Is it true?

Is it true?

>silent all the time
kinda true, but i don't play multiplayer

I'm an Aries and i'd say i'm too patient instead, I wait too long and then no one plays anything. In fact, that whole sign is the complete opposite of me. Fuck Horoscopes

>Won't wait
Spot on.
>Instant salty
Not true.
>Plays with broken characters
>PVP lover


>Roleplaying their own character
>Read the tutorial and still does everything wrong
Definitely not.
>Spamming emoticons
I hate emoticons.
Not beyond occasionally reading a Wiki article.

And I can't stand Neptunia

>Willing to be the guild leader
>Joined team voice chat

This isn't me at all.

>>Instant salty
>Not true.
>>Plays with broken characters
sounds like it's spot on to me :^)


Very true aside from the emoticons. I'm not German enough.

I'm cancer, it's true but with bf instead of gf. I used to lead a guild and when they found out I was girly and submissive, they started subtly bullying me, but acted like I was this great, strong leader in front of everyone else. It was interesting.


None of its true

leo > all

The only thing that's true is the second to last one.

Aquarius here
spot on
>mixed armor set
>can't stand same characters
only satirically

I don't use shitty wireless peripherals or razer crap, and I don't play MMO's.
Otherwise pretty accurate I think.


>guild leader
>voice chat
I'll join, but won't really talk unless I'm comfortable with the people or there are only one or two others in there.
>screenshot last hit
I try for last hits, but I'll only screenshot it if it's a huge hit that would impress people.

Nah. I'm a Libra but none of the points apply. I should be Taurus if anything.

Taurus. Only the bit about collectibles, not at all for the other stuff. I'm more like Aquarius - I always try to pick the least played class/spec/race no matter how shit it is because I'm a huge hipster.



It seems to be all true except for the last one. Maybe I'm doubtful but a little superstitious, can these prove to be accurate or is it our brain trying to find instances we've acted this way.

I love shit like this but I can't help I'm being tricked for falling under a category a lot of people have most likely been under before.

Gemini is mostly spot on for me. I don't know what I'm supposed to infer with the part about having tons of tabs open and I can occasionally shut up, but that's still scarily accurate.
Oh, and I'm also not a cute girl with purple hair.

>That Pisces example.
I thought Pisces were the holy shit wtf is happening symbol. Wouldnt it be:
They seem to be everywhere
They seem to do everything
They are always in game no matter what
"Join the discord"
Bugs guild they never talk to for a dps/healer/tank
Does average on a whole.

Taurus fits me like a glove, it's fucking amazing.


>Never rude
>Inviting everyone to join party
>Hours deciding names, jobs, equipment
>Hits on every girl in the guild
There were no girls in the guild.

>explore every area
That's the only one that fits.

I'm aquarius, so

>Fuck no
>Fuck no

Cancer here. Pretty damn inaccurate.

Aquarius here
Mostly right
Fuck Linux
Not suicidal
Been redpilled
Looking for hot gay Pisces

If by event you mean cutscene, then nah, I almost always watch those. Exceptions being if I've seen it before or the story sucks dick and I don't give a fuck.

If by events you mean season timed quests on like an MMO or something, then yeah, don't care for those.

Everything else is accurate, I enjoy being annoying faggot.

Why is Cancer so unbelievably cute?

I fit Gemini pretty well, actually. I played almost every game from 2014 to the first half of this year with a podcast in the background. I'm trying my hardest to stop, though, because maybe if I focused I could actually be good at vidya games.

Including the piss bottle?

You should be looking for an Aries

Everything is completely wrong
Except for the silent part, though I dont talk to complain.

>Sagittariuswas actually correct
What kind of witchery is this?


it's pretty much correct

Stupid shit like astrology is for women dudes.

>Style > Stats
>[Joined team voice chat]
these are me, but I don't talk, I just like to listen to people talk

You misspelled Sagittarius

Are you me?

because that way it can burrow deep into your little heart and grow slowly there until it breaks and kills you. It's a surprisingly accurate comparison, actually.

It's just a blog thread.

Nope to all.
These things are never accurate for me anyway.

Taurus here
2/4 for me but I don't know what the fuck the first thing is supposed to mean.

Libra is best girl


>Obsessive Fanboy
>Stalking your account and login times
>[328 hours played]
>Moving the camera to see under skirt
It's a god given right to do this

Cancer 2/4. I take things too personal and offer to help too much.

>They're all girls
>"Buying gf"
>"Hits on every girl in the guild"
>"Moving the camera to see under the skirt"


>Obsessive fanboy
I get pretty obsessed when I'm into a vidya
and I sure do love the migu
>Stalking your account and login times
Account, yes. Login times, no.
>328 Hours played
If you're a little bitch
>Moving the camera to see under the skirt

Welp, I guess this is pretty spot on



>hates emoitcons

>farming instead of grinding

>unironically likes edgy


>Suicidal on bosses
Yeah, I go ham.

>Mixed armor sets
Only way to style on.

> Instant change when someone picks the same character.
Every time.

Only to mess with them

On a side note, Aquarius best girl.

Don't we all wish to be women? It's just natural to be doing women things.

>women dudes.

Isn't this chart inaccurate since the signs associated dates have changed?

All false.

Well uh..I thought that was meant to be apple juice.

uhh not even close

Libra here, looking for a capricorn gf

scorpio is fine too

>willing to be the guild leader
fuck no.
>joined team chat
oh god. never
>always want to last hit on bosses, screenshot when it happens
close? I always want to be the person with the most DPS

>Never rude with you
Very true.
>That one guy inviting everyone to join party
No, I don't do that.
>Hours deciding names, jobs, equipment
Slight exaggeration, but I do take my time with this.
>Hits on every girl in the guild
What girls? And that's not my style even if there were.

we live in an age where that is actually a thing

women (dude)

fuck off with this meme

If I'm Libra, I'm fucking hot


I pick annoying characters and memes sometimes, but mostly I have more in common with Pisces, being both and rp and lorefag

>there's something on most of them that applies on me but none of these have all of them
I don't know why but I'm fucking pissed


Oh fuck, are you me?

>Up for anything, from raid to trolling
Not even remotely.

>Pick the most annoying character
I liked Yoshimitsu in Soul Calibur so, yes?

>Memes everything

>Skip event? Yes [x] No [ ]

Surprisingly accurate

Genki grills are for normies.

All correct except I'm not an SJW.

>Neurotic over specs

>I just like to listen to people talk
I'm glad I'm not the only chat cuck.

No I don't have ADHD

Hell no

Ain't gonna lie, that's about right.

Though I have shades of cancer as well.


Cute shy girls are for super normies

>Literally just looking up in the sky and noticing the constellations are different than they were before is a meme

Faggots faggots please.
It's pretty obvious that Capricorn is best girl.



>Only talk to complain
>Neurotic over specs
>Spend minutes organizing inventory, skills, quests, HUD

I like Scorpio
>tfw no stalker gf

only the look under skirt part

>Suicidal on bosses
>Mixed armor
>Instant change
Don't care
>Controller for PC MMO
Yeah, sometimes
>Supposedly need glasses but don't wear them whilst playing games
Does anyone actually do this? Maybe it depends on prescription, but fuck that noise.

I bet you like Sakuya too you double nigger

>First one is false
>Second one 100% true
>Third 500% true
>Last depends on the game, but mostly true

Holy shit

> Actually believing it
the world is doomed

Leo but I'm not an attention whore faggot. Also astrology is pretty dumb.

>cancer but capricorn

don't care about edgy except for amusement

*scratches neckbeard"

>Unirocally likes edgy

This chart is all over the place and also are we all really girls?

Kokoro actually.

Cancerbro here, true facts. Also best sign.

no, I tell someone daily that dead cat reacts faster then they do.

Same. I don't play mmorpgs at all, but I love working with teams and hate when people intentionally sabotage the team "for the lulz".

I wouldn't be caught dead with a Razer headset.
Any self-respecting Virgo would be anal about audio quality.
My mouse is wireless G900 but I use it in wired mode.
I went ultrawide though.