What's your least favorite Zelda game?

What's your least favorite Zelda game?
Pic related, I hated the controls so much that I stopped playing after the first boss.

And I sat through and beat star fox zero with its controls so thats saying something.

I loved the controls in SS. Fight me.

Shit I'd fight you I had to buy a fuckin controller to play the shit and links holding his sword straight in front of him like he has trouble seeing and then controlling the bird with the nunchuk
the best part of the game was Groose.

Same here, fighting some bosses were really fun

>so thats saying something
It says you are faggot.

The controls are great and I personally want them back, its the game itself that is shit.

Has anyone managed to map the controls to a regular gamepad yet? Or at least get to a point where you don't strictly need a Wiimote to play it?

This and Skyward Sword.

Going with Phantom Hourglass as I've actually played most of the series, hell I'd even throw in LoZ to the shitpile because even for an NES game it is subpar

>I had to buy a fuckin controller to play the shit
So you're a moron? Wii Motion Plus is at most 10 dollars.

I like all of the games, but Phantom Hourglass is probably it. I played it first, though, so that opinion is only in hindsight, and especially came into fruition after Spirit Tracks felt so good.


just give up and accept it user, it'll be second nature once you practice a bit. Only source of interrruption is centering the pointer and changing batteries, but that's a good way to take a break from time to time, otherwise I enjoyed the shit out of this comfy game.

>yfw the Grooseman never got added to Hyrule Warriors

Spirit Tracks because of the unbearably shitty overworld. It's good in dungeons, though.

Agreed on this being the worst 3D Zelda at least.

This was easily the worst 3d zelda but I'm still not sure what the worst was

The awful combat mechanics?
The trivialized difficulty?
The copy/pasted featureless overworld with no variety?
The backtrack/rehashed dungeons and bossfights?
The items being copy/pasted from OOT/MM?
The monotonous sailing?
The filler fetch quests to drag out the game?
The escort mission dungeons?
The brick wall of pacing as you run into cut dungeons and are just handed the 3rd pearl?

>implying these kinds of issues aren't worse in SS

Not that user but they aren't. SS made its mistakes but its main quest was still miles better than WW's.

Twilight Princess, it just felt like it had no reason to exist. Wind Waker had a lot of charm, and Skyward Sword at least tried to do a lot of things different. Twilight Princess was the most by the numbers, going through the motions Zelda game they have ever made.

SS main quest is garbage.
The recycling of areas and bosses is awful. Tadtones is at least as bad as triforce quest in its own way.

eh lets go point by point

>The awful combat mechanics?
SS had awful combat too, but it was slightly better. At least you HAD to play the game of Simon Says with the retarded SS combat, whereas WW was balanced around 5 year olds mashing buttons on their parent's gamecube controller

>The trivialized difficulty?
bad for both, worse for WW. There were enemies who actually dealt respectable damage in SS, but even a darknut dealt 1/2 of a heart of damage in WW

>The copy/pasted featureless overworld with no variety?
SS had a small world and a little bit of variety, and it was only insufferable because you had to retread each area 50 times and it was on the rails with no exploration. WW had exploration, but it was 1 environment and the same in every single corner of the map

>The backtrack/rehashed dungeons and bossfights?
SS had lots of content here, WW didn't. SS had a few exceptionally good dungeons and bossfights, something WW can't claim

>The items being copy/pasted from OOT/MM?
lots of unique items in SS

>The monotonous sailing?
bird flying was merciful by comparison

>The filler fetch quests to drag out the game?
just as bad in SS, maybe worse. See pic

>The escort mission dungeons?
no escort missions, thats a plus

>The brick wall of pacing as you run into cut dungeons and are just handed the 3rd pearl?
pacing was worse in SS, you were constantly shuttled from area to area by the game handholding you

>everyone saying tp or ww
fuck off. I bet you think oot is the best Zelda game

>tfw TP is your favorite

I'm okay with my OoT 2.0. Besides, TP generally shines with its dungeon design which is commonly considered to be some of the best in the series. You are right in that it didn't try very hard to be its own thing, though.


There was no backtracking except for sidequests. The game is purely linear you will never progress to an old area.

It doesn't even come close to the Prison island in WW which you HAD to come back to complete the story.

It did have very solid dungeons, but the boss fights were all pretty lackluster spectacle aside.

>Tadtones is at least as bad as triforce quest in its own way.

You're joking. Tadtones last like 15-20 minutes. The original Triforce quest was an absolute pacing killer and needless rupee dump in a misguided attempt to toss in a throwback to the first Zelda. They are on entirely different levels of sin. And while SS's main quest is flawed, WW's is overall worse. I would go so far as to say the whole of Lanayru Desert is worth more than the whole of WW.

Couldn't agree more there. All bark and no bite, which sucks because they ALL looked amazing.


Zeldafags who think MM is the best at least have some semblance of an open mind because that game actually pushed the boundaries of what a Zelda game could be.

Anyone else who thinks ALttP or its countless clones are the best have absolute shit taste.

The rest who like the 3D Zelda prefer the technical improvements instead, can't fault them for that because sticking to 2D in the 8th gen is fucking ridiculous.

>Anyone else who thinks ALttP or its countless clones are the best have absolute shit taste.

That's basically every Zelda between ALttP and SS. Even MM is an ALttP clone at heart, it just had a couple unusual mechanics that affected sidequesting and worldbuilding. The progression of the main quest wasn't terribly different from ALttP, if anything it was probably more linear in that respect. The ALttP formula basically was the set in stone Zelda formula for 20 years and you look silly trying to shit on it, and I'm not even an ALttP-fag.

are you sure you played SS
you have to backtrack each major area twice

you explore faron woods once
then you come back and need to do a fetch quest for the silent realm to power up your sword
then you come back and need to do a fetch quest for tadtones in the same area again
and thats not even counting needing to pass through it to reach newly opened wings like the great tree or lake floria

Skyward sword is the only 3d zelda I didn't finish, so it takes the take.

That's one annoying fucking game. Fi is of course too in your face but there are also some really obtuse areas that don't require any understanding or insight but just annoy, like the desert area with the hidden paths across the sand.

TP had above average dungeons, some really good ones like the ice mansion
but it still had its stinkers

temple of time is one of the worst dungeons in the series, its a linear corridor you walk through until you reach the end, then you do an escort mission back to the start, then you walk down a linear corridor to a terrible boss

wind waker had totally linear dungeon design but the actual layouts took you through criss crossing paths in main rooms, nothing as bad as TP temple of time

SS and TP are the worst Zeldas. even PH/ST are more passable than those two.

that being said SS had a killer intro (that they completely dropped with the exception of Groose). and TP...well, TP had hidden skills I guess.

>he actually liked MGZelda
Nigga no. Spirit tracks was OK though.

I'm amazed you even made it that far.

BUt the prison island is approached in an entirely new way and even if you do it similarly in SS you do it many more times.
You backtrack to old areas all the time in SS for the main quest.

You may as well say that WW is just as good for making your hit B or use items if you'Re ging to praise the combat by saying that you had to do it.
The most common fodder could generally be waggled to death.

Everything deal a heart of damage in SS but everything also gave significant openings and telegraphed and recovering health was probably the easiest it's been in the series (You also started the game with double health compared to prior games) It wasn't much less forgiving if it was forgiving. You could hypothetically die more easily if the motion controls were giving you trouble or you were just flailing.

SS had 3 good bosses. And some decent dungeons. Not that exceptional. You still backtracked through dungeons about as much as in WW and backtracked through old areas much more and there were more recycled bosses.

WW also had unique items. I can't actually think of many unique items in SS (Dustbuster, mitts, Net). The Beetle isn't even that unique since it was similar to the seagull bait and was generally a bad item in any case.

Bird flying was just flying from island to rift and back again. It was still monotonous but there was just less of it because it was so underdeveloped.

We agree on he fetchquesting being worse at least.

There is definitely an escort mission in SS when you get the pot of water to the top of the mountain with that stupid robot.

And pacing is worse.

Temple of Time had some slight nuance - the nice aesthetic aside, it introduced Darknuts and probably had the most easily skipped boss key in the game. I recall actually missing it my first time playing the game because I wasn't attentive at the time. And while it may be a linear up and down affair, there are a few puzzles that need solving twice like the weight puzzle - it's still simple but it still a sense of dynamicism that most Zelda puzzles don't even attempt to display. I can understand the complaints but I don't think Temple of Time is quite that bad.


>Dustbuster, mitts, Net

Gust Jar was in Minish Cap and the Net was in ALttP.

Mitts were in Minish Cap too, but its worth noting the two games have the same director.

I like you.

TP > OoT = MM > SS > WW

>WW also had unique items. I can't actually think of many unique items in SS (Dustbuster, mitts, Net). The Beetle isn't even that unique since it was similar to the seagull bait and was generally a bad item in any case.

If we're gonna count the seagull bait as a fully fledged item, its still the only item other than the grappling hook new to wind waker, everything else was straight from OOT/MM
but the beetle was an actual classical and functional item. It worked in combat, it was multifunctional, you could pick up bombs/items and drop them on enemies, you could use it anywhere to scout around
I don't think the dustbuster or whip were good items and Im not sure the digging mitts should even count, but its still a better crop than WW which had:

>oot bombs
>oot hammer
>oot iron boots
>oot bow
>oot arrows
>oot boomerang
>oot hookshot
>mm pictobox
>original grappling hook
>deku leaf thats 1/2 taken from roc's cape in oracle games

Why are people more eager to discuss the Zeldas they hate instead of what they like?

It's easier to hate on something than to defend it.

Whip was in Spirit Tracks.


Whip was basically a more user friendly grappling hook

>I don't think the dustbuster or whip were good items and Im not sure the digging mitts should even count, but its still a better crop than WW which had:

Sounded like you were talking about SS here.

>liked Sonic 06
>liked Skyward Sword
>loved Kid Icarus Uprising
Do you think I'll enjoy Zero? I thoroughly enjoyed every Star Fox since 64. Haven't played the SNES ones

>liked 06

Kill yourself

i misread that as grappling hook somehow

Nothing is fair, mate

Sorry, we already had a boat user

unironically end your fucking life

Playing the instrument was a bit shit, but I think I had high hopes after the Spirit Pipes. They were incredibly fun

My least favorite Zelda game by far has to be Zelda II for the NES.

I do realize that a lot of recent Zelda games get a lot of flak for something, but they will never be as bad as Zelda II.

Zero is the closest to classic 64 form the series has been since, well, 64. Problems start to arise when it deviates from the tried and true and slows everything down with the new vehicles or complicates what 64 did so elegantly with the gamepad, but it does indeed have its moments where it's like "oh hey, it's like 64 all over again". But like with every post-64 entry, you've gotta take the bad with the good, or at least the experiments with the reliably good.

maybe you could have gitted gud skeleton
zelda 2 was a great game, it was just too hard for normies


every 3D zelda has its ups and downs, but in the end they're still good games, and you can tell that anyone who claims MM, WW, TP, or SS is the worst Zelda hasn't played 2

Zelda II is a solid as fuck action RPG, not to mention it's among the first wave of games in that then emergent genre. The main reason it's hated is because it's not a traditional Zelda, and its biggest actual fault is some of its more obscure progression gating. It's not what the modern Zelda fan wants but that hardly makes it a bad game, especially considering Zelda's identity wasn't entirely set in stone when it was made.

I pity your lack of adapting terrible controls
Anyone that can competently play this game gets my respect

>...sticking to 2D in the 8th gen is fucking ridiculous.

Why do you hate fun user, top down Zelda is best Zelda.

To be fair, I'm an expert at Zelda 2 and even I think Fokka is a bitch to deal with. Try to deal with it like an iron knuckle and the fucker jumps when you jumpstab every time.

>I pity your lack of adapting terrible controls
What did he mean by this?

dark souls had fair combat
zelda 2 had ballcrushingly sadistic unfair combat

I'm a 3Dfag myself but I've never understood the hate for 2D in this day and age. The Oracles stand as some of my favorite Zeldas even now.

I liked the controls too, but in my opinion the motion gimmicks wasn't much explored as I expected.

If you buy the anniversary edition it comes with a gold controller with motion plus.

>dark souls combat

not with those hitboxes it wasn't

>the only good zelda games in the past 16 years weren't made by nintendo
really makes you think

>hate for 2D
the oracles are incredibly circlejerked, what the fuck are you talking about?

That isn't what I said at all.

I'm not talking about just 2D Zelda, but the childish notion that 2D is somehow too outdated for modern times.

Not him but the problems not the hitboxes so much as the whole games design is garbage. I'd say I dont understand what modern generation gamers see in the shit, but then I remember that they never had better standards of games to compare to.

not ironic

the only good zelda games in the past 16 years were made by capcom

From a marketing perspective it is.

This. Zelda II was the best ARPG on the NES and still one of the best to date. Fucking love that game.

I'm not the biggest fan of Minish Cap personally but I would say that Zelda's golden age ended after the Oracles. I do like TP and ALBW a lot but they weren't top of the food chain entries like the first 7 or 8 Zelda games were.

Who in their right mind cares about a "marketing perspective"? Man, Sayonara Umihara Kawase is one of the best games I've played from this decade and it's a 2D physics-based platformer whose mechanics have hardly evolved since the fucking SNES. Marketing doesn't mean shit to me, but fun gameplay does.

not ironic

you're a fucking retard if you seriously think every single zelda game not made by capcom in the last 16 years is a bad game

ALBW doesn't count as a full title though anyway, its just a ALTTP remix

Wind Waker for me. It was just uninteresting for the most part, an empty overworld with lame dungeons and monotonous combat. And the worst final dungeon in Zelda history.

I like literally every other 3D Zelda game. Twilight Princess is the one I'd love to replay the most. If it had Skyward Sword combat it would be literally flawless. But I do NOT want to play Wind Waker ever again.

It reuses ALttP's world and locales but the actual level design and renting system make the progression noticeably different, not to mention the whole wall painting mechanic.

okay so its same world, same enemies, same plot structure and macguffins, mostly same dungeons and bosses, but it has a few extra additions and changed layouts and new items

that makes it a remix, not a remake like OOT3D or a standalone unique game like Breath of the Wild

I guess. I had no trouble seeing it as its own thing but it's not like it matters either way.

>Who in their right mind cares about a "marketing perspective"

The people who make and sell the games


I'm not a huge MM fan either, but this is bait

The best Zelda game is Bloodborne. In fact the entire Souls series is a better Zelda series than any Zelda made post 1998.

And that has what to do with me again? I still like 2D games, they can still be good and there's still an audience that appreciates them. The fuck should I care about marketing for, we live in a world where people will buy it if you make it. It's probably harder to make a game that's actually "outdated" and can't find an audience than one that can.


>The fuck should I care about marketing for

Because it's the thing that separates Zelda from Metroid.

How is TP underrated or most true to the original concept?

How is it not

95 meta score and several game of the year nods

While its dungeons are good its also one of the most linear installments of the franchise and constantly bogged down by cutscenes.

Fellow TPfag here, I can definitely say that neither of those things are true. TP is the second most successful Zelda behind OoT and also one of the most inherently linear entries. Exploration absolutely takes a back seat to its story-oriented progression. On another note, MM is great. Can't speak for the remake as I didn't play it, though.

Twilight Princess.

Holy shit what an unoriginal piece of shit that was.

The original Zelda.

TP is overrated but I wouldn't call it a bad Zelda game, just extremely paint-by-numbers.

Originality hasn't been Zelda's forte for many years now. Even OoT was basically ALttP in 3D. Suffice it to say that SS is sincerely one of the most "original" games in the series.


I will never understand why OoT gets put on a pedestal but MM and the Oracles are excluded. WW onwards, fine. But Zelda still had some of its original fire even after OoT.