>Perfect sandbox RPGs don't exi-
Perfect sandbox RPGs don't exi-
This isn't an RPG though.
i wouldn't go that far but it did turn out to be a very good game with the updates
Boss get do-
>progression and stats
Having npcs that talk to you and sell shit doesnt make it an rpg.
It lacks way too many rpg elements imo buts its getting better every year. At least the devs put new stuff in all the time and the community is friendly and nice unless you join some Sup Forums server
It is very close to perfect for what it is. Perfect like tetris, hardly any way to improve it.
who would you?
nurse is the only option
there is one thing I would change and that's mushroom biomes above ground not making everything pitch black
>mfw unlike Minecraft, Terraria's successfully gained a Mod API that allows you to run mods without having them update for every TModLoader Version or Vanilla Version
Go play some UnReal World kiddo.
dryad pls
>Sandbox games
Pure cancer.
>"LOL I can do what I want!"*
>*except you can only do a specific set of activities all of which do very little in the grand scheme of things.
>progression and stats now make it an RPG
Okay then, CoD MW2 is an RPG.
now you're getting it
What's the deal with Terraria Otherworld? Why does it exist when Terraria 2 is in development also?
who touched you when you were a child
sounds about right
no you jackass
you're thinking about rougelike
No one. I just dont like sandbox games. I feel like they are nothing more then a collection of mini activities in a hub world.
Outsourced spinoff.
I'm hoping it will mainly be a beta for new features that will be properly introduced in Terraria 2, namely Foreground Walls
>BBC addict
>Spidery cunt
>GGC addict
I'm gonna fuck the witchdoctor instead, cloacas are almost as good as vaginas
>fantastic art style with simple and beautiful sprites
>hundreds upon hundreds of items
>many different weapons
>smooth combat
>doesn't feel like a grind for resources
all of them, but if I have to chose, then stylist.
fuck off madman, rougelike means procedurally generated dungeons, and losing progress/items at death
Non shitty headache-inducing music would be a start. Better animations, less annoying early game, ability to zoom camera in and out, plenty that can be worked on. Mainly early game is such a drag it's hard to feel a want to continue when you're playing alone and starting over.
E) All of the above
I last played this game three years ago and it was a fucking headache
has it improved or something? or am I just a baddie
>>doesn't feel like a grind for resources
im not sure about that. You're constantly grinding for :
>gear for eye of chtulhu
>gear for skeletron
>gear for WoF
>hardmode gear
>shiny things you need to craft other things
its a chore ,kinda
>has it improved or something
oh god yes
2 massive updates that were almost entire games themselves
>Spidery cunt
there's a LOT of shit added since three years ago
this game would be a 10/10 if the blocks you used mattered more. As it is it doesn't matter if you use wood or the best.
oh righto, must have missed that
it's improved a great deal. and the devs are still somehow releasing updates for it (think the last update was a month ago?) and it was released over 5 years ago
not sure about pc version, but xbox has a built in map that makes finding tunnels and such much easier. there's a mod for it i know, but that is always a good way to get the ball rolling
It matters if you want to make a comfy house
what if
>you get permanent buffs depending on what your house was made out of
>you have to make a bed spawn point in a regulation house for the buffs to work
pre hard mode always feels like a grind to me. idk why but I always rush into hardmode because I can't stand the first part of the game. I wish they would add more content to it and make it a full half of the game instead of most of the content being hardmode stuff.
I can't be the only one who liked this game more before 1.2 update, right? Its just so overwhelming now
not him but only part that feels like a grind is hardmode cloro
you know that green ore in the jungle
and the turtle shells for it
but I bet if I got good enough I could manage without like I can pre hard mode
just wreck eye and skele with throw knives that you can buy from merch really cheap
Don't user, I'm a hipster too. I played it around release when it was barely the game it is today. You really should dive into all the new content though, it's a fucking blast and practically a new game now.
Too bad Otherworld looks like shit and probably plays like one too.
>coal burner
>only good choice
>goblin burner
>le epic redditor
Why does everything in a video game have to have some function? Why can't there just be variety for the sake of variety?
honestly beautiful
Not sure if this is stylishly horrible or horribly stylish.
What's this?
Perfect numbers don't ex-
git gud
I didn't know vinny did corruptions of terraria