So who's the best character to play as and why?
So who's the best character to play as and why?
I wouldn't know, I don't play shitty games.
Wilhelm is a Roland Axton clone and sucks
Athena's shield is retarded and is literally a captain america ripoff
Nisha is a nerfed not as fun salvadore
Claptrap randomly does old vault hunters ablities
Pick your poison
Didn't mean to reference
as the cuck
Athena as a Melee build is the most fun you'll have with the worst game in the series.
Wasted opportunities: the game.
How is Athena melee compared to zero melee?
This desu
Ironic for this series
That's because gunzerker was OP. Nisha is still pretty good herself. Go law and order and she's just as powerful if done right.
So who's the best character to play as and why?
Is this shit even good?
1 edgy fucker 2 females and one robot.
I dont want to play as any of them. I want the old crew back.
Cool soldier dudebro
Big berserker type dudebro
nice looking slut
and ninja dudebro
best crew
Never played Borderlands before but it's my favorite Telltale game
>and is literally a captain america ripoff
How is that a bad thing?
Mordecai is a ninja?
Shit game but wilhelm is the best
Has the best lines and all his skill trees are useful.
mh not quite, mixed them both up. Anyway, my point still stands. Cant say much about the gameplay.
The hell's wrong with females
Lillith was objectively best character in 1
And everyone in TVHM ran Gaige or Maya in 2
Wilhelm's shit is pretty good, especially if you get ice and laser weapons.
Claptrap is a clusterfuck of a character, but he's actually quite enjoyable in multiplayer, since some of his talents are multiplayer based, like having extra stats and giving buffs to whoever high fives him.
Came in to say this. Jack double is fucking fantastic
nisha because its hilarious to scream ITS HIGH NOON whenever you use your ability in discord and watch everyone gradually get annoyed to the point of madness
Wilhelm is the best. He's simple, clean and he fucks shit up.
Baronness is op. Shits out cryo damage
If you have good aim she's also OP as fuck using her sniper stuff.
Best characters in each game are as follows
BL1 - Mordecai
BL2 - Krieg
BLPS - Jack Double
Anything else is wrong.
But how?
>skill is actually Showdown which makes it even more maddening to friends
BL1 - Lillith - Hellfires and Volcanos
BL2 - Gaige - Anarchy Stacks
BLPS - Nisha - DPS out the ass with dual Maggies or skullsplitters.
Come at me.
I had a pretty decent survival based Wilhelm that still managed to dish out good damage. This is as close to the build that I remember having.
>all 3 final skills
what the fuck?
My brother of African descent
Yep, pretty much the only class I found useful in getting all the cap stone skills.
Is the DLC worth it get to 70?
>tfw friend had modded xbox
>tfw i joined his session once on BL2
>he killed something, literally leveled me to 150.
>tfw i had every trait for Zer0 and all 3 finals.
was dope. he did it again for me with axton and it literally was like being god.
New to the game, rate this nisha build and any tips?
Pre Sequel is more balanced when it comes to difficulty in the later levels (If you don't abuse the bonus stat glitch and turn it into a casuals wet dream). I'm assuming you have the PS3 version so I'll have to say that depends. If you want to suffering through the problems that game has, then yes but if you have the PS4 (the superior version) then get that and the dlc is free.
I have the PC version
I think it wasn't written by anthony cuck, so at least it can be better than borderlands.
Wilhelm is fun
Play through the game first then and see if you want to get the dlc. Honestly, I liked the Claptastic Voyage DLC only because I'm probably one of the few people who doesn't find Clap Trap annoying.
I regret spending my money on these trash games. I even went to the midnight release of borderlands 2 and got my case signed by Randy and the devs
>Claptastic Voyage DLC
Was better than the game itself to be honest.
I got it with claptastic voyage on the steam sale
How do I install the DLC. It tells me purchased but not installed?
I liked Athena because of her shield.
One thing I always hated about borderlands was that you don't really
have any reliable way to avoid damage.
It took me awhile to like the game but not as much as BL2.
Isn't that what getting a good capacity recharge shield is for?
You need the DLC for two cap stone skills. It's scummy but that's how it works.
I wouldn't know, I'm console only.
The Baroness is pretty cool
BL1 - Lilith
BL2 - Zer0
BLPS - Baroness
Fixed that for you
>recently got to concordia
>played with friend who's in endgame
>gave me 2.5 mil for the hell of it
>now I literally can't stop gambling even though I'm not even level 10 yet
A nice way to get blue/purple weapons and moonstones early without much effort.
Well I did get the claptrap DLC so I guess I'll be fine.
I don't main Nisha all that much so my input probably wouldn't help much. But I do remember having a similar build (minus some of the kill skills.) Not a huge fan of kill skills in general.
I want to like this game but the writing is so annoying it hurts to listen to. Why is everyone in this game gay? And if they are, why do they insist on constantly telling me that they are both gay and Australian?
>Be sure to get those items
>Grab them with your meat hooks
The writing in this series gets worse with every episode. Even though the first game had a lot of problems the writing was much better
They're australian?
He's referencing Janey Springs who's both Gay and Australian. Well, most of the people on Elpis on Elpis have Australian accents anyway, since the game was done by 2K Australia. No surprise there.
Did you know this game was made by Australians? Australians are so cool! Be sure to wear your Aus kit, or you'll die!
Since this thread is relevant...
BL2 GOTY and Tales worth it from the Steam sale?
The aussie shitposting meme has gone too far
This is an impersonation of the posh English accent. It is awful.
The memes in general have gone too far
Maybe Krieg is your favorite, but Salvador out-DPSs everyone in te game ten times over.
>Pistol Build
>Sheriff's Badge
>Money shot
>Chance to get a free shot
>Constant Money shots at low health
It's like cuming for 5 minutes straight.
I live for this shit
Don't forget Rough Rider with ChaoticGood or LawfulEvil Monk class mods.
Never bothered with those, gonna try this out later
The two DLC characters are both the strongest and most fun. And have the most enjoyable personalities.
Story time
It's pretty cool. Animations are bad, but the story is nice.
Athena > Nisha > Doppelganger (I can't tell what the shit is going on when I play him) > Baroness who's name I forgot > Claptrap > Wilhelm.
>Doppelganger (I can't tell what the shit is going on when I play him)
In what way? Krieg or Gaige?
I don't get it, do people unironically lose their shit over this?
Athena is the actual protagonist, looks the best, and has the best responses to characters without seeming out of place.
Nisha and Jack Double. Everyone else is boring
More Krieg than Gaige but not hellborn levels.
So, uh, how about that Borderlands 3?