Trump lets his convictions affect his presidential policies

>Trump lets his convictions affect his presidential policies
>Thinks video games make children violent and should be banned
>Trump does not allow Barron to play video games or own consoles

Will gaming survive Trump's presidency?

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fuck off

no and neither will /y/

Did he just smell what ganon coveted?

>Liberals are still salty about losing

Prove that Trump said he hates games

Oh wait... He didn't.

Meanwhile Clinton lead a campaign to ban video games back in the 90s

>Trump lets his convictions affect his presidential policies
he's just like every politician ever stop the presses

Fact: gaming was at its best under republican presidency.

He's not the first and won't be the last entitled old geezer bitching about violence in video games. The medium has always weathered those quite well.

Of all the things to worry about concerning Trumps presidency this should the the least of them.


>muh candidate is better than this one

Speak English or get the fuck out of America faggot

Nice photoshop libtards

He only forbids Barron from playing games to piss off liberals.

What's there to worry about with a Trump presidency? He's gonna be great

Violence and Glorification must be stopped not games as a whole guys. That was Trump's point. Also I dont remember Trump ever talking about this in his many MANY rallys over the election season. He is not going to do anything about gaming. He has much more important shit to worry about.

>he voted for a ginger instead of the pureblooed Aryan

Ya'll motherfuckers got swindled.

We're a multi-billion dollar company that is located in America. We've won back to back Consumerist awards. We feel that videogames are harmless, and we're willing to donate towards your 2020 election.

>gaming in the clinton years
>bush jr was to focused with the war to care about games
>obama plays games
you are lost

Nice false flag libtard.

That's been tried under both republicans and democrats and guess what the both failed

Vidya btfos politic shitters

>jumping through this many mental hoops to justify mental retardation

yeah like not fucking up the country, the planet, and the world.

I think he's aiming for 1 out of 3 to start

Thanks for the (You)s

>gaming in the clinton years

Thank you for Correcting the Record.

Go back to Sup Forums

>not realizing he was already planning his presidential campaign at this time and knew in advance from his time traveling 4D chess mastery that GG would happen and how this would appeal to the normie christcucks that made up large amounts of his voters
get on Trumps fucken level you gutter dwellers

>tfw that "changing your sexual behavior" line was assumed to be "gay conversion therapy" and not just things that regularly increase the spread of HIV like promiscuity and sex addiction
>tfw Pence never even used the words "gay conversion therapy"

>haha fucking libtards there is no proof he said that, just get over, you lost
>shows proof
>it's fake you fucking libtards haha

How? I mean, realistically, what in the world do you expect from his 4 - 8 years? The guy's a crook.

Not an argument.


No political candidate will ever affect vidya.

No anti-gaming legislation will ever be taken seriously by the public ever again. Not by Republijews nor Demuslimcrats.

Stop making non-vidya related Sup Forums threads.

That's also not an argument, funnily enough.

lol he was just a democrat by any other name

Sanders wouldn't have threatened our vidya.

>USS Trump in Battlefield 5

>get elected due to help from the 400 lb. hacker known as Sup Forums
>first act as president: ban anime and video games

>Will gaming survive Trump's presidency?
I hope not. Video games have gone to shit.

No he would have just crippled our paychecks so we'd be forced to pirate everything

Not an argument.

I expect him to
Ease tensions with Russia
Prevent greater Israel from forming
Cut spending
Lower Taxes
Prepare us for the economic collapse in 10-20 years
Even if he's a "crook" he has some of my interest in mind

You lost, get over it.

>not willingly pirating
fuck off back to facebook then you normie cuck

uhhm you do know he is pro-israel?

>prevent greater Israel from forming

The worst that could happen is he bans vidya for Americans. I'm still safe up here in Canada, and Japan will continue making vidya so it really isn't that big of a deal.

>Prevent greater Israel from forming
But he's strongly Pro-Israel.

Not if he got tax reform.

We don't need lower taxes. We need more transparency in government spending and less tax breaks for the wealthy.

>having this bad reading comprehension
Try re-reading the posts retard.

He doesn't want Barron playing games because the kid is legit autistic, if he gets near them his autism will just turn him to a life of minecraft or, even worse, sonic the hedgehog. Trump doesn't want his kid becoming the next chris-chan, I don't think any father would.

>prevent greater Isreal from forming

He's currently Sucking massive Israel dick because of Obama not protecting them during the last UN session

Why do you spread false information?

>lower taxes
If you're a single parent with a kid you'll lose your deductions.

You like Klonoa?

>expecting Trumptards to actually know anything about their candidate's positions

I wish I trusted Trump like the Sup Forumsacks do, but I honestly think he's gonna fuck us up so bad. I cry myself to sleep every night hoping they're right and I'm wrong.

He is pro Israel, He has the US by the balls and his family is heavily Jewish, But if he breaks the Iran deal and doesn't create a new one quick (which I strongly doubt he will), Iran will obtain nukes and Israel is officially done

What kind of stupid name is Barron?

>Prevent greater Israel from forming
Wait, what? Trump is very strongly for Israel, buddy. It's not like he lied about it, either, he was pretty open about it.

>implying any country will ever use nukes against their opponents


>Ease tensions with Russia

He actually might.

>Prevent greater Israel from forming

Why? No, really, what would indicate that he's planning anything of that sort?

>Cut spending
>Lower Taxes

I guess.

>Prepare us for the economic collapse in 10-20 years


>Even if he's a "crook" he has some of my interest in mind

If they overlap with his own, I suppose.

So why does he only support a 2 state solution? Trump is so godlike he is even outplaying the kikes at their own games.

Americans are so painfully retarded it boggles my mind

>Lower Taxes
Yeah for the wealthiest people and at the expensive of Obamacare.

But hey enjoy your extra 5 bucks a week when you're on your deathbed because you don't have insurance. :^)

Both of those things aren't realistic in our current situation, the best thing we can do is encourage economic growth which we can get from lowering taxes

I want trump to build a wall between the boards and make Sup Forums pay for it

>gaming went to shit in 2007

is user on to something

Hasn't he gone back and retracted this statement? Pretty sure he made these comments at a point when he didn't know anything about the subject and was since shown actual studies disproving the claim.

Trumpcuck detected.

Hell, I'll pay for it if it actually keeps Sup Forums out


>Liberal in any way
What the fuck are you saying?

A Clinton presidency would have been awful, but I've gotten so goddamn sick of the willfully stupid retards that have never paid attention to politics in their lives before this year sincerely believing the entry-level, textbook lies Trump shat out while obviously never intending to fulfill them.

How do you defend a man who goes from "drain the swamp" to appointing the most corrupt fucks in all of big business to his cabinet?

>Implying crazy muslims wouldn't
At most nukes are threat in the modern age, It doesn't matter if they use it as long as they have it

He'd need a bill from Congress; any executive order he could make would only apply to government employees and contractors. And there's been no lobbyist pressure to do anything to vidya, not even on the state level.

>being a retarded communist

Anyone actively calling for more taxes on anyone needs to be thrown out of a helicopter.

>enter in shitpost thread
>get nice Klonoa art


He did some pretty liberal shit
>pathway to citizenship
>no child left behind
>increase welfare spending

I like how you wrecked these trumptards and they're still in denial. Biggest cucks on the planet with Germany coming in second.

Trump literally never admits he's wrong. All he will do is start proclaiming the opposite of what he used to while insisting he never said anything different. The downside of a man who puts no stock in computers is that he's an out of touch dolt that doesn't realize how easy it is for people to track down all the lies he's made.

>Implying this wasnt the funniest thing to happen this year

No prob.

Until you realize that it's actually completely irrelevant that he lied and that he can say whatever the fuck he wants.

>We need more transparency in government spending and less tax breaks for the wealthy.
People who don't pay taxes because they're reach enough to research every loophope, offshoring, will pay taxes if we raise them

Splendid logic, comrade; state knows better than individual what are the needs of an individual.

I can find no evidence that he retracted the claim.

>textbook lies Trump shat out while obviously never intending to fulfill them.
Such as?

>How do you defend a man who goes from "drain the swamp" to appointing the most corrupt fucks in all of big business to his cabinet?
Name three (3) corrupt people, along with their corrupt actions.

If you think businessmen who create wealth and jobs are the swamp and not crony politicians then you're the stupid retard.

>increased government spending
>increased the size of government
>gave out bailouts during the financial crisis
seems pretty democratic to me

>making contradicting statements is now considered outplaying the opponent

You'll have the president that will want to launch nukes, sure, but you have 20 other people that are the ones to actually launch the nuke and if you think these, more likely than not, western educated Muslims scientists and military leaders, will launch the nukes you are dumb

I'd rather if Trump outlawed censorship.

>We don't need lower taxes.
It is literally always the goal of the people in a capitalist society to lower their taxes as much as economically feasible

With much of that money ending up in bank accounts to never be used or trusts that won't take place for several years.

I legit believe in the 1% and I believe that is the source of our problems.


Yeah, I know. Why are people so fucking stupid user? Why do people refuse to vet and criticize their leaders just because they bought into the meme?


We need to cut the tax breaks in the first place.

Thank you user I'll be using this the next time a trumpfag starts cucking out.

>Jews spend literal billions to stop Trump, going all out in the largest coordinated media frenzy in history
>still lose

>Yeah for the wealthiest people and at the expensive of Obamacare
Actually, he merged special snowflake tax brackets like single mothers into the single payer tax bracket and my tax deduction nearly tripled. If you are a lower/middle class single adult male you made out like a bandit in this election.

The economic collapse issue is very complex, but essentially the US either needs to obtain a new energy dominance so we can continue currency culture (Im thinking nuclear) or we need a stronger alliance against China (Which means undermining their relationship with Russia). There are other options but I see these as the most likely under Trump