The idort experience is the way to go.
The idort experience is the way to go
>The idort experience is the way to go.
Provided you can afford to spend that much money on all the shit
sure, but pc is by far the best platform
In a new era of American prosperity, there will be enough for everyone.
We can. It's comfy as fuck purchasing only exclusives. Or even buying the same game twice for PC just for mods. Just get a job at McDonald's, user.
I'm a third worlder, so I'm happy for you user
>labour automation achieved
>basic income passes throughout the western world in response
>now everyone in the west can afford the idort life
Mfw east european third world pleb
Basic income is a right wing movement.
In my nation all left wing parties block Basic Income. While right wing parties tries to pass it.
The reasoning being that once Basic Income is established we can remove "old" laws such as minimum wage, unions and other worker rights.
Because "basic income will provide them with a living wage anyway".
This is also why I personally oppose basic income until other freedoms are also guaranteed.
It's not like you have to buy all that shit at release.
I got my Gamecube from Tesco clearance sale for 30Euro equivalent of our old, already non exist currency.
Got rarely used Wii + 3 games from a friend in exchange for fixed up PS3 (fat that still overheats but works if you keep it in properly ventilated space).
Automation acceleration is a response to an increasing minimum wage, basic income is a response to automation acceleration.
Minimum wage won't matter when those jobs are replaced by machines.
I see this happening in some nations. But not all of them.
For example one of my local Mcdonalds installed those kiosk things.
Business slowed down a lot due to people finding it impersonal and preferring to choose another fast food chain with a more "community atmosphere"
The kiosks were gone within 3 months time.
This was The Netherlands in Amsterdam BTW. I'm sure the USA will react different to it.
But people here actually enjoy the human element of a lot of things like shopping/restaurants etc.
Replace WiiU with Switch maybe senpai?
The fewer pink collar plebs I interact with the better. Prague, Czechia.
Done, famalam.
Oh I personally agree. But the premise of everything being automated while people WANT the human interaction is not really believable.
>not sticking to one gaming console
Do you guys never learn loyalty at your house?
Are there any reason to buy both of them?
Lit af bruh
PS4 for (upcoming) exclusives
Xbone for multiplats and online
I only have a PS4 and see no reason to have anything else.
They both each have games that the other doesn't. I'm interested in both Bloodborne and Recore.
why is someone stealing your switch
It's that good
I have WiiU and PS4 but I won't buy switch.
>current gen consoles
why tho?
>not having all gens
They're just borrowing it.
Xbox and PS4 are pretty much worthless though. You only need WiiU, PS3 and 3DS.
I barely play videogames only in the PC because most new games suck. You must be a special kind of underage retard to own more than one platform nowadays.
>mfw I have a xbone, ps4, and pc.
I see no reason for the xbone if you have a good PC and PS4, it doesn't get any exclusives that don't go onto PC anymore.
It's too fucking expensive when almost every game is multiplat (luckily). I guess it's different if you like Japanese games.
>inb4 poor, any NEEt can """afford""" to buy all the consoles, but is it REALLY worth buying a ps4 for 1 game? No
Why would you have an xbone and ps4. That literally doesnt make sense. What games do you get that youd need both for. At least nintendo makes real games.
Furthermore why have a ps4 and pc. Theres not really a reason to have a xbone when the ps4 exist, but do those 3 or 4 games that the ps4 have exclusive worth buying another console?
Should of mentioned it's worth getting a excellent $500-$800 PC and being done with it. Best value option by 1 million times right there.
>mfw PS4 Pro and PC
>Xbox one exclusives coming to PC
>cemu is going well so Wii-U on PC soon
Not an idort but I guess close enough.
Real talk whats the fucking point of owning a X-bone?
>all exclusive games are on PC
>No exclusives from PS4
>No exclusives from WII U
>Same price as PS4
>No VR headset or anything remotely original
Literally fucking 0. I dont fucking get how it sold even half of what it did.
I don't really see any point in owning the Xbone though.
>xbone for multiplats
Nothing to do with being poor. The rich dont waste money. Thats what the poor do to make the rich richer. Explain to me how its not a waste of money. What benefit is there?
It sells in the USA because of muh american product. All they play is Halo, CoD and sports games anyhow.
How are all of those cabinet picks and fellating Putin working out for you Trumptards?
I don't see the point in playing games that cater to the lowest common denominator. Never mind the technical limitations. If a game is balaned around a slow doddering input mechanism, it's hardly going to be a great game.
also >30fps
Is your butt still that sore hill shill?
PC for emulation :^)
except 360 emulation which is handled by Xone
>other freedoms
You better not mean the freedom to have a minimum wage, you fucking nigger
>The rich dont waste money.
Ah yes
Mr Birdman himself is the perfect example
>In my nation
What are you, americuck?
I like exclusives on all systems
I meant the freedom to unionize.
So just say country you kanker neger.
Love all the poor with bugattis and lambos.
idort experience? more like IDIOT experience LMAOOOOOOOO
Technically it's a Nation with Brabandt,Limburg and Friesland being countries. But I won't take the time to educate your ass, Flikker.
mfw as an idort i voted for almost all of them, except the really crappy ones i really don't care about. 2017 gonna be a decent year.
If you have a decent PC, Xbone is largely redundant.
And you see how his networth is steady dropping. I wouldnt be surprised if he filed bankruptcy soon.
What exclusives?
Buying a higher quality item isnt a waste of money. And it usually returns to you.
haha :)
I could see automated kiosks like that being insanely popular in the US if only for drive through lanes.
Is Halo 5 on PC?
Not really, can your PC play Ninja Gaiden Black through backwards compatibility? Thought so, faggot.
>largely redundant
Also, is Halo 5 really good enough to warrant a $300ish purchase?
>getting rid of your old consoles
I'm going to have to ask you to love the flow.
>TFW Ninja gaiden disc is NTSC, wont boot on my pal box.
>Go to the xbox store to buy it, fucking can't, NGB was banned in my country and the original isnt for sale.
Any ideas anons? I wanna play it now
Set aside $100 every pay period until you can buy each system. Not hard.
>Paid $250 for my PS4
>$250 for Xbone
>$200 for WiiU
>Slowly upgrade PC over last 5 years
Just don't buy consoles new and don't buy them until there's a bunch of games you want.
Not if you only had a PS3 or Wii last gen you idiot, BC is good if you buy a console you never got a previous one from that brand.
Not only that, considering Xbox hueg is pretty fucking dead and finding parts is already hard, keeping your malfuncioning console is stupid.
Why would you do that. What benefit does it have? That money could go towards another gpu
Can you make a new account with a different country? See if that works
We're talking about the idort experience here. And NGB is on PS3.
Im saying, in this current generation (which the OP implies) there really aren't many reasons to own both a PC and an Xbone. Yes, the Bone has some nice features beyond its current gen capabilities, I'm not denying that.
>And NGB is on PS3.
Hehehe... nice one. Almost got me.
Spotted the poorfag
>markets absolutely booming
>consumer confidence at all time highs
>prices on prepper shit like guns, ammo and disaster supplies tanking for the first time in over a decade
>less than a year away from having a great relationship with Russia
>one of the most optimistic outlooks America has had in a long time
It feels fucking fantastic, thanks for asking.
Fuck off, mustard.
>buying an xbone when you have windows 10
It's honestly shocking how many people seem to be single platform owners on Sup Forums. I'm poor as fuck and I still have a good pc, wii u and ps4. Console war threads make 0 sense
It's usually people baiting or Europeans being retarded.