ITT: Leaps in difficulty

ITT: Leaps in difficulty


>tfw I'm too autistic to reset the game to get the spur
one day I'll beat it



Snake might be easier because you can pick off angels from behind walls

Time to git gud faggot

it's a fucking joke how much time i spent being stuck in here

this and the first fight with sergei. game was a cakewalk up until i actually had to put strategy and tactics to start defeating enemies.


>get good enough to make it to the boss without losing health every time
>get killed by boss
>get good enough to beat it
>"this isnt even my final form"

Why do the original Cave Stroy graphics look like they were just the new CS+ graphics scaled down in paint?


>tfw you think you have mastered the game at the end and then post game starts with all its bullshit

Maybe because the CS+ graphics are just up scaled graphics of the original




im gonna fuck that miltank

>He thinks hell is hard

Try a 3HP run. I gave up and broke into tears at the Core.


But they are much higher quality and objectively better looking than the originals which look kinda crispy, like anything scaled down with the mspaint nearest algorithm

>I hope you were enjoying the game, that ends now.

good taste


dllete this

Fuck that level right in the ear

it wasn't that difficult, but it really stresses you.
any level with countdowns is stressing.