>it's an fight the elemental constructs level
It's an fight the elemental constructs level
>its a "fight the level" level
I watched this episode again recently.
I forgot how much the ending pissed me off.
>it's the nutshack
I want to fuck earth
im going green cause i want more earth
>It's a run away to safety from the invincible big scary guy segment.
Indeed. Stupid mafia shrimps ruined Jack's chance at defeating Aku and then used the water jewel for their own needs.
>There are no good Samurai Jack video games
At least he's getting a couple of final episodes from adult swim.
Gimme left plz
How the fuck do you even balance a game with Jack as the protagonist?
Nearly every episode he has the ultimate evil, who bent all civilization in the universe to his knee, on full retreat and in fear.
I liked the idea of it
They wanted to make a boss fight reliant entirely on platforming
If they succeeded is another question
make it a musou with waves of puny, easily crushable enemies
Its not like he never struggled. Just make the enemies challenging.
Water is thick
Just make Jack get hurt whenever he's hit. Just like every video game character in existence, even the ones that are supposedly incredibly overpowered in the story.
>Tiny crystal
The part with Dahaka?
I think it's a good one.
Hell, I like games with seemingly invincible beings from which you run away first and later you kill them off after you finally find a way to defeat them.
Dahaka, Nemesis, The Hunter Necromorph...and in the case of Nemesis it's rewarding to kill him a lot in order to get those unique items he drops.
That's not water. That's air.
What do they call the earth element on other planets? Do they still call it earth?
Do you remember?
Earth is just another word for dirt. Our planet is named after dirt.
>he doesn't call this planet glorious Terra
>that faggot who calls this planet mother Gaia
There was the Samurai Jackass game
It was made years before samurai jack was even a show
Was it just chance that the order they were placed in was Earth, Wind, Fire?
Is this a jojo reference?
That's a very common order.
Latin > Greek
prove me wrong
protip you never even could
Dirt on mars wouldn't be called earth though you faggot
Jack's sword's powerlevel is directly proportional to how evil his opponent is.
He's gotten BTFO by neutral mortals and when the sword was used against him it outright was incapable of being swung at him.
came here to say that
>neutral mortals
What about that bounty hunter episode?
I really liked that about Samurai Jack when I rewatched it a few months ago
A fuckload of episodes were just Aku trying randomass shit to kill him without going ANYWHERE near him
Man I can't wait for season 5
They were outskilled
Quite a few non evil entities have given him a really hard time or fucked him up
>The Lionmen
>Those southern bounty hunters
>Whole episode about bounty hunters preparing for Jack and bragging about their skills
>They all get defeated in moments
The one who fucked Jack the hardest was that gatekeeper.
Seriously, the only thing Jack could do was reduce him to being topless.
It turns out using future technology and actually being to fucking aim is a big advantage.
I hope he shows up again
He starting fucking Jacks shit up with his FISTS
Yes it would.
Yeah, but as I remember it well, Jack destroyed his gun. The gun blew up reducing him topless and then he went on the samurai with fists.
Or it was like that. Can't remember it well. But that gatekeeper was really badass.
So I remembered it right then.
If so, then probably as a more proper samurai.
Still cocky and for show-offs, but an actual samurai in a fight.
the lionmen was (no im not a fucking furry) one of my favorite episodes
literally nothing personnel
Best villain of the week
So when is the new series airing?
>you get boosted speed
>but you die if you get hit once
>It's a run away to safety from the invincible big scary guy segment.
Possibly March
Best episode.
what did they mean by this
The-they-they-the-they left t-to the East
>we can't show humans being cut to pieces and bloody because soccer moms
>make them sentient feeling robots instead
Work with what you have, bruh. The first episode ended with the hero literally coated in a thick layer of robotic gore, and that's certainly good enough for me.
I wonder how they'll handle it with the new show.
>That episode about the bounty hunter robot that felt bad about killing, got out, adopted a dog, and then was forced back into hunting Jack
>Jack just kills him like nothing
Fuck off, Rick
>Level is filled with elemental enemies
>Then you encounter THESE fucking things
It's 10 episodes, it's going to be very much to-the-point. I highly doubt they're going to do much references to the past except for major characters like the Scotsman who was confirmed.
i-is that a jojo reference
>a game with Jack as the protagonist?
>A lot of the best episodes were proposed and animated by people other than Genndy Tartakovsky
>Doesn't seem like many, if any, are returning for the finale
>Latinfags claiming superiority
All those fuckers did was appropriate glorious Greek culture and proceed to overextend their centralised power structures until they fell to a combination of filthy Barbs and infighting.
Greece contributed heavily to early literature, philosophy and science while Romans just slaughtered a bunch of people and forced Christianity on Europe before shitting the bed and getting #rekt
Name a single bad episode of Samurai Jack.
Just wanted to let everyone know Sonic was in 'murica.
>Fire is considered one of the four main elements despite being a chemical reaction and not a universal constant
the one where aku is a girl
Jack wins by doing absolutely nothing.
I'd expect a cameo from him, not a whole episode like they did before.
>Tale of X-9
>Jack and the traveling creatures
>Jack and the hunters
>The birth of evil
Pretty solid 2bh
*Sniff sniff*
4 seasons
farting dragon?
This was great though
This was shameful
That's a good episode. Also has an amazing song.
>Jack and the Flying Prince and Princess
>Jack and the zombies
>it's a casino level
Nah, Earth is thick. Water is just fat.
>Jack and the zombies
>>Jack and the zombies
Aku pls go
The first half with the zombies was really bad, the swordplay was painful and dull to watch and the enemies weren't interesting as they were literally mindless zombies
The latter half with Aku was the only redeeming part
I loved this level
>Jack and the zombies
You kidding me? It's kino as fuck
Jack is Naked