To this day I still can't believe this game was release completely uncensored from the Japanese version and was only rated T.
Post more unchanged games.
To this day I still can't believe this game was release completely uncensored from the Japanese version and was only rated T.
Post more unchanged games.
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I jerked off a lot to the CGs
Just about everything localized by Xseed.
this artstyle is literally 10/10
they should make a porn game
you see more bare naked skin in any hip hop music video nowadays.
why would they censor it?
no bare breast/ass/pussy shown.
just over-exaggerated body proportions.
a t-rating was absolutely sensible.
i don't like the faces
I actually prefer the cowgirl.
But they should have the job name. Hawkeye didn't make sense for the cowgirl.
absolute worst garbage taste confirmed here
This is my all time favorite game.
I have both the PS3 and Vita versions as well as the artbook that came with preorder, and the limited edition Japanese released soundtrack/artbook/art print set.
My boyfriend bought me Sorceress and Tiki figures for Christmas this year, he bought me Elf last year.
Elf is literally the only one I want but I don't have the money especially since I spend it on games
I really hope we get a remaster like Odin Sphere or at least a port to PS4.
I've been wanting to play this game for so long. What's better: PS3 or Vita version?
Just kidding. Hope you two co-oped it
PS3 version doesn't lag when things get hectic.
PS3 has local couch co-op, which in my opinion, is how this game should be played.
PSVita is superior with touch controls. This game was obviously built to be a Vita game with the way the Runes and hidden treasures work.
On the other hand, my hands start to cramp really badly holding the Vita while playing this game.
>mfw trying to solo the demon king and two archdemons show up
But this was done by some italian literally who company
>Want to play
>isn't on ps4 in anyway shape or form
god damnit,
It's not like they have a 16 year old girl being told by her boss to pose for a magazine with fap material.
how do they do it?
Bayonetta 2.
Nintendo even held an official event on Nintendo World NYC with a Playboy playmate dressed as Bayonetta to promote it.
Times have changed a lot in western civilization from 2014 to 2016.
NoJ probably oversaw everything. Remember that 2014 is also the year of the fatal frame censorship.
xseed knows that only weebs are going to buy their games and that censoring to try and appeal to the mythical "wider audience" will only hurt sales.
and yet they still butchered Fates and TMS
I meant it more because of playboy. Playboy doesn't do nude girls anymore, it's just a regular general interest magazine now.
And of course is not in the fucking psn store and is unfoundable in my country.
Fuck off psn store for real.
Funny how using a 3rd party distributor to sell your game outside of the USA causes that.
just order it online, pstriple isn't region locked you know.
I really hate psn store. I mean is fucking DIGITAL i should find EVERY game on that. Since i have a fucking ps3 i should find ALL ps 1 2 and 3 games on it. Not the 15% of games.
>completely uncensored
That's not true you mongoloid.
In the Japanese version you could interact with more art, e.g. touching man nipples would elicit a reaction. That was removed in the western release.
>B-but that's gay/I don't care about it so it doesn't count
It does. It's very minor but it wasn't "completely uncensored".
No, you can still touch the nipples and get a reaction. Most flinch and things like
>She lost her bra fleeing from the Kraken
>Tiki is not so subtly judging you.
Not for all of them
I love the sorceress
She's so sexy
>my boyfriend
post hotglue
And banned in Australia.
The ones that are at the midway point where you select A or B? Yes for all of them.
>Vanillaware food will never be real
The rights were sub licensed and expired. It's no different than being unable to print new physical copies of the game.
Was Catherine censored at all?
I know certain US retailers had censored cover art, but was the game touched?
>tfw like both
I don't think so.
Fatlus is only really known for censoring their covers in the west.
>they should make a porn game
They should release Dragon Crown to PC so I can play through it again.
I may be mis-remembering but I think they added a little more blur/cover to the cell phone pictures you receive like the bath shot, which didn't even matter because everyone just made fun of the missing toe.
Has there been any news on the new Vanillaware game? The mecha one.
And yet people actually thought they were the ones that wanted to censor #FE. I was surprised that people jumped to that conclusion considering Atlus' and NoA's histories.
What did Nintendo have to do with Dungeon Travelers 2?
Oh that was Atlus? I was thinking that was NIS for some reason. I can't explain that one.
To this day I still can't believe this game will never be released in the United States of Freedom and Censorship.
Tell me about it. I can't believe how bad things have gotten. I didn't expect 90s era censorship to make a comeback.
>It's not okay for Russia to ban Overwatch because of lesbians
>It is okay for America to ban DoAX3 because of lesbians
I don't get America.
Actually most games are unchanged. Why? Because outrage culture SJWs don't play games and will never hear about niche JRPGs or VNs.
Fucking hell.
pls respond ;_;
Wish I could say this was unchanged. I did not expect violence to get censored in Tales, let alone one of the most important scenes in the game.
No, but it'll sure be pretty to look at when it comes out.
This one is retarded and the people responsible should be ashamed of themselves.
When you see violence censored in the localization, it's usually the fault of someone in Europe, when you see something sexual censored it's usually the fault of someone from the US.
>Likes Dragon Crown
You're either bi or an ABSOLUTE MADMAN.
Honestly it's not a big deal
What is a big deal is because you HAVE to import it. That game has never gone below $60.
It's not like faggots think that women are hideous monstrosities. Why do you think the fashion industry has so many homo degenerates?
>Men like hot women
>Gays and lesbians like hot women
>Women don't like women hotter than them
I will never not be mad about the shit they pulled with Fatal Frame. A niche title that got no advertising and was only available for digital download with a fucking size larger than most Wii U models can even store and they STILL go out of their way to censor shit. Who the fuck did they do that for? What the hell audience did they think they were getting? And as if that wasn't enough, the extra costumes were at least story-relevant even if they were bikinis and lingerie, and they fucking replace them with Nintendo character outfits. Now you've got a flashback scene where a girl is supposed to be doing a gravure shoot and reading the mind of her photographer but she's in her normal outfit posing the same way and it just looks fucking retarded.
I can't even accept the argument that they removed the gravure stuff on the grounds of it being a foreign concept to the West because the whole game is set in fucking Japan. They didn't localize shrine maidens as catholic nuns, why the fuck should a gravure idol be changed just because it's Japanese?
God damn, it's like Nintendo wants their shit to fail sometimes.
meanwhile not a single peep was said from Sup Forums when Tecmo had full control of the series and censored 1, 2, and 3.
OP said unchanged you dingus
The Fatal Frame thing pissed me off even though I can read Nip and can just play the Japanese version.
Not you again.
I don't know how this makes you feel but I want you to know that I was fully planning on buying that game to try out the series until I saw the censorship and never touched it afterwards.
Gee it's almost like Sup Forums didn't exist in 2001, 2003, or 2005.
Well it did exist in 2005, but it wasn't like it is now. And the first three Fatal Frame games weren't censored anyway, he always says that Miku was censored because her design was altered in the first game to appeal more to westerners. I certainly don't agree with doing that, but it's not censorship, they tried to make her sexier. I can't remember what his claims for censorship in the second and third games are though, I think he usually dodges the question.
Sup Forums did exist in at least one of those years, it was just different back then
Consumers hardly ever knew when something was censored from the jap version.
Yes, just what the piss4 needs, more ports of PS3 games
It is confirmed to be a Yuro problem. Bamco mentioned that 'b-b-but muh 16 rating!' which is a PEGI tier rating (12 ,16 ,18) and not ESRB (10,13,17).
Xillia 2 had a LOT of violence and blood, yet it kept a T rating... What sucks the most is that thanks to the PEGI thing, the US version will ALSO be censored.
The only hope remains for the PC version. Even though the JP version isn't available on PC, there is a JP PS3 version, so it should be possible to reconstruct the scene from there.
Have you considered that Bamco might not be telling the truth?
There has been like no news at all for at least half a year now I think.
It kinda worries me.
I see no difference between the two images.
Shit takes time. I'm fine with it.
Will the mechs be able to eat the delicious food though? Inquiring minds need to know.
I remember the days when games were censored if they needed to be in a region, but not all copies were affected, just those in that region. Those were good times.
It is a possibility, but I doubt they'd choose to outright lie when they made quite the lengthy and fairly elaborate post in the Tales facebook page, and they did it fast as hell in comparison to other companies that try to bullshit their way out of their 'localization' critique *cough*NISA*cough*
Some say that the censored version looks even more brutal (it does, kinda), but the original scene has a lot more depth to it, such as when Art simply tilts the sword to make Laphicet slowly drop off.
Just analyze it - Bamco released Xillia 2 with no issues, and that's a game where one ending outright kills the little girl that accompanies you throughout the story and another ending has you kill every single other party member in a continuous arena-like fight. It's also considerably more bloody that any other Tales game.
There's no doubt that the PEGI rating is being an issue here - not even the USK could be behind this, when they give every tales game a 12+ rating.
I have been thinking about the food aspect as well and I am a bit worried.
A Vanillaware Game without food porn would be missing something essential.
Also requesting some VW Art dump pls, preferably from Muramasa
>ywn a ogre waifu
In regards to ratings, you can actually get away with a lot with just a T rating. It doesn't even have to be "censored" and can just be barbie style nudity. Same thing with sexual situations as long as it's not too explicit. I think to just gain a M rating for stuff like Senran Kagura, they started adding swear words in the dialog just to make sure it got that rating after the first one.
Yeah it sucks.
are there any doujins? something tells me with the nips shit taste they all involve the loli form but it cant hurt to ask
I can´t remember seeing ANY doujins for Vanillaware games, except Dragon´s Crown.
there are plenty of muramasa doujins
Oh okay. Well I never was looking for them anyway.
Muramasa characters where more cuten then lewd compared to DC ones.
Bullshit. Momohime is literally built for sex.
whaaaaaaat is this?
It's sad that this is where we are today, that people actually expect a shitton of censorship again.
>there will never be a Kisuke statue to complete the set of base game characters
Why am I still here?
>tfw she probably ONLY fucked him in full muscle ogre form until she could get pregnant
>they still havent ported Dragons Crown and Muramasa to PS4 or PC