Artificial difficulty: The game


>Artificial difficulty

Has there ever been a more cringe worthy term?

a game having controls so shit you can't aim isn't artificial difficulty, it's just a shit game

the game shows where it would hit with red dots, idiot

hahaha holy shit, OP are you admitting a game for children is to hard for you? Haha holy shit I complete this game when I was a boy no troubles.

Fucks sake, casuals these days are truly shit tier. No skill at all.

Jak 3 is Jak 2, better edition. A shame they didn't include strafing in that one either. The idea of having so many enemies without being able to move and aim at the same time is plain stupid.

The same game with a weapon wheel and strafing would be much more appealing.

>muh strafing

Christ fuck off. It's not needed in every game.

The ability to move and aim independently is needed in any game with a heavy emphasis on gunplay;

Heck, just the ability to pick which one of them you want to do like in the first Ratchet game is enough

>I'm so badass, I beat Jak II!

>b-but it's fine if you can't aim at anything because you can spam the spin attack and drain all your ammo in seconds instead

>Jak 2 was hard
>Jak 2 is edgy GTA wannabe shit

How to spot nu-Sup Forums in two easy steps

only folk who were 8 when Jak II came out have nostalgia boners for that turd

nu-Sup Forums is the nu-Naughty Dog internet defence force

kys yourself

Doesn't Jak 2 actually get easier the more you die? Either way, disregarding Hero Mode, the only real hard bits are Destroy Ship at the Drill Platform and Escape from Water Slums

I was 11 faget

no u

The Ratchet games implements that system, not sure if Jak does though. I don't recall the docks mission getting any easier the 5th time through

>You can't aim i Jak 2 or 3


Thanks for confirming you guys are casuals though. Never fails to kek me up when I heard bullshit like this. I love Jak 2 it is a perfect casual filter. It's like a litmus test for newfags. Give any person a copy of Jak 2, if they love it, they are a smart intelligent user who is a veteran at gaming. If they hate it they are a casual as fuck dumb newfaggot.

Jak 2 has soft lock on. You didn't notice it because there's no stupid reticule. But it's there. You can run and gun in Jak 2 just fine. Run, shoot, the red dot will automaticlly switch over to enemys, you can turn Jak around without having to spam the spin attack. Literally just move your analog stick.

If an enemy is in your 7 o clock position, fucking do that position on the analog stick, Jak will face that way and fire there hitting the enemy, it's like twin stick shooter controls.

>b-but my camera direction

Holy shit then move your camera as well. You don't need the camera and gun reticule to be locked all the time, I am sick of games doing that, Jak 2 feels better and more unique because the gun reticule isn't locked and camera direction is independent of shooting direction. You just have to realize that in combat, Jak 2 essentially plays like a twin stick shooter. Jak shoots in whatever direction you stick is facing in.

> Jak 2 essentially plays like a twin stick shooter. Jak shoots in whatever direction you stick is facing in.
so, a single stick shooter

>Escape from Water Slums

Easy as fuck mission. Use your fucking hoverboard then jump to speed yourself up and jump over guards, or just jump of the platform and float over the water, or save up dark Jak beforehand and destroy the water guns and crimson guard. So many easy ways to do that level no problems.

>Jak 2 has soft lock on.
so, extreme aim assist

This desu
Casualfags BTFO

>Jak 2 essentially plays like a twin stick shooter
In a twin stick shootah you can move right and shoot left you tard, you cannot do that in Jak 2.

I didn't say it was one, I just said LIKE one in that you shoot the direction you are looking at and Jak automaticly aims in whatever direction the left stick is pointed in. How the fuck is it hard to aim at all you casual?

With most of Jak 2's weapons strafing wasn't needed.

>Jak 2 feels better and more unique because the gun reticule isn't locked and camera direction is independent of shooting direction.

It doesn't feel better, it feels loose and imprecise.
Because of how this particular aiming system, any kind of precise aiming on the player's part past pointing a general direction is difficult or even impossible. You can't argue this because the developers themselves admit this by implementing a generous autoaim that does all the aiming for you past pointing Jak in a general direction. This leads to several hilarious moments like in the Palace revisit, where there's like a dozen enemies on three different levels and you can kill all of them by just parking Jak's ass and mashing fire with the blaster without even trying to aim.
Admittedly the autoaim doesn't fuck up too much, but there's zero satisfaction in landing a shot on an enemy when the computer does the majority of the work for you. It also makes the few situations the computer does fuck up more notable.
The system is flawed on a fundamental level, no satisfying gunplay could come out of this system without overhauling it past the point of recognition. Again, the developers themselves admit this in Jak 3, by giving you half a dozen overpowered guns you don't even have to aim. Completely circumventing the fundamentally flawed aiming rather than trying to fix it (which would require a complete overhaul).

>people actually played this game instead of cutting out the middle man and just playing gta

>Destroy Ship at the Drill Platform on Hero Mode

Fucking hell incarnate. I gave up for weeks at that mission, only to come back one day and get it in one

GTA doesn't have elf TnA

>not just using your spin attack and spamming the yellow blaster

I just don't wanna play a game with shit controls and a fucked up checkpoint system. That's why I ignored Jak 2 and I am currently playing Jak 3, it lacks strafing too but at least it doesn't makes you repeat the entire mission for a simple mistake, probably caused by the shitty controls.

>running out of ammo in a minute

I find the gunplay in Jak 2 and 3 extremely satisfying. So you've been dubunked, it's not an objectively bad thing.

It's a subjective issue of wether you like that system or not and I really enjoyed it and it's a shame it's in so few games.

good thing this industry doesn't cater exclusively to you then

Yeah sadly it caters to casual shitters like you instead.

Feel glad you are part of the "wider audience" of dumb cunts.

>I find the gunplay in Jak 2 and 3 extremely satisfying

Cool, that changes nothing.

I don't know how you can call others casual shitters when you're advocating a system in a third person shooter where you barely have to aim your shots by design.

Can Jak 2 ever be discussed without angry rants?

Only when the oldfags die off

This game would be amazing if it had Ratchet and clank GC/UYA controls

It'd still be worse simply for having so much filler and having really lame guns

Jak 1's only flaw was being short. A real sequel was all I ever asked for.

that already exists and it'a called Ratchet & Clank.

the direction that J&D took after the superb first game is a tragedy

What was so hard about this game? I don't remember it being hard at all.

Not happening anytime soon kiddo

It's not hard outside of some select missions, casualfags are just too babied to play 6th gen games without getting rectumravaged

>casualfags are just too babied to play 6th gen games

>entire thread has been comparing Jak 2 disfavourably to Ratchet

A shame R&C has meh-tier platforming.

nah the hard missions were the whackamole, the last boss battle and maybe the gun range

if only Jak had played to its strengths as the superior platformer instead of chasing trends and failing at it

Nope, I honestly try to avoid threads about it most of the time because I am sick of butthurt "edgy" shitters hating on it.

Gonna turn that way with Ratchet & Clank threads too since now it's become "cool" to hate on R&C1 ever since the HD collection and new Remake came out.

I Fucking hate strafe fags.

You're right to an extent, but I think since the remake a lot of people on the other side have gained a new appreciation for the original game.

The thing is there was never any hatred for the original before the HD collection and later remake were released.

Everyone just loved all three PS2 games and recognized that 1 wasn't a TPS like the later games. It was a platformer series, that like Jak, after the original game sorta switched genre's to a third person shooter like Jak turned into an open world game. Now newfags try to play R&C1 and think it's a TPS like the rest of the games and then get butthurt when there is no strafe and claim it's aged and shit when it's perfectly fine as it's actually a platformer. The guns are just a gimmick for long range attacks and the wrench is viable for the whole game and meant to be used as a short range attack, instead of just the box opener it turned into in later games.

For most encounters in R&C1 you are meant to run at the enemy while firing off whatever gun is best for the situation, maybe setting up some AI bots to help in the fight, when you have close the range, bring out the wrench and bash everyone to death then periodically switch between wrench and guns whenever the enemy gets the distance. There is no need to aim or do any of that circle strafe TPS stuff like the sequels play and the enemy aren't designed for it. There are also no gun upgrades that disincentivize wrench use so you aren't missing out on XP or anything either.

R&C1 isn't a shooter, it's a platformer with a gimmick that sequels later expanded upon to be the main focus and changed the genre/made it a hybrid or whatever.

Jak and daxter may be where i got my love for elf sluts, and im sure warcraft/WoW didn't help with that, hnnnng them purple elves

Fucking laffo. Half the posts I've seen about the remake bash it (rightfully so) for having less content than the original, being mostly copy-pasted level designs from the original instead of having reworked level design to fit the new mechanics, and having a muddled tone for the purpose of tying into an awful CG movie. Surprise, these people praise the original (rightfully so)
I know you're mad that your favorite shooting system is flawed on a fundamental level, and you had no argument to defend it besides "Well, I liked it". But you don't have to straight up make shit up just to demonize the meanies in your head that hate your favorite game.

that's a longpost that could have been summed up more succinctly but its basically right

It also helps that the level and enemy design doesn't require as much precision in shooting as the later entries

>Jak 2
Get good, you faggot.

I know people shit on the remake, they are the oldfags you fucking retard, they aren't the problem. It's newfags that came with the remake who are the problem, but moreso the bigger problem is HD collection fags, that is where the pure cancer came from.

Now KYS you fucking retard.

Have you ever played Advance Wars 1 or 2? Fog of war missions were literally artificial difficulty, not even memeing. The AI doesn't play by fog of war rules even though they are supposed to. It was fixed in awds but in those two games they cheat. Those missions are hard but for the wrong reasons.

Imagine if they remake Jak II as a seventh gen open-world third-person shooter. It would play a lot better than just a straight platformer with shitty gunplay.


The difficulty isn't the problem, it's the 2edgie4me shit and the bloated city.

>the tiny as fuck single GTA3 island sized city is "bloated" and 2big

>>the tiny as fuck single GTA3 island sized city is "bloated"
it's bloated when it serves no purpose but to inflate the time between missions

and even when you get there, it needs to load. Somehow technology had regressed since the first game

that's not even the problem

The cars handle so fucking bad that the game is unbeatable.

git fucking good

the car handling is awful and it makes driving a complete chore, but it's definitely not difficult

What the fuck

literally the greatest video game ever made


>All these kids that can't beat Jak II
I knew this place was filled with kids but god damn



Best in the series. The atmosphere, cutscenes and mission variety were some of the best and most seamless I've ever played on the PS2 and it wasn't difficult at all once you master the controls. I still play it from time to time.

>sewer level with an escort mission

Quiet , here comes casual boy

Patrician taste.

>they didnt enjoy the sewer levels
What the fuck? they were fun
This on the other hand I found obnoxious