Is Street Fighter V worth it at $20?

Is Street Fighter V worth it at $20 while it's on sale? Have a lot of the launch issues been fixed? Been a fan of the series for a while but I heard it's still a mess, and the DLC is, as usual, a stick up the ass. Gimme your two cents Sup Forums.

People who continue to shit talk SFV are people who prefer other games that nobody else plays.

The game is still not perfect, but it's fine now, especially at $20

SF5 is one of the best games for couch play with your friends as well as online ranked. If you're looking for an arcade mode there isnt one but to only fight CPUs is to miss out on what makes fighting games great

I'm not the OP, and I already have it, but want to play the new characters. They are way too fucking expensive; are there any trainers I can use to fast grind the shitty survival mode?

There was a survival mode cheat but it's gone now. You really don't have any way to easily get through it now.

oh for sure, it's not like anyone fights CPUs in this kinda game anyway

I heard the online was shaky at best too but hopefully that's been fixed

mods to cheat Survival mode are all gone now

Survival is pretty much your only option now if you did everything else. It's worth a shot, trust me, you have not suffered as much as I have in this game.

t. PS4 player that bought all 7 DLC characters and two stages with fight money and still have enough for three more characters

Can you buy the characters separately if you don't want some or are they all bundled together?

yes. they are 100K FM each

Yup, better rev up them single player modes

>All character stories (+ 7 DLC)
>All demonstrations (+7 DLC)
>All trials (+7 DLC)
>beating the cinematic story twice
>easy mode survival with everyone (+7 DLC characters)
>normal mode survival with everyone (+7 DLC characters)
>hard mode survival with 8 characters
>extreme with 4 characters
>winning online ranked/casuals
>and every level up gained from completing the above

gave me approximately 1.4 million cumulative fight money, so get to it user.

Better than launch, the only real problem imo is unoptimization up the ass.

That's pretty cool then. I might pick it up as I have more time for games now.

I bought it for $15 and I still feel remorse because I had to grind for the characters or shell out another $15 for the season pass.
And now there's a new wave of characters. Fucking hooray

No rankted Rookie shitter here: is doing a character's combo trials a good way to learn buttons, I mean as in memorizing what they and how the function? I'm not looking to memorize combos just yet, but I'm nowhere near comfortable with the normals and specials that Necalli can perform so I end up fidgeting a lot online and messing up because of incorrect inputs.

Not really. The trials don't show you what the buttons do, so it's not going to show much.

You're better off going into training mode and setting up the dummy to do things after wakeup/block, and practicing your frame traps and meaty setups.

For example, I main Ryu. Ryu's st. MP is plus on block, so if you hit a blocking opponent and they try to mash something out, you can beat their attack with another st. MP because you have frame advantage.

Demonstrations give FM? Oh boy time to rev those up

It's not a lot, but it's something.

So would I set the CPU to block, control the CPU and set it to block then react afterwards and practice on that?

What I normally do is, is set the CPU as a character with a 3-framed light punch (i.e, Ryu or Ken)

In the training mode menu, I forget the exact the wording because I'm not playing right now, but there should be two settings among the lines of block recovery action and wake up recovery action. When you select them, the game will give you the option to record what the CPU will do after blocking, and after waking up from knockdown.

Set the dummy to do crouching LP for both settings, then afterwards, you should be able to turn the settings you just recorded on.

Next, you'll set the CPU to always block, and set CPU's recovery options on. For recovery, I usually set it to normal recovery, or random recovery.

You should be good to go after that. I don't know too much about Necalli, but I do know that his st. MK has good frame data, so you might want to practice with that button first.

Where is the lobby?
