco to keep Tekken a PS exclusive after Soul Calibur's success on Dreamcast. Sony paid Square a billion dollars not to release anything on Nintendo consles.
Fucking newfags.
Nah. Sony decided to outright buy full exclusivity on titles instead like Street Fighter V even though they don't need to.
It's totally OK when Sony does it fellow Sup Forumseogaf memeber!
>newfag downsies don't recognize baneposting anymore
It's only been a couple years. Jesus Christ.
>Sony bribed publishers during the PS1 to stop making games for Nintendo
Imagine being so upset over losing a 20 year consolewar that you have to make lies to feel better about yourself
Nitendo used physical DLC before other companies had online, experimenting with locking of parts of games unless you bought cards or attended some event. They continue this tradition with Amiibo.
The community. More people I know own an Xbone than a PS4.
Have you seen what 343i has done with it? Keep that shit contained to one console, please.
Sony paid a billion dollars to Square to not release any games on Nintendo consoles.
A lotta loyalty for a shill who does it for free
That literally applies to all consoles.
This is coming from the guy working at a company that did exactly that last gen and still does to this day
Sony saw MS making so much money and showed that most consumers are happy to pay to play online that they'd be daft not to do it themselves.
It's a shitty practice but money talks, it's probably only a matter of time until Nintendo do something similar (if they switch to usernames rather than codes)
Paying to play online resonates with normies, they seem to think that it makes things better, no idea why but I've had debates with people years ago about the free Nintendo online/PSN and why Xbox Live is a con but you cannot argue with them.
This is actually true. Look at this Dindu attitude.
>Post "facts" without any source
Those tears of yours are delicious
There's nothing to discuss if you are perfect. Same reason why perfect characters in fiction are the least talked and discussed about
Well... What is it?
>Sony decided to outright buy full exclusivity on titles instead like Street Fighter V
They funded the game though since Capcom was broke, this is like bitching over bayonetta 2 when sony and microsoft ignored it while nintendo funded it
This is much different to microsoft paying for exclusives that they had no part in the development
Either way Micrisoft has done this TWICE they have no right to bitch
It's a secret. My dad works at Nintendo so you can trust me :^)
Literally equivalent of Soviet Russia propoganda.
>Criticism about Russia/Sony? How about them!
A lot of loyalty for a meme pusher.
Xbox was never #1 though was it?
PS2 1st / Xbox 2nd / Gamecube 3rd
Wii 1st / Xbox 360 2nd / PS3 3rd
PS4 1st / Xbox One 2nd / Wii U 3rd
(I think).
>only one of those posts mention anything Sony related
>the others are just calling out Microsoft on its bullshit
Im starting to believe mentioning Sony on this board is like mentioning Trump in tumblr